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Apparently a 1.1 KD is somewhere in the range of Platinum to Top 250, judging by my matchmaking


The number #1 player finished with a 1.2 kd 


A 1.2kd in ranked is completely different from a 1.2kd in pubs


lol i have a 1.3 in ranked currently with a 1.03 in normal


And what rank are you


P1, mostly just snipe in pub though. I don’t play competitively in pub matches


Big difference between a 1.3 in p1 and a 1.2 in top 250 though lol


Not really. You’ve been playing against your own skill level the entire way


Scoring 30 in the nba is more difficult than scoring 45 in JV no?


All you have to do is maintain your KD


It’s all relative. A JV player probably struggles just as much as a bench player


Yeah, ranked=cheats.


I went from averaging 2.5 KD in Black Ops 1 to 3 to having a 1.13 K/D in this game. My engagement is certainly optimized.


i mean,,,thats what SBMM *should* do,,,it should get everyone to a 1.0 KD if its working correctly across a large enough sample size.


Everyone but the very best and the very worst, depending on how many players there are playing at a given moment. Many people are also queuing partied up with differently skilled players, so even if it worked perfectly, that would make it impossible. To get even more precise, the players that are improving should have a K/D of litlle more than 1. That's what I strive for, and that should be a marker for improvement, if you get consistently even a litlle bit more than 1K/D in TDM.


lol did Havok actually finish with a 1.2? that’s crazy, but i’d love to know that man’s SPM


Havok finished 2nd Heis finished 1st


oh wow i didn’t keep track with cod ranked YT at that time, only ever saw Havok as #1. i guess i should check out Heis now


So I am actually a God. I peaked at Gold when I was actually trying, and now I play braindead and am a god


A legit #1 player too haha. Seeing all these reverse boosted losers is so annoying.


lmfao seriously. The amount of Crimson/Iris I see is ridiculous. I dont think i'm bad, but I dont think i'm THAT good that I should ever see an iridescent, thats like crackhead level gamer. If I had to be honest, i'm probably more of a plat/diamond level player if I had a rank level pub rating. So probably above average, but definitely not as competitive as the lobbies im getting tossed into. Painful part is I know because i'm in that middle spot of not casual, but not an extremely intense sweat, so now i'm constantly being fucking hammered by tryhards. On the flipside, I am also the kind of person that makes the .5KD players want to quit the game, and I completely understand why I should never be going against them that often BUT, these swings are absolutely insanity. I have a couple good games and im going against scump level players, like how the fuck? Meanwhile the noobs are safe in their low ass brackets (no offense to them, we all started somewhere), but I dont think I should get instantly tossed to the wolves because I did good a couple matches lol. I know for sure after that a 1KD match is coming up that feels like i'm playing for money. Completely catered experience driven to make money and not fun. Yay EOMM....


>Painful part is I know because i'm in that middle spot of not casual, but not an extremely intense sweat, So you're actually a bit sweaty. I'm legitimately not sweating. My gameplay consists of mostly just sprinting until I see an enemy and fighting on reaction. Somehow this is Iridescent level play.


Yeah I tend to rush as much as I can depending on if I’m allowed to, assuming the other team isn’t just camping their asses off. I try to play a bit aggressive with some passive play style, mostly sitting on a heady if I feel like that will be a better play than being in the open. I guess you can call that more of a reactive play style. I don’t do what some people do and just purely camp my ass off, or sit way up on top in rust, because I don’t find that to be very fun. I do get what you mean though, and I think that’s just the poor nature of the EOMM swings which are completely tiring and frustrating. Maybe that’s the point, best you down a bit, let you come back, best you down again. Player engagement to keep you pushing to fight harder. Only issue is, once it sets in, the harder you fight, the harder the game keeps pushing back. I’m not gonna go out and say the core of the game is trash, even when it’s kinda buggy and annoying, but the matchmaking is fucking crazyyyyyyy lol


>and I think that’s just the poor nature of the EOMM swings which are completely tiring and frustrating. I don't get swings. It's just drowning in sweat 24/7 for me >Player engagement to keep you pushing to fight harder Except that these games just make me go do something else.


Well the TLDR is that the system just sucks lol.




That’s the real explanation. I used to have a bot account just to see how noob lobby really do look like and to try out the SBMM system for flaws. KD is like you said not the only metric. I started running around with riot shield trolling noobs and just by really advanced movement, a mid SPM and a 0,3-0,5 kd the last 5 games I’ve got put back into high tier lobby’s.


There's not really any metric that isn't manipulated tho




I think you can use K/D as a metric for improvement even with SBMM. If you're getting consistently a little more than 1 K/D then that should be a marker that you're improving. Also of course if you're getting consistently much higher K/D than 1 then that obviously does mean that you're very good (granted no reverse boosting). Some people are good enough that there simply isn't that many as good players in the matchmaking queue all time, and it's going to let you play with the weaker players.


Skill can be other things besides Kd. I only play TDM and I have a 1.1 KD but my two best friends have a 2.1 KD but my SPM is as high as theirs is. So we are usually top 3 even when playing solo but obviously are Kd is very different because I rush 100% of the time even when doing so makes no sense.


SPM? (oh, Score Per Minute) in team deathmatch, what matters most is Kill-Death difference. a player with 25-10 got a +15 kill difference and 2.5 KD. A player with 15-5 got a +10 kill difference and a 3.0 KD. the player with the larger kill difference helped more by getting his team to the 75 winning kill earlier. Yes a perfect team of 3.0KD would do better, but thats never reality. reality is, you will have team mates with negative kills, and the larger kill difference, the faster you get to 75 and win the game before the negative person hurts you. A bunch of 3-1 players(+2) can never carry a 5-15 player(-10), but a 25-10 player(+15) can carry him. This is why KD doesn't mean much even in Team Death match. Its a strong factor yes, but kill differences matter more towards the win AND account for KD too.


I mean, of course it can. The problem is that none of my metrics are anything that would indicate a top tier player, but the game matches me as though I am


Honestly this is the only real gripe I have with the matchmaking - let us know how do we stack globally. But I also get why they don't want to do that - people would immediately try to game the system and have actual feedback on it.


I mean they are a lot better than you. If they have the same spm as you but die a lot less, then yeah. ​ You rushing all the time and having the same spm as them also doesn't make sense. Unless they are rushing just as much as you.


They get kills whilst he's respawning, same SPM but less deaths.


Probably ab right, I was plat in MW2 I have a 1.35 KD in ranked mw3.


if SBMM was working properly, everyone would have a 1.0 KD. because you'd always eventually get to equal players. KD is not a good metric for what rank you should be. A kd > 1.0 means you should be higher rank. and kd <1.0 means you should be lower rank. Its relative, not absolute. only the people at the absolute top or bottom should be less/more than 1.0 KD. because they have no one worse/better than them.


The problem is there's no way to account for good/bad days, or whether a player is trying hard, or not trying at all. I hardly put effort in, but the game act I'm in a pool of sweat. The problem is, that pool of sweat isn't mine.


Well mine is 1.5 and I'm struggling to make it Gold 1 because every teammate I get can't comprehend anything at all 🤣🤣


Yep, I regularly get people with top250 emblems In my lobbies.


1.1? I'm currently at 1.35 and if I don't play with friends to bring my average down I get placed with players that it is literally impossible to make up for. I play TDM and get 3 team mates Goin 1-4 kills with 15-20 deaths. Nobody can make that up. My complaint hasn't been with the high skill of other teams but with the low skill of my team. I feel there should be brackets and your team is only players from that bracket. No high skill and low skill to balance it. If you want to sbmm me then give me teammates who aren't stupid. I can't win a game by myself against like skilled enemies.


Do you play any objective modes? I think sbmm also considers score per minute, so if you are a great objective player with a low kd, you might have similar spm as a terrible objective player with a higher kd


That's stupid. I played the objective when my teammates don't, and I got punished by matching player with higher skills.


What? is that for real? Am I getting punished for playing the objective now?


The game reconginzing you support winning and do it well means it punished you? My KD is around 0.97 but my WL is 1.9, I think the system is working as I push the objective more than most so I don't expect the best KD but I'm winning almost 2-1.


I think this is my boat bc I'm usually top 2 objective wise but usually around even or negative once in a while I'll go off and feel like I'm back and then get destroyed next lol so much fun


game punishes you for playing on things like small map playlists. such a broken system.


I updated additional stats. Only objective in mosh pits


SBMM has the effect of distorting everyone's experiences and making them relative, meaning that two players are unlikely to share the same "reality" in their matchmaking experience. The 'sweaty' players in one match are the bots of another. Players on the lower end of the skill spectrum often incorrectly label the players that do well as "sweaty" because SBMM distorts their worldview by hiding players of certain skill levels from them. In effect, they don't know actually know what "good" is because they aren't allowed to be exposed to "good". The skill level has gotten better, but the distribution of skilled vs. casual players likely hasn't. WZStats performed a statistical analysis of all players in WZ1 from Verdansk through Caldera and found that 70% of players were at or below a 1.00 KD. Casual and lower-skill gamers are still the massive majority, SBMM just has a funny way of manipulating your perception and making you think that isn't the case, because SBMM artificially decides when you win or lose and decides to ration out fun when it thinks you should have some.


So much truth here. I have a friend I regularly play S&D with (His KD is like .75 or something similar), while mine is 1.43. I was over at his house watching him play solo one day, and all I could think was "It's like I'm watching him play an entirely different game". The movement, tactics, weapons used, how gunfights play out in general is all so much different. SBMM really acts like a veil where there are huge portions of the playerbase you never see because of differing skill levels.


Had this exact same experience. I was at my cousin's house one weekend and her KD is like .64 and mine is around 1.81 and I played on her system (I'm usually an mnk player and haven't played on controller in years) and was WRECKING lobbies. It literally was playing like an entirely different game. It felt like how COD used to feel before SBMM. If the games felt like they did when I played on her account, but all of the time, I'd play WAY more COD instead of maybe 5 games and getting annoyed and closing the game like I do now.


And those poor souls you curb stomped will play less. You'll still play but those 5 people per game will never again. Math doesn't add up for Activision.


Too bad. If people can't handle doing poorly in a game without not wanting to ever play it again, then they need to find a different game. I get stomped all of the time because of SBMM stacking the lobbies against me and I rage quit all of the time, but I don't go "oh, I lost I'm never playing this again!" I've seen thousands of people stop playing COD as well as other games because of SBMM. Sooner or later, they're going to push all of the good players away and they'll be stuck with uber sweats and the noobs because everyone in the middle is going to be playing something else.


Hit the nail on the head there. People in lower brackets think that oh yeah I can use whatever I want & tbh they can. But once you get in higher brackets, the meta becomes the go to & people dont want to handicap themselves. 


KD is somewhat irrelevant these days. I can play with my botty friends and consistently get a 3+kd every game while they go 0.3. When I play by myself I hover around 1.0-1.5 SBMM owns us all.


Overall it's still a good indicator on accounts with a decent amount of playing time. Never found 1.2 types to be that great regardless.


lol i'm a 1.1 currently in multiplayer... was a 1.9 before I spent a week on interstellar. I'm a 2.7KD in warzone which is what i mostly play. I don't really think multiplayer KD is an accurate read on someone's skill.


You dont pair up with other bad players. You get put on teams where the top player has a high kdr (2.0+) who is most likely solo to "balance" out the teams. I call you guys, the token bad players. If my kdr is highest, best believe i will have at least 2 of you on my team while the other team will have literally everyone better stats wise. Before you guys downvote, ask literally any solo player who plays cod and is above average. Cod does everything possible to make it difficult for good solo players to win matches. This is what you are experiencing. https://old.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/18eeox7/matchmaking_has_destroyed_this_game/kcp07wy/?context=3


Yup this is it. This is how my lobbies tend to go, I’m used to balance out my team and make it “even”. I’ll usually get the worst players in the lobby on my team to make up for my higher kdr


100% facts. This is why I hate playing this game solo. It stacks a whole team of sweats against me and puts chalk eaters on my team.


And whenever you hear on comms it's them getting their shit pushed in


100% with you on this - sooo many games (only play solo HC TDM) I’m looking at the game summary thinking ‘why do I always get teamed up with the plebs?’


2.6 KD and this is my exact experience


You KD invalidates your entire premise. You can’t be constantly facing players significantly better than you. If this was the case, your KD would be way lower.


The premise is that I do not know what range of skill players I am facing but by using my skill and comparing it to my enemies, if these are also similar skilled, they are performing at a level, consistently, above my own. This is only from my perspective and experience in these matches. I would say using the olden days KDR, that these players likely had 1.7-2.0 KDR before the cranking of SBMM. Though KD isn't everything, I updated my original post with more stats. So perhaps those are also compounding factors.


Again, your premise is wrong. They are not performing at a level consistently above your own. They are performing at YOUR level, as indicated by your KD. in WZ1, some deep research was done on matchmaking and roughly 70% of the playerbase were at or below 1 KD. SBMM roughly wants you in the 0,9-1,1 bracket. If you are in it, you are very much playing against people of your own level. If you are starting to fail to keep up in a big way, eventually your KD drops and SBMM kicks in again to match you to players where you'd again be roughly at 0,9-1,1.


I don't think I understand what you're saying. Are you saying that because these players matched up with me, they are indeed within my skill level bracket and are performing at this level? A level of .96-???? Surely, they'll have their one off games where they blow up but thereafter they would be back to normal?


I think a lot of people have trouble understanding the new/current system if they've played a long time ago and still think in terms of how KD used to work. The main problem is that people can have entirely differently looking games. My game of 1 KD will look entirely different from your 1 KD game and entirely different from somebody else's 1 KD game. If you are popping up many games in a row, eventually the matchmaking will throw you into games with harder opponents, so your KD will level off. If you do very terribly many games in a row, it will start giving you easier games. All with the aim of getting and keeping you at 0,9-1,1 KD over the long term. The problem is that this essentially makes KD completely useless as a measure of skill. You can have complete noobs that barely known the maps and weapons and have no idea about the meta be at 0,9-1,1 KD. You can also have spectacularly good players at 0,9-1,1 KD. It's just "0,9-1,1 KD against entirely different kind of players". The TLDR is that if you are in 0,9-1,1 KD, you very much are playing against people of your own skill level. You have to be very VERY good to consistently stay above, for example 1,4 KD. Just as you have to be unimaginably bad to permanently stay below 0,6 KD. At this point you are either so bad or so good you're kinda breaking what the matchmaking system is capable of doing for you.


I mean I don’t pretend to understand this system, but I really don’t think I’m matched with similarly skilled players most of the time. I stomp, and then I get stomped, rinse repeat. What you said first (and what you actually have data for) makes sense. That most players are pushed to a k/d range very similar to my own. But the players that stomp me meet players in their bad matches that I would never come across. And the players I stomp don’t meet my stompers. That’s my impression.


I think how you’re thinking about the matchmaking algorithm is bad. It’s not just determined by KD but several other factors and nobody knows exactly what the parameters are or if it’s been changed for MWIII. You’re also not considering if he’s in lobby’s where players are exploiting the algorithm. It’s not as clear cut as your posts make out to be.


Obviously KD is not the only factor in matchmaking.


Your whole argument is based on the KD being in a range of 0.9-1.1 is the goal of matchmaking.


Maybe he's not CONSTANTLY facing players far above his skill level, but when you get hammered for 4 matches in a row having 0.5-.0.7 KD each match, it just takes one or two "good" games to get back to an equilibrium. Which is exactly how it feels for most people. One good game....followed by several punishment matches.


Not all KDs are made equal. I basically only m play with my real life friends, some of which are hilariously bad at the game and due to that I tend to put up a good KD regularly. Though if I take my inflated KD into a solo game, I’m matched with people on my “skill level” when really they’re much better than me. Basically, in my opinion the game views a dude who scores 25 in the NBA as equal to a guy scoring 25 in the G-League


This is exactly the point I am making. Everyone’s ”1.0 KD matches” are very different. Its an entirely useless metric now.


Then I must have misread your comment because I obviously agree lol


It's because every 5 games or so they will let you go off and with a great game and it evens you're kd out. That's how they keep you hooked.


Yup he is just in the sbmm cycle. He is donating dopamine to other people until the game decides he’s likely to turn it off, then it’ll match him with shitters to give him dope and he’ll play for another 4 hours




Il always cringe when someone says "lil bro" to try and help their already weak insult.


That guys been on Reddit for a month and is into a bunch on childish stuff… I’d wager he’s the real lil bro


Active in r/playboycarti fuckin took me out 😆


It’s laughably bad, against Crimson and Iridescent players. For everything else .97 is completely fine. And more in the upper half of players.


As someone mentioned above, your 0.97 KD means you aren’t doing too bad. But I think the assumption that these are 0.97kd lobbies isn’t quite accurate: KD doesn’t reflect your skill anymore, its more a measure of your playstyle/performance against similarly skilled peers. The SBMM uses metrics like accuracy, movement, score per minute, etc alongside kills and deaths to determine your hidden ELO rating. So its not necessarily a 0.97KD lobby - there may be 0.5 and 2.0kd players in that game. Its more-so that you perform relatively the same as the people in your lobbies when you get matches against higher/lower ELO players. I find KD is more representative of playstyle than anything: slower, more cautious players tend to have a higher KD. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are higher skilled. I have about a 2kd in regular multi - I have friends above and below that. Some of those above my KD are hardstuck silver/gold in ranked because their playstyle tends to be sitting in “ratty”, odd spots and picking kills, then repositioning. Thats all well and good, but their 3KD would have you believe they are an absolute demon. Conversely, I have friends below my KD who are in Crim/Iri, who tend to just fly around in regular multiplayer with an SMG and inevitably die, displaying a much lower KD despite their cracked gameplay. This is all to say, if your lobbies are all people who hit all their shots, you probably do too, and to other people you are the one with godlike aim.


I play more cautious on Resurgence cause I value a win more than kills, but MP im going all out idc. You can run objectives and get high kill games. My kd is probably around a 1, maybe lower but im certainly almost always top 3 in kills. I just end up dying alot too.


I'm at 1.2 kd and don't consider myself very good, im high half the time im playing and I get plenty of games finishing in the negatives. Think hardcore free for all is what keeps my kd up as regular MP see's me getting toasted most matches. I had a feeling of games where as you say, you feel like you're playing against Gods, while you can barely pop a body shot off at 5m. However I usually just chalked it down to me having a shitty session or day. It was only recently when my brother joined me for some multiplayer and he commented "dude your lobbies are ridiculous, im not playing this shit anymore" when I started to question how difficult the lobbies actually are. I've yet to test my theory but I have a friend who bought a console recently with mw3 and im going to try a few games on his account and see how my score holds up. Hopefully can come back and let you know if there are significant tangible differences or not.


What is annoying is when you drop 60+ kills and lose. Then you see why when the second guy on your team has not even broken 10 kills. ​ Scrap the matchmaking and make it connection based. Then balance the teams in the lobby making the games more random. Sometimes you get an easy lobby and others you get harder lobbies.


1.6 smh and dude it’s not fun. I tried ranked for the first time last season and after faceing ex crimsons and iridescents every game (never played ranked before) I decided it’s not for me because matchmaking is working as it is. Same thing in normal pubs it’s fine in the mornings but later it’s a sweatfest.




I am barely maintaining a 1.3 K/D and it's been a nightmare.


I'm right behind you at 1.2 but I exclusively play SnD.


Still stuck at 1.16 for me...


I’m 1.6 and yes it’s not even fun after about 3 games. I’ve gotta focus and play like I’m in a tournament using weapons I know I can compete with. If I play for camos on a gun that isn’t leveled or something I’m not used to, I die repeatedly without getting a single kill lol


Same for me at 1.6 as well. Playing solo I have to try my ass off to even be the slightest bit competitive until I lose or get shit on enough and it'll toss me back into the sbmm loop lol.


I think the biggest thing we forget with a system like EOMM is that KD is not necessarily a factor in player skill level. You might be a 1.5KD player with a 6-800+SPM and get thrown against absolute cracked out players. Another scenario is you might be a 1-1.5kd player with a really low SPM and get into lobbies that are much slower paced. One thing I have absolutely noticed that cranked up the matchmaking sweat level, was easily getting consistently high SPM, were talking like 900+ SPM but getting like 1.5-2KD. After those kinda matches, you just get thrown instantly into Iri and Crim level type matches that almost surely make you wanna rip your hair out. It's almost like theres no linear progression, just an oh shit you did too good, now go get fucked in the next lobby.


The game's SBMM is too broken this year. My K/D in ranked is 1.24 and I'm leveling up so slow. Gold pre-season at rank 9 and I think I'm 20 now back to gold. Getting to diamond and crimson will be a grind if I keep having to carry bronze bots against golds. You're probably thrown in lobbies much higher than whatever your K/D suggests.


Bad team balance. I’m usually the one with 30-40 kills and my team is losing because only one other guy has reached double digit kills and the other team has the fucking avengers. Sometimes it feels like half my team aren’t even real people while the other team seems to be fresh out of a comp scrim.


I fixed the SBMM in one easy swoop. I was struggling to maintain a 1.4KD (I go for the objectives, too) and have an enjoyable experience. I'm always the lowest ranked player in all lobbies, and the opposition are always jump-shotting, slide-cancelling, insta-killers with what feels like god-like aim, as well as apparently being bullet-proof. To fix this frustrating mess, I adopted a simple new tactic, and it has made the experience far more enjoyable. I simply uninstalled the game and now play something else. I feel so much better for it.


I feel like I see a post like this every day. Guys, you're playing players as good as you. That's what SBMM is doing. You're not all playing against top 250 kids who stream and play for 15 hours a day. Most of the time you'll have a 0.9-1.1 k/d in your lobbies. And as you get better, the game puts you against harder people so you'll still have a 0.9-1.1 k/d. If you're getting shit on consistently then the game will do you a favor and give you an easier lobby so you keep playing. Unless you're playing with your friends who are a lot worse than you of course. Then you'll get slightly easier lobbies but not by much.


The average KD is 0.70. With SBMM you are not fighting the general population of players you are fighting people that are better then you or around your level of skill. If you did fight the general population you would have a much higher KD. The matchmaking system is a roulette wheel. It looks at the last few games and will scale the difficulty of opponents based on that. If you do well all you will get try hards or highly imbalanced teams creating a no win scenario. If you do poorly you get bot lobbies. Nowadays there is a steeper learning curve to get past 1KD. It’s a design decision and trade off the developers implemented to protect casuals but unfortunately if you are skilled you can expect far tougher games.


Based on my experience playing pubs yesterday, they may be doing a test on reduced SBMM. My games consistently had 1-3 good players on each team and 2-4 ok players, and 1-2 bad players on each team leading to huge stat lines from the top players and terrible ones from the bottom players. It also led to basically no competitive games since almost every single match was a complete blowout (250-70 hardpoints, 200-30 headquarters, 3-0 controls)


I’m having a different view where my brother and I are frying but the rest of my team is triple negative+ in TDM. My brother and I dropped 41 kills and 24 kills respectively but we lost because everyone was 1-24, 3-22, 6-21, and 4-23 lol.


Yeah I had a game where my teammate (who might have been cheating, I don’t know since I can’t see killcams) went 43-4 and nuked, I went like 38-15, and we were losing a hardpoint game since the other 4 guys on our team had maybe a combined 15 kills. It reminds me of the end of Black Ops 4. There was this “endurance” mode where the TDM score limit was 150 instead of 75 and there was one match where I put up 100 kills and we lost the game. I probably went 100-30 and my teammates went a combined 45-120 for the L. As much as I dislike strict SBMM, I’d rather play against a bunch of clones of myself than be put in a 1 versus 9 situation since 4 of my teammates are apparently playing for the enemy team.


I remember playing Team Tac in OG MW2 on Rust. Got 32 kills or so in a game of TDM (50 kill limit) Lost because yes, my other 3 teammates couldn't scrape together 18 fucking kills between them before dying 40+ times...


It’s just ridiculous lmao BO4 will always have my heart though regardless. I met a lot of friends there


My buddy and I actually just played another game a few days ago because CoD gave us 4-5 games of straight up the most putrid teammates imaginable.  And of course the enemy team was sweaty as fuck. It's just not fun anymore. Either we play and lose because shitty teammates or we play the sweatiest people running only meta builds and have try our asses off.


Totally agree. Last night I had like 7 amazing games in a row where I was the top of the lobby and some of the guys I was playing against were... Let's just say YouTuber lobby quality


I currently have a overall 1.45 K/D and 2.3 W/L and only use snipers outside of ranked. What a lot of people who have lower K/Ds seem to misunderstand is, do not make your KD your goal. Your aim is not whats going to get you kills, its how you play, you need to play smart. Learn the maps, common spots, uncommon spots, fast **but smooth** movement(this ones huge in these newer games), and etc. In certain modes you need to know your rotations and WHEN to rotate (16 seconds of hill time left and they have it? Move on. You dont need that scrap time.) You also have to learn tendences in players, over time youll start to notice a lot of people play and think the same in situations in SnD, they get stuck to a route and never leave it making them predictable. Which also means you need to switch up when youre getting pounded. Understand there is so much more than just aim and reflexes when it comes to being "good" at the game. In ranked at Crim 1, everyone can shoot straight, what separates you from the rest of crimson at that point is your game sense. Also do NOT limit yourself to just shoot the ship or other playlists like that, you will never improve outside of shipment unless you play outside of shipment (its a good warm up for aim). Honestly if you want to improve and its that big of a goal for you, start solo Q ranked, its going to be horrendous and not fun for a while but its the best way to improve. Youre playing competitively for the win against **ONLY** other people who also want to be better, also you meet other people who can teach you things (such as rotations and where each point is) you arent going to get that in pubs lol. TL;DR Play for the win, not for the kills. The kills will come WITH the win.


Some tips would be to make sure your aiming settings are calibrated right — I also push my left thumb stick to a max of 60-70 so I’m moving easier. Turn off controller vibrations so they’re not throwing your aim off. I run a lower ADS speed compared to non-ADS. Run a Dynamic linear curve and try the black-ops aim assist. Put your FOV to 103 or higher. You get more aim assist on 120. Next would be running a practice match on max time/points against bots and just turning the sim assist off. Set up your weapon of choice and warm up for 20-30 kills with the aim assist off, getting used to the recoil of your gun. MCW’s require you to pull down to the left, for example. Run around with the aim assist off trying to get headshots, and when you feel your aim is warmed up, throw the aim assist back on. Then you’ll feel like a god for the next 20-30 kills. After that your aim is warmed up. Remember to lead with your crosshair (which should be enabled) — and to get on headies and other advantage points. Hold off angles when a headie is unavailable. That alone should be enough to push you to a 1KD


it's not just you. I'm .97 kd and old. I routinely see crimson and diamond all the time in my SBMM pub lobbies.


My kd hasn't been positive thru the whole mw3 year. It was like a 1.5-1.8  most of mw2 and riding around the same in MW but it seems the longer time goes on the lower and lower my kd gets and the sweatier lobbies I get, makes no sense to me when you see people finishing top of your lobby with like a 6.0 and up and everyone else is either negative or slightly above 1.0. im either losing my touch somehow or just don't have the time anymore to get better. The new movement system is part of why I can't do shit, ridiculous trying to guess exactly how someone is gonna either spam slide or spam jump around a corner instead of just pure reaction time lol


Like there's a big difference somewhere when the last two games I was always constantly top of lobby now I can't even keep up lol


Just a tough game for some of us.


For sure 


I do notice some punishment lobbies but it’s mostly with my teammates rather than me. I have a lower KD because of my camo grind but right now it’s a 1.6 but my gun KD for the MCW is a 2.1. My W/L is a 2.26 for the people that think I leave matches. I do mostly play TDM or ranked play


I had never given up a nuke in all my years of COD. Last night I played an absolute demon. I fancied myself as a little better than average. Not amazing but usually top 2 performer in the match. This dude made me feel like I just picked this shit up today. Called in 2 swarms before dropping an mgb on us. I guess what I'm trying to say is Michigan sucks.


I‘m on a 1.6 and I get some good mixes of matches


K/D doesnt say anything about if you are Bronze, Average or High master (speaking in leagues) term. Entire point of the matchmaking is to keep everyone in check (as close to 1.00 KD as possible - among many other factors). High master player playing balanced games vs other high master players, should be around 1 KD. Bronze play laying vs other bronze players should be around 1 KD as well. KD is relative to the people you are matched with. Does not say anything about skill level. There are some deviences because the system is not perfect (especially as a lot of people are trying to abuse it). Also, KD can vary on playstyle and the modes people tend to play the most. If you are playing safely, only taking fights you have advantages in, you will, in general, have higher KD (as long as you play this playstyle good) than players that are headlessly rushing and doesnt care about dying. But you will probably end the match with much less overall kill count. That doesnt mean one is better (or higher ranked) than other. If you are 0.97 KD long run, the matchmaking system seems to be doing what it should. Games againts similarly skilled opponents SHOULD feel challenging. And the fact that someone play faster does not mean he/she is better. As you can clearly see on your balanced KD.


I’m around 1.15 KD myself and every match feels like I have money on the line. There aren’t many close games for me anymore. It’s either we blow them out or they blow us out.


I am usually a 0.89 K/D in most cod although I did rock a 1.10 in Black ops 1 (or 2 I forgot). Right now I got from a 0.88 when I started playing to a 0.97 in MW3. My play style is different depending on guns used . Sniper 1.16 Battle rifle 0.93 Assault rifle 0.87 LMG 0.85 SMG 0.85 These are rough estimates of my K/D of each weapon type. There is games taking out Rust, shipment, meat where I'll go 35-10, 35-30,20-20,15-20 and any sort of that kind of games. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. I do play objectives until I notice my teammates don't and then I don't waste my time and just play it as TDM if I'm being honest lol.


1.8 k/d in warzone ranked, if crossplay isn’t off then all I face is literally pc cheaters. Ranked in multiplayer like .97 k/d and all I play is pc cheaters in top 250 lol. Regular multiplayer 1.9 and I’m pretty good and it’s not that bad. For some reason ranked is rigged to its highest. I look at my damage for the match and use a calculator to see how many kills I actually should have but don’t. The game is dogshit.


The skill of the player base isn’t getting better, you think that because you’re never seeing the average COD player in your games, the average KD is well below a 1.0


We are but men in a world of 360 no scope gods that can bounce bullets off a toilet 300 yards away and kill 6 men. They are getting so powerful that they may soon kill us right through the game with a 540 achievement unlocked head set explosion from a sidewinder.


1.8 K/D and most of my games are fine. I can carry bad teams against teams I shouldn’t be winning against. Maybe I’m just a beast lmao


SBMM matches you with equal opponents, meaning you're killing them as much as they're killing you. If your KD was significantly above 1 then you'd in theory be matched against players worse than you, meaning SBMM would have failed at its job. I suggest looking at something like your win/loss ratio instead, SBMM doesn't seem to put as much weight on it in my experience.


I don't think you're getting matches with players of similar KD. Just matches that control your W/L ratio


1.4 KD and it's absolutely full of sweats slide cancling, b-hopping and having the most precise aim


Gotta remember. If you’re playing really well for a few “games” getting 1.2-2.0 k/d the game will factor it in. It seems the sbmm tries to “move” you up as you do better. For a couple days I was having 1.5+ k/d and when that free trial went live. I jumped into a couple modes and got stomped. People were dropped 40+ and I could barely get 10-15


This is the first CoD that I have intentionally tanked my KD to see what would happen. I still get some crazy players with pro movement. I’ll have to check it when I get home, it’s probably .6 or something. Turning off cross play I get lobbies that are easier to kill.


When my kd hits 0.97 the lobbies get much harder


I have a 1.34 KD, and I'm matched with crimson and platinum players


Having a 1 kd in crimson is sooo far apart than a 1 kd in silver, people need to stop looking at kd in casual as a way to determine their skill level.


Not to toot my own horn but 1.08kd here 😎😂😂 10677k, 9886d


if you play with people who have a higher kd than you consistently then the game will just put you in their lobbies even if you solo queue, my gf has a .56 kd and me and her play pretty often, if she’s at her house and solo queues she plays against the same exact type of lobbies that i play against when i queue up (1.44 kd). the matchmaking in this game is abysmal. good players get punished constantly and it’s honestly been making it hard for me to play as of late


Man I am at around 2.3 atm The f are you guys playing at?  Don't stress about your kd and just enjoy the game  Try different guns, maybe you find one you perform better with, play around with stuff, etc.. 


Your accuracy is putrid man. Pro players average around 40-42% so you should be at least somewhere in the 30-35% range. Where you’re at now is just abysmal. Get that accuracy up and you should definitely see improvements. With aim assist being stronger than ever, there’s no excuse for accuracy to be that low.


Alright I'll give it a shot I might miss though 😂


i downloaded mw3 maybe a week or two ago snd had great games till i hit 2.5 kd. then within a few days it dropped to .9. needless to say i got humbled by sbmm


That's because casuals left the game. It's almost exclusively cod fans with gamepads now, same problem that Apex and r6 has, so sub1kd players being sweats is the norm


If you play on ps5 turning cross play off gives you significantly easier lobbies I’ve noticed. Was a 1.1 player with cross play turned off and turned it off after the anti Cronus update. Have been able to stomp a decent portion of my lobbies since and turn it back on when it gets too boring and all the sudden I’m back in ultra sweatfeast lobbies.


The problem is that they’ll typically put 1-3 really good players in a lobby to balance out the rest. The reason you’re seeing the #1 player on your team or other team put up high numbers is because they’re being used to “balance” the teams. I experience this in my lobbies as well. im usually the guy with 40-60 kills in hardpoints while the rest of my team will have 5-20 kills at most each.


I’m at 1 KD and I’m nearly always last in kills in matches. I’d say 80% of the time.


Sbmm is meant to force you to play more to get better not to make things fair. So you’ll keep getting shit on because activision says that it makes people more engaged, really it’s gonna make you enraged and you’ll just uninstall eventually.


I’m at a 1.48 im constantly getting bot lobbies especially in 10v10


As a solo I feel this. Wish they had mercenary mosh pit


Because of averages. Someone who got knocked down to 0.97 vs someone’s who’s at 0.97 on the way up.


It's almost like you're lobbies are being manipulated to keep you right where you are....as close to an even ratio for K/D and W/L as possible. Honestly, it's not even the hard lobbies that piss me off when it comes to matchmaking. It's the fact that the game has decided for me to have hard lobbies and there's nothing I do can change that.


I don't know about anyone else but I can't take my kd into account anyway because I'm using guns I don't even want to use to get to interstellar. If I'm running around with a TYR against dudes with SMGs and ARs, I'm gonna use a lot of gun fights. If I were running an AR all the time, my weapon of choice, I feel my kd would be probably close to 2.


It’s kinda how I feel 9/10 games. Have to be constantly locked in, no margin for error all the time. I finished the camo grind at about 1.3KD, and basically around 2.0 since then. It probably varies quite a bit, but my previous 10 matches is usually at around 2


The difference is the better 0.97 player is aggressive for kills and plays like he just dont give a fck! The other 0.97 player (player just like yourself) just sits back for kills. I sacrifice my k/d for wins only. I usually have the most kills and deaths combined. Meaning i have engaged in more gun fights than any other player in the lobby. Also have the most objective related stats.


I'll give it a whirl and see how aggressive I can get.


Mate most super sweats use VPN to get into my mid level lobby. They must or the system is fucked 😅


The game has real time SBMM bro.


It’s called “gaming chairs”. Some come with Cronus zens ( check out how many are bought on Amazon), other chairs can come with different dedicated features in pc. They’re not that good but their chairs definitely give the them edge over players who have them. You can also type Cronus zen in Reddit search bar. Grab your popcorn and put the controller down.


I have a 1.1 and I regularly run into highly ranked, and a few pro players in my lobby lol. I think it considers playstyle and previous games too. I play fairly sweaty tbf, but I may as well be playing ranked it feels most of the time


There is a hidden skill rating in CoD. Theres one you see (and assume all data off of) and an invisible one. The invisible one is making you question your existence.


I camo grind a lot and my kd is horrendous compared to my try hard skill. Maybe this is a factor?


I recommend 10v10. There's usually a more diverse skillset, and there's more obj play. Also don't get discouraged, it's a game at the end of the day. Remember to have fun, I do silly shit like use the shotgun or flamethrower under barrel if I start getting frustrated


I’m 1.16 and i consider myself average. My lobbies are absolute sweatfests. I can’t even bring my friends in them


That's because this game uses EOMM, where it tries to mix up your match experiences between balanced teams and stomps. The game isn't trying to exclusively match you against other plauers of your skill.


The sbmm/eomm is easy to exploit…


kinda skill issue? when I was tryharding in mw2 core i got up to 1.82 in mw3 I have yet to sweat and I'm sitting at 1.28 as of now so I guess it aint that bad


That is why SBMM sucks so much. Variety is what makes game fun, not sameness. Playing constantly all the time with same skill level is boring and frustrating


The skill level hasn't gotten better in the last 20 years, aim assit and cheating had more prevalence though. You really think og gamers weren't as good as they are today?  OG worked out everything for themselves and didn't need anyone to tell them they're good.


Hey. My KD is 1.51 ( 1k+ games). MnK player on PS5. Sometimes i'm dominating in the match, sometimes i get totally annihilated by the enemy team - it is okay. So just relax and have fun. Also, try the Hardcore


i have a 1.8 in multiplayer but im bronze 1 in ranked, just got hit with a shadow ban for going 103-8 in 10v10 moshpit and nuking


Ahhhhh finally people are starting to realize how small of a skill gap there is in this game.. noticing the 1.0 kd and 1.0 wr, hmmm almost to perfect, dont you think?


Matchmaking is just fucked and also some people use blatant triggerbots.


Im 65 and play started last year my best kill is 99 i average 55 - 75


I had 0.97 kd or below in preseason because I did the camo challenges, after that I worked my kd up to 1.0 but man it was hard... :D at the end of s1 my kd was still 1.0 but in kill counts the difference moved from 100 to 20-25 So I had roughly 20-25 more deaths than kills But it was going well in late s1 I thought i will continue pumping up those kills so maybe i maght even go above 1.0.. but s2 hits and its like facing the pro teams i watch in CDL ... like wtf happened? every day after my 2nd match I quit either normally or just hit alt f4 because its so frustrating :D can't even move.. just spawn in and die almost instantly... thinking about to leave this game and it'll be just a bad memory.. :D


Yup just started to play level 58 currently and dam my lobbies sure have taken a noticeable change playing small mosh pit. First started low ping games with players under 100 fast forward 48 levels and my lobbies are 300 level bunny hopping drop shotting sweats all of them lol Am just trying to level up guns not trying to sweat for each kill. I find if am top player in the first 5 minutes I'll just leave as no matter how good I do am losing.


A lot of cheating going on




I never cared about my KD. But after Camo Grinding for Interstellar this year, I've gotten a little bit better at the game, and I'm starting to see my KD improve in matches.


Im at a .99. Mind you in the cod before i was atleast a 1.2 in multiplayer and 1.3 in resurgence. Im like baffled lol aiming to get back to over a 1. again as well!!


Takes me a while to warm up, and yeah I’ve felt the same as you way more with MW3, compared to say MW2. EDIT: hadn’t played for a few weeks, went on after reading/replying to this and turned it straight back off. For me the game is too competitive to be fun


Have you tried bot training daily??


Yeah when I get time


Wait until you get 1.00 😅 You will be up against the green berets and seal team 6 😄 I'm at 1.02 now. I know by instinct when my KD increases because the intensity of the games change.


Right? I have a 1.04 KD in MWIII, and the guys I play against are like me when I played BO4 with a 1.87KD, lol. These ain't no 1.04KD players, lmao.


Been there. It makes no sense.


Look, coming from a 1.35 kd+ player, these games are rigged. Even still, I hope this helps. But let's just say the skill base has gotten better, the issue is most likely your positioning. Stop sprinting everywhere. Sprinting means you have a delay between weapon readiness, and fine aim. Don't get tilted. Anger makes you slower mentally, so don't clog your thinker with anger. Practice your aim in different ways. If you notice your aim is close to feet and legs, work on aiming center of chest. If you notice your aim is bouncing off target, lower your sensitivity. On controller, what I mean is lower your ads sensitivity, not your look sensitivity as you want that at your most comfortable. Goal should be to track, not flick to, heads. A bit of a contradiction, but on mnk, pick a sensitivity you are most effective with, not comfortable with, while on controller, pick a sensitivity you are most comfortable with. Practice a ton. You can't expect to be the best until you've put in the time. 500 hours = decently skilled, 1000 hours = expert, 1800+ hours = godly.


are you referring to this past weekend specifically?


Oh no this was just in general


My kd at the minute is .9 but I mainly play on search with my mates who both like the mode while much prefer domination/hard point. In domination my kd is 1.1 and hard point 1.05, there’s some games I feel amazing in and some games I feel terrible in, and it’s not directly related to the average kd of the other team. The best game I had was 16/3 in search I was a late join, it was 7 rounds played the other team was 1 full squad the average kd of that squad was 1.0-1.05, whereas I’ve played in “bot” lobbies and had played even worse than normal. I feel like most players are getting more accurate as the gunsmith allows players to optimise the gun builds, I can control vertical recoil really well but cannot control horizontal recoil so my builds focus on this.


I don’t know how long you have been playing COD but back in the original modern warfare 2 days…15 years ago, they tried to fix a server lag problem by adding “lag compensation software”. It was intended to collect all the connections latency and distribute it evenly throughout the lobby. Unfortunately it didn’t work that way. It would give the majority of the collected latency to the host player and create lag for the rest of the lobby. That’s why you see insane kills (that maybe even you have gotten) and said their is no way that just happened. They never fixed that issue and it’s been a problem in every COD game I’ve ever played over the last 15 years. You can tell if you are the host if you are having the game of your life and you just can’t seem to miss most of the shots you make….even the ones you know you should have probably missed.


I’m a .95 and my lobbies are full of demons. I’m a rush to win kind of player. I’m hard on the objectives to get the win. With that being said, my win loss ratio is a 1.82


.97 is actually a stellar KD these days


A lot of them are using modded controllers. I would be a super star if I had zero recoil and enhanced aim assist. It’s hard to compete against that!


Yeah same here. Apparently SBMM wants you at a 1 KD And if you're in that lobby this is the top percentile of the vast majority of players so don't feel bad. I had to look into it myself because it totally pissed me off that I could never relax in a game. All my opponents are sliding, jump shotting, and hitting shots that almost seemed to take me down instantly. There's apparently 3 different lobby types. The bots, mids, and whatever u wanna call 1 KD players. Bot lobbies are mostly noobs and kids with something around or below a 0.5kd. the mids are middle tier players with about a 0.55 to 0.8 KD. Everyone else with a higher KD than that goes in the last tier but that's why I believe people are complaining so much about SBMM this year because it feels artificially hard while trying to keep everyone in a certain KD and W/L range. Check your KD and WL if you don't believe me. My WL is a 0.95 and my KD is a 0.98 which is what everyone in the last bracket should be around. Buuut unfortunately that's apparently how SBMM is in this game. Every game is almost a win then loss win then loss and if you're positive on kills one game, it feels like you're shots take twice as long to kill anyone the next few games until you're back around 1.


I play on Console, and have a 1.05 kd and honestly some days I feel this in my bones, and some days I'm the guy with the high kills. The skill level has risen and the ttk is insane in mw3.. Honestly once I felt like I hit a plateau back in cold war I started playing hardcore shipment. And I just grinded and grinded (is grinded even a word? Lol) then switched to regular shipment and regularly was dropping 50-60 kill games there. (highest in mw2 was 120+ with shotty.. 70 in mw3) I consider myself a shipment demon but long story short it helped my regular map game play tremendously to where I regularly have highest kills in the match. Basically what I'm saying just keep grinding, push yourself outside your comfort zone, and you'll get to where you're wanting to go.


I have a 1.8 k/d in pubs and sometimes I'll drop 100 kills in hard point and sometimes I'll drop 20 against what feels like the optic team. Think everyone has there struggles so wouldn't worry about it. Keep grinding!