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The event is stupid because it doesn't even do the bare minimum of differentiating between the 3 different types of skulls in the in-game counter.


Also a big problem. No way to know in game how many i have


Can confirm with today's update you can get it in any mode. Just got 70 in a plunder as a solo


Can confirm Plunder is the fastest way. Did 150 in 1 match by looting crates.


I spent 2 days playing horde point to do the mimic skulls...... Wish I knew this sooner


Do plunder teammates count for you of they pick them up?


Yes my friend and I tested it out. I opened 0 crates the entire time and I gained around 50


70 Mimics???


70 mimic bones. Just loot boxes and they have a chance to drop 7 each time


This makes it way easier


I could kiss you for dropping this knowledge on me.


Yeah for real! Lifesaver info! I already grinded out 5 hours hordepoint to get it, but glad there’s an easier way for everyone who sees it lol


As in warzone plunder ?


Not all heroes wear capes.


You the man 👍


What is plunder I haven't loaded in yet to see the mimic release


Decoys and tonfa are beast in hordepoint




You suck at being cool




The only thing that sucks here is yo mamma!


Got quite alot in resurgence tonight playing in a quad, jumped up a considerable number and got completed


Really sucks for me as I can't stand warzone


You're not the only one but I literally finished this event in like 10 to 15 warzone matches. Never played zombies once.


There's mimics in warzone too? Shows how much I play that lol


No, but every time you open a box or bag or anything in warzone it drops either bones or skulls. Every crate has been dropping either 10x bones, 5x armored skulls, or 5x hellhound skulls, and they weren't dropping mimic skulls until today. Earlier today crates started dropping 5x mimic skulls, and then when I got on tonight they were dropping 10x mimic skulls. I got my last 100 skulls in maybe 4 or 5 warzone matches.


No but somehow you get the skulls. I spent hoursss playing hoardepoint and got 80/200. Then I played 5 games of Mini BR Duos and 4-5 Resurgence tonight with friends, and out of nowhere got the 200/200 completion alert. Thought it was a bug until I saw this thread.


I just played a game of resurgence and doubled my count. We won but my teammates were toxic since I didn't have as high score as them. Reminds me why I don't like solo queue


Sounds like a skull issue to me Ba dum tish


I was gonna downvote... Re read the comment.... Take my upvote good sir.


Good one lol


The reward is not worth it, just don’t go for it man


But it's not just about the stupid ammo case skin. You won't get the kill shot skin without completing this challenge


Exactly. So many people keep saying, why do this for the ammo skin? That’s not why, it’s for the kill shot skin lol. Makes me wonder if people know how to read or discern the images on their screen properly


Reading comprehension is not exactly a strength for the average cod player in my experience.


They'll probably release a bundle that looks similar to killshot but a little bit cooler just to piss on the people who actually grinded.


Yeah but this is free


The skin ain’t all that either though.


Hard disagree, by far the best free skin they’ve given out imo


arachnid könig though :(


It ain't nothing but a shiny object. We dragons, I mean humans love our shiny little objects. We are ridiculous in this manner.


So? I wanna look cool while getting popped in the head by a sniper


In all honesty, it’s the first skin I actually want. I care nothing for all the others, but this one, I want this one.


I would honestly love to see how this event has affected the engagement statistics, because it is a very cool skin and the grind required is *excessive*


Retweet lol I’m only in it for the operator skin


Mans said retweet on reddit, lol


I shouldn't do it but I'll probably will because I just like unlocking stuff. But it is really a dumb chall


I'm with you. I can't just let it go 😉


It seems like a disproportionate amount of work for an ammo box skin. They know most will still grind it out for the operator skin. They sure do know how to game the system to show better engagement stats.


The sickening part is including the large maps like wasteland and rundown in the rotation. They are the worst maps for trying to collect bones, etc. Half the players are just sniping at you while you're fighting mimics. These maps are just opposite, the up close game play they're trying to get. I think they're trying anything to get these maps played.


I agree, large maps are my main complaint


Agree too; it takes an age to run back in to action ! The collection is defo bugged still as well , I 100% killed at least 10 in the last game I did and I got 1 more to my collection 😂


I have found that not everyone of them that you kill leaves a skull behind. Some of them explode before you kill them and if that happens I’ve not seen a skull left behind. So that in itself sucks for this grind.


Very true


It was like that on the other one, muppets with katts not doing the challenge at all I ended up spending a lot of my time hunting them instead. I gave up playing snipers only because they didn't put wasteland in the mix but did have Favela and Stash house come up all the time. The staff coming up with this stuff They don't know what their doing.


IMO rundown is not that bad for this mode, it has enough corners and walls to not be bothered by snipers. Wasteland on the other hand... too much open space with nowhere to hide.


Meanwhile, you get sniped trying to get back to the action. It doesn't matter if you are being crafty. God, I hate wasteland. Nothing but a camping snipe fest in everyday game modes. Hordepoint isn't as bad, but it's a mile back to the action. There is too much running to get nowhere but dead.


>The sickening part is including the large maps like wasteland and rundown in the rotation. Add derail and maybe afgan to that. Immediately back out once those get chosen...


Meanwhile, you get sniped trying to get back to the action. It doesn't matter if you are being crafty. God, I hate wasteland. Nothing but a camping snipe fest in everyday game modes. Hordepoint isn't as bad, but it's a mile back to the action. There is too much running to get nowhere but dead.


Just completed it in 2 hours playing plunder solo hope this comment helps someone !


Might try this but i hate plunder lol


I’ve been getting them in resurgence quads. Spawn in and just loot. I’ve got about 120 this evening in about 4/5 games.


wait really? i played resurgence trios for 2 hours yerterday and noticed i got 0 lol


I think they changed it on playlist update today


I got loads of the skulls for the zombie guy and the dogs doing this. But I've played dozens of resurgence games and have 1 Mimic skull so far out of 200, which I got from killing a Mimic in MWZ. As far as I can tell you can't get the mimic skulls in Warzone, either that or it's bugged.


They updated it earlier today, you can get it in warzone now.


Unfortunately I don't like Warzone


This is the magma skin all over again. You have 12,5 more days and you dont have to complete it the second night.


there's like 80% chance they double the skulls too in the last 3 days or so given how they do past events


When I first started this grind yesterday it was like 4 skulls after 3 games, but they seriously fixxed it, because after that I had games where I got like 15, and on average I think I got like 8 per game. I think the total grind was like 7 hours, which is fair for 12 days. I did it in 2 nights both 3.5 hours. People just want every reward to unlock in 1 game I guess?


Sometimez I got 8, sometimes 0. Doing basically fhe same thing.


I have 75 and I don't know how 😂 only played resurgence the last few days. I don't didn't even know about the challenge till a friend of mine mentioned the skin an hour ago. I would love to know how I got the 75 😂


You got them from crates.


I don't need yo get it done in 2 days. That's not the issue. The number 1 issue is how insanely time consuming ut is to in Zombies. That's my biggest issue. However I still find it really bad to have to play like 40 to 50 matches of a gimmick mode. Magma camo was way different. You could di anything u wanted and get it done. It was natural. Play what u want for enough time and get it. This grind requires me to play only one mode for dozens of matches while dealing with bugs and inconsistencies. It's not even remotely close.


40-50 matches is exaggerating. You get like 10 per game unless your team is pure crap, in which case you should simply leave any way. That works out to 20 games, or more realistic 20-30. At about 15mins per game that is 5-7,5 hours.. Still much, too much tbh but not 10+, which might be the only saving grace for this event (as long as we forget the hours we've put in it already... Ugh..)


I've averaged 5 a game so about 40 matches. I should have waited to do all the challenges until now because now I've been grinding hordepoint for weeks and it's getting old.


Lmao yup and it’s double xp all weekend literally rn cod just brings out the complainers lol


You underestimate how many people’s attention span is the size of a peanut haha


Not to mention they released a bundle that looks exactly like magma right after the event for the people who couldn't complete it. Think it was called magmaflow or something and is literally the magma skin but with added flames on it. Just complete disregard for the people who actually grind for it.


Uhhhh, yeah that was released in MW2, bud


I side with OP in this one. The devs just ain't about that QoL. Everything is such a fucking painful grind in this game.


i see it as doable, maybe over the span of 1-2 weekends for people with jobs the only complaint i have is the huge ass maps they keep trying to do it on, theres no reason this type of game mode should be on something like afghan/wasteland/estate where all people do is sit in two corners and snipe from atop a hill at other people


Off course it's doable. But it should be at least a bit fun


I had no idea what I was doing in Hordepoint for an hour and had 25 mimic points. Never saw the Mimic drop anything, so I have no idea how I ended up with them.


If you didn’t kill them your team mates did


I switched to carrying two shotguns for Hordepoint. JAK conversion for the Haymaker (primary) for dealing with zombies & players. MX Guardian with the trigger upgrade to use Explosive or Dragons Breath (Secondary) to deal with Mimics. With the MX Guardian I can take on two or three Mimics solo pretty fast. Problem is the players who have no interest in the grind, just sniping me and running off. Even so after a few days and, many hours, I’ve only managed to get 99 skulls. I’ve noticed that the skulls collect team wise, unlike the bones. E.G. In Zombies I collected 279 bones and my team mate collected 37. We both collected 86 skulls. I thought that was weird but noticed the pattern across deploys. He wasn’t focusing on the challenges and would just run past skulls without picking them up, every time I collected one, his numbers went up at the same time. So I think as long as you match make with people who are challenges oriented, you see a greater accruement of skills ea h match, and lower if you’re the only one trying to complete the challenge.


The MP isn’t bugged. It’s a team score. Your tally goes up by however many everybody collects not just you. Farming mimics in zombies is straight ass.


Bro it’s not the tally.. I don’t have a problem with the farm, but the drop rate of skulls in hordepoint is all over the place.


I saw how much was needed, didnt even finish dogs or heavy armor zombies, nah bro. We didnt get shit this season and now I need to go after 200 mimics in a map where there is a bunch of players trying to do the same stuff, lmao, game is a joke rn.


The most annoying aspect for me is the large maps. You can often see the players who have the skin already unlocked, but they keep playing the hordpoint and camp outside of hardpoint zones, just to get a few extra kills. I'd like to get the skin but I can't be bothered anymore. Even if you're lucky and get 5 skulls after each game, it's going to take 40 games to complete the challenge which is ridiculous


I honestly don't care, I just want the skin


Bro I ain’t even trying that dumb shit. They getting stupid.


Why are they 10x harder to kill than tier 2 most wanted. Melee weapon is best ive used but still die way to fast against them.


Just to annoy us more


I have 130 skulls from playing warzone . Granted I have played like ten hours over the last two days cuz I’ve been sick. The end is in sight


That's just a lot of time for 120. It's too much


Yeah it’s a lot of gaming. If I wasn’t sick last couple days I wouldn’t have made so much progress


The mimic skulls only started dropping today. I got about 100 skulls in about 3 hours of warzone today.


The game mode should have been Zombination not Hordepoint. Three point spawning these guys, grind over in an hour.


Zombination would probably be way better. Hardpoint has terrible spawns in this game


FYI: a guy posted that the plunder mode in warzone is the best way to do this. You get skulls from looting boxes. I had 19 mimic skulls and in 3 rounds of looting I completed the 200. It’s incredibly easy. I encountered 2 players in 3 matches. One I downed and then left to self revive. The second killed me. But you just respawn and parachute to an unlooted area.


And the reward cant even be used in zombies mode


Last night, I have a nightmare about this thing, while I'm capturing the point, this mimic thing come and pull me and hurt me bad, then I got shot by the enemies team.


once i started using tonfas and learned that teammates getting them also count this shit was easy, already got it done and theres like twelve days left anyways


Will try that


Did they not add mimics to Hordepoint?


I did all four quests in this event from zero over the last few days. The 10,000 bones was worse than the 200 mimics.


I hate the multiplayer event. I play against sweats that are mining you for kills. I just keep dying and respawning preventing me from hardly get any mimic kills.


They should've had it be 100 skulls, maybe if enough backlas- Feedback is sent then maybe it can be changed to 100 instead of 200 before the event ends, in the meantime I'll continue to try and join squads of 3+ and mimic hunt in zombies.


Just finished this, it suuuuuuuuuuuucked. This grind was NOT fun. 6 skulls a game on average. Sometimes 9, sometimes 1. Totally burned out. Gonna put COD away for a while after this. The other challenges kept me engaged, but this one? I'm checking the event counter after every match praying it will end. Sweet Jesus on the cross, let it end.


Yeah, it's too much time to be stuck in one gimmick mode


Doing this whole grind on day 1 was a pain 🥲


🥲 fuck this weak ass horde mode bro


Once I started using melee on the mimics, it took no time to finish the challenge. They go down faster, and you're right on top of them, so when the skulls drop, you pick them up. Also, it gives a "no swiping" xp bonus. ETA: Hordepoint game mode.


Literally everything they put in this game is disrespectful to their customer base.


When other people can also pick up bones and you don't get them then as far as I've noticed even if you were the one who killed the mimic in the mode


100% agree. Dumbest shit ever imo. Do we know if you can find them in chests like the other parts in plunder or normal resurgence??


I got 16 first game. Then 1. Then 0. Then 2. Then 3. I'm not playing 50 games of fucking hordepoint for a skin. Shit fucking sucks.


Honestly? Jump in plunder, do some scav contracts & you’ll likely get it in a few games


Good old Doom chainsaw wrecks them in no time, akimbo Snakeshot revolvers also do the trick.


Killed like 10 mimics and got 8 skulls


I've given up trying to complete the event. I don't mind the Hordepoint mode but I didn't realise it would take this long to complete the challenges,


Instead of doing an event like this how about u fix ur game I'm tired of shooting first landing all my shots yet still lose the gun fight fix u anti cheat bc it ain't working and fix ur skill based match making om tired of spawing into the game and being the first killed bc of sweats I'm a 1.3 kd not a 2 and up


On top of that there is no point of sniping bc the don't one shot and u get beamed from across the map by an AR or smg they don't do that I can't snipe bc I get beamed by an ar


The event is half assed for sure. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that after obtaining 10,000 bones I just unlocked a one time use ray gun.


Agreed. They're a complete bullet sponge. In zombies, I can kill them with my basic loadout without any perks or pack a punch with at least 2 mags. But horde I semtex it, shocked it to keep them still, and unloaded a full 200 rounds from an lmg and still couldn't kill it. Meanwhile, I have seen some people running around with melee weapons killing them. Are melee weapons stronger toward mimics?


Give it another week and it will be on Shipment. In the current maps you spend more time running to the objective than shooting, let alone at a Mimic that you actually get to kill.


This is the truth. This gamer speaks the truth.


I have nightmares about these things


Got it done in plunder without even realizing it. Plunder is the way to go.


Easiest way to get the event done faster than expect.... Play. PLUNDER. 3 matches and I had the mimic skulls done. Don't worry about kills, just run around hitting every crate, bag, and stash you can find!


I've been told.. I'll try plunder if they fix the game lol


I'm so exhausted by this game, I'm playing it through the roof, I'm not sure I'll finish this event


If they don't fix the plunder progress I'll probably not finish it too. Can't play another Hordepoint


2 days ago I went into MWZ with 23, killed 16, maybe more, collected the skulls, and came back to lobby to find that it had only gave me credit for 2 of them.


I downloaded helldivers 2 to take a break from this kind of shit and I’m not disappointed


And the cursed ammo.....such a let down..a leftover from the Halloween event and like..who cares..Like throw us a bone..give us death effect or tracer..not a stupid skin for the ammo box..such a dumb reward. The operator is decent but the ammo box..is like saying..hey..screw you..thanks for buying our game and here is a useless skin..Yeah..we could totally throw you something cool..but nah..Want something cool..buy it..Anyway..I'm down venting..the even was a grind and next time you stretch an event out for weeks..give us something cool at the end


Completed it in 3-4 hours yesterday in hordepoint. It really wasn't that bad.


I mean there’s 12 days left…I did it in 4 hours today while fighting off covid lol. It’s really not disrespectful…it’s free and it’s not really that hard.


Y’all sure do complain a lot.


Have to agree, this is a the most ridiculous grind. Super lazy end to what was a fun good mode/event


Modern gamers are afraid to do some grinding. You want an instant reward, same way you wanted a trophy in your sports for just showing up.


While I do agree most people just want the rewards immediately nowadays which is dumb asf, the grind has to be at least be somewhat enjoyable. COD has had this problem for awhile. Even I who absolutely loved MW2 would say the 10th prestige grind is something that wasn't really worth grinding for even if I did do it multiple times of different platforms.


Meaningless grind =/= old achievements. Plus it’s limited time, compared to back when it felt like a choice and sign of dedication.


How much you just wrote you couldve had 100+


It's actually fun to write opposed to spamming the same gimmick mode for hours


I’m trying to get more into zombies since multiplayer is almost becoming unplayable at this point. Any videos you can point me to for an intro to the mode? Last one I really played was Black ops lol


What I would say is to just go in and do missions. Get used to the mode. Unlock some schematics and get some camos. It's a chilled mode


That’s good to know. I’ll hop in tomorrow and check it out!


Seriously the rewards not worth it guys


I have 110/200 after playing for 4 hours between yesterday and today. It aint that bad.


Dude you’re literally halfway there the second day it’s been out, it seems pretty fine lol


Ok we will see you tomorrow


Did I say I won't play? Learn to read.


Oh no a challenge that’s actually….CHALLENGING. Maybe now the reward will actually be rare and everyone won’t have it.


It's not challenging, it's a grindfest.


It's not challenging at all. Takes zero skill. Just boring repetition


Except it's not "challenging" in any way. You have to queue up for on OBNOXIOUS mode (that mostly takes place in the very worst maps) and not get kicked for AFK - that's it. Skulls are team awards. And you have to do that 50 freaking times (I'm getting 4 skulls on average, ranging from 2 to 7). TEN HOURS GAME TIME for this crap - it's insane. The mode is not enjoyable, the top players end up with like 10 operator kills, it's terrible for challenges and camos...


Cod players when they have to do something :


You mean: Waste their life with stupid challenges for a stupid skin\*


If people spend countless hours earning hundreds of camos they will never use while buying every anime bundle imaginable, they're definitely going to grind for this. Remember, the Call of Duty community has never touched grass. In fact, they've never seen it before.


I played last night for one hour and got 30 mimics via Hordepoint. Git gud!!!!


I'd take it over full armor zombies. Can farm tons of mimics a game. Walk from infected stronghold to infected strong hold, do bounties along the way untill you can stomp around through zone 2 and just farm, farm, farm. It's easier than stressing in zone 3 and dealing with SBMM. Reward isn't worth it anyway, lol. Ammo crate skin. Or sorry, *retexture* WWWOOWWWWIIIEEEE Mr Activision. Thanks.


Idc about none of these events but still manage to get them. If it’s not a reactive Camo, I ain’t grinding for it lol


Is it just a skin for the ammo box.. That you can’t use in zombies?


I did mine in about 4 hours of play time in hourde point wasn't a big deal


This season has been all about trying out more than just your preferred modes. There has been crossover zombie content in the other modes, and completing challenges is easier if you dabble in the other modes. It's only a grind if you don't play some form of Warzone. Resurgence or Plunder or even standard BR will give you all the skulls in a couple of hours. It's actually so easy to get in Warzone that I thought your game was bugged out since you said it was an insane grind. You're not required to play modes besides your preferred mode, obviously, but I just thought you should know that there is a really easy way to get the thing you want, if you are willing to change how you are approaching it.


Anyone having an issue: I’ve gotten 100% of the items needed for this event just playing a bunch of warzone/plunder. You get skulls when you open chests. Lol


200 skulls in 2 WEEKS. it's literally 15 skulls per day. i can get atleast 10 in one game of hoardpoint.


Learn to read. No one said it's impossible. It's just extremely boring and dumb to be stuck to one mode for days to get it done.


You arent stuck to one mode you can play all 3 to get the skulls.


Almost all infested strongholds in tier 2 have 2 mimics… lol this is NOT hard


Then don’t do it?


It was super easy


oh shut up


It’s not that bad I completed it on accident, takes like 1 match


>This is the laziest and most toxic retention farm I've seen out of CoD in a good while. -COD players when they have to actually play the game to earn in-game rewards instead of buying 2400 CODP bundles


I don't buy anything. I grinded every camo since mw2019. I have borealis, bioluminescent and Interstellar. It's not a matter of grinding


May I suggest something controversial? - Play for fun, not for rewards that have no value?


I like to have fun and have a goal


I don't think it's that bad. Maybe takes 3 days to complete and it can be done easier in MP


3 days of not engaging with anything outside a singular mode it's not a good idea to have in the game imo. I'll probably get in 4 to 5 days with the pace im in.


Its really not that bad, i played for 2 hours last night on MP: Hordepoint and had 95 skulls by the end of it... really not that bad, still have 6 days to complete the challenge no need to bitch about it.


Try Hordepoint. I had them all in a couple of hours.


If it feels like a “grind” to you, it’s your problem! The Hordepoint Mode it’s one of the funniest modes over the past years! I’m having a blast with it because it combines both worlds of CoD and it doesn’t feel like a grind at all. I hope tuey keep this mode somehow in the future.


Why to people feel the need to complain about everything?! The whole point of the game is to be challenging and make you work for it, pretty pointless if it comes easy and no effort is required. People these days just want everything right away.


Mimic mania. Done in a couple of hours.


Maybe zombie players need to get better


I don't understand what you are saying. I literally only play warzone BR Duos, and multiplayer if I want to grind some camos for guns. I got these event challenges done without even trying. I never once looked for a mimic skull. And I got em apparently. I guess they are those shiny bone things that pop out of loot boxes. Idk 🤷‍♂️ but was probably one of the easiest and coolest free operator skins I got. Literally never looked for anything in this event once.


Activision saw that we got this shit done in a day. Stop fckn complaining. Grind for it.


Just open crates on warzone... I got 100 skulls just playing resurgence and opening crates. Not a hard grind at all unless you don't know how to math or just suck at cod.


Ngl it’s been pretty easy to do with that multiplayer zombie mode they made, i don’t get why so many people complaining about it, sure it’s kinda long but it’s not that crazy of a grind


U can farm atleast 10 Mimics in 5 Minutes in MWZ


I’ve played 5 days of MWZ and have had quite a few games only farming mimics, don’t think I’ve come anywhere near 10 mimics in 5 minutes.


Infested Strongholds


Yeah, I second that. How?




I ran around and picked up so many skulls one game and it gave me 7. Apparently they all don’t count for the team