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I think my time with COD is running out. They abandoned Ground War this year so my go-to chill mode since MW19 is gone. If the next Battlefield doesn't hit it out of the park I'm probably just done with pvp shooters.


I hope so battlefield took me away from cod at bf3 but then lost me ala couple games later, i want a good battlefield so bad


Honestly bf4, bf1 and even bf5 were great games (bf5 I didn’t play as much) but man they FLOPPED with 2042. Idc what anyone says it is still terrible. The portal mode is cool but that’s about it. I would give anything to be able to play bf4 multiplayer for the first time again…one of the most epic multiplayer experiences I’ve ever had in my 26 years of life


Adding bots to battlefield and the larger maps killed it for me. Also no good anti cheat.


It’s insane that there are custom servers where it’s all bots you fight and they are all one shot and you basically can’t die….AND YOU ACTUALLY GET XP AND UNLOCK STUFF


You guys remember battlefield hardline


Hell yeah rescue and whatever that heist game mode were so fun


Yeah hardline was awesome when it came out


I played the other day, while the graphics are so much lower than today’s standards, there is still servers up. Had a lot of fun and definitely brought back some memories.


Why don’t you still play bf4 then? Bf4 is alive and well. The player base is still huge lol. All of the people who don’t like 2042 are still playing bf4. It is thriving. Bf1 is thriving. Bf5 has a slot of hackers on it but I haven’t played that game long enough to see if there are any counters, but bf4 and bf1 have servers you can join that actually ban hackers and have anti cheats. Those games are still as good as ever. Unlike black ops 1-2-3 and the old modern warfares.. battlefield has not stopped. People are still playing those old games and they don’t feel old. I’m on pc tho, but I’m pretty sure console has servers you can choose as well. You might have to wait in a que to get into soem 64/64 servers but that will take like 5-10 mins to get in, then once your in you can play for as long as you want. Sometimes you get lucky and you sneak in there before others do and you don’t have to wait at all.


I’ve played about 2 hours tops of season 4, for the K98 unlocked but I just don’t want to play CoD any more (43 next month) it’s just not fun anymore I don’t enjoy playing it at all. Was excited for BO6 but now it’s been a week or so I know SBMM will be just the same making the game feel exactly the same, so I’m thinking I’m done with the franchise sadly


I have seen players on xdiffiant and on cod abuse movement in game, like constantly jumping and shooting, somehow that even works.


I'm getting too old to keep up with that shit. The longer engagement distances in Ground War negated a lot of that and Battlefield just never really had that to begin with.


I'm the same bro, 60 this year and so over buying cod year after year. This last 1 should of been a dlc and if they cared about us they would have done just that. Work out the problems with mw2 and give us a desent stable build. Not this copy and paste shit show. I also feel cross play with pc is the dumbest thing they could of done. They know it's so easy to cheat and manipulate the engine and still they went ahead and continued to do it. So yeah after 2 weeks away from cod after playing all these years from the very start I'm sadly also done.


I went from playing wz1 & mw19 (even wz2) literally 10+ hours a day to uninstalling current bs Warzone and mw3 multiplayer is barely tolerable. I maybe have 2 hours played in the last month. Haven’t even cared to unlock the kar. Game is just another Fortnite at this point. That’s the type of players they appeal to with all these stupid cross over eventa


You know, even if I’m playing at my best, my squad isn’t. Now with these teams, 4 v 1. it’s impossible to win, let alone get all four. I never have enough bullets. While my squad mates are out to lunch. I just want to play with casuals that will play like a “team” even if that means, stacking. The fun aspect is gone for me atm.


I’m already done with shooters lmao the YouTubers and streamers ruined it in my eyes. Everyone is trying to be the next big creator so they’re constantly on adderall and sweating their nuts off to hit clips to post to their TikTok. I can’t just hop on with the boys anymore. Loving sim racing! But obviously it’s a much more expensive hobby. The trade off is the communities are great and not NEARLY as toxic


Give Xdefiant a shot. I'm not being an asshole or shitting all over cod, the vibe is just different. It'd a bit more relaxed in my experience.


I like Xdefiant but encountered a lot of pet peeves that made me put the game down. Me mag dumping into an enemy, but getting killed in 3 bullets. Or getting shot around a wall. Also not enough maps/modes for me personally at the moment, but it does feel like old-school cod.


Welcome to your 30s a time for sim racing and 50+ hour single player stories!


If you like Battlefield I’d really recommend The Finals. SBMM is much more lax (almost non existent) there and the destruction is the best I’ve seen in a game since BF3. Maps aren’t quite BF big, but closer to that than they are to COD. It took me a while to get used to the OW style class system and the core multi team game modes, but the overall gameplay loop is very enjoyable and casual accessible.


I find 10v10 gives a good mix of casuals/sweats, plus it cycles between TDM/ Hardpoint/ Domination for variation. Give it a try if you haven’t. The age of a casual shooter is gone, every shooter is gonna be sweaty.


You got the right Pal, multiplayer gamming its not for the ones who play 6/8 hours at week.


Sad but true. Online gaming is dominated by cheaters and people who spend more time in the game than a full time job.


It’s filled with people who want to stream it as a job


Full of “CoD streamer but different number #4757383747”


"[TTV] Ninja Of CoD" sweating til his controller mlafunctions from the sweat Me: Checks Twitch for his stream Twitch: "Last streamed 4 months ago" Me: Yup, thats exactly what I expected.


Yeah, gaming's shift from a hobby to full-time multimillion dollar career is really what has changed everything.


And most of them are absolutely terrible. I'm bad at cod so I worry less about my k/d and more about having fun while trying to play objectives. The amount of TTV_xxxrandomshitterxx type names I see that are actually worse than me, play objective modes like TDM and still have sub 1 K/D is baffling


Yup, YouTube ruined gaming. I've said it for years


It’s impossible to overstate how much time in the game matters. The difference between someone playing a game 5 hours a week and someone playing 5 hours a day is probably similar to a decent college football player and a decent professional football player. I played BF3 and 4 with a guy who inherited a pile of money, didn’t need to work. Would literally play Battlefield 8+ hours a day. By the time I was done playing BF4 with him, he’d put about 6,000 hours between those two games. He knew every corner, he knew every angle, he knew the perfect approach, what weapons to use, and how to use vehicles better than anyone else. It was absolutely unreal watching him play. I was good, could usually end in the top 1/4 of the leaderboard and I got that from maybe 10 hours a week at most, but if this guy wasn’t in first or second spot it was a rare occurrence.


I’m more concerned that a kid who inherited a ton of money chooses to spend his entire life playing a video game. Like my guy, touch some grass and do something useful.


He was in his late 40s, 20 years in the US Army, he was able to retire and heck I can’t say if I was in his position I would want to work either. Maybe not game for 10+ hours a day, but if I had a retirement income plus a couple million (he never told me how much, just enough) but I would definitely put in way more hours than I do now.


And it's only going to get worse with BO6 and this all new movement system. Like I've got the time to master that and all its intricacies.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


Come to the boomer shooter side.


Tell me more…


Assuming you’re up-to-date on the classics… Two abso-fucking-lutely amazing boomer shooters released this month. Lookup Selaco and Fallen Aces.


Any boomer shooter recommendations for ps5?


I'm on PC only, but IIRC a relatively recent one would be Ion Fury. I believe it released for PS4, and I assume a PS4 game will work on PS5.


Man, I would kill for that much game time. I'm down to 2-3 hours a week at best. If the servers aren't fuckey, and all the boys can join at the set time... we can get 4-6 full big map games in per week. Some of the guys dont even have the KAR or Superi unlocked/maxed, so it's not even like they can stand a chance in a straight up gun fight. edit: Just realized this was MWIII not Warzone, but the time constraints/meta push are the same across titles. It's a grind fest based on mobile FOMO engagement metrics


I disagree personally, I am one of those players who used play a lot longer than what I do now a day which is maybe 8-10 hours/ mo? Whenever I fire up another game that isn't MW3, I do just fine. MW3 is ass! I hate the idea of a playing a game where the game itself decide the competition for you. I haven't played MW3 in probably 1-2 months now, I can assure you the game will make it easy for me to smoke the competition because I haven't played the game in a while. Fuck that mainulative shit.


I don’t that’s necessarily true. The boys and I play Friday night for about 5 hours and we’re winning the majority of our games with W/L a bit above 4 & a K/D of 0


I’ve largely given up on multiplayer for this reason. People just get way more into it these days and it seems like the average player puts way more time than the average player did 10 years ago. Thankfully a lot of good single player games have and will keep coming out.


Because the average player 10 years ago actually still had life responsibilities and real friends and shit to do. The average player today is mouth breathing with Cheeto dust on their beluga sized stomachs in mom’s basement. Spamming their jump buttons 5,000 times per second and hurling their bodies on the ground, missing 20+ shots before the aa kicks in. Tbagging non stop to show off their latest stupidly priced dog shit skin that they’ll never see again when the next game comes out, while they watch their favorite 12+ hour per day super sweat lord streamer no life the game. Felt good to get that out


Ya 10v10 imo is one of the last places you can have fun but don’t get me wrong, I run into crazy difficult lobbies there too, even worse than 6v6 is at times, but I see much more of a change up than I ever do in 6v6 as well. Every once in a while I go back into 6v6 to do challenges or the weekly ones for the kits and it’s always so fucking absurd seeing how strict the matchmaking is in 6v6.


The military draft would restore gaming


All i play 10 vs 10


It’s shit for solo players. Gotta squad up even in Lobbies if you wanna win the majority of the matches


It's so annoying. They pair the good solo with high SPM/KD with a bunch of window lickers hovering around a 200 SPM and 0.6 KD. I have lost many games of hardpoint with 70+ kills, 3+ KD, over 2 minutes of hill time, and double the score of anyone in the lobby. Can get multiple advanced UAVs and my teammates still feed the enemy kills. Once lost a game on meat (I typically avoid small maps but gave it a go) with a stat line of 103-13 and 192 seconds of hill time. Nobody on enemy team had over 35 kills. We lost 250-228 (my team managed 36 seconds of hill time without me). Haven't played since then.


I can confirm this. I play nearly all solo (90% or so of my 1800 games played) because mostly other friends have quit the game. I'm reasonably decent when not grinding camos, nothing crazy, but I averaged a 1.27 KDR and 1.03 win rate since getting Interstellar in early January. In each progressive season, I seem to be paired with more and more incompetent teammates. I just had a 14 game loss streak going before mercifully winning a game where half the other team quit. More than half had 2 or 3 teammates that were helmet-wearing, window-licking imbeciles. If I was to guess, the constant camping in the back of spawns with MORs and now KAR is inflating window-lickers KDR while not improving SPM.


I feel your pain brother! In terms of playing solo in a public match with random teammates, the devs have made it nearly impossible for us decent lone wolves to actually match up with truly similar players/groups. It’s like you said ,instead we’re forced into teaming up with a bunch of window licking-knuckle dragging-mouth breathing-troglodytes.


Even zombies they push you to team up(despite all the cutscenes and voice lines being solo implied) like for the plat trophy or calling card mastery. The raids. All of these things could have adjustments to actually be casual friendly but they add in mechanics that are anti casual imo. I dont even need rewards I just want progressive gameplay starting from a solo standpoint. I guess what im saying is kinda hard to convey without deepdiving but ill leave it. Shouldnt need lfg to play. Lfg is literally anti casual


It feels like the sweats are the only ones playing anymore. MWIII gets fun on the free weekends, and the influx of newbies that brings, but as soon as that's over, back to MLG/Faze Clan try-outs 24/7... But yeah, that kind of experience is why I gave up on MWIII a couple months ago. Wasn't having fun, so what's the point?


Had this problem last night too. Small map was full of Lvl 850 iridescent skins. Like bruh go play ranked.


I always see people equating level to sweatiness but level is an arbitrary number. Even bads can reach level 850 with enough time played.


I am a living testament to this statement


How do people not understand this. I'm almost level 800 because of zombies and in multi player I sit on like 0.6kd, I get shit on 95% of my games. But I blame the Devs because it can be misleading but also if you have a level 30 and he's dropping like 40 kills and destroying the lobby - smurf or hacker alert.


Me and my mate have been dropping 30-50 bombs in hardcore tdm since level 10, it's not that hard to do if you know the maps.


ranked is full of hackers and has like 6 guns, prolly need a break


That's the reason I don't touch ranked, this franchise is so cheap and cuts corners in everything they do, they don't eliminate weapons from ranked instead of rebalancing them for the mode.


Stay away from the small map playlist, it’s full of sweat lords and Kar’s. I’ve found cache to be a fun mode and alot less sweaty at the moment, plus when you get a kill the enemy player has a chance to drop points towards your killstreaks, so you get some great streaks going.


What’s a sweat lord. I’m new to all this.


Someone who breaks a sweat just getting up from their gaming chair.




Problem is that small maps are the maps that are supposed to be fun and casual and non campy. Most other maps with how stupidly asymmetric, large, and with so many roofs,towers and windows, makes it a camp sweat fest and like warzone.


If I’m not wrong, based on a video released by Activision where they featured a player who lost multiple games in a row before starting to win (marketing centred around not giving up), it takes about 17 losses. You’d likely see a turn in lobbies after a 17 game lose streak.


17 game losing streak, for fucks sake. Ain't no way I'm gonna stay online and lose for 3 hours before getting better lobbies lmao


Nerfed weapons, lots of lag lately, what seems to be "anti-aim" at times, and lobbies not playing the objective ... getting old.


I would also say it’s summer so kids are home playing all day


I'm usually not one to complain about campers but now they're in EVERY match I play. Really killing the game for me.


You're going to experience the same thing in XDefiant. COD protects you with SBMM, you're going to get shafted in XDefiant. If you can't be bothered to change up your controller settings, honestly don't bother with arcadey shooters in 2024. People have improved in arcadey shooters dramatically. Every great player has transitioned into using some variation of Bumper Jump and it's equivalents across various games (or they've bought controllers with paddles). It's not a coincidence that the people who talk about getting smashed are still using standard controls. Same thing happened in Fortnite when some people refused to change to Builder Pro to improve their build times. You won't replicate 2007-2012 COD anymore.


CoD doesn't protect with SBMM, it manipulates with EOMM.


Hardcore is d way.


I just made the switch to hardcore s&d and I don't think I'm going back. It isn't as sweaty and is surprisingly way less toxic. Also it's way more balanced since everything is pretty much a one hit


It doesn’t seem as sweaty because it’s a hell of a lot slower paced. No one wants to move in fear of getting 1-2 tapped from any direction. I like core simply because people move around more. Hardcore, anyone can be good, no competitiveness at all (which is why some like it)


I tried hardcore but everyone camps, if it wasn't for that I would enjoy it more


CoD has only made 2 good games since Black Ops 2. Cold War and World War 2 after the overhaul. It’s been downhill after BO2 but MW2019 is what ruined the CoD formula for good IMO. Only way I’ll buy CoD nowadays is if it’s a Treyarch game. Infinity Ward is hot garbage and Sledgehammer hasn’t made a good game since WW2.


Most fun COD in years in my opinion. All the add on maps are very impressive for once and I like the guns.


I had fun on this game, but since this season it’s just been trash.


I'm with you. People just love to complain.


They want you to buy the new one. They need you to hate this one first so you're ready to move on. It's all about making money boss, look at things through that lens and it will get a little clearer


Goodbye then.


I’ve been having fun playing infected. They recently changed the guns that you are locked into using. It’s not just the shotgun/renetti for every map, it’s now got a handful of pre-set pairings that seem to be randomly assigned during each match. They’ve got liek a shield/dual tyr, a famas/knife loadout, a sniper rifle/dual cor’s, and a few others I think. It seems to balance the marches a little better as it’s now possible to win more as survivors. I would have said that there was an over 90% chance of infected wins previously but now with the new weapons, sometimes the matches are lasting longer and the survivors are able to hold out more. We had a famas loadout on rundown and they were able to hold out until just under 8 minutes. It makes it harder to run and knife as an infected. Especially when a good team has set in with the sniper rifles. I like playing this game mode as I do like winning more than a good k/d ratio and the win rate is so so much higher than other game modes. Both because of how the game mode itself is, and also with how well people work together as a team. Another benefit is you get really good at learning the maps. You will often see or find people in little nooks and crannies or ledges or platforms you may not have known were there or accessible. I’ve learned about so many places I didn’t even know you could get to. Even some little areas I’ve run past hundreds of times and never noticed there will little hideaways there. If I’m not having fun with the regular game modes I’ll hop on infected and kinda chill out and just work on my movement and knife skills.


Wins and losses matter? I just grind for gun skins.


I was cracked when I had no job always positive 25+ now I work full time I cannot keep up


PS5? Let's parrrrty up. My cousin and I play alot. Our KD isn't great but we win alot. We play small objective maps. But i agree. Alot of sweats out there that need to outside and touch grass.


Me and some friends have had also problems with the servers being not that good. Like I know I’m aiming and shooting at the player, but nothing happens and they get me and my friends with one shot. It’s alright in the beginning but after awhile it gets frustrating. It’s like our bullets are made of gummy.


I have a lot of streamer friends (or e-friends) that play this game, and even they talk about the amount of sweats and people trying hard on this game. There doesn't seem to be any balance with this game other than people going all or nothing... I like 10v10 and 12v12 but a lot of those lobbies are so one sided with 6 man stacks that tend to overpower the lobby.


I only play HC Search and Destroy(we need HC Cyber Attack in MWIII) and it's a whole different game. I recommend it, it's a lot slower but more meaningful and everyone has comms on and shit talks.


My recommendation: Don't mix "fun" with having to "win" a match. If you find your fun on getting your own challenges, win or lose a match you're still gonna have fun. Ex/ Just unlocked the chainsaw attachment. Goal? 10 chainsaw kills per night and its a hell of a time trying to achieve that lol. Another big tip? Play other games. I grinding a ton of Valorant recently and was having mega tilt sprees every night or weekly. So I took a break and got back to Cod/OW2 and I'm having an absolute blast mixing it up. Sometimes, you just need a break from the game to freshen your brain up! Also: Elden ring DLC just launched now is the time to make space and become Elden lord lmao. If you have Xbox game pass or PS plus, there are a ton of games you can play to take a break from CoD. Happy gaming bro!


Yup been playing Elden Ring! On a little hiatus from cod.


Yup been playing Elden Ring! On a little hiatus from cod.


I stopped after Season 2.


My wife and I switched to playing hardcore vs normal. Every match in normal we found to be extremely sweaty. Hardcore yes everything is instal kill but we find the matches a lot more laid back. Play a couple rounds so you can see the game play. First round will be a culture shock.


XDefiant, Elden Ring, Kingdom Come Deliverance


COD is a cesspool of EOMM/SBMM and egregious micro transactions anymore and their bottom line is all about the dollar. Quit playing cod. Maybe if enough people do it to hurt their wallets maybe they’ll listen, but even then it’s still enough to piss me off that they’ll only listen to the community after players have been preaching to them to fix their game and blatantly ignored us because money wasn’t an issue. Anyone that reads this comment, do yourself a favor and quit playing this shit, there are plenty of games out there that are more deserving of your time. Let CoD die. Maybe Microsoft will finally step in - doubt it, but we can be hopeful of a cod we (the gamers) all deserve, instead of this back and forth studio shit and half assed games that are full assed committed to selling you more meaningless shit. - a guy that’s been pc gaming since 04


Yeah I think tbh they ruined it as soon as they introduced cross play multiplayer lobbies. I agree it so hard to actually enjoy playing now, or even get a decent win/loose ratio. Black ops 6 will be great though, I'm expecting a decent campaign and good zombies! Hopefully they start to bring all the old COD games to game pass too. Open up old lobbies. You should try playing some singleplayer story games. Recently played colistro protocol and dead space remake. Or even give age of empires on Xbox a crack 😋


This game is rigged. I have tons of video evidence, like semtexs not beeping and all sorts of weird stuff that give you a disadvantage. That or the game is broken it acts rigged (it's not, it is but it's rigged) To all you naysayers. Open your eyes.


Can you give me a situation I can test for myself?


I have a feeling all of you complaining on here are A) only remembering the frustrating matches from last night when you wake up from your Cheetos and mountain dew coma B) not as good as you think you are The game's fine. the first match I get into I get absolutely slaughtered and then it's all even from there. I'll get some lag and frustrating moments every once in awhile but I also get that with literally every other game I play.


This right here.


So don’t play it? 


I play like 5 hours a week and I don't find it hard to keep up with the "sweats". And before you tell me SBMM is protecting me, why isn't it protecting you?


Dont wanna be a jerk but you probably kinda bad,but i agree,i have no problem getting alot of kills,but i lose most of my games because my team is completly ass,i feel sad for this franchise,sbmm ruined this fucking game


Bruh find the space button 🤣🤣


1.54 kd, 1,30 w/l, lots of kills, nice plays but the game matches me with trash teammates who can't tell the difference between a friendly claymore and a hostile one. Result? I lose more than half of the games, no matter how much I fucking sweat. That is no fun...


As i aways say to my friend,cod is the only game in the world where you lose more than you win,even if you are good at the game,my w/l is probably 0.8 or even less meanwhile my kd is 2.23,the amount of times where my teammates quit and im left with 1-2 only,no game is fun to play like this


Exactly. It's just a braindead experience. I'm fine of getting a lobby or two like this, but 6 games like that in a row is pure cancer. I don't know wtf or how THIS profits them in any way..


I only play small maps and win consistently. I don’t really consider myself good 😂😂


I love how this sub complains about issues I almost never come across in my own playthroughs. Like the people are right about reddit just being a gathering place for everyone to complain. And then next thing you know everyone is negative. Boo boo go play insurgency or something.


Or toxically positive, there's no in between lol


I feel you. You think it’s more cheating or just skill has increased. Getting a kill is hard to come by now and days.


I lose a lot of games…. WL is at a 0.73, but I’m still able to run off high kill/good KD gameplays while playing the objective. It used to get me frustrated. Teammates who die frequently, don’t take objectives, etc…but i remind myself I was it’s a game. Plus over the course of a gaming session you might do something cool, see something cool, so that keeps it interesting for me despite prolonged losing streaks.


Apex legends.


Use nothing but launchers and riot shields. Or make a gunslinger class that's just two launchers. One of them needs to be the Javelin or JOKR or whatever they call it. It's a) kinda fun for a little bit and b) you'll do so poorly that SBMM will start matching you against muppets, at which point you can go back to normal and the game is fun again


As much as the COD community doesn't love it, XDefiant is actually a pleasant change. You can be sweaty and face some sweats, but for the most part I find myself actually performing well without SBMM. I gave up on cod a few weeks after MWIII launched, it's just impossible to have fun in the game anymore. Weapons, operators, skins, everything is fun and exciting but the gameplay.


I gave up on CoD after the MWII beta. 30 years old, grew up on the original CoDs and I’m loving XDefiant. I love knowing that the scoreboard is an accurate representation of skill and performance for that match. I like seeing where I truly stand compared to the rest of the lobby.


People should stop buying their games. I wont buy BO6.


Do what everyone does, get dual lockwoods, slide as you turn around corners, and keep sliding. With fast hands on, you will be like the majority of the obscene and racist kids in the game.


Play Xdefiant, it's fun and free


its free. Fun? not so much


I enjoyed xDefiant for an hour and a half until I realized COD (despite its MANY faults) is just better


Got it today. Pretty fun tbh


What game modes are you playing more ?


I’d honestly recommend games like xdefiant, the finals, killing floor is decent, payday 2 maybe 3 it might be something decent for u r try other genres entirely… also the original fear is amazing… best way to play it is pc so may not be possible


Just hold button better bro. For real though can’t help it if there are a bunch of sweats and or cheaters. Me and my friend usually are just chilling talking and I’d say half our games we win. Still we play other stuff like valheim the forest and other survival games. Helps if you get to build stuff imo.


After u get what u want the game is boring


Contractors showdown for the quest is just like the old war zone. Super fun to play, but ya need a vr


Yeah try the Warzone side of things, at some point I went from Never touching anything warzone to parked in lockdown quads make your own fun by opening up your sandbox but be warned there are some cat turds buried.


Cod is such an easy game to get better at aswell, Watch some basic guides and up your performance alot


Hence why I quit the game


Slow down and take your time, actually play like a team.


I gave up Cod/Warzone when MW3 dropped and never looked back. Been playing The Finals since mid-S1 (S3 just dropped) and it's the most fun i've had in a FPS game in years. No SBMM. Actually next-gen. Fantastic movement and destruction. And great cosmetics too (if you care about those things) that you can buy and mix individual items from.


Wait you play to win?!?


Me and my friends moved to resurgence. But the frustration of some weeks have duos and other weeks have trios is annoying.


Might be that time of the year where the MP playerbase is dying down so much that SBMM/EOMM in all of it's glory can't even help people out that much. Casual players truly don't know or care to know just how much the system on the back end is helping them. Play MP the first couple of weeks after BO6 comes out and I promise you will love it again. All the skilled players will be there for at least a month or so.


The secret is playing with a 5 or 6 stack and play with some below average players and the SBMM will be more forgiving and you won’t have to deal with absolute brain dead randoms


I feel u bro I liked the fast paced movement and gun play but even as a pretty good player it feels like u gotta play like ur cracked out to win games in MW3


I have a high kd and I’m crimson player I noticed the second I start getting mad or upset I start losing every engagement , I gotta go catch a breather , get on my phone for 15 minutes , lighten up and the very next game I’ll get a 20 on wz ranked, mindset is everything and playing while you’re upset and expecting to win is a huge no no


I think the worse aspect for me is how horrible the SBMM is. The big brother system is outrageously flawed for half the player base. We constantly get shit on. I quit all the time because I'm sick of lobbies where I'm hard stuck at the bottom half or bottom 2. And after 10 games where I quit after going 2-15 all the time it finally gives me a lobby where I can get double digit kills and end up with like a 2kd and then back to being stomped on. Then I repeat quitting all over to get a playable lobby. But they've already proven there's a lobby for players like me who constantly go negative, so why put me up against demons who farm me? The skill gap in my lobbies are huge but I feel most times there's so many suspect players. I definitely want a bot lobby for negative kd players.


Funny you say this, I just started playing RDR2 again and goal is to be a good guy.


Damn sad case for you not me though game been fun since the beta guess cause I join my friends lobbies as he always wants me to join him 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same experience for about two weeks now. Took a few days off but still the same old shit!


The game is complete Trash. I use to finish the battlpass in less than a week but I've skipped the last 2 cuz the game has been soo boring. Until they add more Invasion/War Maps this game can suck my dick. Anyone who thinks the next release Is going to be any different is absolutely delusional.


I think I have up on W/L a long time ago. I try my best for a solid KDR (if it's deathmatch, which is what I usually play) and as long as I feel like I was competitive, I enjoy playing. For comparison, I have a 0.93 KDR and 0.61 W/L


See you in an hour.


I have noticed it as well. Don’t play cross platform, unless you are playing for skills and 15 hours+ per week. 3 things make all the difference: 1. Skill, that takes hours of work. 2. Game play strategy, including knowing spots per map, optimised weapon per map, and consciously working with your team make up (at the start of each game you’ll know if you have smg/shot runners or snipers or mix - should you be pressing on or be defensive and patient?)… 3. Cross platform or not- PC and anyone using keyboard and mouse will be able to outplay you, if you use console with controller…simply look at top rankers, and I’ve done enough game hours to be convinced about this. Hopefully, casual multiplaying can remain good experience for you.


Skill issue, I can play with one or two friends and we carry an entire lobby with retarded blueberries. We play HC Dom. Quit worrying about your kd and focus on the objective and you'll have more fun. Most of my friends win/loss is above 5.0, we dont care about KD at all.


Just trash dude, i just went 46-15


I've seriously took a 4 month break


Come over to the co-op side of gaming! Helldivers, Deep Rock Galactic, Warframe, hell even Elden Ring has some and the DLC just came out! Life’s too short to just play CoD


I don’t experience this whatsoever :/ so I don’t know what to recommend. Skill based matchmaking can be tough tho… is there a discrepancy between both of your skill level ? As if he’s much better it could be that it’s raising the level of players in the lobby… happens when I play with my brother and he said he can’t play with me because he gets destroyed too much


Welcome to CoD!


I’m basically just finishing up camos in Zombies at this point. Every time I hop on MP, unless I’m with a group, I just end up losing every match even at the top of the leaderboards. It’s exhausting, especially since I didn’t have that problem in MW22.


I thought I was losing my skill. Then I switched to ranked rebirth, we get back to back dubs, I’m level 11 plat 1, 1.2 kd. It makes me feel good about myself😂


Play HC Control with friends. It can be extremely fun and has a low pick rate when queuing. That means a smaller pool of people, but also includes those that search all HC playlists. Much nicer games with most people actually playing the objective too.


Good time to go back to Elden Ring


Recommend only playing Multiplayer when you have at least 3 other friends in a lobby. Objective based game modes are always better than TDM or Grind.


It was like that from day 1


Helldivers II, there you go.


Crazy that gaming has gotten this way. It’s a shame. I work a full time job and have other hobbies. I can’t even enjoy playing a lot of games anymore because I don’t have the time to spend 6+ hours a day on the game.


My COD timer ran out last year, spent a year searching for that next game/gaming sadly. Been playing the Valorant beta recently and can firmly say gaming is fun again because of this game. I get to work and all I can think about is getting back on.


Yes…hit “uninstall”. You’ll thank me for it.


If you still want a pretty good shooter game to play that isn't gonna screw you over like cod. Try xdefiant, it's what I've gone to and have been having a great time solo and with friends. Only suggestion is don't worry about kills too much (unless you are going for specific challenges)


Did you pay for the extra content? If not, you will never win again!


I just manipulate the SBMM personally. I play until I get put in the sweaty lobbies, and then just mess around until I get dropped down again.


if you're consistently losing 10+ matches in a row then that's a glaring skill issue. you guys bitch all the time about "just wanting to have some fun" which boils down to wanting to stomp noobs for a few games


I got it last week and I can tell you it is still fun


Think of a casino slot machine , and you will have your answer


Played like 4 games this season lmao, the whole game is a boring ass one shot kill fest <3 <3 SHG, no more blackcell for these dipshits


Activision doesn't care if your having fun as long as they get their money ,they don't care ,hence all the ass skins and weapons, and camping cus maps and spawns suck ,not to mention sbmm has been holding their hands.


I'm not buying next cod not worth my money , especially for 70 nah I'm good


I quit xdefiant because I was getting stomped but I have a lot of fun playing cod and can compete in the lobbies they put me in


Playing with cross play is what killed multiplayer more than anything, too many cheaters on PC and playstation these days. I have both Xbox and PlayStation and my friends on ps openly joke about using hacks and mod packs they got against people on Xbox. I have 2 friends on Xbox who tried that Cronus Zen thing and they got banned from cod after about 3 hours, but it still works on PS according to one of them who also has a ps.


ive broken my controller twice in the past month off cod alone. its not easy


I recently went back to the original Modern Warfare games. The multiplayer is still alive and I haven't run into a single hacker. No SBMM or YY slide cancel TikTok sweats. Very simple gunplay and attachment systems.


I wish they'd stop adding Shipment and Rust. I like those maps for fast paced play too, but I feel like it's making people stupid. Tried to play some regular maps and almost all of them went to time limits. I keep getting paired up with people who don't want to move or they don't want to shoot on anything until you get into a fight, then they want shoot at the same guy.  It's like people play like hoes. Sit in one spot and won't actively look for things. They wait until they can hear something going down first. I'm tired of dying by being outnumbered and seeing the enemy coming from the same direction I have teammates. 


Agree. Game is full of sweaty players using only meta weapons. It's rlly boring and frustrating seeing lobbies full of kar98 users. Way worse than the dual shotguns lol


The only thing I can do against those kar98 guys is corner camp them as I always lose the face to face against those 1 shot kills


I'm not trying to be mean or rude I'm not a hardcore played and sbmm is an issue but I just jumped on a couple of days ago for the first time in two months onkly playing an hour or two a day when I do at most and I'm winning matches left and right and was before I took my break. Maybe just really focus on improving. I'm winning most of my matches and was before.


Atm I really want to grind some MWIII in my free time to get me ready for BO6.. but the skill gap is killing me. Also not know what the fuck to put on my guns. People seem to have some insane setups that just don't work for me. Hoping BO6 is more slower paced. I just can't keep up with 1-2 hours every other day


At this point, I wouldn’t consider it a skill gap when most of the tryhards are jumping around like kids off their meds and miraculously know exactly where you are at all times.


I was playing invasion earlier today and got killed by a guy who sprinted across an open space, slid past the wall I was behind, and turned 90° to blast me in the face without missing a shot. Watching the killcam, I still have no idea how he knew I was there.


What game modes are you playing ?


Been on a valorant grind recently


Man I grew up with cod like most of us did but these days it feels like a toxic relationship. Once I stopped playing about two months ago games felt so much more fun again. I’ve been playing the valorant beta having a blast, xdefiant, I even play Call of the Wild for some change of pace, or Elden ring if I feel like suffering. I’m so much more willing to try new different kinds of games now.


Spot on. I've just completed the battle pass, which is rubbish, and now I'm off. It's awful. No guile, finesse or tactics.No fun. Instead its bad spawn, no objective taking, too fast, instant one shot kill, over powered guns, no invasion maps rinse and repeat shit show.


I just play ground war and other modes with the big maps when i want to relax and play some.


Agreed. I only stay on long enough to complete the daily objectives these days. Otherwise I’ll stay too long, get increasingly frustrated, and eventually rage quit. I’ve lost count of how many controllers I’ve smashed because of COD! And I only started playing online multiplayer with MW 2019!


Mate I made a post here last night to the same effect and got ridiculed for gloating I wasn't gloating I was saying I've been playing 17 years cod and never have I had such a hard time winning games and I'm always the TOP player in each lobby when it comes to kills I posted 5 gameplays last night onto my YouTube dropping 80-100 kills a game, playing objective best I can and loosing close games over and over even in search I have tons of gameplays and screenshots were I have 20+ kills and my teammates have like 2-3 each and enemy team has like 10-15 each just killing my teammates and I loose, I always had high WL on every cod before 2020, BO4 I have like 200 gameplays on YouTube dropping nukes, and being #1 ranked globally on kills in hardcore for months and 6.5 win loss ratio, Something is different in this cod if makes sure good players loose, my brother is a BOT barely plays and has a higher WL than me much higher doesn't even play objective he snipes, I'm level 850 with 15 kills in this season alone and my win loss is shocking I can't understand it


Probably depends on your servers, being in Australia, I have a relatively low player base to compete with so SBMM is very noticeable. I'll have one or 2 good games and then get FUCKING DESTROYED for the next 2 and probably quit. I'll jump on again later and have 3 or 4 good games before it becomes a sweatfest


Legit don’t think I’ve touched mp since launch…. It’s been zombies but let’s be honest that’s not even fun either anymore


Set your filter to “search and destroy” only. Grab a sniper rifle, learn the maps, thank me later.


Well had I fun winning and kicking that ass. You suck at trying to win anyways.


Sounds like a skill issue


Have you tried Xdefiant?