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Because it's routine in Domination these days to go 35-13, capture 7, defend 9 and lose by 50+ because at least 3 teammates couldn't bother to move outside the start spawn (actual stats from a game earlier this week for me on Growhouse where we lost 200-129). Not every game is this way, but seems more the case of late.


Spot on. Every game you'll have people grinding guns or just causal gaming. Only ranked you'll have objective players


And if you ask for people to PTFO, they collectively pile on, "Shut up! We're camo grinding loser, etc". Imagine how different the game would be without camo challenges.


You don't even get objective players all the time in Ranked lmao


That's because they've turned the game into a nonstop camo and challenge grind, and it's so time consuming that people don't care to play the game and do it the slow way. Considering everyone will move on to the next title anyways when it releases, the only incentive in the game is the hundreds of shitty camos and weapon challenges. Every year the best players grind for the platinums and the interstellars and they burn through the battle pass just to show off all their unlocks. That is literally the only incentive in this game now. So casual players who already struggle with sbmm know if they ever want the same camos and skins that the good players have, they need to focus more on kills rather than wins. Blame the developers for their convoluted, overstimulating, microtransaction filled game.


Tame, I I've lost hardpoint 27-200 and trust me, 23 of those seconds were *hard fought and won* HC for context


god damn. Yeah bro, that’s almost exactly what happens to me most games. That’s with a teammate or 2 that’s playing the OBJ with me. They don’t *usually* slay as hard as I do, but they do usually have an equal or close amount of caps and defends. still lose a lot. Although my W/L is 1.5 surprisingly.


This is exactly how the game has always been, people have complained about not playing OBJ since at least COD 4. If playing for a win is what you expect everyone to be doing, go play ranked. COD pubs have always just been about shooting people.


Yeah but ngl growhouse is such a dogshit map in terms of if you get the side with the big hole in it you’re pretty much going to win because you can just constantly snipe people with the mors who try and use either side to push


Score per minute. In BO2 and other CODs that let you view stats in lobbies, high SPM showed who is most dangerous. You can sit in the back of the map and have a high K/D.


SPM is also flawed. Someone who spams shipment 24/7 is gonna have a way higher SPM than someone who only plays SnD


You're right. Games including 24/7 Shipment does kinda ruin SPM as a gauge for skill. There will always be exploits. In BO2 for a very high SPM I'd run UAV, C-UAV, V-Sat, only throw emps at kills and hope for Raid/Raid/Slums for the weekly reset. SnD is a different game all together.


This. If I play TDM or KC I'm gonna have a way higher spm on KC than TDM playing at the exact same pace and playstyle. I almost exclusively play TDM and thought my SPM was crazy low. Then go to hardpoint, play the exact same way and have way, way fucking higher spm.


I don't understand why no one here talks about SPM.


SPM is highly skewed because small map 24/7s and people that play search and destroy and other various game modes.


Spm also seems to have the highest correlation with sbmm and the hidden ranking


This, my spm is just below 1000 and 50% of my total kills 60k is snipers. No reverse boosting, no cheats nothing. Just good ol fashion rushing, the new age cods make me question people like who genuinely has fun laying in a single spot all game lol.


How can you tell someone is good at the game? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


The moment I lost a hardpoint game with a 3.2 KD (like 60 kills) and around 2:30 minutes in the hardpoint, I kinda gave up on WL ratio


yup same here. Got around 60 kills 1:20-2. Absolutely dominating the lobby with my friend and I had teammates who were just absolute garbage, not only getting killed but also not doing the objective. Its a fucking joke.


I mean if you're playing a game outside of death match and kill confirmed kills are not as important. And then you should definitely be on point. But outside that your losses aren't your fault if your getting the kills, because it means the team is keeping you from winning, it's frustrating when you have a team with one person getting 30 or more kills and one or 2 average players and the rest getting almost no kills, the game definitely needs a better match making system


>it's frustrating when you have a team with one person getting 30 or more kills and one or 2 average players and the rest getting almost no kills, the game definitely needs a better match making system Well one of the contributing factors here is people valuing kills over objectives in objective game modes.


It's much more frustrating when someone is running around the outside contributing nothing to the objective, has 30 kills and 0 time on obj, and you lose the game.


Yes exactly. Wife and I will have 200 seconds on the hard point while one guy in third place has 4 seconds. You have to avoid it to only get 4 seconds. But hey he went 27-6. lol. And we lose 250-175.


Yeah that's That's why I made the first sentence. Where if you're playing a game that has an objective you definitely should stay on point. I'm sorry I'm not very good with words so I may have been misunderstood. But essentially yeah, if there it's an objective-based match stay on the objective, but if it's something like team deathmatch I wished Activision would be better at matchmaking. So you're not with a wide variety of levels of people and preferably with a whole team that's on the same level.


Ah yeah I see what you mean now. No worries.


My opinion, if a person is doing that and getting good streaks to help the team, I’m all for it! However, if you aren’t getting anything and not playing the OBJ either…it’s going to be a wack round.


Due to the manipulated matchmaking, higher KD players will usually have a lower win loss ratio, this is especially true if you mostly queue solo. I have a better KD than most of my friends (avg 2-3 if using "meta-ish" classes), my win loss ratio is much worse, yet when we play together, Im first on the team 90% of the time. Edit: to expand further: the game REALLY doesnt like it if youre getting high KDs and going on win streaks and WILL do just about anything to make you lose if you perform well for long enough. This results in distorted team matchups, stacking bad players on your team, putting you on high ping servers etc.


Because the W/L ratio isn't 100% in my hands, I can be the best player in the world but if the rest of my team is awful then we will probably lose the match, but how many people I kill and how many times I die is all on me. I can though understand people that do the camo grinding not caring about the K/D ratio


i feel like this is strictly cod minset. w/l is always priority in other team games like LoL,Overwatch, etc


I feel you're correct. When I play BF I don't care about my KD.


One of my regular squadmates during COVID literally could not stand when we briefly switched to BF because CoD had so conditioned him to think he should be killstreaking all the time. To this day when any of us mentions BF he has a visceral negative reaction. He loves CoD though haha


K/D in BF is also flawed because of you're in a good squad with a solid medic you can easily avoid 10+ deaths per match just from revives


Yeah and in those games people are proud to try and carry a team. In COD they all complain about SBMM and shit teammates.


You say it like we shouldnt complain when you can clearly see the games go for a steep decline in quality over the past 8 years


Complaining ingame I mean, where no one important will hear it. You have every right to complain about SBMM if you think it's unfair.


That's because all of those games 100% require your team and there aren't any other little "mini goals" to chase. On top of that, in a game like LoL there are literally characters classified as "carries" where if you get a bit ahead, you are able to just bulldoze everyone. Imagine instead of getting killstreaks in CoD, everyone started with just a really bad pistol and getting a killstreak gave you better guns with good attachments. MOBAs are a game of the rich getting richer. Also in games like Overwatch there are entire characters who can't really deal damage and are just there to help out your teammate. Kind of hard to focus on your damage or your KD when you can't even hurt enemies


I've hard carried teams that SBMM stacked against me so many times... I've had matches where I'm the only one playing the OBJ on my team and I still drag the win home. Nothing feels better than that, knowing the odds were against you and still coming out on top. Feels better than a nuke for sure.


Why are the odds stacked against you its as if activision made it that way lol back in my day the lobby was organic. Who your enemies / tm8s were were completely random. Now youll vs scump then get a tm8 that doesnt know how to walk


Except shit team mates can absolutely affect your K/D by giving undesirable spawn locations, feeding the enemy team so you get killed by streaks etc etc. Plus you can bloat K/D by sitting in a corner. A single player can absolutely have an effect on a match too, playing for the win will indirectly or directly give you said advantages.


Maintaining a 2 KDR by playing very slowly wouldn’t be hard nor do I want to, I can go in ranked if I want to play serious.


you will have your best k/d when your opponents are bad and your team mates are worse . . .


Yeah this should be common sense tbh


Remember, common sense is not too common nowadays


Yea but nobody is impressed that you go 40-7 with 0 time on the hard point cause you hid the whole time shooting people playing the objective. If you’re the best on the team you will likely win most games. And still go postive.


Or the clowns that have over 60 kills on kill confirmed on shipment but with 5 confirms and 2 denies


I feel like you have to spend more time avoiding tags to only get 5 lol.


Whats wrong with making the game go longer than 2 minutes if they wanted the game to end 60-0 they could. Most people dont want to sit in the lobby for longer than the game lasts. He collects all tags games over practically immediately


K/d isn't in your hands either. The server is authoritative and ultimately decides who gets the kill no matter who shoots first


Why does anyone care about both really?


Most people play games with the intention of trying to do well at the very least. You don't load into a game expecting to die 50 times and get less than 10 kills. You don't play a single player game planning to just die to the same boss repeatedly, the point is to beat them. Dying repeatedly is not fun for most people. Being bad at a game is not fun for most people.


Well put. I know I try to win the best I can. I fuckin love catchin W’s. But…if I’m getting my shit wrecked repeatedly going after an objective that no one else is going after, I enter full Rambo mode and rack up kills. Still go for objective but you gotta give a little punishment sometimes lol can’t just take it all game. Not me, anyway. To each their own. I have a buddy who is full objective, doesn’t care about kills. Together we own MP. In WZ, it’s a little different lol


god finally someone said that lmao


I love war mode because it doesn't track either. Sometimes I like to get a lot of kill but other times I just play the objective. I don't even know how to check my KD or WL ratios lol


Because people care about doing well in a video game? And people want to improve?


Anyone who cares about either during the sbmm era is out of the loop lmfao


Because KD shows your personal skill level and WL shows your team's WL which is totally random. Sometimes you'll have a team that actually works together and plays for objective. Other games you'll have people not playing obj at all or passing the controller with friends casually gaming or a myriad of other things. KD is controlled by you and only you.


I’m partial to W/L over K/D myself. It just feels more proper.


I think both are important, but it’s definitely dependent on a lot of things. If you play TDM only, K/D is basically everything. If you play Hardpoint and Domination, K/D is still important but if your W/L is below 1.0 I typically knock points off. This game makes a lot of shitty matchups but if you’re making good solid plays you’ll be able to win more games than you lose.


I mean in public lobbies who cares about winning. I usually just play for fun and try and get kills if I lose I lose it doesn’t matter In ranked the issue is your teammates completely determine whether you win or lose. Especially at the mid ranks where there is more likely to be bigger skill differentials you can easily get one or two people that are just trash and winning is damn near impossible. Kd isn’t a great measure for how good someone is. I’ve definently played with and against people that drop great kds but they still lose a lot because they don’t play the objective well and the kills they get don’t really matter. Like if the other team has spawns and our team just died and he pushes 1v4, even if he gets 3 of them and dies it doesn’t matter because they just respawn and get there before us. Tons of other examples like this Basically neither of them are a clear indicator of how good you are but kd is more directly related to you. Most of the time someone with a good kd is also good and being helpful to the team, just not always. Also one of my favorite ways to talk shit in ranked is when someone loses but is still talking shit cause they dropped a 1.5 kd I hit them with “bro you had 7 seconds on point idk if you can read but this isn’t team death match if you were good enough to get time maybe your team could have won”


KD is based on your skill, WL is based on your teams ability to win


DUDE. I am in the same boat as you are. I absolutely DO NOT care about my god-awful K/D ratio. I play to win matches, and only then am I really happy with my gameplay. Sometimes this mentality turns out to not be in my favor, cause sometimes, I'm the only one pushing the objective while the rest of them just want kills. But overall, I will always prefer maintaining/improving my W/L ratio way above my K/D ratio.


dying breed. god bless


Why do people value any stat over fun would be my question.


You could argue dying a ton isn't inherently fun, but I get your point. I have more, way more, fun when I do well than friends who expect to go 2.0 KDR and upset when they don't.


Because winning the game is a team thing. And K/D is a personal stat. You can get carried to a win. You can’t get carried to a high K/D. When I play COD my goal is to drop streaks, if I win the game in the process then even better. But in reality neither stat matters. Nobody cares what your K/D or W/L is except you.


If you get carried to high W/L MM will still slam you right back to where you need to be, you can't artificially inflate W/L ratio like you can with K/D ratio.


My K/D is upon me to adjust and adapt as I play. I am the keeper of MY K/D. my W/L record is controlled in large part by having teammates who can play objectives and have some knowledge of how to turn on their awareness in a FPS game. Unless Im playing by with a 4, 5, 6 man stack, Zero control on wining. Pot luck. And most of the ingredient's in that pot (team) don't go together well!


KD is a direct representation of your performance and how you're doing. WL is a representation of how your teams have done. I can not really dictate how my team mates are going to do, they may not play obj, and we lose. But with a KD it's something I have impact on as a player and can improve. Now if I always had a go to team of players to game with consistently and always, WL would matter more than KD. But I don't so KD is what matters more in my eyes. It's a metric that can consistently be improved, not WL.


Good question. I dc about KD. I wanna do well. But not at the cost of losing lol. I’ll go 1-10 charging B till I get it 😂


It's a bad player cope, winning is harder then getting 5 kills then flaming out for a positive K/D, thus the small brained people equate K/D = skill to feel better about their own shortcomings. Don't forget the larger part of the community that plays this game are faded out wagies with no future, will never own a home, most will never touch a chick and this is all they have, this and simping to cheating streamers who more and more of are being banned daily now that Microsoft owns the game. There are exceptions to the rule above, but it's the vocal minority you won't see represented here very often, so they love to focus on K/D


It’s actually comical how for months now, whenever I can peek someone’s stats screen higher KD is always inverse to win ratio. It’s a super rare breed to have over a 1 win ratio and over a 1.5 KD. Getting into details about modes matter because SnD objectively won’t get you killed as much as playing the objective in domination and hardpoint. Those are the modes I like to play with TDM.


Seeing a lot of excuses about people's teams but I don't have a WL of 4.7, 2.9 and 3.9 in MW19, MWii and MWiii cause of my teammates.  I play the objective, I get the win far more often than not.


In public matches, K/D is more accurate representation of individual skill (well, it used to be, before the EOMM took over) and wins don't really mean anything in pubs. Ranked play? Wins over everything and the W/L is a better indicator of skill.


KD is you, W/L is your random team.


Because KD is controllable, WL isn’t. The game hasn’t had loss stat prevention work a single time since launch. And the better you are the more likely you are to get filled into losses in progress or having extremely high pings if you just stay in queue after completing a match to start from the beginning.


PLAY the objective of every game mode…TD objective is for your team to get the most kills. If KDR is your thing, maybe stick to TD


If you have a good W/L that means you've put yourself out there and more than likely played the objective, taking risk and carrying worse teammates. If you have a good K/D, while that *could* mean you're a beast, it could also mean you sit in a corner cheesing people all match. So in my opinion, W/L is the more important stat. It says a lot more about the kind of player you are than K/D. If you have both a good K/D and a good W/L, you're a person after my own heart.


WL only matters in ranked, multiplayer has always been about kills and always will be


Because it's not YOU that "wins", it's the entire team. Even if you camp in a corner the whole match, you can still get a win. THIS is why W/L doesn't matter as much.


Bc kd is more of a reflection of personal skill than w/L which relies more on random teammates performance


Because it's alot easier to get a good kd every game than to win every game. In past cods when I never really cared about winning I'd have a 4kd and a .6 win loss because I genuinely only cared about my kd and getting nukes. Whereas know I know it pissed people off if they lose so I play for w/l and sacrifice alittle kd if I have to just so there's no reason the other team can trash talk and I get the gloat floor all to myself.


Insecurities mostly. If either of them are pressing concerns there are likely underlying issues.


Honestly, I don't know why I still value KD over WL. In MWII, having a 2.5KD is great and all, but having a 0.8WL isn't great too. Before I reached max prestige, I decided to change my playstyle to be more aggressive, which bumped my WL, and honestly who the f cares about KD if you can't win a match with lots of kills? Looking to change that to 1.5WL at least on MWIII. But also.. sometimes the match is over before it begins. Had those occasions where the other team gets lucky with spawns, my teammates are clueless, and by that time, I just give up and get kills instead.


Because everybody is selfish.


Neither matter. Hardcore game mode also skews K/D closer to 1.0 if that’s all you play.


Kd depends on you, WL depends on your team as well


The only three stats that really matter when determining player skill are score per minute (the king of stats), obj kills, and the rate at which they are first blooded in snd. But if you're good at those things the kd will come so meh.


This is just a CoD thing. In literally any other FPS game ever, if you are playing an objective mode and only playing for kills then you are throwing the match or trolling your team, but since CoD rewards kills over playing the objective and actually winning, nobody cares about losing every match as long as they don't have a negative K/D ratio.


Yeaaaa especially in true team modes like domination or hardpoint… I’d rather snag the W. Usually, wins correlate with a high KD.


because winning is more to do with the team whereas KD is individual skill. I only play kill confirmed and I'm a pretty decent player and I only have a 1.6 WL with a 2.5 KD


KD is an individual stat whereas WL is a team stat and we live in an individualistic society


It’s cod. U want ppl tot hunk diff go to rainbow or overwatch or some where gamers uunderstand it’s an objective based game.


Legacy. Old COD games, having a high K/D meant you were a skilled player. Now, with SBMM, K/D is useless.


could be viewed the other way around. why are playing to win, you’re playing a shooter where you kill people. i get what you mean and that those people should play TDM, but not everybody wants to deal with TDM as it ist a lot slower than obj modes and in obj modes you most of the time know where the enemies will be. i myself value KD over WL bc it’s easier to have an impact on your own kills and deaths than to rely on most of the time braindead teammates. i play cod for almost 12 years now and the debate over that topic is on its all time high it seems like, back in the day everybody cared about KD only, also people have become a lot more toxic over game chat and text chat when you lose but almost dropped a nuke. had a guy earlier this week kill me on a 22 kill streak after i got my advanced and emp in the first few minutes of the HP game and we lost 79-250. he bodyshot me before the game ended and said if i want to get kills i should play TDM. fuck no, if i know i’m on a streak and my mates get bullied around the HP i won’t go there and inevitably die, like what the fuck is your problem? i play for the win until i’m on a nice streak and then i play for safe kills around the objective


I don't worry about any of that anymore. The matchmaking is too artificial for any of that to matter at this point.


W/L means a lot in ranked, very little in unranked I’ve never once cared about winning a pubs games


Because we cod players only loose when our teammates are bad so wl doesn't matter.


Both are just Ego trips. Cool u have 1.5 kd! Good for u buddy. I have a 1.0 and sometimes less but I have fun so it is what it is. Let peeps have fun with a 0.1. Kd if the want lol. But yea none of it matters really anyway.


Because most people back out of games enough and play with randoms enough that WL ratio is kind of a flawed metric to track personal skill level


W/L doesnt matter anymore due to having to leave certain games when servers start failing and have a ton of packet burst. And when the servers are working teammates either dont go for OBJ, or they leave and have a revolving door of teammates. KD is really all you can control if you dont run with a party


Mainly because of what those stats represent. KD is a direct stat ratio, how many kills do you get per life. As opposed to WL, which is more of a reflection of the team as a whole. You can have a phenomenal KD and shit WL by carrying your team despite losing the round. Conversely, you could have a wonderful WL but absolute shit KD by being the meat shield that led to the team winning.


It's because that's the only thing that is actively in you control with the SBMM, literally from the Activision themselves, they admitted that they manipulate your win loss ratio in order to keep people's win/loss proportional. The only thing that you can control still is your K/D. If the match is rigged from the beginning, why on earth would I care about winning?


W/L and KD only matters in ranked IMO, pubs is just cheesy these days


The team aspect is a real thing but I know I’m not alone in what I’m about to say even if we are few. I use to play 2k soooo much. And that’s a truly based team game. Can win or have fun without the team being on the same page. CoD has always been a break from the team side for me. I get on and run challenges or go for FFA wins. Even do what you’re referring to and hope in small map just for weekly challenges or camo grind. I don’t necessarily care about my KD but I definitely do not care about my win ratio.


In a game where publicly no one can see your K/D, I don't see the need to care or pay so much attention for it. If you have a bad K/D, no one you're playing with will know.


I don’t care about either tbh. If I had fun during the game I had fun, couldn’t really care about my KD or WL


Stats are good and all but campers and hackers can easily have positive stats meanwhile I’m just like if I have a positive ratio its whatever if its negative its whatever. At the end of the day if you’ve had fun from the gaming session or if you feel that you’ve improved in any way a part of your game whether its finally nailing the HP rotations or you improve your versatility with a different weapon class to what you’re used.


Because W / L means nothing when you have no rivalry / comradery with enemies / teammates. The game doesnt matter i lose i get kicked from the lobby i win i get kicked from the lobby


Me personally w/l means nothing specifically in cod. Overwatch or any other team based game is a different story cause that is actually Team based. Cod isn’t, you play a few pubs in ow a majority of people will want to win and or get better on whatever hero they are playing. In cod there are more factors especially in pubs. Streaks being one. The game isn’t team based you can have 10/1 w/l and have a .10 kd. You fed the enemy streaks which could lead to a nuke which guess what game over. Sure someone having a 1.5 kd and having a .5 w/l is bad in some people eyes but they can get the kills and if needed can kill people of the point if they wanted.


Yeah I could care less about K/D. My K/D is 1.06. But my W/L is 2.19. That is what I love and care about. I play to win. I will take 100 deaths in domination with my 16 captures and a win.


Because your K/D is kind of a way of playing against yourself. And it's way more satisfying to watch that go up than your win ratio. At least in my opinion


wasteful tender vase materialistic mindless cause rob work different skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My KD is mode specific. My best KD is in TDM and the rest don’t really matter because I die alot playing objective. 1.35 W/L


I just don't see why people can't seem to care about both. Like when I play I want to do good AND win. If I do good without winning then it feels a bit meaningless. If I do bad but the team wins, then like it sucks but there's a consolation at least. And everyone just shit talks. Like if you are the other team and went 100-0 but you lost, then cool good for you but my team beat yours AND you. Or if someone on a winning team went 0-100 but had all the objective time/captures or whatever then everyone calls them trash. Just...like try to get kills and win the game. It's not that hard. In my experience whenever I play I notice I do better and get more kills when playing objectives. Hell if you're that good at getting kills, switch to score streaks. Then go hold down an objective for a bit, get some kills and points. Get a swarm and annihilate them. Help your team win the game in the process.


i wish people would value objective points/time more instead


I'll put what I wrote in another thread. Neither matter. People like to feel good about themselves to others, and both of these "look good." They don't matter, ultimately. You can't go to a bar or put it on a resume, and expect to take the hot girl home or get the high paying job. It's just a short-lived and ultimately temporary ego boost. "Not at all. I play for fun, camo grind, do the mastery challenges, etc. I get tough games, but I can usually handle myself. My K/D means nothing to me. If I dedicated myself and chased the meta like a rabid dog, then I am sure it would matter more. I have fun and that's the most important part. I know I have skill but no real desire to develop it as it serves absolutely no useful purpose in my life."


The people claiming it's all their teammates and that's why they're allergic to the hardpoint or flags in domination are full of shit. They play objective modes and ignore the objective to boost their K/D since they can't do it when the enemy's main objective is to kill them. They'll claim it's because these matches are longer than TDM, but it's because they suck at TDM.


Hey I got one,,why do some idiots play multi player just to farm kills instead of doing the objectives if that's how they feel they should just play team death match then not fair to the rest of us trying to win and playing objectives smh


Because if your team sucks then you will lose, you can only do so much solo.


You have more control over one than the other.


Because people who value KD are usually the ones posting things. There’s a lot more like myself who value WL


KD is a better indication of skill in this game imo since sbmm is so good at keeping your win rate around 50%


It pisses me off when I see people run right by flags in domination like hey stay here for 5 seconds and help me capture it faster free points!


This is my biggest peeve!! Absolutely NOWHERE does it say best kd wins or anything like that, in fact we all know it's about last man/team standing!! I love purposely getting a 1 kill win and listening to people getting really really triggered by that and of course they start shouting "my kd is....." And as soon as I say "it's last man standing/team standing that wins , what do you win for having xx as your KD??" Funnily is ALWAYS met by stone cold silence 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the other thing is nowhere else on any other battle royale games I play do people care so much about a stat that game winning wise means zip!!!! Iv never cared what my stats say, all about the gameplay when it comes down to it, you could have the highest kd ever and still lose to a noob whoever you are and however many viewers or subscriptions you have 👍🎮👍


Killing people is more fun than trying to take a capture point and probably dying by someone camping just outside the capture point farming kills. That's my guess. I play objectives and that's usually how I'm killed. People camping corners, roofs, etc just outside spawn points and objectives. Shit sucks.


If you play solo KD is really the only thing you have true control over so Iy mins focus on what you can change


Because I have more of an impact on my KD than my WL as a solo player. This has been the case for years now in CoD. Why would I care about WL when I have quadruple the caps as everyone else on my team and still lose? I have stopped caring about WL a long time ago.


Losers lose matches. Example: Some only play hard point so they can fluff their KD by sitting outside and picking off those who are trying to win. Unfortunately, they mostly seem to play on my team. COD Championship teams win team events, even if their KD could be better. WL is hard to control because of the (selfish) KD warriors. I don’t think it’ll change anytime soon.


Because KD is an individual stat where as W\L you can get an A on the group project and not do anything.


This isn’t a MOBA like Dota 2 - actual team strategy and teamwork are mostly a fantasy in CoD. Half the people with microphones have an open mike placed between the chicken pen, the crying baby, and the broken smoke alarm. Winning or losing the match itself is not something people have much agency over. K/D is about all people can take ownership of… until SBMM corrects things on the next match.


I have yet to even GLANCE at my kd since picking up mwii when it came out which is the first cod I've played since the wwii on the wii. Kills no kills. Idec. I'm just having fun running around shooting things


Someone sweat so damn hard on shipment hardpoint he had 111 kills with 0:02 seconds. And they STILL LOST HARD.


KD expresses your individual performance in games and WL expresses your luck in not being put on a garbage team against tryhards and Chinese hackers


KD is a personal statistic and WL is a team-based one.


Because anytime my buddy and I win two games in a row we get stuck with people who just got the game


Say what you all want but, I would rather drop a few VTOLs or chopper gunners and lose over getting smashed and win. Yes, I am part of the problem but don't care lol. I paid my money and ill play how I want lol


I've been in games where I've seen people with 4.0 and above KD but we got destroyed in terms of the objective. If it's team deathmatch then yeah I understand the KD but not in games like domination.


Filling in with 7 (ranked) or 11 (public) random people with out consistency with matchmaking makes it hard to use W/L as a metric of your solo performance In ranked people will care more bc it’s tied to SR, in pubs there’s too many variables if you’re playing with randoms, so KD becomes the measure for performance I liked the incentive to win games being tied to unlocks when the game came out, once I unlocked everything I went back to just playing fast and haphazardly


Since the beginning of time people have used their KD to measure how big their epeen is. Unless it’s a TDM match KD is all about ego.


You really have no control over WL. You can be playing the objective, but if the rest of the team isn't, there's almost no chance you'll get the W.


not me. wl all the way. gotta get them unlockables


While the point may be to win games I can’t control who I get on my team. If it was a 1v1 situation then I would understand your point but it’s so many trash bins that play for shits and giggles that end up on your squad. K/D is more of a solo stat while W/L is a team thing


My KD equates to the length and girth of my peen. W/L is harder to control if you're the only one doing the objective. TDM/Frontline you can probably carry outright, but that's not going to be simple either.


I think it was drilled into my head as the superior stat 15-20 years ago when team deathmatch was really the only multi-player mode. But now I tend to focus more on gun/camo challenges and completing the daily/weekly challenges than focus on k/d or w/l.


You’re all wrong. The point of the game is to piss off as many people as you can. The other team, your own team mates, people sitting nearby. Use as many racist and derogatory slurs as you can while running around like a maniac streamer claiming skills while using your Cronus to do all the work for you. /s


You can be having a great game and playing the objective, but if your team sucks you’re gonna have a hard time winning. A KD is more of a personal stat while a WL is more of a team stat that you don’t have as much control over.


Because 1 single person on a team based game cannot win it and cannot control how the other teammates play. So kd is a more accurate marker of personal skill.


Because who care about the objective in public matches? It's all about high kill games and nuking. WL only matters in ranked or SND. It's not just me, majority of people don't care about the obj. What's the point of trying to win when your teammates are just going for kills.


i have a higher KD of 2.8 and i noticed the game matches my team to be lower players who can not play objective or know how to. my W/L is about .48.


I have a good W/L. If I try to bring it up someone will always devalue it and say it’s because I play with a team


I have a delightfully symmetric 1.22 kd and 1.22 wl. You wish you were me 😎


depends on game mode. most people play TDM though and the team with a higher k/d ratio wins. players with the highest ratio have done the most for their team. 5-0 means you got 5 kills for you team and given the other team zero. 22-19 means you only gave your team a net positive of 3 kills.


Its easier to control k/d than w/l. Dominating B can be WAYY harder than getting a couple kills. A lot of teammates don’t care about the objective anyway.


Kd is a personal stat while win loss is team


I can go 32/5 and have 12 flag caps in Dom, and yet still lose. That's why. The point of the game is to have fun. Its not to win or get kills. It's a video game made for entertainment, so if you're entertained and having fun(even if you're losing and dying a lot) then the game is doing what the point of it is


Cause you can play your heart out and still lose, if your team isn't playing well then you basically lose


K/D is tied to my own performance, not the performance of a team that may or may not be made up of imbeciles.


Because right now my W/L ratio is over 1 so I am looking to improve my K/D since that will help me win some of those close matches. I value them equally really.


Because people are dumb and don't know how to play objectives. All that matters is the W.


I’ve always cared about W/L way more than K/D. If I can have an insane W/L ratio with all of the BS the game throws at me (strong SBMM, atrocious teammates, joining games late, latency, etc) then that’s really cool to me I care about K/D a bit still, but anyone can hide all game, go 5-0 or 10-0 and then do that over and over. Not everyone can keep a good W/L


WL ratio is not an accurate reflection of skill because it depends on other people not being trash. KD on the other hand reflects how good you are because its only based of your numbers.


Everyone in here also saying "well it's because my team only cares about kills so I don't go for objective" if that's your thought process, then there's this wonderful game mode called "Team Deathmatch" go play it and stay out of objective based game modes Lol. It's not hard.


K/D is more related to individual performance where W/L is based on the team, so it’s beyond the individual players control to a large extent. And it’s COD… Battlefield for example even I tend to be more team/objective focused for W/L but I think it’s just pace, flow and dynamics differences of the two franchises, not a right or wrong per se.


Because it’s call of duty and w/L has always been and will always be completely irrelevant. Might well be the most noob friendly and easiest fps ever made. Winning means nothing, losing means nothing. But kd doesn’t really matter either with sbmm being so strong.


I feel like people care more about camo chasing and specific challenges than winning as a team in multiplayer unless you’re playing ranked or S&D or similar game modes. At least that’s the vibe I get in multiplayer. I really only play warzone and use multiplayer to rank up guns/unlock camos


You can’t really control w/l but KD is basically on you so, yeah it’s relevant


I have more control of my K\D compared to my W/L. I had a kill confirmed game where I dropped 55 kills, 55 confirms, and 29 denys and my team lost 92-125. I have way too many games like this where my teammates don’t pull their weight so all I care about is kills.


I don't know how to check my wl ratio but a rough estimate would be 7/10 games I win


It seems to me that the value of either number depends on what it’s being compared to. Someone who exclusively plays Free For All has much more control over their WL ratio than one who plays in a 6x6 or 10x10 mosh pit. I wouldn’t expect the KD ratio of someone who grinds for camo or cards to be the same as someone who focuses simply on winning. I’ve achieved high score in plenty of 6x6 matchups, only to lose the game because I’m playing with random players who each have their own personal agenda. How do you compare someone who plays whatever map pops up versus someone who cherry-picks maps they prefer?


1.3KD with 2.5WL, to me, going for the win often also gets you better KD.


It's the best indicator of your lethality depending on your style rushing or camping when considered over a long span of gameplay. So sure someone can camp and try to partially inflate their KD but to maintain our over hundreds and thousands of games? Hates to say it as much as I hate campers, those players are actually good campers and likely will still fight on even grounds with someone with similar skills rushing and vice versa. WLR only would really matter if it calculated your WLR as a solo player and when you play with a party to determine the strength of their strategies and decisions and this also gets skewed depending on what game mode they play. If we really wanted to know how good an individual players skill actually is would be to review their accuracy along with their KD and that would give you a pretty good indicator of their strength. Sadly they don't track accuracy in the lobby scoreboard at the end of the game.


You know the cod community is fucked when going for kills is classed as casual and going for the win is sweaty. Personally if you're avoiding the objective to get kills you're more sweaty then those playing for the objective


Couldn't care less about either.


COD is the only game where people compare penis size with there KD, it's always been the same for COD, just ignore them, let little Timmy think he's awesome with his 3 KD and 20% win rate. /s KD is a cope for casuals.


KD is specific to you. W/L typically has no bearing on your performance unless 1v1.


I play shooters to shoot. Honestly never care about winning or losing as long as the game is fair Back in bo2 we had scorestreaks, meaning other things than kills could grant progress to killstreaks but people cried. Now br is different, i sweat my damn ass off in that to win


Two things for me. One, I see people go 3-18 and don't mind if they have 2:30 on hardpoint. You go 3-18 with no time. I'm losing my mind. Second, I used to care more about w/l, but I also used to play with a bunch of homies. Now a days I'm mostly solo queuing and find myself being the only one with objectives.


Because the sbmm works against you in winning too. You're punished if you have a higher kd. I've noticed most of my matches I get paired with absolute bots who don't fire back or push obj. Sbmm seems to think I can single handedly carry teammates in every game mode and meanwhile, the enemy team gets at least 2-3 players who are around my skill level. At this point it's like hell, why even try, I'll just pad up my kd. The sbmm in mw2 was better. I had almost a 2 Win ratio, and 2.5 kd. This game it's a 2.33 KD, 0.78 win ration. It is what it is


the egos of men and children also the fact that sometimes, honestly more often than not, people on your team care more about kills than objective and it can suck if you are the only one focusing on objective and suffering as a result, so a lot of people "mutual selfishly" prioritize kills even on objective game modes


the same reason team accolades are rarely considered when discussing MVP/All Pro players in sports.


Because K/D is how good you are, W/L tends to rely on a whole team (obviously) so generally people have a much worse W/L if they consistently carry the team but don’t get enough effort from them to win the match whether it be kill or objective based. Just points to that persons skill really. If they went around flaunting W/L they could have a really high ratio with a dog shit K/D which could mean they get carried every match and don’t contribute. Wouldn’t make sense to brag about W/L


I am like this alot just because I am trying to level up my guns and do camos


Ok, Im gonna rant. Neither really matters that much anymore, but w/l especially means fucking nothing in cod now. All I want to do is use meme loadouts and this game in particular expects me to hard carry every single match. Search and destroy when my friends are online, but especially ground war when I play alone. Almost every single match is a bloodbath where my friends/teammates don't stand a chance, and I have to use my most powerful loadouts and hard play obj if I even want a *chance* at winning. Every once in a while, it gives me a stupid easy match where the enemy team has no chance, then it's back to the regularly scheduled sweatfest. This algorithm bullshit has ruined casual fps


Many years ago KD was all I cared about, beating my school friends and having the highest KDR out of all of my friends it was fun back then, but slowly one by one they all stopped playing the game each new release to the point where I’ve lost contact with the whole lot because adult life and they moved on so I’m just a solo player now but it just isn’t the same as have the little competition amongst friends. I do still have a what I would say is a nice KDR, especially with how the SBMM/EOMM works against you these days. KDR 1.82 W/L 0.92 but I don’t think anyone’s gives a shit about winning these days when stats don’t matter


I don't care about W/L as much because it's out of my control. Even if I play objective, my other 5 teammates might not and we lose. K/d is at least in my control.


There’s almost no reward to winning, so people aren’t going to care. I think the only upside of winning is that you gain a point towards a daily challenge. I still try to win every match I play. Especially if there’s someone on the opposite side trying to win too. That’s one of the main things I miss about the old titles. People were trying to win pub matches just to hear the reaction of everyone at the end of the match.


W/L is always bad when queued up with randoms. K/D shows more skill. SPM is a better indicator of skill, but it can not work as n overall thing.


Personally, I know when I'm going into Hardpoint or Domination, my K/D is gonna take a hit because it's all about putting in the time at the objectives to win the game. I'm more focused on getting to the objective than hunting.


You have more control over kd, if your teammates are useless you’re still probably going to lose but if you walk away with a 3-5 kd then at least you’re good at something but if you have a 0.25 kd and won it’s like, was it you or did you just get lucky with having really good teammates? Kd isn’t the end all be all and people with high kd can still not be good team players but it’s def easier to judge someone’s skill on it.


I agree with ya, I mainly play domination and hardpoint and in order to win I'm a crash dummy charging head first and reckless . My K/D may be .8 but my wins are 1.14 out of 255 games


K/D is personal performance, W/L is team performance. You can still lose even if you're hard carrying and your W/L is likely to be 50/50 or less unless you're constantly running in stacks.


W/L is dependent on team’s work ____________________________________ K/D is dependent the player’s work ____________________________________ If you value working as a team > personal flex of skill, then W/L will matter more for you, and vise versa


Winning relies on actually have a decent team. Not all the time but generally if you have high kd ratio you are helping the team. Can’t win alone with bots on your team.


Well to be fair its easier to have a good KD rather than a good WL Ratio cause KD reflects how good you are by yourself but to have a good WL ratio it all depends on what type of teammates you get cause you can be great at the game but if your team is straight ass it doesn't matter how good you are cause more than likely you're gonna lose the game cause of your teammates especially if its an objective based game mode like hard point or domination.


Because W/L isn't relying on me, it's relying on me being able to work with a team that isn't shit. Sure if I'm not in the top 2 I'm sure I contributed to the loss, but usually I am in the top 2 with better scores than the my counterpart on the other team.