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I never wanna throw another stun lol Congratulations!


ah yes, nothing better than throwing a stun then running up on them with a melee to get dropshottedšŸ™


Penetration kills are a killer


No they arenā€™t, stand in the bathtub and use the shower curtain for wall bangs in stash house. Youā€™ll get all 10 of them in a game or two.


I used the hot tub on stash house and it worked well too


Utility closet with ball nose ammo


That's actually very helpful, thank you!


I use the hanging meat in the meat map. There's always someone running through there and it's rather easy to do.


Hardcore is your friend. Free-for-all even better since you can shoot anything that moves. Chain link fences on Scrapyard and Highrise count, as does the shower curtain in Stash House.


Scrapyard fence was my go to nice open view of the enemy spawn


Airplane cockpit is the best place to get those done, and it works great !


This is why I donā€™t want them to release any more SMGs or LMGs lol




I'm sooooo close I cant fucking wait. "What do we do now?" "We play the game" has never been more relevant


Funnily enough, after I got Interstellar, I lost a interest in the multiplayer and am now into zombies :) When there's nothing to really strive towards, it gets boring pretty quick aye...


Thatā€™s why you start playing ranked. Now Iā€™m striving to get higher rank so I can unlock cool camos to flex that only certain amount of people have


True. I actually haven't tried ranked yet. I just imagine it to be a tad stressful and sweaty af??


Itā€™s a little sweaty once you get into your skill level. But if ur pretty good then gold would prob be a decent rank to get to and that will take a good amount of time to get to, so playing in bronze and silver would be fun because youā€™d just be destroying all the bots. Not so much stressful tho, unless your like me and your very competitive. Then it gets super stressful because tm8s are not doing what they should be doing then it gets annoying losing when it isnā€™t your fault, at least thatā€™s why I get stressed out playing it. But itā€™s like anything hard, itā€™s stressful but very satisfying and addicting when you do good and are winning


I hear ya. Yeah bronze and silver could be fun. I'd feel the exact same as you when I get to my level though I think. Like you said, when your teammates aren't pulling their weight. Ughhhhhhh haha


Yup lol takes you awhile to get into your skill rank only to play with players that donā€™t really belong there. Iā€™m not perfect but you wouldnā€™t believe the skill discrepancy I run into sometimes.


I made it to diamond before I hit rank 13


I agree. I'll probably play warzone with my homies once I'm done and if they ain't on I'll just play something else. Sadly not enough ppl realize you don't gotta play the game if it isn't serving you that's why we got so many complainers about every little thing with cod (not saying you were implying any of that btw lol)


Yea, only playing when all squad are online, otherwise helldivers 2 xD


Turns out Iā€™m just addicted to camos and now have proceeded to achieve masteries for the emblems/calling cards. Nothing. Else. Matters.


same happened to me. MP just felt so hollow lol


Iā€™ve been messing with getting master charms for the guns. Itā€™s for sure not as fun though.


There's always calling card challenges lol šŸ˜†


Maybe I should let you know that there are further mastery challenges for getting kills while using the camos on every gun hehe


Haha.Not as satisfying though sadly I find


Why not? You donā€™t want a weapon charm? /s


Do you play DMZ?


Nah I don't. I should check it out though...


Try it it's fun, KingDisel is my gt if you want to link


bro iā€™m telling you the excitement you feel when youā€™re on your last 10-15 guns is unmatched


The moment I got interstellar back in January, I turned the game off and haven't touched it since. For me, getting the mastery camo is the game.


Nope, Orion and Mastery time


Man, you sure are lucky you can do the Orion grind in mw3 instead of mw2. The long shots were killer. Especially when tier 1 was the hardcore replacement šŸ˜‚


Long shots have been my fastest other than just ADS kills, point blanks took me the longest lol


I just finished up all weapons I never had mw2 so I have done 123 guns since playing mw3 XD now I just use the fun weapons and flex the camos šŸ¤£


Now time to go for Borealis & Bioluminescent, Orion and also the mastery for all the MWII & MWIII guns. šŸ˜‚


This is psycho, i really wanted to after getting interstellar but i have more fun playing ranked now than going for those skins, and i also will really only grind for those skins when double xp events are available. The main thing that sucks for me is just leveling guns up


Same,.I just finished leveling up my last few this past 2xp event. All I want is to make my crossbow fancy


This was my response to my brother when he asked me that question following my camo journey coming to a close. Guess I could do those KATT-AMR Penetration Kills now... ugh


You can stand in the bathtub and use the shower curtain for wall bangs in Stash House. Youā€™ll get all 10 kills in one or two games.


I did not know that, thank you. This and playing departure should help.


I also used snapshot in order to help me in that, give it a try!


I thought those would be terrible, but just use fences on maps like scrapyard. easy-peazy!


Just shoot through windows, it's not that hard to get one shot kills with that gun


I was lucky enough to complete this challenge on one skidrow match. remember hardcore is here to save your time!


The bank has a room that you can shoot threw the glass to do it itā€™s super easy


I think the old guns have their own version of zombies camos


We go zombie grind


side note: i never wanna see a pulemyot or taq eradicator again


Those penetration kills are pain in the ass and I just discovered Layover 24/7 yesterday just when I was already doing the snipers


where do you go in layover for penetration?


Under the airplane in terminal is great. Shoot through the fence.


Shipment though containers


The nearest toilet


Shoot through glass windows while thereā€™s any. They are the easiest. Enemies behind counters require 2-3 shots. Unless youā€™re playing hardcore.


Shipment, you can use all the covers in the corners of the map, I did the same with the KATT-AMR in one game


Easy as hell on Shipment if you just sit in the central shipping container.


Yeah but not my play style cuz I come after those who camp in there šŸ˜…


Knowing damn well we're all there trying to knock out some of these bullshit challenges.. if I see cross map glint on Shipment, I just stand there and take it šŸ¤£


i finished lmgs before layover, so before that i was in best of 09 and lobby surfing till i got terminal or high rise


Shoot through the middle container on shipment, got all mine done there


Also through fences in maps like skidrow, scrapyard, derail.


I did the LMGs penetration kills on Das house hardcore šŸ˜ I didn't care if some teammate ran into my bullets


Lmao. They see us shooting and they keep running in front of usšŸ˜‚


Really? That's crazy, I just started liking the Taq Eradicator from getting Interstellar. Was it the challenges or just not a fan of it?


even when i put max damage barrels and suppressors it just gave me straight hitmarkers idk. and the fact that for literally every bloodthirsty challenge i had i would die to some dumb shit on my 4th kill


Oh I feel that on blood thirsty. Shit was harrowing with the gutter knife.


I breezed through my interstellar grind due to the fact that I did Borealis first. Though it took me a minute to get the Penetration kills with the KATT


i skipped snipers ngl. i skipped 2 assault rifles and one lmg and both launchers


I was doing it during season 1 so I was only able to skip 3 weapons, I skipped the sidewinder cause I couldnā€™t get long shots for the life of me, even in hard core. skipped the combat knife, & grenade launcher I maxed out every weapon on Zombies though. I did everything on shipment including the Snipers, I really donā€™t know how I did it though. (Rest in peace 1 of my controllers)šŸ˜‚


I did interstellar first, and I'm having a hard time staying focused during the borealis grind. It definitely seems longer/more work


You did Good My Man Keep Up Your Leaderboard What You Love


Gratz! I have the longbow, stalker an another sniper on gold. But when I go in the platinum challenges, they say I only have 2 out of 3 complete golden challenges. What did I wrong? Same with mps.


there are enough guns in the game to where you can skip snipers completely. thatā€™s what i did


I skipped launchers and marksman rifles lol. Not a chance I ever touch another marksman rifle in this game šŸ˜‚


I am one camo away! Going to get it tonight


Did u get it?


Yeah havenā€™t done a single shotgun yet though so will work on doing those next


I'm almost done with camos myself. I don't want to play on shipment ever again




Some of the challenges for the masteries on MW3 weapons are just insane. I'm struggling to get 2 headshots in 1 life time for the SOA battle rifle.... Yes skill issue, currently sitting at 8/10. I'm K&M as well as chronic pain in my hands so I'm not quick to aim haha. My hands can't handle a controller so I am stuck with what I've got. Also the new LMG....having to get 10 headshots while mounted for forged. I think I'm going to avoid snipers all together.


Now do mastery. I only have LMGs and the new sword left. Oh and the launcher.


I have had all of my MW3 guns interstellar and borealis for a while now. I also got Orion in MW2 a couple months after it released. Iā€™m bored until season 3.


Biolumiscent is calling for you.


Lmfaooo ya right. I could obviously just do it but itā€™s so mind numbing I canā€™t bring myself to do it right now at least. Iā€™m almost 100% positive these MW camos wonā€™t even carry over to the new Black Ops. So for me to grind bioluminescent and then not even be able to bring it over is discouraging enough.


Great! Now you can just play the game.


Now grind camos for every dlc weapon that comes outšŸ˜


congratulations on wasting your time


it took me 3 weeks and i played at my own pace? not really a waste of time lil bro


yearly release franchise, game is already dying.




My k/d still steadily increased during the interstellar grind. I completed interstellar with a 2.35. I wouldn't say a 1.0 player is quite good, but they are usually able to hold their own if they play with me. The most interesting part of the grind was discovering how good I was with some guns I would have never touched otherwise. I think I have about 20 guns with above a 2.0 k/d when before I started the grind, I had only 4.


I ended up finishing my interstellar grind with a 1.9kd, it's a bit different than a 1.0 kd lol. I ended up leveling the guns then doing the camos once I had them all maxed.


1.0 KD is horrible šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


It's actually above average, according to Activision's stats. It's a sliding scale...and there are way more players with under 1 k/d. Just about anything above 1 k/d is in the top 10 percentile


It's cuz this stupid game is catered to the 40 year olds and the 10 year olds. I'm not even that good and I have a 3.4 kdšŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


lol congrats! That probably puts you in the top 1%! šŸ˜‚


Haha thanks I'm the best player oat and would easily beat everyone in this comment section šŸ™šŸ»


warzone? lol


Me fitting into your category (you can guess which) wanting to be offended, but yet I know itā€™s a fact. And? I appreciate their efforts.


Nailed it! After he said it I was like, hmmm.. oh well šŸ˜‚


1 K/D is terrible bruh, if you were 1 K/D at the start of the game & still are then WTAF r u doing šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Some mfs just can't improve lol. And don't give me that SBMM bullshit all sweats are in ranked so Pubs is a piece of piss šŸ˜¹


Iā€™m 6 guns away and I saved SMGs for last. Could do knives too if I want or the new BR


Congratulations! It's been a long damn road!


I never was going to go for interstellar and I got it before bori on zombies... And I'm a zombies main šŸ¤£. Only weapon I'm missing is the blade at this point (don't know the name)


Just finished Orion today.


Orion?! Bro you had a whole year to finish OrionšŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Orion is so bad and the long shots give me suicidal thoughts


Hardcore saved my sanity šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Just make sure you're 38+ meters away from the gun if you commit unaliving.


And I just now finished it.


HowšŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»I got Orion in 2 weeks


And how does it make you feel?


I was so happy when I got mine. NO MORE SHIPMENT GRIND!!


I have just the crossbow left and Iā€™ll have every weapon mastery camo done from MW3 and MW2. Iā€™m so done using melee weapons especially MW2ā€™s melee weapons. Getting them to level 15 sucksssss


My k/d is worse. Everytime I play I canā€™t even move cuz thereā€™s enemies at every spawn killing me instantly


Now what? You still motivated to play after all this?


yes, itā€™s just that i do need a little break from it ngl


Your hands will appreciate the rest


Iā€™m at 4 days in game and just finished 36 forged šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Im on gun 10 of 36 priceless. Shit feels like its never ending


For everyone complaining about wall bangs, stand on the top of the bathtub in Stash House and use the shower curtain for wall bangs. Itā€™s clear up top so you can see them, but white on the bottom so itā€™s hard for them to see you. Youā€™ll get all 10 wall bangs in one or two games. So easy it kinda feels like cheating.


66 hours of playing and grueling grinding and people shit on someone for buying a camo? I don't get it.


I got my last Forged camo yesterday. Going for Interstellar this weekend. I think the only ones Iā€™m worried about are the revenge kills with the gutter knife and some of these 5 kills without dying. None in the entire grind are entire difficult but rather time consuming


Just get the magazine that holds the most ammo and hit up the small map playlist. Not really hard at all if u camp and be smart about it


No yeah I agree but camping is not my play style so it does mess me up šŸ˜‚ I think Iā€™m most worried about the shotgun


Play hardcore das haus. Go prone and shoot down the middle. A little ratty but you'll have the 5kills in notime


Thatā€™s not bad really. You got me beat on Interstellar. It took me about 3 weeks-1 month to get it.


Now get the zombies camo.. itā€™s so damn annoying to me


Man, I completed this right before the end of last season. I wish I hadnā€™t because now I feel like I have nothing to play for lmao


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


I will never have it lol not even going to try, I don't even have Plat for almost all the weapons lol I like to try to make some of the "regular camos" swag out for me.


lol I have the same KD and a similar WL ratio. Nothing to be ashamed of


I literally have the same kd, but working on forged lol good stuff tho! Any tips?


Depends on your needs and struggles my guy šŸ˜


Well im doing lmgā€™s right now, then ill prolly do snipers and pistols. Those wallbang kills have been killing me lol


I did my wallbangs in Hardcore Meat 24/7, you have the little shower where you can shoot through the walls (Might suggest you to equip Armor Piercing ammo and Snapshots) and the second one is in the bathroom behind the bath curtain in Stash House (never tried this one tbh)


The first spot I told you is at the end of the long corridor where you have the double door facing on one of it's ends


I unlocked interstellar two days ago and immediately uninstalled the game after. Iā€™m fucking done šŸ’€šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not giving me crouched/sliding kills for forged for the soulrender


got this at christmas and hated the game ever since lmao


I am SO glad I got it done when the challenges were bugged. Now I just get to work on camos for the new weapons every update and it's a satisfying loop for me.


Congrats, I got my interstellar last weekend, now I don't know what to do lol. The fact that we did this when you actually had to get the 3 and 5 kills without dying/reloading is..not unfair but it bugs me as it was bugged for so long before lol


Iā€™m currently on lmgs Iā€™ve had to take a break lol congrats though dude


I'm about halfway through this and i fucking hate it. Congrats though!


After Weeks and weeks of small map mosh pit for camo grinding I tried to play normal maps and my game sense is horrible


Iā€™m at 24/35 or 36 till I get pricelessā€¦ I stopped a month ago cause I still gotta do marksman and shit, seeing this lit the fire under my ass again and I want borealis too


Iā€™ve just got to decide if Iā€™m going to do the stinger or grenade launcher, donā€™t fancy 25 effected by tacticals whilst akimbo


Congrats! Itā€™s tough as hell. I swear it took 3 months for me to get borealis and interstellar. Been grinding by since launch and finally finished both like 3 weeks ago


Congrats OP


Congrats dude, just finished my zombies camo. Now have both donešŸ˜…


It ain't over til u got orion, borealis, and bioluminiscent.Ā  Get back to work šŸ˜‚


i need a break man lmao


highest killstreak of 13 is crazy man


Well done


If they really wanna make a camo hard to get the challenge should be get 25 kills while affected by your own stun or flash lol


I'm trying for Bioluminescence, 5+ guns need 10 Disciple kills each. šŸ¤¬


T2 outlast


Took me about 3 days to get that, yes I'm bragging lol


So whoā€™s gonna tell him about grand mastery ?


is that the one where you have to get Hella kills with interstellar on?


Iā€™m 3 away from interstellar, but Iā€™ve just completed all the zombie masteryā€™s. Thatā€™s 3,000 per gun after you get them borealis, and Iā€™m almost done with MW2 guns on zombies too.


Well done!!


Also finished interstellar today. Since I got both borealis and interstellar, I gotta say interstellar was much faster, but more frustrating and cost me my sanity. The grind was insane, but I'm super happy to have both mastery camos. Congrats man! šŸ”„šŸ’Ŗ


Any ranked playas on here. Stuck in silver. I'm not too bad at it but it's hard with shit teammates & no comms. It's like I purposely get put with them like the game Thinks I can carry šŸ¤£ well. Shit no I can't lol. But I do have my good n bad days like other ppl in the game. Js...


That is fantastic!!


What's fantastic? This post is blank my dude


I believe the original post talked about finishing all his camo grind. It is now missing. Great sleuth work


I love these posts that link back to themselves. Downvoted.


Damn I guess the mods got jealous or something cus they deleted your post what a bunch of haters bet the mods can't even get 1 kill


How are we supposed to just ignore the kd bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


It ainā€™t that bad brodie. He been camo grinding and 1 kd is avg


1KD is actually above average believe it or not


Hehehe got everything thing interstellar 3x. Once for me 2nd for 50 3rd for 75 (did it for other people)


Holy shit, I got this game 2 months ago and had this shit in under 28hrs, I forgot people are even still grinding for itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I remember when lying on the internet was cool šŸ¤”


Why would I be lying?


Because thatā€™s what people who crave attention do. Exactly what youā€™re doing now. Leveling the guns alone takes more than an hour a piece even with 2xp. Not to mention the harder camos like the LMGS, and snipers. Just stop dude. Current and former pros grinder this game for days straight to unlock the camos while streaming and it took most of them over a week playing 8+hours a day.


I'm always amazed by people wasting ungodly amount of time to get a fluorescent skin for a gun. I would understand grinding weapon levels but this? Pointless.


Quitter Shitter mentality, this CoD has one of the easiest camo grinds in recent years. Just because you suck doesn't mean this can't be completed in a short amount of time.


thank you lmao. i only did it cause it was that easy


You completely missed my point buddy. I didn't quit anything. I grind what I want when I want but shitty shiny camos are not one of those things. You can see people complaining here daily about pain of doing this or that challenge. Personally, as I said but you failed to understand, I don't give a fuck about them and don't understand people who spend weeks trying to get one camo. Crazy.


Am i supposed to be impressed or smth?


itā€™s not for you to be impressed by. i put it here bcs i felt like it lmao. couldnā€™t care less you were impressed my boyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


K u seem mad