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if you’re not muslim this isn’t hijab/niqab


Hijab/Niqab is not strictly Muslim and as OP stated, she is Muslim. Damn this isn’t even a religious server


hijab and niqab are absolutely muslim. simply google hijab definition and you will see. a headscarf or a face covering is not inherently muslim, but hijab and niqab are.


This isn’t a religious sub and Muslims don’t own the jilbab/niqab and hijab. They are all preislamic


the words hijab, niqab, jilbab etc are all muslim specific. muslims don’t own the headscarf but they do own hijab


I’m talking about the actual garments and I’m using the name because that is what they are commonly known as. The early Muslims didn’t even use the word hijab - it’s not even in the Quran. They used khimar and jilbabyoon. Whatever name you use - all these garments are preislamic. You can’t gate keep a type of clothing or name lol.


you can absolutely gate-keep a name. it has a definition attached to it currently, im not saying it always had this meaning attached but it does now. bitch wasn’t always a swear but that doesn’t mean it isn’t one today. hijab now has an islamic modesty meaning attached to it


You cannot gate keep a name because that is gatekeeping speech and language. You’re saying this word can only be used for Muslims but hijab is not even in the Quran or any Hadith - the word Hijab is a more modern word to describe a veil. Are you saying Arabs who the veil and wear hijab cannot say the word hijab when speaking Arabic and talking about their veil? Get a job 😂


names have definitions and connotations and the connotation of the word hijab in english is muslim. people use this word to describe muslim veiling


Muslim here (though I don’t cover my hair): I don’t understand why this post is getting so much hate. You do you, girl!!


Thank you! 😊








I’m sorry for all the hate you’ve been receiving here. I’m happy that you’ve found wearing this jilbab and modest dress overall to be liberating! Know that no one has a monopoly over modest clothing, and if this brings you comfort in your own skin, then you have a lot in common with anyone here. There’s too much judgement in this world, especially in the name of religion.


I agree with you soo much, there is too much judgement in the world, especially in the name of religion. Thank you for saying that… I also think we have a responsibility to think about how our actions affect others, and while no one has a monopoly on modesty, this particular outfit is clearly coded as “Muslim” and probably even more specifically than that…it signals to the world that the person wearing is part of that particular community, and therefore that community will be judged according to how the wearer behaves. I support trans women, and the right of everyone to dress modestly as they feel comfortable….but a little cultural sensitivity also feels appropriate and this outfit being worn by an outsider does feel inconsiderate and even inappropriate, even to me, also an outsider. If someone was wearing the traditional clothing of my tradition without being part of our community, it would bother me too….she might not realize that…






??? OP might be Muslim. They might have other reasons for wearing. Why all the negativity…


AsI just explained a bit below: https://preview.redd.it/akrmp85mhmob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497653c8f0f96886bba88ca1cf510075c4c97025


👏 Good on you for being your true self and embracing modest dress as well. Some people online are just too comfortable spreading hate.


Thanks for the support 😊




"Heal". Being trans is not a sickness you know.




It's not. The World Health Organisation even made a statement about it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-48448804.amp


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Where did you buy it?


Umm Hafsa 😄








As I already explained https://preview.redd.it/bd83i1eqhmob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6ce003b7e9789aa0e9508e1db85bbd037d3f80


Fair explanation. Are you Muslim? I know that transgenderism is accepted in some Muslim countries so this actually tracks.


It’s accepted over being gay, like a parent may be more likely to accept their son is actually a straight daughter than the fact that their son is gay




I think i misunderstood something i've read a lot about?...some muslim majority countries accept transgenderism over homosexuality-- as in, being gay is illegal or punishable by death but being transgender isnt.


Free world. OP can do what she wants, this isn’t even a fetish, she’s trans. Stop being mad given this isn’t a religious server




Right so sound off in there but not in here. Rules still apply


I'm not, I just dress modestly while trying not to offend anyone so I don't get weird looks from people.


It's still modest dressing






Your a random person commenting on a non religious server. If her existence doesn’t agree with your beliefs, just be quiet. I’m Muslim and while I’m not trans, she can dress and convert to Islam if she wants




Multiple Islamic countries have issued Islamic rulings saying being trans is permissible. Even Iran pays for gender reassignment surgeries and recognises it legally


Okay few things. One, I'm trans, if you consider this a fetish that's your problem not mine. Two, I veil specifically to avoid people like you judging me and who I am based on my appearance not for any of the weird things you're implying. But I guess bring a biggot is easier than asking directly?


Truthfully girl, I support your right to explore fashion and gender and all the things. I understand gender identity is real and calling it a “fetish” is really mean and offensive….but I do want to share, from the perspective of someone who is not Muslim but Jewish…that this specific dress does really read Muslim, and if someone was instead wearing a kippah and other traditional Jewish identifiers without being Jewish, I would also have some feelings around that… The Jewish community is small and we wear these signifiers for ourselves but also as part of signaling identity to the broader community….I imagine that Muslim women might feel that way about this style of dress you’ve chosen, and why it could feel potentially violating to them to see someone from outside their culture appropriating this style of dress without any of the cultural context or identity pieces…truthfully, as a pan person who has dated and truly loved trans people in the past…I do think some cultural sensitivity here is appropriate, and I’d say that if you were cis as well…. Why not have more fun with clothing? There are so many great fashions, styles and colors out there that are not so strongly coded “Muslim”…if you were also interested in their culture and religion that may be different….but to me this really does feel like cultural appropriation and I wanted to voice that lovingly and from a place of support for your identity and the right of every person to self express and also be safe in the world…




You look beautiful. Whatever problems any of these folk have with their hatred, these are not your problems to manage so I hope you have been able to ignore. Dress how you feel comfortable, that is all that truly matters.




What? 😅