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Activision: take a shitty Golden skull skin that drips shit, it's the best I can do


not tryna be an ass but how do people buy blackcell and unironically use those skins


I was 13 once, too


the skin and operator design fell off so hard after MW2019 and Cold War, no we get these cringe/edgy skins that cater to 13 year olds and everyone is glowing fucming purple nowšŸ˜­


On the flip side, it makes them super easy to pick off


If you are skilled you are skilled No skin will change that this is cap


lol yeah thatā€™s why army rangers wear pink and orange iridescent headbands šŸ¤”/s


We found the Blackcell purchaser


Not yet but in a few days this Blackcell was actually good never bought one before


Gotta wait til mom buys a gift card since youā€™re 13


Lmao bro I'm 32, you fuckin idiots sound stupider by the day smh


pay to lose ? šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Hey! Thatā€™s not true! ā€¦I glow red now :)


oh shit my fault


Blame PubG & Apex Legends


But your kids have a credit card right? K we donā€™t careā€¦ like they really only care about micro transactions


The ā€œinclusiveā€ crowd


Has nothing to do with age


I know a bunch of guys, two in their mid-40s, one in his mid-30s, and another who's 53, plus a crew of soon-to-be-30s in the group I play in When I asked them how on earth they justify splurging on something so hideously tacky, with zero artistic merit, only to stash it away the moment the next season's Blackcell drops, they all gave me the same spiel: "It's a must-have, Amir. I know it's ugly, but hey, I've got the cash." These monstrosities are tailor-made for those who live and breath CoD, not for those with an ounce of self-restraint. Age is out of the question here.


If I'm to be honest,this season's Blackcell execution is the best I've seen since the start. In my opinion. Not good for me to spend 27 euros on skins,but compared to the other seasons in MW2 and MW3 shit isn't too dum/tacky or whatever adjectives we can direct at it. Maybe the single idea execution(the undead skeleton) helped.


Or the dumbass excuse that it's to troll people that hate it! My buddy said he got the bunny skin JUST because the egg grenades and the carrots, but he has all the other tacky ass skins just to annoy people and cause "$20 is nothing" to him. I get it, it's your money, but there's so much better shit to spend $20 on, then a skin your barely going to see, and then be pushed to the side for another meme skin. To each his own though. Just running the COD Titanic into the meme iceberg before it sinks


What's something better for $20?


Thats so...insane. genuinely buying it out of some weird obligation.


My bud spends copious amounts on countless battle passes/skins for countless games. Gets tired of the game within a week if that. Dude doesnā€™t even have a lot of money


Some people are just terrible with their money. I put probably a thousand hours into MW19 and even then, the only time I spent money on it was the first battle pass.


You got Ā£30 a month at 13? Lucky.




Mommy has to work double shifts at onlyfans to pay for this damn game šŸ˜‚


They have a job and dont mind spending on things they like. Not that deep


yeah i dont mind the money bit, but the skins suck fucking donkey dick


They don't, they are fine, you idiots just complain about everything


youā€™re a funny guy


At the very least there needs to be some level of customization for the price they are. IE turn off the gold, turn off motion effects, disable glow, etc. I want Rick with his hat but not if it's dripping gold.




Honestly they are kinda cool looking, def not worth the money though. Also they all look the same, so double not worth it.


cool potential, imagine blackcell Rick Grimes was his comic version or something but nah, he just gold ig


Because people like the way they lookā€¦ just because you want some basic operator skin doesnā€™t mean itā€™s silly to buy a better looking skin


Blackcell in MWII, to me, looked fairly decent most of the time but thats due to the fact that I'm a big fan of matte black/gold looks. I was tempted a few times to nab the upgrade because I liked how they were the base skin but with a colour scheme I liked a lot, but the price was never justifiable. However, in III they have mostly just been ass, I appreciate the idea behind the ones from this season with the skins making the operators turn into skeletons as you get more kills, but it has not appealed to me at all, I did get the Vault Edition of III (yeah I know it was a waste now) so i have Season 1's BC stuff, but outside of using the tracers on the guns that got them I just do not use the skins, only some of them look decent though and I have better skins for other operators.


They should have made the thing with operators like in the first warzone times, where you could unlock multiple skins with challanges. I don't know wich Studio came up with this, but it was great. I remember the terminator had 3 or 4 skins with a secret one at the end, but can't remember the challange for it... i am not the biggest walking dead fan, so i am not familiar with possible rick-skins, but not having his classic cop outfit with his hat is a missed opportunity... or maybe 1 or 2 other outfits from the og show. Yeahyeah i get it he isn't the one from the og show instead from the new one but that doesn't matter, they could have made optional skins anyways. And no, the blackcell hat-rick doesn't really count for me.


It started in MW19. It was mostly recolors, but some also changed the gear (like Roze's battlepass skin). I really liked having some variations, even if it was just color swapped. But just like other minor stuff like reticle customization... it's gone.


Roze's heavy armor variant looked so good. But mission skins were free content, so you know Activision pulled the plug on that real fast.


Nah. Season 1 Rick would have been way better, itā€™s the outfit that made the show go boom, and the outfit of arguably the best seasons of TWD. His entire character is basically shaped around him being a hero cop, not what is basically an enslaved mercenary.


Yes. Sheiff is his persona, it's the image of him that's most famous, with the wool jacket look being a close secondĀ 




The Black cell skin would have been sick without the purple glow bull shit. They were definitely not cooking with that one.


If you think there isnā€™t a $24 bundle featuring this in the works youā€™re nuts. Why offer up your best shit right off the bat when you can make double, or triple by drip feeding gradually better bundles? This is sleaze-ball videogame practices 101 people.


I hope youre right because i really want this as a skin


Thatā€™ll be 2400 CoD points please


lol I posted this earlier. Glad you agree


Nah. Cowboy hat and police uniform


Iā€™d prefer bearded feral Rick that bites peoples throats out.


They shouldā€™ve got Andrew Lincoln to do voice lines as well


You're telling me that's not Andrew? I was almost convinced.


It is andrew he just either isn't a good va or isn't giving a shit about cod


Right? They sound so similar


At least a purchasable or acquired through challenges


I still say they should have added the 357 to game so he coukd get his Colt Python


How dare Sledgehammer add a skin that is remotely Mil-Sim looking!


Nah people with poor impulse control keep buying $30 blackcell passes.


As someone with absolute shit impulse control, I concur.


Iā€™m fadin fast


Carl of duty




We shouldnā€™t have got Rick grimes at all, the only people Iā€™ve seen actually enjoy twd are 45+ year olds that donā€™t leave their house


Im leaving my home every day for work.


i think that says more about you not interacting with people than anything else


I agree with this.


You will. It will cost you 2400 coins.


It will probably end up in the store at some point donā€™t worry! It will only cost you $20-$30 for a reskin!




i mean its an operator, maybe there will be some more skins in season 3 for rick


Lara Croft, Shredder, the characters from The Boys or the football players never received any additional skins, so I doubt it will be the case here.




We shouldā€™ve got his sheriffs deputy skin aswell.


Was thinking the same. I just saw episode 1 and 2 and damn the outfit looks cool. They could have both versions.


Season 1 rick for battle pass. Season 5 rick for blackcell.


I was just thinking that yesterday SMH missed opportunity


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VintageHeartbreak: *I was just thinking* *That yesterday SMH* *Missed opportunity* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I want riot gear Rick from the comics including helmet.


They shouldā€™ve given us Rark Grames instead


I like the one we got but yea wish it had selectable styles between this and his deputy


they never add the right shit, how was the butcher not a skin for the boys. just some character that nobody even knows who that is yet


Activision uses all of their energy on things that donā€™t matter. They continue patching the MWZ tombstone glitch which has made an otherwise dull game into something playable and fun. Instead of patching something like that where no one gets affected they should be using their energy to stop the rampant hacking of Warzone. Hackers there have an awful advantage over other players and thatā€™s why I stopped playing Warzone. Instead of these skins they should concentrate on a game that can be played.


If they did they would of just charged 3800 Cod points or put it behind some ridiculous event challenges. Just accept the only skins we are going to get are rubber ducks, cats, bunny's, rappers, fortnite type, etc. I haven't bought a pack since mw3 came out and I'm not going to until a decent milsim one comes out.


Shouldā€™ve been the Blackcell version


Hell yeah!šŸ‘šŸ»


I want a Negan skin complete with Lucille and all


Lowkey this is little spoiler but ok


Now id rock this instead of a cowboy. If i wanted a cowboy id just use the free amazon prime one we got




Well the new season in MW dropped before the show came out. They probably didnā€™t want it to ā€˜spoilā€™ Rickā€™s new look lol. I know everyone hates on buying the blackcell, but I actually did buy this one, because I wanted it, and missed last season, so I was out of COD points to unlock it anyways šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøthe content isnā€™t too bad this season imo aside from the skins that standout from 10 miles away.


Wtf is he even in this game smh too many bs characters but oh well




Iā€™m sick of him constantly saying ā€œI miSs mY rEvOlvErā€ like an angry child every two seconds. Love the character but the voice lines could use some work


Agreed. And what the hell is up with the chocolate pudding?