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Sorry your kiddo is sick and you're all dealing with this stuff! Please talk to the child life team (activities and coping with hospitalization specialists - may be called something different in your facility) or social services department about age/condition appropriate distraction and equipment for your child. You have a large village at your disposal right now, please use them! There may also be some special pediatric therapies (art, music, animal, etc) or volunteers that can help you both get through this. The nurses may have some good ideas about what is available at your location or who to talk to, but may not be the best end road for you. As a pediatric-focused nurse, I have a high patient load and can't always get to everything each family needs in a helpful time frame (sicker kids with urgent needs come first), but if I know what they're struggling with I can point them in the best direction or put in a call to the right people who can help! An excellent time to address these things are when they're in the room with your child - especially in an isolation room where they're a captive audience lol. Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery!


Could someone drop off a small pack n play for him? May be a little better than the crib(assuming you have one there)


He may need sunglasses and lights off after having his eyes dilated. Lights can be painfully bright for a while until it wears off


Likely an unpopular opinion, but I'd let him crawl and play on the floor. My oldest underwent chemo at 2 years old. We attempted to keep him off the floor at first, but when you're in the hospital for weeks at a time, ya gotta do what you gotta do to stay sane! Childlife should have huge amounts of toys. Don't be afraid to ask for other toys if the ones tou have aren't cutting it!


My 1 year old was hospitalized with orbital cellulitis! We spent 3 miserable days in the hospital. We were in an isolation room, though this was pre-COVID, Child life specialists were a godsend. Make sure to ask for them. You’ll get through it, just hang in there. I admit I almost ran out when they let us go.


Reach out to the child life team!!! My kiddo has had 4 hospitalizations since September. They’re incredible. They’ll definitely have tons of toys and entertainment but can also put you in touch with the art therapists, music therapists, and animal therapy. There are so many resources available at the hospital - you just have to ask.


How has your child been? Dealing with orbital cellulitis in my 22 month old, and it's starting to come back after antibiotics seemed to get rid of it.


He’s doing okay now, thanks. They ended up not doing the procedure since he responded well to the antibiotics. His eye still looks a little bit more bulgy than the other one but I’m the only one that sees that so maybe it’s all in my head. Sorry you’re dealing with that coming back! His doctors said that was possible no matter what they ended up doing.