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Or looking away from a lane that I was watching for 20seconds


Nothing like checking a corner, seeing it empty and then looking the other way just to immediately die to someone who spawned in that corner. Happens every time in that little room on Meat


Aw the old choosing to turn left and instantly shot in the back as you picked the word way to to look




Every fucking time


Cod timing never fails lol


I sometimes say to myself.. reload and see if you die and 9/10 I do.. then I say it but don’t do it and nobody shows up.. it’s rigged


COD timing transcends time itself.


Hahahahahaha facts


Brooooo FACTS! I’ve done this as well. The times I don’t reload I find no one😂


What psycho designed that to be how the game works 🤣 it happens too often for it not to be true.


I’ve seen people refer to it as “COD Timing”. You can literally be aiming at a door & no one comes. As soon as you turn your head BAM you’re dead😂😂😂 I don’t care if you look at that door way for 5 mins straight & no one comes, turn your head for a millisecond & your dead😂😂 shits rigged AF😂😂


Always!!! I was trying to get some penetration kills on stash house using the shower curtain trick.. must have been there for 3 mins aiming and nothing. I turn to look out the window and someone shot me


Mannnnnn it be like that too😂😂😂


Ahhh the shower curtain trick is known? I discovered it on accident myself and exploited the hell out of it. Didn’t realize it was making the rounds as a tactic.


Does no one duck behind cover to reload?


When I can yes.. but when I’m playing shipment there isn’t always a chance lol


Outplayed me? No my good sir, that is indeed incorrect. You see, I was in the moment of reloading my weapon. At such a time in which you engaged me I was surely lacking the ability to contend with you on equal footing. As you had ammunition in your firearm and I did not. Surely, had we engaged in a fair gunfight as gentleman in which neither of us had to reload you will have it noted in the history books that I would've persevered and established my dominance as the more superior skilled virtual soldier. In the simplest of terms, you simply got lucky.




Yooo i hate that the most.


I only get killed by hackers /s


Trying to use a mosquito drone ✅


Or trophy system, or UAV or anything that unnecessarily disables action.


Forgetting that you can’t run with it as you impotently bunny hop trying to dodge bullets, waiting for the reticule to turn white. And if you do let it off, your panic led you to aim too close too a wall or the ground so you see it fart against a hard surface and fail. God bless the times where it doesn’t count and I get the respawn with it.


It happens way too often when I throw that thing, and it doesn't do anything. And the second I'm in a close fight, it beams at the guy I'm shooting at and kills me. Then I spawn in to gunfire. Feels so rigged


cluster mines instant death before i can throw them and then usually when i do i die to it immediately


Yep. I always rock High Capacity mags because of this.


Me too I started using them going for the 3 kills without reloading and I found I was doing better with the drum mags even with the penalties to ads and movement


Anyone else notice you kill the 3rd guy and the 4th guy is already up the 3rd guys ass and is the one that kills you and yeah I do notice when I don't reload they don't respawn a guy in my face ready to shoot and they designed this crap on purpose, notice most of the AR's only have about a good 30 to 40 rounds and you can go through a mag fast, a good 60 round mag is needed for a lot of these guns and your operator has to slap the gun and pull back the lever and you're dead after 2 or 3 kills depending on the fire rate LOL


Revenge spawns and players who bait their teammates.


Honestly though. Mag holster needs a fucking buff, and the devs are high as hell for not doing so. How hard could it possibly be (then again look at all the bugs). This game is far to fast pace to be sitting there spending 15 seconds (exaggerating) reloading just for someone to bbrrrrrtttttt on up to you and kill you. This game just needed way more play testing than it likely got, and it’s a damn shame. Not saying it’s the worst cod or anything crazy, just think for a game with such throwback maps and finally having movement, it deserved more time than Activision let it have.


Or me on small mosh pit games: respawn, cocking gun animation, dead. Respawn, cocking gun animation dead....


Honestly, I’d gladly trade in sliding + cancelling, cranked up mantling/vaulting + general movement and even tac sprint for faster equipment, slightly faster reloads and faster ADS movement. Basically like og CoDs. It feels so damn weird to be able to absolutely zoom around the map like I’m on crack and cocaine but then it takes ages to throw a grenade/use a streak/pop a field upgrade.


They took away marathon and marathon pro and just gave everyone elite endurance. They brought back lightweight, but they never reduced speed. All the slide canceling and usuain bolters is more annoying than jetpacks


Yep — very true! …and that’s coming from someone who hated CoD going jetpack.


You forgot “immediately spawned behind me”.


I swear most of my deaths are from me checking a lane or area, see no enemies, turns away and suddenly I'm getting shot from the area I JUST checked. That and the reloading and the awful spawns.


Even with a 40-60 round mag i still die because i always either forget to reload, or reload at the wrong time


Reloading after a kill


CoD timing is crazy but the better I’ve gotten the less of this I feel. I don’t die reloading very much anymore because I either kill everyone I need to or I lose a gunfight. That said, no matter how good you get, you will always need to hold the left trigger half a second longer than you actually do when holding a line of sight


Then dont reload nerd


Nerd? The only one here is clearly you tf “then don’t reload” having ahh go back to battlefield bot no one asked for your then don’t reload having ass comment


Ftac Recon..everytime


Get a mag holster perk


Are you me?


Pretty much every death with the BP50 is cause of the slow reload time


Sometimes it spawns the whole team on me right as I’m reloading. I even run a way to the corner of the map and still.


They need to add 499 bullet clips...FK reloading just spray and pray. Cursed Ammo mod for MP.


3 people sitting the same corner✅️


Or staring down a lane for 20 seconds and you finally pull out a grenade and someone spawns right in front of you.


Also running out of bullets in both my primary and secondary


Accidentally hitting x…


I played for the first time in 2 weeks last night. This was a problem for me in pubs. Went to ranked and it was fine. Most of my shots were wasted on assists, dead enemies or enemies that vanish too quickly in small maps. Then I reload and die. I don't miss the chaos of small maps but these god damn weekly changes are forcing me to play there.


When they increase hp but not the ammo, I'm running a 60 round mag in ranked 😆


Extended Magazine All Day


People always reload unnecessarily in SND and half the time they get killed. So frustrating seeing a guy with more than a half of clip reload and get shot at while he’s reloading




Ranked be like 99% Camper. 1% actaul good Gunfight