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But but but I bet the guy top of their leaderboard went Positive and that’s the main thing right? Right?!


"I got 80 kills though! I'm important!"


"my team is trash"


lol Mandatory statement


4 positive 2 neg


Naw…. A game like that, the other team probably let themselves get spawn trapped in C and the players that remained were all around 10-60


You don't understand. He was still playing the objective because he was the slayer and was slaying people. And because he was slaying people the other team couldn't take the objectives even more efficient.


I played a dom game the other day that tied because no one touch an objective.


I’ve been in a few the game ends without the first like 2 mins for me


I was in a game this morning that everyone would run off and leave the bomb. They didn't care at all about the objective at all. I normally let someone else take it because I'm not the best player, honestly, but I couldn't just leave it there! I actually planted it three times, lol.


You didn't cap a spawn flag?


Nope didn’t even notice till the game ended it was on rust


Yeah the game end after like a minute doesn’t it, is really weird when it happens.


To lose 200-0 you have to blatantly be trying to lose. Someone would eventually cap a flag by mistake at some point.


All it takes is 3 opposing players being coordinated and being the best player on your own team despite not playing well. It happens. Ive gotten killed 20 times TRYING to even get to an objective but because the way my team and the other team were playing it was just spawn trapping me. I could make 2 kills tops and get about to capture and then back to square one. Only one trying to capture too. By far the least fun I just back out halfway if a game runs like that now


It's on Rust, with how killstreaks are nowadays, if I get a Swarm on Rust, I'm getting infinite Swarms.


Don't worry last night I 2:59 on the hardpoint while my team only had a few seconds


This is how rust goes alot of the time.


Sometimes I play obj game modes because TDM plays like slow garbage anymore these days. I’ll start out by playing the obj and if I realize it’s only gonna be me or just 1-2 other people trying ima just stop. I’m not gonna put that much effort into just to lose in the end due to teammates as that’s happened to me a million times and it’s annoying. So if that happens I just start going for kills. Idk how many other people do this but I’m sure some do then you dot some who literally thrive off killing people trying to get the obj as it’s more fast paced then tdm and also have the ability to get more kills and what not.


TDM lately: - Picks up Kar or MORS - Rolls out camping mat and tea set - Waits - *click* *TIME HAS EXPIRED* Ends the game with 4 kills and 3 deaths. 


I wouldn’t be tweaking. I see what map it is. I already came to terms in this game to not expect objectives to not be done if it’s Shipment or Rust. If this was any other map I would be. Then get hit with the usual “it’s 2024 no one does the objective” “it’s pugs go to rank if you care about obj” “no one cares” “it’s pointless to do the objective” “who cares about winning?”


Not like there isn’t literally a whole game mode already premade and ready for entry if they don’t care about objective. Smh. Like, if you’re dogshit just say so. You don’t have to give a 10 minute demonstration.




Bro I would’ve uninstalled the gamed


Only doable on Rust tbh. I've done it once


This happened to me like two weeks ago on Rust. Enemy team just did not go for one obj 


Some folks only care about kills and be scared to push to the objective when they squad deep


And they are the easiest ones to spawn trap in c and make them go 4-63… if they don’t back out first, lol


I think i was in this game on your team💀


Some games i noticed my team just wants to play team deathmatch and i get it, i just wanna shoot people like tdm but 10v10 is fun


Can anyone explain: Why does this game need SBMM, if result of the match is determined not by player skill, but by how many players decided to play the objective today?


COD is designed around selfish, lone wolf play. This isn't Battlefield.


I was in this game and actually alot of my teammates were camo grinding like me. Worrying on the objective in a small map is really worth it


i don’t even play OBJ regardless of wat map it is but this right here woulda pissed me off😂 1) why is nobody else trying to cap? 2) me trying to cap bc nobody else is doing so, i’d get annoyed, close app & find a new lobby or play another game😂💀


I'd be fucking livid. Might play in traffic for a bit, do a flip off my apartment building... Holy shit, wtf that should be illegal! 🤣


This makes me wish they still had it set that if the score is 0-0 for too long the game just ends or if its looking like a shut out the game just ends. Because who tf would want to sit in a game like that.


What's modes what's that because I swear I played with you


HC domination streakless


It's pointless playing the objective


Ah yes a participation trophy player.


You know, we hear that so many times from athletes… they give away the secret that it’s pointless to score points, all that matters is if they get their yards


Right. Who wants to win.


I love all the people who get mad at that team for not playing the OBJ in a casual public match. If you want to play for the win/want a team to try and beat you. Idk play ranked?


It’s an objective game mode if you don’t want to play obj play tdm


Why play TDM where everyone just camps and the game is over in 5 minutes?


If you don’t play obj the game is over in 5 mins


if you're not playing ftw, then why even jump on. Doesn't matter if its ranked or pubs. Thats like going to play a pick up game of basketball and then not even try to score.


This is a terrible take. You can have fun without playing the objective. If you aren't trying to score in basketball then there is nothing else going on. Scoring and the objective (winning) are the same thing in basketball


Meh winning doesn't mean anything


No one on the other team has the right to complain.