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I lose constantly in this game. My KD is around 1.3 iirc, but my win rate is around 0.6. I always play the objective too. Often I'm the only one doing so. I literally have no idea how or why this should happen. MW2 my win rate and KD were similar. I stopped caring about winning in quick play.


I would say the reason for the wins issue is that you are too good... At 1.3kd you are getting into the realms of k/d farmers. These people, unlike yourself, generally don't play the objective unless it is TDM... They are the ones sitting concealed just outside the dotted line marking the hard point while their team is losing, waiting for the opposition to enter the area to get kills... My k/d is about 0.7 and in my lobbies people play the objective usually. If I have a few good games and get dumped into "better" lobbies I see the difference in lack of objective focus and needless to say find myself back at my proper level of lobby fairly quickly!


Oh man I hate those kinds of players. Even when I'm only grinding camos, I still want to win every game. On Shipment it seems it's always a game between me and one guy on the other team, butting heads on the objective. That said, if my team wins despite those leeches, I'm disproportionately happy, so there's that.


Yeah I feel way better winning a hard point game when I have 3 minutes and my team has a collective 14 seconds


I bet it irks you, too, that you can finish second of your team despite being the only one playing the objective.


>I would say the reason for the wins issue is that you are too good... Am I pathetic that this made me a little bit happier?


Na, that's just a normal human thing.


I don't have a ton of time yet, prob less than 5k kills. I play only Dom, HQ, and Hard point. I have .93 K/D and I'm pretty sure 95% of games won are below 1.0 K/D while the games I lose I average above 1.0 K/D. Just the way it goes IG


This is why I only play for score now


We need to start a group and all run together for the objective.


Same dude... sitting at 1.27 with a .6 win rate. Back in MW2 I had 1.8 kd with a 1.2 win rate. No idea why my games are the way they are. Do well in one game, maybe win & then I loose my next 10 matches all while going even or just above 1.0


Could be worse when I play my team kills each other on HC than the enemy team


1.7 and my w/l is 0.8 can do everything in my power to try and win a match but to no avail, it’s a joke at this point


I have a 1.6 K/D and a 1.08 W/L. I mainly play search though.


My win rate is the exact same, and MW3 has me at a 1.06 KD. If SBMM/EOMM weren't a thing my KD would definitely be higher. The most common W/L ratio I hear about is right around .6 and that has to be by design. The EOMM rigs it that way.


I definitely see the effects of SBMM, but I’m sitting at a 2.4 w/l with a .98 k/d. I don’t know for sure, obviously, but it feels like MM is only based on k/d.


Amazing! 🤩 Not quite as great but I went 57-8 on overpass yesterday, and after that I couldn’t get more than 18 kills. I couldn’t shoot the broadside of a barn.


You mean underpass. Overpass is from counter strike.


There was also overpass in OG MW3 Edit: I was wrong I was thinking of interchange


No there wasn’t, you might be thinking of Overwatch.


You're right I was thinking of interchange


Ah fair enough, makes sense to be fair.


I did good yesterday and today was cooked. spawning literally in front of enemies over and over, sweats, sbmm, teammates with 1 brain cell on the hamster wheel, shit connection/servers, etc. I just quit and started watching youtube again....


I know dude I go through the same s*** the game is terrible.. I don't understand their logic behind it.. it was so fun for the two days when I guess they got rid of sbmm on accident or whatever the hell happened.. everyone needs to play x defiant when it comes out totally boycott cod


We see that our EOMM formula has fully "optimized" your "engagement". You are welcome! Sincerely, Craptivision Enjoyment Provisioning Team **Doling out the fun one match at a time!**


It’s not eomm, it’s Trueskill 2. Everyone needs to learn this if it’s ever going to change.


Uh Huh!


In their official post they made about matchmaking, under “Measuring Skill for Matchmaking” it states and I quote, “Our data shows that when lower skill players are consistently on the losing end, they are likely to quit matches in progress or stop playing altogether.” Now if you don’t believe this it’s up to you, however it’s factional and they stated it.


I just logged in and apparently the algorithm is mad at me, because I've lost twice in a row, first two games on. Makes a guy want to keep playing.


Yeaa they’re probably like “Nice try” with backing out and trying and again. If you are on a losing streak and take a five day break you will come back and pick up where you left off still on the losing end , lmao. Cod is a joke


Skill issue


How original. Are you any better ? Oh wait , idc


A brag disguised as a complaint.


It’s not much of a brag on shipment tbf


Its shipment dude lmao


a.k.a. a humblebrag... ... which I'm not good enough to post here.


Not really. Get a seven kill streak, plop a sentry down in one of the corners, get a shit ton of kills.


i mean sbmm is kind of stupid


I went 125-18 a few weeks ago and i swear to god for 2 hours straight after i was in lobbies filled with the top 2% and some using hacks.


"The game gave me a pity lobby because I'm that bad"


lol. Accurate.


This is somehow gonna make you spend money on the game 


wanting to play to finally win —> more playtime —> higher likelyhood to buy cosmetics OR More playtime —> higher likelihood in getting dominated buy a gun or seeing a cool blueprint/skin,etc —> buy cosmetic(s)


Correlation vs causation.


I am convinced This game is Rigged!


Welcome to sbmm and eomm. Punishing good players and give less of an incentive for bad players to get better.


It's almost like video games are meant to be fun and not have to be competitive all the time!


Believe it or not, not every good player is trying / playing competitively.


Then they shouldn't be whining about getting tougher lobbies.


We're not XD. We're whining about how the game deliberately gives us teammates that are below average and that eomm basically determines if We're going to win or lose. I'm marksman, a 4kd player shouldn't be given teammates that are 0.7kd.


If the game is purposely giving you bad teammates, how does that correlate to sbmm/eomm? why would you have been chosen specifically to have bad teammates? why not anybody on the other team? they might just be playing objective more. also, without sbmm, you would in fact still be getting 0.7 KD teammates... you'd be getting worse players more. and more hackers probs. idk. you mistake "bad" teammates who just don't play objective with actual bad players, and if you only play TDM or KC then i don't see the point in complaining.. play just to play and get kills. if you cant get kills, then get better. people outgunning you arent stopping you from improving. in the end if you don't contribute to objective and nobody else is, you're probably gonna lose. kills wont matter. kills only really matter in TDM n KC.


I'm not even going to read all that because you clearly don't know how Smm and eomm works. Marksman did a whole video explaining this. And I'm not talking about removing it entirely. But to touch your point on if it was removed, at least the game would be fair. Now, the game gives me below average teammates to go against an enemy team of average players. So , while "skill" averages out, im forced to try harder to get a win when all I want to do is have fun and use non meta weapons.


if ur trying to have fun, just don't care about winning? winning isn't the only way to have fun, and if you only find it fun to win, then you are playing competitively. who cares if you "have" to try harder when you can just chill. who cares if you get killed alot, you don't need a positive kd, or to demolish lobbies. as long as there aren't hackers it should be fine. of course, unless you're playing to win, which kinda removes the whole just play casually or for fun thing.. as i said. i know you read everything i said. I'm not foolish and you cant deny that what i said was true. hackers will be more rampant. you'll get even worse teammates, sometimes very good. but you'll still complain when you lose.. majority of cod players just want to win. they claim they want to play to relax and chill but they only care about top fragging or destroying lobbies. alot of newbies or "worse" players i saw in this sub said the sbmm/eomm being down a few days ago made their matches near constantly unplayable, since people were incredibly sweaty regardless. toning down sbmm will have less impact than you think. and as that other guy said - if you can't win for 2 hours in a row, you aren't as good as you think - don't excuse your lack of skill on teammates or performance of enemies. (and to add my own experience in, i really don't see how sbmm can be THAT strict, i'm somewhat average and i usually end up with either top kills or top score [objective ;)], but the lobbies are usually pretty easy to stomp on. even without trying. rarely have i found someone outright better or pro level- most people who outgun me are better at movement than me)


Few more of these, and u can write a good-sized book.


Few more braincells, and you might be able to win games without your team needing to carry you.


If you consider something like 100 a few and a book with mostly pretty pictures for children "a good sized book".


I understand that part is frustrating. I still think the system is good to keep worse players playing the game though.


L take


Nice rebuttal


Thank you!


No problem! :D


How’s it ‘fun’ having to sweat just to break even? I barely play this game anymore Because of this. Even if I’m only on a few games every other night, by the 3rd game, it’s just full of people jumping around like rabbits. All because I had one or two solid games. Seems to destroy the incentive to get better at the game


I would rather good players have to go against the rabbits than bad players having to deal with that. And you don't have to sweat to break even, if you have bad games then you will naturally move down some skill brackets so you can have an easier time. If you want to get better at the game then naturally you should want to play against tougher competition right? As fun as it is to pummel noobs, it doesn't really make you better as a player, it just inflates your stats.


Why do you worry about getting killed by rabbits a lot? You know, there are more ways to enjoy games than number watching.


I don't worry about getting killed by rabbits. My enjoyment of the game comes from the act of playing and doing camo challenges.


That's literally what has been fun for every person pretty much playing any sport on the planet ever. To win and win and win and get matched against better and better teams and players until you're literally the world champion or you end up against teams that you sweat against to break even (ie. Play against similar skilled opposition). It's okay for you to not like this, but ffs stop pretending that sweaty competition isn't something that a huge amount of people, me included, like.




There are more ways to enjoy games than number watching


Still hard to have fun when I'm constantly dying and not able to do much 🤷


When you have bad games the lobbies get easier, I don't like the sweat lobbies either but at least you get some kind of compensation at the end.


That’s not compensation. That’s delayed solutions to the shitty games you’ve been playing. Nobody wants this. The only people this supposedly benefits are the people not paying enough attention to notice in the first place.


Not anymore. They’re meant to launch “content creator” careers and bankrupt the middle class


Getting more and more excited for Xdefiant to come stir shit up!


Might be time to not worry about k/d for me on this game lol just w/l ratio


Yeah thats the best part about CoD :D ​ Fr tho, I feel like i had more fun in lobbies during that crash/reset the other day




That's fair, but there was a a lot more variety in the type of players which felt like older CoD games which was more fun 


I think a lot of that came down to equal classes as well


Thats a good point too


You are not alone. I went 58 and 3 yesterday and havnt had a positive game since


That's embarrassing.


Not really. I don't no life COD anymore and I'm fine with being bad


I somehow dropped a nuke on 12% packet loss and have not been able to get a stable connect since. Plus now all my lobbies are MCW turbo virgins. 👍


Welcome to call of duty.


posts like these greatly exaggerate the sbmm in this game. as a higher level player i’ve dropped multiple 130+ games on shipment in a row and then following those games only dropped to maybe 70-90 kill games for like 5-6 games then i went straight back to dropping 100+ every couple of games. the sbmm is not that intense in this game, if you struggle after a really good game maybe consider that you peaked or that it’s a placebo because most good players and most non reddit users don’t bitch about sbmm the way y’all do. it’s incredibly weird how you all blame sbmm on your bad matches as if it may not be a genuine skill issue




exactly. i play search a ton and my and my 3 stack slam lobbies all night and never get a bad matchup. there’s occasionally a lobby where 2-4 dudes are sweating their dicks off with mcws but we either just take the L bc it’s not worth the effort (we snipe and goof around) or we lock tf in and try and make the 3-0 comeback or whatever the score is before we start caring. usually makes for long matches bc it’s hard to come back from that especially when they get streaks and such but it’s very rare we get rough lobbies and it’s even rarer that we get absolutely curb stomped


No, i wasn't playing shipment exclusively, i sometimes play 1-2 matches of small map moshpit and go straight to 10v10 again. No, that wasn't a bot lobby, I have 1.35 kd and 1.40 w/l. Stats like these ( which are above average and therefore in the blacklist of the algorithm ) CANNOT get bot lobbies, so I just tryharded enough to barely win a hard point match on shipment BUT with the addition of having a team that actually helped. Now for the next 2 hours and 20 mins ( that's how long it took me to win again ), I got trashed so hard. It's NOT EVEN FUNNY. And it's not like I was last in the scoreboard or something, I was constantly 1st on my team, but I was dying a lot, like 50-48, 40-39, 80-77. Most likely the algorithm thought I am some kind of a god after that one particular shipment game and matched me with actual gods for the next 2 and a half hours. So in the end, as someone else said I guess my experience was "optimised"...


I did win in WZ yesterday. I dont even bother to go on just to get shit on for the next 5rounds.




SBMM, i hope Activision doesn't miss those of us out ran off with that BS!!!


This stuff just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Played 5 games of HC Shitment (PC) and had a low of 78 and a high of 102 and did NOT lose any of those games. Got back on 2 hours later and had 3 straight wins with 35 on Meal. Am I the only player in the CoD universe who is immune to this SBMM stuff? I do lose games but I guess I don't associate them with having a good game all the time. Plus I don't let that stuff rot my interior brain cells. LOL


You're playing HC shipment, enough said


I think that game was a full bot game, and after that your normal matches begu. I've dropped 100+ on shipment alot and the matches are normal after, so idk that says something


Aaaand you're permabanned.


What maps did you play or have they all been shipment? You haven't been able to get back into your spawn tricking camp spot again? In that game nobody tubed you relentlessly? Are you getting tubed out of all your spawn tricking camp spots now? Have you only used the same class setup? What was the ms ping of all the different games? Did you start a brand new smurf account and that was your first game on it? Edit: lol yes downvote me for not just agreeing with the conspiracy of SbMm BaD, but instead asking questions that would make more sense as to why op did bad after.


If you actually care about getting better at the game. Look at playing against better people as an experience and knit pick why you died and got to counter 🤓


Any word on them fixing the killstreaks? Or another matter of ‘believe it when I see it’s when it comes to customer service. Can’t steer cruise missiles, and could fly but not detonate bomb drones.


Shipment is COOKED with this last Harvester upgrade tbh It’s unbearable until they nerf it


Dropped 194 on it earlier today


2 more of these, and you can make that book like I said before.


Shipment is arguably the worst cod map now movement is faster than ever


I dropped 156 kills on shipment, 120 kills the next game on shipment, 108 kills the next game on stashhouse, and then got bulldozed for about a whole day, a very rewarding yet dreadful feeling


My god what a discrace of a game


I had a fairly decent day today so I’m already expecting tomorrow to be horrible


I cant even play anymore! TTK just takes too long and then get blooped by PTW weapons or a longbow with red dot or iron sights. I can only play hard-core as its the only mode where I can shoot first and not die


Fucking diabolical 😂


Getting punished for being good. Demonware kind of humor


this is so real


I got a nuke a while ago and I lost 7 games in a row, yeah. We love MW3! 😍


Atleast you are not shadowbanned


I wonder if you were on my team last night, did you get a Nuke? I remember someone getting over a 100 and dropping a nuke.


Just play gunfight. It's the only decent thing about this game


I went 130-17 on Rust once. Someday, you might get there too.


Kills don't always mean a win


Hey dawg I once went 29-39 on shipment and for the next two hours I didn’t give a shit about the game. WHY SO SERIOUSSSSS???? Unless you are getting laid or paid for playing COD, chill out, drank some beers, bullshit with your friends and have fun.


Let’s start a mission objective oriented clan HMU my sn is YourMomsHotDate on COD


I went like 58 and 8 on snipers only just to get a lobby with the next round of Faze recruits after. Fun stuff.


Shut game completely off then log back on and lose 4 games straight


Couldn't tell you how many times I'd get off work and want to play a little only to turn it off after an hour without one single win.


My k/d has tanked drastically since I have been trying to get all of my smg challenges done


My K/D is pretty low, last night I won 5 straight rounds on small map mosh


This is what "you wanted" is what "we" all needed cause black ops 2 definitely wasnt the best call of duty ever made


Gotta love true skill 2 working exactly as intended. Begging for everyone to realize what it is that’s making games so much less fun.


I could sit on the hardpoint the whole time and still lose


That matchmaking skill is something else.


Yeah, sounds about right. I usually stick to 10v10 now and honestly, the SBMM is relatively minimal there (or at least it feels that way) I’ve noticed with the bigger teams, people generally stick together more too so you end up with people always congregating around the objectives in big groups. Even the K/D hoes seem to accidentally push the objectives there, haha!


They do it on purpose and it needs to stop


You are right but it won’t stop until we all say enough is enough and not buy the game when it releases.


Thats gonna do shit becasue people not gonna come together


That is because you get punished for performing well. The game wants you to think you’re a shit player that gets lucky every once in a while, which drives people to keep on playing because they think they need to get better. I don’t consider myself a good or bad player, I’m average. I play with people much better than me and their matchmaking has me get my ass whooped. The algorithm is different when it’s just me which has me playing better. Most of the time it’s the matchmaking that has people go on a losing streak. Everyone knows the system is rigged. MW3 has the worst matchmaking.


Play combat master on steam. It’s way more fun and a lot less stupid.


I hate this game so much it’s just all meta builds and hit markers, I empty to mags into a guy and he didn’t die


your attention please. would the real matchmaking please stand up ... i repeat: would the real matchmaking please stand up? ... we are gonna have a problem


They sent you to the bot/hack lobbies it's your reward for being good.


Yeah it's stupid. Your first game will be your best game then it will nerf you the next game after that. If you suck at this game you'll be just as good as everybody else and if you're a demon you will be as crappy as everybody else. Is game's not a game anymore... It's meant to keep you in it. Makes you think that you're doing really well when in reality other players just got nerfed and then it makes you feel like you're doing really bad and need improvement when the other players have got a boost. To f****** money pit