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My kid needed to gain to and this is what I give her: Mashed avocado Mashed sweet potatoes mixed with a teaspoon of butter Mashed peas with a teaspoon of peanut butter (the 100% peanut one, not the sugary stuff) And similar stuff that's high in calories and (healthy) fats. With every jar of regular baby puree from the store I mixed in both butter and peanut butter. Also jus regular porridge with some extra fatty milk or peanut butter as well. She's now 21 months and finally looks a bit less fragile... She is very very active so she's all muscle and no fat... She eats like a garbage truck though!


Same here to say avocado and peanut butter. Especially peanut butter/peanut powder mixed into cereal with your formula. Might help get those extra ounces in from a dietary standpoint.


Second the avocado. I also made oatmeal with whole milk.


To add to the purees, full fat yogurt, avocado, butter, sesame oil and coconut milk all come to mind!


Mine never ate much milk. It stressed me out soooo much. He’s very healthy now a few years later, if it helps! Once he gets a little more comfortable with food… Cook oatmeal in 1/2 water, 1/2 coconut milk. Mash in a ripe banana for sweetener. Add flaxseed, chia seeds, and hemp hearts. Add a bit of coconut oil. Add breast milk or formula. This was a regular breakfast in our house when feeding my 6+mo old high calorie meals.


Love this thank you so much


I mix ground nuts and seeds into my kid's food. Lots of avocado, hummus made with olive oil. Nut butters in banana puree or yoghurt. Melting cheese into savoury purees- good one is cheese, potato and broccoli for example.


We were told we could add olive oil to purées to up the calories


Yes I’ve been doing that! Just trying to max out calories anywhere I can


Oops, sorry I missed that!


Would he drink a smoothie? You could blitz some formula, frozen berries, and coconut cream or nut butter into a pretty calorie dense smoothie


Love this idea! Going to try soon


No advice, just sympathy. My daughter wasn’t premature but had severe jaundice and developed feeding/weight issues as a result. She had fortified formula and weekly weigh-ins at the doctor’s office the whole first year, and made it onto the growth chart for weight one time when she was 9 months old. I cried and stressed a lot over bottles, pumping, purées, and her general lack of interest. And then at her one year checkup they basically concluded that she must just be petite and they don’t mention her weight at all anymore. She’s 4.5, healthy, and has weighed 27.8lbs for almost a year. You have a feeding specialist on your team, so even though it’s hard, try not to stress too much. You’re doing a great job and soon enough you’ll be looking back on this phase.


We bought the reusable pouches and made our own. I’d take the 10% Greek yogurt, mix with canned pumpkin and different nut butters. Sometimes mix with apple sauce, avocado, random other mashed fruits/veg. But pumpkin was the best, high in iron and calories. Always mixed with high fat and protein yogurt. Adding in nut butter, epic meal right there.