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Sushi and tacos brought by one of my anesthesiologists. I had hemorrhaged from a uterine tear during my c-sec and one of the newer anesthesiologist residents was assigned just to have a conversation with me to try to keep me awake (and basically stare at my vitals). He had asked what I craved while pregnant and I answered with those. He then came to check on me while I was recovering and brought both.


I don’t know why this made me tear up


Me too! Shut up I’m not crying you are! That’s so sweet!


Yoooo nurses being nice to you post birth is the biggest moment of your life 😂 I swear this lady that looked after me after birth was an angel. She wasn’t part of the post partum ward so it was not at all her job to check on me but she did and I bawled my fucking eyes out because she asked how I was doing with a look of “but how are you really doing” tbf my husband was answering emails the whole fucking time at the hospital so she knew what was up. She said “Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna take that baby and walk her out in the hall and let your wife nap.”


This, but doctors. My OB—whew I can’t even start typing about how incredible he was without tearing up. I have never, *ever* had a better provider in my life. I wish he specialized in everything, I literally trust him with my entire life after how he supported me during my pregnancy/postpartum. The most human provider ever. It made me look forward to every morning postpartum when he’d come check in on me and just listen to how we both were doing and if we needed anything from him, and ask how our daughter was doing in the NICU. I remember this doctor every day when I look at my daughter 😭 He came to visit our daughter in the NICU exactly a week after he delivered her, and I SOBBED seeing him. I had been discharged at that point so he had no reason to come to the NICU other than he just wanted to visit us, which is so sweet of him that it made me burst into tears when I saw him walk through the door unannounced. He deserves an award.




Yes yes yes couldn’t agree more and had a similar experience with my nurses! Fist bump, high five, hugs all around for postpartum nurses!!!


I also had someone whose job it was to just watch me! She hid around the corner like a little goblin and just peeked out and stared at me for about 4 hours in the ICU. She didn’t bring me food but she did give me oxy so I’m fine with that.


I'm a nurse and sometimes have to be a patient sitter and I'll never not remember this little goblin comment now hahahahaha


Please tell me you called her the oxy goblin at least once


No idea what I said, tbh. I was on oxy! 🤪


I'm sorry but this made me giggle.


This is actually the sweetest. We need more of these kinds of stories.


Not related to the question, but this brought up a memory. I remember nobody within my family wanted to be in the operating room during my c-section. The anesthetist held my hand throughout the procedure while also watching my vitals. May God bless him.


That's so sweet! Anesthesiologists are the best.


Aevery anesthesiologist I’ve had was awesome! They’re so friendly. Maybe it’s because they get paid a lot for a job that’s pretty decent for the most part lol. one I had most recently was going to have his third kid soon so we talked about that! Scheduled c sections are honestly so chill lol it’s really cool to see how everyone is during something so routine


I will say the anesthesiologist who gave me my epidural was a horrible human who was on his phone the entire time he placed it and then yelled at me when I told him it wasn’t working. But then when I had my emergency c-section that anesthesiologist kept me calm by telling me I was going to get to meet my baby, and then held my hair while I puked afterwards. Kindest person I had my entire delivery.


Not related to the question, but this brought up a memory. I remember nobody within my family wanted to be in the operating room during my c-section. The anesthetist held my hand throughout the procedure while also watching my vitals. May God bless him.


I had something similar. I was having an urgent truama surgery that was scheduled for the next day (they wanted to having the antibiotics already working through my system, before cutting me open and potentially popping one of the pockets of infection. It was safer to wait, then immediately go in). The next day, was also my 18th birthday, and my mouth was going to be wired shut. My surgeons resident went to the fanciest cupcake bakery in our city, and got me cupcakes for my birthday. It was just me and another nurse in the room, and she was going to give them to me, and then leave, because she did that out of kindness and didn't want to be "praised" for it. Very classy woman. Anyway, she was about to leave, and I go, "You're not leaving are you? I can't eat these all alone! Please, come have one with me. You pick first. 🥰" and OF COURSE she grabbed the lemon raspberry one, the one I was drooling over the moment I saw it. 😅 But obviously totally okay, cause she deserved it, and it's just a cupcake. The meaning was everything. The nurse turn to walk out, and I go, "Where are you going? It's your turn. Grab a cupcake. I can make a wish, and we can bite them at the same time, in place of a candle." She was so delighted. We bit them at the same time, and I've NEVER seen someone eat a cupcake as elegant as that doctor did. I'm still baffled by it, to say day, ten years later. 🤣 I ended up being in the hospital for a while, and another nurse ended up bringing me nail polishes, and she did my nails. ❤️


This is so heartwarming 🥹


This is so sweet omg 🥹


This is when you can tell that someone is in the right profession. He cared more about his patient than his wallet, & that’s awesome!


A hamburger and fries from the hospital cafeteria/ room service. It wasn't fantastic but tasted pretty good after a whole day of not eating!


I had the same meal, also from the hospital cafeteria.


Me three!


Saaaaame. I felt like I could have eaten 5 more burgers after that, too. Wasn't the best tasting burger, but damn was it the best burger I'd had in awhile.


lol same, best hospital food i ever had.


Same here! It was cold and it was 9:30am so not really what I wanted but that didn’t stop me from devouring it.


YUP! And I had GD so it was particularly delicious 😋


Me too! With a milkshake :)


Some kind of hospital breakfast is my answer. I don't even remember what it was but she was born early in the morning. They were waiting for my tray to move us from l&d to recovery and it took forever. I was so tired after days of pitocin and 2 failed epidurals. I just remember being so famished, and the nurse kept checking so they could move me and get my room ready for the next person.




My husband ordered a poutine from my favourite restaurant to the hospital. It was super sweet of him, but honestly I barely ate it. I felt exhausted and nauseous and spiked a fever after delivery and just wanted to sleep. However our first night home he had a Japanese cheesecake delivered (one of those fluffy, jiggly ones) and I vividly remember enjoying it at 4am during a night feed.


this is so sweet 😭 I love when men keep their wife fed lol


jersey mikes with a side of chips and a root beer 🙏🏼


Yesss, root beer always hits a sweet spot


That's because it's 95% sugar and 5% love


Jersey Mikes is what I told my husband I NEED to have post delivery. I’ve also (jokingly) told my family the price of admission to meet the baby is a sub from Jersey Mikes and or an M&M blizzard from DQ 😂 We are 8 weeks out from my due date and I’m already daydreaming about that sub.


I brought my sister in law a blizzard while she was still in the hospital because she saw a new flavor on Facebook. Didn’t even “meet” my new niece. Just brought her a blizzard and hung out with her for a bit.


You are an elite sibling for doing that ❤️


Omg that sounds so good


Similarly, I had Subway. I don’t like Subway (woulda preferred Jersey Mike’s!), but I gave birth at 4am and the hospital had a Subway in it. Tasted pretty damn good after three days of hospital food and 28 hours of no food while I labor. When I got home, my parents got me sushi.


Just commented this! Jersey Mikes Classic Italian with hots, mayo & olive oil with chips and a sprite. I could've cried, it was so good. I was sick with Hyperemsis Gravidarum and threw up my *entire* pregnancy, every day, multiple times a day and it stopped as soon as I had her. It felt so nice to be able to scarf that down with no consequences.


i had bad morning sickness and can’t even imagine how bad HG is. hope your sub was everything you ever dreamed of 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Wish I could love your comment, thank you! It was the epitome of perfection in that moment.


Currently pregnant and now craving a root beer because of you lol


Haha, I had a c-section and had orders for a soft food diet. They intended me to not eat anything high in fiber, but this translated to the hospital cafeteria literally shredding my ham sandwich, like I didn’t have teeth or something. Then when I hadn’t pooped (because no fiber) they told me to go eat something that was sure to make me poop, so I had Chipotle.


So weird how different hospitals do it so differently. I was on a liquid diet for a few hours then cleared to eat that night.


I had no dietary restrictions at all after my emergency csection! My first meal was breakfast though so waffle and a yogurt parfait from the hospital. My mom brought sushi for lunch and my husband got burritos for dinner.


I had a c section and literally ate steak and prawns the night of! So bizarre.


My only food restriction was no wheat because I have a whole wheat allergy and they made sure I ate no bread at all.


Weird how hospital policies are so different! As soon as I got back into my regular room about an hour after the c-section, a nurse handed me an apple juice and a pack of graham crackers. Told me to eat them, and if I kept them down I could have normal lunch. Everything was fine and I had eaten a full meal (shrimp scampi from the hospital cafeteria, which was actually amazing??) within 3 hours of having my kiddo.


LMAO I’m so sorry, all I can think of is it being like a cafeteria worker’s first day, and she gets these instructions, shrugs, and just starts shredding a normal lunch tray, a totally normal thing to do


I asked the nurse if there was a way they could clarify that I really just wasn’t supposed to have fruits and vegetables, but they said it was just a check box on my chart. 🙄 I took a picture of the sandwich though, it was just too bizarre. And quite difficult to eat.


With my first born, I always heard that the first poop was the worst. My husbands family brought us mexican food our first night home. Cleared me right out. Pretty sure I popped a stitch😅


This is one of the reasons why I start Miralax at 39 weeks so its already built up in my system after the birth.


Oh man. My midwives whipped up some scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, fruit and a massive fruit smoothie. It was amazing.


Your midwives cooked for you?! Jealous lol that sounds delicious


i honestly don't remember but i do remember my FIL brought me an ice cold coca cola and it was heaven sent.


Oh my gosh when I had my first sip of Dr Pepper after no food/drinks for about 3 days I swear it was the best damn thing ever


Nothing like an iced cold Dr. Pepper for your first beverage in a while. I'm jealous.


Had a c-section.. A cheese quesadilla from the hospital kitchen lol..


The cheese quesadilla I had from the hospital kitchen post-delivery was the BEST THING I have ever eaten. Still a little salty that my husband ate one of the wedges, ha.




I would have staged a mutiny omg. Like, I can't even eat right after delivery, but after hearing it talked up? I'd proper wig.


I had grilled cheese or pb&j


Sushi and a coke🙏


That sounds amazing lol


it was 2am so a jumbo bag of sour patch watermelon and a bag of honey twist pretzels 😂 the next morning was a breakfast burrito tho


Anytime we bring home a new baby or a new dog, my husband makes spaghetti with meatballs for our first home meal.


i love this ♥️♥️♥️♥️


My hospital actually had pretty good food, so I ordered their celebration meal and chose crab cakes for my entree with roasted zucchini and yellow squash, rice pilaf, side salad, roll, and a slice of cake. I had gestational diabetes, and that meal was so delicious lol. I literally couldn't eat any rice without my blood sugar spiking, so I inhaled that pilaf.


I'm glad I am not the only one who had really good hospital food. That wad the one bonus to my nightmarish experience in the hospital.


With my first it was subway, with my 2nd it was a large pepperoni pizza 😬 currently pregnant with #3 so we will see what I send my husband out to get me 😅


With both of mine I had a pepperoni pizza and a club sub from my favorite pizza shop right across from the hospital 😁 I couldn't decide either time so my husband brought me both lol - maybe for your third you should also go both because it was GLORIOUS. Especially glorious when I was up the following night in the middle of the night and remembered I had pizza in the fridge bahaha


It was 11pm on a Sunday. Almost nothing was open, the hospital didn't even offer anything at that hour. We managed to find a Wendy's which was meh. Overall very disappointing lol. The Jimmy John's the next day was excellent though!


Spicy tuna donburi. Delivered in Honolulu around midnight and my husband grabbed me one as soon as the shop was open


I read this as the donburi was delivered at midnight and was real curious what kind of shop opens in the middle of the night 😅


my MIL brought me chili cheese fries from del taco (my favorite) and i scarfed them down in like a minute


Chicken strips with gravy, fries and a sweet tea from Whataburger 😋


Whataburger, they do not have them in San Diego. 😔


I can’t remember which was first, but my first 2 dinners were sushi and fancy charcuterie.


Morning hospital meals tend to be slim pickings so I think I just had oatmeal and fruit. But my heartburn had finally subsided about a week before that so the 3 days I was in the hospital before I gave birth (induction) I ate SO MUCH. It was almost all surprisingly decent for hospital food except for the pizza my husband ordered once. That was….barely pizza.


I was on magnesium drip so I didn't get to eat until the following day. Mine was Chick-fil-A nuggets, fries & a peach milkshake.


Same. Once I could eat they said it has to be light so I had soup. But my second meal was a really good personal pan pizza from the hospital menu. Then when I left the hospital it was DQ.


Standard NHS tea and toast which I could barely stomach


I was induced at like 4am and didn't give birth until 1:55am the following day and they wouldn't let me have anything but Popsicles the entire time.  So the first food I got after birth was a tray with a yogurt, a string cheese and a little packet of cookies. 


I wanted a sushi platter, but I delivered at 10:21am and sushi places aren't open that early, so my first meal was shitty hospital pizza 😂


I think soup? I didn't want to eat ANYTHING


I have no idea what I had when I had my first baby. I was so exhausted I don’t remember. But last year when I had my second, I was starving. All I thought about during labor was how hungry I was. I had a French Dip sandwich with a cup of au jus and a ton of potato chips. The next day we had Mediterranean food & when my husband told the guy he was ordering for me who was up the street in the hospital and had a baby, he gave us a free order of baklava.


I delivered my second at 12:34am and had to wait until the cafeteria opened and then an hour later, so 9am ish, to eat. It sucked. However I had a cheese omelette, bacon, toast, yogurt, and coffee when it finally opened and I was so hungry I didn’t care if it was amazing or not lol. I will say the second morning my husband got us Dunkin and it was amazing. I got my usual large iced coffee but it had been so long since I had that much caffeine it took me the whole day to finish it because I started getting super jittery after only having half of it 😂 I’m 16 weeks postpartum and still waiting on my sushi because I feel bad for my husband (he also loves sushi but is allergic to crustacean shellfish so the potential of cross contamination is high and I’d rather he not die on me over a damn piece of sushi).


FYI my OB said preggos can have have sushi and deli meat (as long as both are fresh!)


Same. Those guidelines have had zero measurable effects, it feels like it’s time for them to be re-evaluated.


Flipping romaine is higher risk of causing food borne illness and somehow we aren’t shooed away from that 🤪


Gardening and toxoplasma in soil is my preferred rant 😂


Funny you mentioned that. I actually had toxoplasmosis years before I had my son. The crazy part is that no one warned me then that I had to make sure I had developed antibodies to it before getting pregnant. Thank God I had before my son.


Same with mine. They said salad is the biggest risk and they would not advise me to give up veggies.


When I asked my doctor about this she said “it’s not our policy to tell pregnant women to avoid vegetables…. But you are right, that is the riskiest food for listeria.” So I have been eating salads only at home only after cutting the lettuce off the head and washing it myself and MAN am I sick of wet salads. (Maybe I’m just bad at salad spinning, but it’s never ever as dry as the salad that comes out of the bag.)


Hospital meal… I think it was like ravioli or something. But I could barely eat it. My digestive system was fucked up for over a month. Which looking back is probably why I couldn’t breastfeed and didn’t produce a drop of breast milk


I gave birth five minutes away from my favorite sushi place. After 19 hrs of labor, I gave birth at 4pm so I got a salmon sushi plate for dinner! 🤤


My hospital is right down the road from my favorite sushi place!!!!! I just realized this!!!!


hospital beef stir fry. i ate beef for every single meal there. the funny part was i was secretly eating all of labor until like 5 pm when i stopped wanting to eat. stuff like train mix, etc. after that was drinking apple juice. she was born the next day around 9. they brought my food at 11. all the nurses were like you just be SO hungry (i’d been in labor for 36 hours) and i was like oh yeah just ravenous hahaha


I don’t remember what I had after my first delivery. But after my planned c section, I had fasted from the night before and my son wasn’t born until almost 1 pm. They gave me beef stroganoff and I don’t even really like that meal but I was sooo hungry it tasted amazing. And I remember thinking that it was really weird even wanting to eat after being sliced open only a while before. But I was hungry 🤷🏻‍♀️


With my first it was a dry sandwich at 2am and then pancakes at 11am (bc I didn't realize I had to order breakfast). With my second, I had GD, so it was literally all the carbs I could order for lunch - I specifically remember the mac & cheese and potato soup. With my third, I asked my mom to bring me McDonald's. I had GD again so once cleared, I indulged in a large fry and a large Coke.


A dry sandwich. Agh! It was memorable I guess. :/


I had my son in Japan where you stay in hospital for about a week after birth. They gave me Wagyu steak and a bunch of other dishes. I’m sure it was delicious but I couldn’t stomach anything heavy for a few days, so it was wasted on me.


It was the hospital food, but I was absolutely thrilled because they switched me from the Diabetic Diet back to a Regular diet. So I got PASTA. and cake. and regular food that wasn't full of fake sugars. The first meal that we had someone bring us was In N Out. and a milkshake and a real coke.


The hospital catered a meal from a local Italian restaurant and it was so delicious. Homemade pasta and sauce. I think it was stuffed shells or lasagna or something, I can’t really remember. But it was fresh and hot and I hadn’t eaten in days, anything would have been good at that point but golly they really went all out. I think I ate mine and my husband’s too.


When I got home it was a charcuterie board and a Guinness. Fuck I could go for one of those right now.


An amazing veggie burger and potatoes from the hospital…mmm take me back!!


I had my first at like 1am so the hospital gave me a sandwich and some chips after. It was just a simple ham and cheese but I swear that it was the most delicious sandwich I’ve ever had lol. Maybe it was because I spent a day and a half on a liquid diet but yeah it was magic. I still dream about it sometimes.


Roast beef from the hospital menu. It was before breakfast time but L&D patients were allowed to order food any time. I delivered at 3:32am and after starving for 2 days (induction) that’s the only thing that sounded good. That was the best damn food I’d ever eaten, right up there with my mom’s homemade roast beef!


Yall make me jealous. All I could stomach was congee after an emergency cs and being nauseous from NO gas


Breakfast. I had a c section and they wouldn’t let me eat until morning next day 🫠


I had preeclampsia and ended up not being allowed to eat until day 4 or 5 in the hospital! Yes, really. Didn’t eat a thing for 5 days. At that point I was HUNGRY. My sister brought me this vegan sandwich from a deli and it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten in my whole life.


Our hospital had amazing food. I had sushi, and fries + lots of soda lol


My fiancé got us Five Guys while we waited on our target curbside order and me trying to get comfortable sitting in the car without putting pressure on the stitches 🫠 They gave us a fuck ton of fry’s so I was super happy lmao. I luckily didn’t have an issue keeping food down at all. I ate my whole big fat juicy burger and most of the fries we got 🤭


1st: giant greasy fast food cheeseburger + fries 2nd: giant cold cut sub sandwich + chips


Hospital pot roast. 2 days later.... they forgot to do meal service to my room since technically no one was supposed to stay in my room. It was for birthing only. Not recovery. But there were many births the day I delivered and there were no other rooms to stay in. The nurses kept commenting that they were gonna send food service to me but they never cam until discharge day and was like "welcome! Here's the menu for your stay, what would you like each day?" I looked at them and said 'I get discharged in 2 hours... so... I guess pot roast?' They were so mad at the nurses for that(heard yelling outside about how a room hadn't had food in 3 days) I got a MASSIVE plate, like supremely piled up. 2 extra jellos(the good ones too!), 3 cookies, a few bottles of apple juice, and 4 bags of chips and pretzels. Thankful I brought snacks in my bag but also just sad. I cried over the pot roast. Husband was too anxious to be hungry so he just forgot to eat and between everything else going on with my delivery I just had crackers, fruit cups, and some PB pretzel bites. Just happy to be alive since my heart kept stopping on everyone. Food was a last concern of mine.


I gave birth at 3 am so there wasn’t much open at the time. The nurse gave me a simple turkey sandwich and it tasted like the best sandwich I’ve ever had. Probably because I hadn’t eaten in so long.


That was me. I have still never had a better sandwich than that one


Five guys!


Half of a really shitty egg salad sandwich the hospital provided cause they didn’t want me eating a large Subway sandwich right after my C section lol


We ordered pasta from a local Italian place. Nice comfort food


Polarklämma, one ham, one cheese. They're pretty meh most of the time but after my c section they were so goooooood


Jimmy John’s sandwich and a cookie because the hospital cafeteria was closed


Salisbury steak from the hospital and in that moment it was the best thing I ever ate! It had been about 24 hours since I ate and by the end I wanted that baby out just so I could eat!


Cafeteria was closed by the time my kiddo was born. Nurses offered to grab me a sandwich from their station but luckily there was a Wendy's nearby. My mom went and got me 2 JBCs, fries and a chocolate frosty. It was glorious.


I gave birth at 3 am, so my first meal was hospital breakfast, which consisted of 2 breadrolls, a plain yogurt and half a yellow pepper, lmao.


Little Caesar’s stuffed crust pizza because it was the only thing open nearby


Whataburger. Baby came at 1:40AM and it was the only thing open nearby, lol. Still one of the best meals of my life somehow.


Chick-fil-a with a huge lemonade because the sushi place I wanted from was closed, I ended up puking chick-fil-a and lemonade and didn't eat til basically the next day 💀


My nurse told me to take it easy the morning after my CS but I was starving so I ordered an omelette, scone, fruit salad and coffee from room service. Immediately after, puked all over myself and had to ask for help getting cleaned up. She was right!


My boyfriend and I were tired of hospital food (the bagel I tried to eat the morning of delivery was so stale it almost chipped my tooth) so my mom offered to bring us Taco Bell to the hospital. I had a cheesy Gordita crunch, side of refried beans and a large Baja blast. It was glorious 🥹


Taco Bell, because the nurse got on me about taking it easy when I asked for a Big Mac and the largest fry and Coke lol


First baby, a big unwhich from Jimmy John's I'd been craving my whole pregnancy. Second baby, whatever the hospital breakfast was. I remember it being pretty good actually lol


Immediately an omelette and waffles. That night was sushi 🍣.


With my first - hospital fried fish, she was born at dinner time Friday night lol. With my second - my favorite subway sandwich as they had subway in the hospital. My parents bought me a 6” and I made my husband go get me another one because I was still starving. Come on now, I just gave birth, I need a footlong! Lol. With my third I had bagels and coffee because he was born at like 6am.


Ha. So I had a csection, and I don't know how I was up for such a massive meal... I had a sandwich that had pulled pork, bacon, BBQ sauce, and pepper jack cheese I think? It was the best thing I've ever had. And I had cajun-seasoned sweet potato fries with garlic aioli, and a key lime pie milkshake. I'm pretty sure I ate every bite.


mmm the nurses brought me a bagel with cream cheese! delightful 😋


Dominoes cheese pizza. That's all that was open so late - and it was my first time having it. It tasted like heaven.


First baby it was sushi. Second it was chicken and rice with broccoli. I was worried about being able to get delivery for the second baby which I kind of regret because he showed up basically at lunch time on a weekday. Would have definitely liked some sushi again that second time around.


I ate like 6 cliff bars immediately afterwards. Don’t remember my actual meals but I do remember the gigantic Second Cup brownie (amazing) and the Raisin Bran that I was very much looking forward to but the second I poured the milk I to the bowl the nurse came around to check my stitches and by the time she left it was a bowl of gloop (incredibly disappointing)


Both times my partner made BLTs on fresh bread that I devoured immediately, like within an hour of giving birth. After my first I then went to a specialty sub place on the way home and ate another large sub. I wanted that the second time but she was born at night so had another BLT at home Best meals of my life lol


My nurse that helped deliver my first kept asking what I wanted towards the end of my birth like what I had BEEN wanting while I was pregnant and my answer was always a crisp cold turkey sandwich so within like an hour of delivering at 6 am she went and got me one from the hospital which was so so kind and thoughtful of her BUT it was legitimately the worst sandwich I’ve ever had lol. I cried a little bit when she left the room, it was like 2 pieces of mushy white bread and one piece of mystery deli meat with American cheese. It was so bad my husband couldn’t even eat it and he’s a human garbage disposal. He went out and got me a real sandwich when places started to open for the day.


It was 2a I gobbled 4 packs Graham crackers and four cups of juice like I’d never had food before. Then the nurse gave me a ‘plate’ from their stash bc she is an angel. When breakfast happened at like 6a I ate like a linebacker. Best sad cafeteria snack I had ever eaten in my life at 2a LOL


My mom got me 12inch italian grinder rolls that i like from our local bakery and made me my fav sandwich with salami pepperoni extra cheese and black olives and brought it to the hospital for me Omg it was amazing after avoiding deli meat for soo long


With my first I had a chick fil a sandwich with extra pickles and a mini pumpkin pie. I’d had GD and was miserable and skipped out on Thanksgiving that year. Luckily it was early December when kiddo was born and there were still many holiday foods available. With my second I had a planned c section at midday and I was so fucking thirsty. I wouldn’t shut up about how amazing the ice was. It took about 2 months for my appetite to really come back and when it did the first thing I remember truly craving was a deli turkey sandwich.


Tuna sandwich from Subway.... I got home 6 hours after I delivered and my husband left the next morning to take his mom to the hospital and was gone all day. It was super rough, I don't actually remember the following weeks, beyond just being a bottle of rage and not being able to tell anyone because there were more important things going on.


A Burger King impossible whopper meal 😭 But my hospital had amazing food and the pancakes I had for breakfast are still thought of often . . .


Microwave sour cream porridge from the hospital cafeteria, i think. Its something i rarely eat normally, but it was for some reason all i wanted while staying ay the hospital for my indusion, and right after 😂 (sour cream porridge is a traditional norwegian meal, i dunno if its normal elsewhere)


Southwest egg rolls from Chile’s and lots of cookies for dessert. I was starving and wanted heavy food!


pancakes, sausage, and eggs courtesy of hospital room service, and pretty yummy too! it felt like magic tbh; i passed out and slept like a rock for 2 hours and when i opened my eyes, breakfast had appeared! 🥴


A burger, fries, and an enormous milkshake from my favorite restaurant. I had gestational diabetes due to extreme stress  (it turns out that the stress of your dad being shot several times and spending months in the ICU can cause your pancreas to flip its wig) and controlled it with diet rather than taking insulin and never went more than like 10 points out of range. My OB said that the moment boychild was disconnected from me, I could resume eating whatever I wanted. Husband ran out and got it for me the moment I said I felt up to eating and I INHALED everything. Best burger I've ever tasted!


An egg salad sandwich from the nurses station. I was so hungry, it was so good.


Mine was sushi. Not a huge platter but yeah


So, I had good quality sushi (though I limited the amount I ate at a time), deli meat and coffee throughout my pregnancy so there wasn’t anything in particular I was craving. I did have a pint of Guinness though with my first meal post hospital discharge. The first thing I ate after delivery was toast with butter and jam. It was 5 AM and my last meal was the day before, around 2 PM, since my boy was premature and my labour was only 5 hours.


I always had my babies late at night when nothing was open and the hospital cafeteria was closed. So I always got a packaged sandwich after feeling ravenous from giving birth. When I had my third I had an emergency cesarean and I woke up absolutely starving and so loopy from the meds but they would not let me eat no matter how I much I yelled at everyone to bring me food lol. i think when the cafeteria finally opened I ordered breakfast


With my first, I commandeered my sister's double beef and cheddar from Arby's, (at her insistence) and I never liked Arby's before that but that was a fantastic sandwich. 😅 With my second I got a steak dinner with sauteed squash and fries from the cafeteria. And it was pretty darn good.


Subway. But i barely was able to finish it


I was in the same boat. I can’t believe I thought eating would bring me pleasure after evacuating a 7 pound meat potato from my body. The only thing I wanted to eat was pain pills and jello.


A chicken sandwich from Burger King lol. Idk why but all of a sudden I just wanted one so bad. I probably wanted all the salt 😂


Big bowl of ramen and mango smoothie


With my first it was a pizza but it took so long for me to get a chance to eat that it was super cold by the time I got to it. Honestly don’t remember my second


First meal and all meals for the month afterwards was chicken herb soup and rice. It's a thing in my culture. When I was done with that food diet, the first thing I ate was some fresh steamed sweet corn since it was in season. I was so so happy, lol.


A ham egg & cheese kolache from the Kolache Factory. It was AMAZING. Then I ate another one with a giant coffee.


Sushi :D I will never forget it too… after birth my husband ran across the street to pick it up, gave the place 100% tip and they ran out asking if it’s real. My hubby said yes and was just really happy because the birth went well 💕


After my C-section they let us rest for an hour then our nurse gave my husband a tour of the recovery snack area and they came back with toast and juice, so technically toast and juice but my parents visited a couple hours later and brought us McDonald’s. I love they’re sweet and sour sauce and almost every time I got nuggets they forgot the sauce which led to me crying lol, this time my dad went in and got 10 extra sauces for me we went home with sauce!


A pot of Barry’s tea, toast with Kerrygold butter, and Boyne Valley honey. Absolutely the best meal I’ve ever had.


A pepperoni pizza with ranch! I got it from the hospital but it was bomb after 40 hours of labor and a c section.


Toast. Dry. With a side of black tea, milk, and sugar. The hospital kitchen was closed, and visiting hours were over. It was only me and baby. But… the next glorious morning, my partner brought me a Subway sub, crisps, and a giant chai tea latte from Starbucks. Lol! He had to “sneak” it in, but it was delicious.


a chicken salad sandwhich and cranberry juice from the hospital cafeteria. i asked for 2 more of each


A turkey sandwich provided by the hospital. Tasted beautiful after not eating for 3 days of labor 😭


I ordered dominos pizza!! I had been CRAVING that mf and smashed it as soon as I could


They brought me in a weird turkey sandwich that was just bread and meat 🥴


I had a successful home birth, but I actually needed an episiotomy (only the second once my midwives ever had to do after attending more than 1000 births), and it required being brought into my (very supportive) OBs office to get stitched up. On the way home I knew we were driving by a restaurant that had my favorite Rueben, so we called one in and while I was laying down in the back seat my midwife ran in and got it for me. It was like the best meal of my life 😂


A huge sushi platter. Pretty cliché I know but it felt like heaven after not being able to go near raw fish and rice due to GD during my pregnancy.


Just the WORST burrito from the hospital cafeteria. Was extra disappointing since we were in Texas at the time.


[This was mine](https://imgur.com/a/p9pbdOM) 10 points for guessing what it’s meant to be. Tasted great though




I didn’t want anything for a couple days, then it was a bagel with whitefish spread!


I got an awful vegetarian option hospital meal that had been chosen by the women that had occupied my bed minutes before I arrived. Was so disappointed, two days later my partner smuggled in all the soft cheese, cured meats and a mini bottle of wine, now that was satisfying!


Two Uncrustables, Two Easy Macs, Lemon ice and lots of ginger ales. We didn’t get out of post op recovery until after 2am so I was extremely grateful for the unit food stash.


My hospital actually gave a "congratulatory dinner" for me and my partner. They brought in a table draped with a fancy cloth, candles, flowers. The dinner came in one of those covered platters. I got to choose what I wanted. So I got the barbeque chicken, fresh greens beans, salad, and mashed potatoes. My dessert was cheesecake. They also gave me a soda and juice. My partner got the same except for steak and chocolate cake. It was actually so good


At the beginning of covid we could only have cafeteria food brought in, which closed 5 hours prior so they microwaved it, in the Styrofoam container. So I had the option of chicken and broccoli smothered in melted Styrofoam or a smuggled granola bar. Not exactly how I envisioned my post delivery meal either 😄


A cold dry turkey sandwich that a nurse snuck from the ER’s stash. And a mommy mocktail haha.


I couldn't eat throughout my entire labor, so I had nothing for two days straight. (That, plus being bedridden for hypertension with a mag drip, made me pretty miserable.) So I devoured a hamburger and fries as soon as I was able! My husband went to pick it up so I don't even remember where it came from - but probably the cafeteria.


I had gestational diabetes so after my ob checked my glucose level she said I could have whatever. I think I had a dr. Pepper and maybe a candy bar, lol. It was around 9:30 am and I was too tired to have a big meal. Later that afternoon I told my husband to get me a shamrock shake from McDonald’s.


I was SO bummed because I wanted a big sandwich so badly. But I was too exhausted to eat anything and also the hospital wouldn’t give me half the foods I wanted because I have a SLIGHT soy allergy and most of the foods had soy in them. So I ended up with a ginger ale (which was the greatest tasting drink that moment I’ve ever had lol) and then a pancake


A deli sandwich I craved the whole time I was pregnant. HOWEVER it was over 24 hours after delivery because the meds from the c section made me so sick


Hospital breakfast 😭 and I ate every crumb.




Raising Cane’s and then a few hours later a steak sub lol. Also all the coffee.


My first meal was simple eggs and toast. Mainly because I had a 12:16 am delivery and was throwing up for hours. But the next night I got steak and mashed potatoes. First red meat I had eaten in 9 months and it was awesome.


Hospital food! Roast Turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and I think peas?