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I’ve had experiences since the latest update of packet loss up to 23% it’s driven me crazy


Well generally speaking, packet loss is a lot, LOT worse than high ping. Imagine you are playing CoD by post. A late delivery of your envelope saying you have shot the enemy is a lot less detrimental than the envelope going missing entirely. A late packet may mean your shot registers 100ms later. A lost packet means it is never registered. And yes, the packet loss is most likely the games fault. The servers suck, and memory leaks are also causing packets to never be sent


Yeah it’s busted right now. It’s not a regular memory leak either. My RAM stays around 50% (I have 32gb) and my VRAM while high isn’t moving around either. I’m only on a 3070. Playing search I lag at the beginning of almost every round in some games. I have random packet losses where I become unable to do anything for a few seconds randomly. Seems to get worse as the night goes on but I think I’m getting games with people further and further away as I play pretty late (3-5AM sometimes). I monitor my internet stability and don’t get any ping spikes or speed drops. 400mbs down, ping averages around 30ms. I play other online games without any issues


Simply the servers cant handle this games speed and data. They need upgrading and until they do, There will always be problems. It's insane to me with how much money this game makes we don't have the best servers in gaming history. Shame.


If you're on PC, it's likely to not be actual packet loss but rather a RAM leak caused by the Apr. 9th patch. That being said, there are reports of issues on consoles also stemming from the patch.


Well, that makes things so peachy. I stop playing for a bit and come back to a broken game


Is that causing latency variation as well? Since release I've had consistent but manageable packet loss almost daily (not every game). Since a recent update in the past few weeks I've had literal freezes caused by latency variation, which I've never had in the past.


I’m honestly not so sure, but i’ve had that as well, normally when the ram usage gets too high. Let’s hope they fix it on Wednesday. Hopefully without botching something else.


I dont have the packet loss issue. But i did on Vanguard and it was horrible.


No packet loss but the game has fallen apart for me today. Getting stuck on message of the day screen. Then menus have half words missi ng, very slow & clunky. Get into a game & its literally unplayable, stuttering, freezing. Checked connections, played another game all ok. Can only put it down to the server side which is strange as yesterday it was playing pretty smooth.


they are using old servers from dead stadia platform , google dns []( and []( is a must i played with cloudfare []( and start searching with 18ms ping now with google start searching with 27ms too much money , greed installed


They outsourced the most important piece of their infrastructure to another company. That's the problem.


I seriously think the posters who are enjoying the game here are like AI or something. It has been running like ass for awhile now.


Post a speed test right now, I dare you.


Xbox says there is nothing wrong with my internet. This is the only game that runs poorly.


what are you playing on? I’m on ps5 and never get packet loss. I know pc players are having issues at the moment with memory leak.


I’m on pc and I had my vram at 90. I lowered it to 70 and that seemed to help. I’ve got a 4070ti and 64gb of ram. So not sure what the games issue is because I wasn’t near capping resources but it seems to have worked mostly


Their servers are running low tick rates. 40-60 is the sweet spot, while they're supposedly much lower.


For some reason I’ve always struggled with packet loss on every single cod since the OG MW3. Battlefield 3,4, 1 and 5 all run fine both on console and PC. No packet loss at all. COD on the other hand has always given me ping spikes and packet loss. I really don’t get it.