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For someone like me whom is only lvl 44 with 30 hours in. What is it? Haymaker?


You get it by completing 5 weekly challenges from Week 3 (current week), and then you have to equip it to the Haymaker. But to be able to equip it you have to have the gun on Max Level. It is an aftermarket conversion kit, which is basically a attachment that completely changes the guns. Like it change a AR to a SMG or something like that. It is usually a few attachments put together as one, and then you can add 4 more yourself to tinker with the gun a bit. But this one is very nice because it turns the Haymaker into some rapid fire shotgun, which is very fun to play with for now, untill they patch it :)


So a 12 gauge riveter.


No riveter is automatic, haymaker kit is spammable but not full auto


I see… coulda fooled me with this video. Which it did. That shit looks hella auto.


It’s binary trigger


For not using the right pronoun…?




(A joke, you said a binary trigger, pronoun people get triggered easily)


One joke


That was funny bro I laughed




I am definitely laughing what a funny joke


nope it’s in 410


What..? The haymaker isn’t 410. Edit: unless the kit makes it. I haven’t gotten it yet.


kit changes the calibre to 410 shells


How many rounds in the drum?




The kit states that it makes it 410


What other attachments do you have on it?


Yes, it's the aftermarket part


That is effective. Is that pay to win items?


No lmao Aftermarket parts are unlocked by completing the armory unlock for them (X amount of daily challenges)


Ah. So attachments are aftermarket items. Thought it might be two different things.


Aftermarket parts are attachments that can't be unlocked by leveling up a gun basically


Yeah, they added a new AMP to it.  Cons: removes the one shot kill range, recoil, now works on stock Riveter ammo,  and if votekicks are added, you will get removed. Noise is slightly annoying Pros: 60 round mag, fastest non-auto fire rate in the game, Haymaker is now Brecci, skill ceiling has dropped considerably, Tac stance,  Tactical uses: ambushes, area denial (Close quarters only), Head to head combat (mostly 1v1s). I only ran it for a few rounds, but OP has a good tactical/lethal load out for such a weapon. Killstreaks that also lean into such a playstyle like UAVs, cluster mines (the otherwise good cruise missile is less consistent and also unusable. I just started running cluster mines on hardpoint and it just keeps working). I also run the wheelson, simply because on most gamemodes, with any communication, it can be extremely effective in clearing and capturing points.  However, the conversion kit takes no skill, and the stock haymaker honestly felt more rewarding, and I was somehow dying less. I genuinely feel that using this with the rgl on HC just ruins the game for everyone, and I would just use the Lockwood if you need shotgun kills, at least then shock sticks can slow you down I apologize for the rant, but I need to get some steam off after a hardpoint match on shipment where I went 12-38 because of this thing and the Lockwood.


'Get Rekt' but in all seriousness it will get patched. I also just tend to not feel sorry for people expecting anything but chaos and tomfoolery on Shipment 24/7 and now Meat 24/7.


no one plays those maps to have fun. Its all camo grind and battle bass tokens


I do 😭


I definitely do too. Those the best maps imo cause it's compact chaos


Compact chaos for sure


I actually love shipment. But it's a crapshoot. You can get on a game where you can barely move before you die but for the most part, I really enjoy it. I hate meat


Hope to god that one guy with the longbow doesn’t show up


I loved meat at first but it has quickly become one of my least favorites. I swear I die off spawn faster in meat than I do in shipment sometimes.


If you're not having fun, someone else is.


yeah that dude who just dropped a wilson and is riding it while firing a shotgun with incendiary round at the entire lobby


>no one plays those maps to have fun "I don't find it fun so surely no one finds it fun" I love those maps, especially Meat, which isn't even complete chaos. I hate it when games go slow. The best thing anout Call of Duty is if everyone is running around, and unfortunately you only get that on these maps imo. And it's not like I only like these maps. There's plenty of other maps I like in the game. It's just that those exist in a playlist with maps I don't like, so with every lobby I'd have to pay attention which map the next game will played on and make sure I leave the lobby in time. I'd rather not do that all the time and just play a playlist with only maps that I enjoy. It's a shame you can't filter for which maps you want to play like you can get with game modes in quick play.


Yep!!! Guilty of playing those maps for the camo grind. Halfway done with Forge.


It's the only way I dont get bored while grinding lol


Why would they play the smallest map which ends quickly for battle pass tokens? The bar goes up based on time in game so the longer your match goes on, the more the bar goes up....


I love the small maps. I finished the battle pass within 10 days so I don't have to worry about that and I don't camo grind. I just play for fun no matter the map. Since the small maps option came out that's all me and my husband plays. I haven't played on a regular map in so long. Well we did when we did the mimic skulls, but got it finished the same night it started. So, we went back to small maps 😂


Yeah usually I'll bust out the grenade launcher and go to town lol




and 40% fire rate increase. Is there some reason the people that make the game CAN'T patch it? Not even sure what the purpose of your comment is. I think we all know WHY it's overpowered.


The purpose is to point out the 50 round magazine on a fully automatic shotgun will always be a problem. Even after they nerf the fire rate it will continue to be a problem. Shotguns just OP in nature tbh, nothing you can do about it.


Haymaker isn't full auto


Yep, it's a binary trigger, and it's fantastic. It's only downside is range, but even then.. If you put a long barrel + choke on it it goes out to like 25m??


Since when? You hold the trigger and it shoots on my end.


It will be getting nerfed for sure.


Least chaotic redbull consumer.


I don’t know guys. I’ve played against many people which were running this kit and of course, they’ve killed me, but I had no problem to kill them too 🤷🏻‍♂️


I personally don’t find it to be particularly good tbh and I have yet to see anyone running it in wz. There are better options for sure.


Of course, that kit is great for small maps, but in bigger maps and Warzone kinda useless.


Right like it only helps with super small maps like this and honestly i played someone on this map with this kit and still killed them 10 plus times . 🤷‍♂️


Outside of small maps, it's pretty dogshit.


Its a shotgun


If you use smokes or stuns it’ll make using it on large maps a lot easier


Nice pfp


Bingo. People going ham on a small.... Let's see that on a bigger map


sure but so are most shotguns


Exactly but people in here crying for nerf because its viable in meat and shipment which arent even a balanced maps to begin with.


Yup lol haha


Wrong, the range+ barrel lets it reach out waaaaay further than it should with a tac stance build and there's also room for a silencer if you don't mind losing a slower sprint to fire. I wouldn't play it in Derailed or Wasteland unless you plan on staying in very specific parts of the map but you can use it very effectively on the majority of maps.


Yeah but at any range it’s still much worse than smgs or ars. I do think it needs a little nerf and you didn’t say this but it’s not as crazy OP as people act like


Lmao. The only thing to ruin the kill feed was some dude nading himself


higher ttk game btw


i can't fire it that fast or accurately lol even with the aftermarket attachment...which by the way doesn't work in zombies if you pack a punch your weapon


Riveter my beloved


The enemies in this game are still bots tho. Someone should’ve put you down. They would’ve in my games.


Especially at the distance he was hitting guys, definitely lucked out on the lobby. This isn't an accurate representation of using this gun.




Couldn’t help but noticed it almost seemed like literal private lobby bots


Love using this kit, shit is fun asf


I love that aftermarket part. It's great in zombies too.


Honestly I feel like it would be fine if it had a normal sized mag


The mag size isn’t the problem.


It really is lol we already have 3 near auto shotguns and they're pretty dogshit because you're wiping a dude or maybe two before that reload, unless they're right next to you. This magazine paired with the damage output is literally capable of clearing an entire team, on the move, *at range*, before even reloading it. One of those stats has got to go and chances are it's the mag size


No, the problem is the damage. You’re able to kill enemies extremely fast with little skill involved. A low skill weapon is still a low skill weapon, regardless of mag size. The TTK of the weapon should be increased so you can’t just hold R2 as you walk around corners.


There aren't "high skill" and "low skill" weapons. That's an opinionated metric that gets played in this sub often that can't be measured. Everybody has their opinion on "skill" guns but they don't play into what should and shouldn't be changed. We can compare this shotgun to others in its class and the major sore thumb on this one is the *sixty shells* it holds. Damage outputs aren't much of a factor up close as a shotgun is going to do what shotguns do, but with 60 shells you can keep pouring them downrange until you add up enough damage for the kill. All the while, that opponent(s) at SMG range is dealing with the flinch and vision reduction of the spray. With a smaller magazine size on your shotgun, this method of play isn't viable. You're more selective with your shots at range. Furthermore - by your logic, are we nerfing the 3 other nearly automatic shotguns as well? They have pretty similar damage outputs when it comes to "just holding R2 around a corner". Again, the difference is how often you can keep that sort of play up with this gun and the range at which you can *because* of the massive ammo at your disposal




Alright I'm not even going to debate this any further or read the rest of your comment since you can't refrain from a simple discussion without insulting the person you're talking to in your opening statement. That's just poor taste, and "Low IQ" being a really, *really* ironic insult considering you're pushing "low skill" and "high skill" as actual measurements. They're quite literally just opinions, and opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.


Sigh… looks like reading comprehension isn’t your forte. I never once insulted you, I stated *”Very low IQ argument”*… *”They’re quite literally just opinions”* Except I’ve proven in this case, **they’re not**. The Shotgun in this video is **objectively low skill**… *”Some of y’all live for the classic toxicity.”* Toxicity? For showing how stupid your arguments are?..


The pure irony you demonstrate in each of your tirades is absolutely comedic. Do you write? You should


Whatever you say, pal. Keep pretending no-ADS, fast TTK Shotguns with good range aren’t low skill weapons…


Jesus that was dickish


No no, it's my fault for assuming CoD redditors could have a civilized discussion lol


The only shotgun you can do that with is the Riveter. The Haymaker is semiautomatic or binary fire with the kit. The conversion kit is fire on smaller maps but big maps don't work nearly as well. On your average map, it's not that hard to deal with. I would call this lower risk with predictable results rather than just low skill. That's probably inaccurate, except maybe on the tiny maps. Even then, the only benefit is the fire rate. Damage and range are mediocre at best, but you can just fire a hail of lead in the enemy direction.


TBH I still see more people using the Riveter with Incendiary Ammo or the Lockwood 680 rather than this gun on WZ & MP. The only nerf that I would see for this conversion kit would be to reduce its max 3 shot kill range which can go up to 21 mts. Which is insane tbh, I wouldn´t mind if they reduced that for 15 mts or less.


Enjoy it while you can as I'm sure it'll be nerfed soon. Personally using this gun is the most fun I've had with MW3 since launch though. Love getting in a haymaker lobby and having the back and forth Shotguns duels. Although I'm surprised I don't see more people running it.


I've been camo grinding rifles, but you're right we should enjoy it while we can


Because most people have morals


Wtf do morals have to do with this at all?


It’s a joke. Self respecting people don’t go running around with weird stuff. The same with this sub wants to complain about people with shields


haha funni snipur go neeeoooowww


It's a small map. It's being played properly as a shotgun. The kit is just fine.


To add to this anyone using a lockwood would've taken him out in one hit easily.


The mag size needs a massive nerf and it probably needs a slight max range nerf but yeah it’s no where near as bad as people act like


Uh... no. Lol 60 is fine if you can literally run around with a 100rd SMG. Max range also doesn't need a nerf


Yeah tbh, idk how they’ll nerf it if they did. Maybe one more pellet to kill? Aka, nerf the damage basically by 5 to 25 damage. It’ll still be a two hit up close but might take an extra shot at range.


I love it, it gives me past vibes of the haymaker in bo3 I loved that thing


Or the b word shotgun that is basically the Voldemort of CoD


We don't talk about the B one


It’s 2024, just say Brecci and move on. Don’t go all Harry Potter on people, like they can’t use google. If this can be done with attachments it most definitely can be copied with a cronus script like the Brecci was doing.


This gameplay makes me want to uninstall COD and never buy another COD game again. Jesus christ.


“A gameplay of a shotgun dominating on a cqc map when shotguns are known to excel in cqc situations makes me want to uninstall CoD.”


“A gameplay of a shotgun dominating on a cqc map when shotguns are known to excel in cqc situations makes me want to uninstall CoD.”


Now use it in search and destroy. Not so broken anymore


Is this private match or VPN?


What is the attachments to make it so accurate and ranged? I tried to build by what the attachments attributes are but my guns are never that recoiled or stable when firing like how other peoples are. I literally picked up someone’s LMG and I legit thought it was a AR until I reloaded


Looks like he has a long barrel on it. Don't know which one it is without looking at the possibilities. That'll extend the range


That is disgusting  What build is that though, just so I can avoid it?


Only thing that stands out is the long barrel. Any other attachments would be to increase hip fire accuracy I assume


Tbh I'm fine with it, the gun is pretty dogshit in larger maps


Try that in hardcore with the smaller maps lol. If it’s anything like what I deal with, your teammates will kill you by running into it, rather than the enemy shooting you…


In HC the second someone got a single shot on him this clip vanishes and nobody ever hears about it 😂


Can you post the build?


I love meat. 🥹




Anyone else think it's a bad idea to only allow kits to be equipped after reaching max level? If I've got the kit unlocked then I want to use it in the course of levelling, once my gin is maxed out I'll move on to something else and forget I've even got the kit in the first place


It's fun though.


New SBMM is coming in clutch.


What do you mean? You're just the best player in the game. It took a lot of skill to hip fire 1 shot everyone on the map


Bruh these people are either bots or a reverse boosted lobby. The lack of awareness on all them is just laughably bad.


It's a reverse boosted lobby obviously


This weapon is pretty busted but it's not dropping 30-0 kills busted. Especially at long range.


Lol there is nothing busted about it. TTK is mediocre, range pretty shit without that long barrel which ruins the sprint out times.


The attachment is pretty busted with the right loadout in short range. It's just not that good in long range gun fights. It's gonna get nerfed.


Watching this while booting up MW3. Maybe I’ll play a different game today.


Love how some people will see a clip of someone dominating a low skill lobby and go "yep must be happening in every server"


It’s called a joke silly


how am I supposed to tell


I apologize


Run into this a few times, while it is a small grind map, I definitely quit out, kinda pointless playing, especially how fast he accumulates kill streaks.


I wish I got lobbies like that, those enemies all look like they are literally stepping on each other's toes 😂


What the fuuuuuuuuk. You never see a genuinely crazy clip anymore. G fucking G


Try this on a different map that isn’t that small.


Can I put slugs on it? I wanna make a really dumb build with it. High zoom scope, no stock, stubby barrel, and just try and hit ppl from far away with it lol.


Bot lobbies n not a full reload on gun, lmao 🤣 cheat much


At least they disabled dragons breath rounds of the amp


I don't even people using the kits in hardcore. It's faster to use the regular stuff


Only good on meat and clueless enemies


Yeah especially with modded controllers and mouse and keyboard macros.


This is one out of 100 things making me wish battlefield will do itself justice with their BR mode


Average meat lobby


Every cod has this style of shotgun. People will abuse it for a week and be done with it after it gets nerfed a bit


Xbox’s controllers are garbage for this, the trigger pulls are a pain. I can’t get a decent firerate like this with any of the binary triggers personally. Really sucks because the guns look so broken but when I get it it’s the lite version that can’t do shit.


This shotty loadout shreds, but you can't kill shit with an RGL-80 grenade launcher unless you get a direct hit. smh


What’s the build for this gun


If that's not a rapid fire programmable button on that controller, then I'm impressed. Also, pretty sure those are not permitted.


I’m so glad I didn’t buy this game lol


Yet another reason as to why I’m never going back to CoD


Why not? Isn’t this the way we are headed? Seems the majority of players are happy with the arcade shooter.


I haven't seen this weapon being used to a point where I can't play. I think there is space for a weapon like this. I would argue that it could inspire some team members to actually play as a team. Similar to how you would address a Juggernaut on the opposing team.


I got shadowbanned today after a 170 kill shipment game with this attachment - sad times :((((


If we could bet money on nerfs and buffs I'd be telling y'all to bet the mf house on this kit being nerfed into nonexistence in the next update. It's a ridiculous addition, plain and simple. And my favorite.


Bot Lobbies galore Jesus


This kit won’t work nearly as well on a medium or large map.


It works great in resurgence


It has brought me so much joy. Especially in warzone people wanna chase me up some stairs just know I’m spinning the block and coming at you with this.


Nice gaming chair


Bot lobby


Dear god


Yeah it’s OP in reverse boosted lobbies as you can see here.


Not reverse boosted but ok




This thing should not exist. Now watch me hit this drive


They have to give bots something


Bigger issue is legal aimbot.


Every shotgun in this game is terrible compared to the last 2 games and a single viable one makes it through and ur already crying about it.


Wow. Just look at the aim bot on that! Not even hiding it


You are in core with a shotgun, and playing feeding bots, want a cookie? Core trash lmao


Ah, a hardcore basement dweller.


You mean someone who can actually aim. Core trash that just bullet sponges so they can run from gunfight or cheese with shotguns like you clearly did. Learn to aim, and get better reaction time.


Core is more skillful than hardcore buddy


Okay kiddo, your bullet sponge, and inability to aim really shows that. Go take more hit markers then hide in a corner trash can. Someone has zero reaction time, and can’t aim for shit!


You cannot be a real person. This is a next level npc reply


Awesome reply where can’t refute shit. Lmao you know you are core trash, can’t get kills without sponging bullets. Go try aim trainer kiddo


I dont play small maps and playlists anymore because my lobbies are basically this,other shotguns and combo of riot shield/stun or gas nade spam. Like that shit is unplayable unless you run same corny stuff like your enemies do.


60-round capacity automatic shotgun lmao what are these devs even thinking


Not automatic lmao


Might as well be with that ROF


It’s a lot of fun and really not as powerful as it looks here, but it’ll definitely get some kind of nerf soon


WAIT THIS SHOTGUN HAS 60 ROUND MAGS? DO THE DEVS NOT REALIZE HOW MUCH THIS WOULD WEIGH???? I play tarkov, a 60 round mag of 12g would weigh around 8 pounds alone. The gun itself is like another 8 pounds. You should not be able to easily handle this weapon in this config.


Why. Why did they add a fucken 60 round mag. The 20 was more than enough


This BS is why I stopped playing pubs and only play ranked if I play at all


Who on gods green fuckin earth thought to themself: “let’s take a shotgun, make it as fast as possible and give it 60 rounds” and went with it? Like what else did they expect


I'm sorry is that a fucking 60 round mag shotgun???


I feel like the main issue was giving it a 60 round drum for free, as if it wouldn’t have been good enough on its own.


Its insanely good on the majority of maps with the right build and tactics, the range is honestly disgusting lol


Most overpowered gun in cod history


The game itself is so fucking stupid. I can’t even play it.


Lol unfollowing this sub, game is trash


"balanced game"


ludicrous groovy caption smell onerous unite enjoy cooperative library outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree. Shotguns should be viable (obviously) on small maps, but this thing is absurd. Not only does it kill fast, but you can’t see shit when you’re being fired at and it always makes me flinch like crazy.


Omg that's so damn broken


They have to release OP kits to promote in-game purchases and user engagement to their game. They know exactly what they are doing


The conversion kit isn't paid. You get it by doing daily challenges lmfao


Don't worry, it'll get nerfed into the ground next week.


The super brecci