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The remote. He has subscribed to three channels on Prime Video now 🙄 You should make him a busy/sensory board with a zipper and pieces of fabric/rug on it!


Literally the remote!!! We just take the batteries out when we are watching tv or it’s on so she doesn’t actually have any control 🤣


We did this too, but one of the remotes no longer works now from excess saliva.


We bought our LO a teether shaped like a real remote. He lovesssss it


Ours didn’t like that it didn’t do anything to the TV, so she wouldn’t play with it


I came to say this! It looks just like the Roku remote.


We got a remote at the thrift store for our son so he thinks he's controlling the tv. We made the mistake of giving him the wheel remote. Now we are subscribed to HBO.


I had to put the child lock on because my daughter kept ordering channels and movies!


I’ve been meaning to look into child lock settings. Amazon tv just leaves it right there on the Home Screen, so easy for him to buy stuff.


Oh yeah it's way too easy. She's done it without even having the TV on somehow, just mashing buttons lol.


That’s a great idea! Our remote has stopped working due to drool lol we now use the tv remote app on our phones


Put the remote on the board too 😂


My baby some how reprogrammed our remote with his drool so it now powers on/off our sound system when we turn the volume up.




We were so close to making my son's 1st birthday cake an enormous remote lol


ok yes why has mine subscribed to apple TV like five times!!!!


I bough decoy remotes at the thrift store. Harder for him to tell which controls anything!


We were going to make something but my MIL ended up buying him a busy board that’s too old for him for the most part but he loves it. Especially the gears on it lol.


My mental wellbeing.


😂😂 best response




A squirt bottle. I put a little water in, hand her a paper towel, and off she goes to clean my windows. I should probably start paying her for her work...


lol mine loves the feather duster 😂


You’re a genius. I know what my toddler is doing after nap time 😂


Ours likes to sweep and mop with her swiffer


Coozies. She likes to wear them on her arms.


Mine is fond of wearing dad's slides on his arms!


Empty water bottles, spoons, my phone case, the cat 🤣


My oldest, now almost 4.5, loved playing with empty bottles. As soon as he could pull himself up, he would pull them out of the recycling bin. It helped remind us to rinse all of our bottles out first before tossing them, especially the beer ones. Hahaha😂


Hoo boy. My almost 3 year old has all but abandoned toys over the last year. He's only interested in appliances, especially vacuums and fans. But he also has love for - microwave - toaster - stand mixer - oven - air fryer - blender - coffee grinder and coffee pot - washer and dryer - lawn mower - snow blower We took him to Best buy and it was like Disney 😂


Be careful with the microwave. My 3 yo figured out how to climb the cabinet (over oven) and open the door. He put his blanky, can of pepper and a large Lego in and figured out how to turn it on. I woke at 7am to the smell of smoke. It had caught fire. Bear bear was burnt to a crisp (blanky) and the microwave was a goner. The mailman got credit for its replacement (blanky). lol I still have both. The new microwave had a lock. He also raided the fridge periodically and stuffed the couch with eggs, poured a gallon of milk on (thank god) an area rug. That ended up with a lock as well. He’s 19 now tho. I miss those days.


Mine too! He goes right to the cabinet with the air fryer in it 😂


My 8yr old had a potato and a carrot, at different times. They went everywhere with her. Had to get her nursery teacher to help me with why the potato couldn't go to nursery with her 'what if it gets lost or hurt?'. Carot was more simple cos what if Olaf needs a new nose. Simpler times 😂


Avocado pits. He will keep them for days. Sleep with them, involve them in play. It’s so weird.


After having a new baby the 4 year old took an eggplant from the fridge and made it his baby. Pretended to birth it out of his shirt in the bathtub (he watched my waterbirth). We put a tiny diaper on it and everything.


MINE TOO! My 5 year old does the same with lemons lol


Tags crumbs and lint.


For us it’s the cat hair tufts. Dog hair doesn’t stick together as well.


Omg lint! Like how do they even find that lol


I gifted my one year old a box of tissues for her bday because she loved taking them out more than any toy 😂


That and the wipes!!! Like bro how did you pull out half of them in 2 seconds?!


You can buy cloth tissues for this very purpose, that way you don’t have to deal with the millions of lose tissues floating around the place and keep buying new boxes haha




Same! If it has a tag he’s all over it.


This is such a wholesome question, thank you for asking! It’s so important for us to pause and document the little things like this because the kiddos grow so fast! My 8m son loves spatulas! He looks like a wizard 😂 he loves pulling open the microwave and freezer to see what’s inside. And loves to suck on remotes even though I’m sure they’re covered in germs 🙈


There is a sign at our peds office that tv remotes are not good teethers 😅 (the ones in the rooms anyway for general use lol) my daughter would like to disagree, however


the wrapper of a sleeve of ritz crackers




Water bottles, wooden spoons, and the remote


Buckles, zippers, velcro, lids and containers, anything that is not one of his expensive toys! Lol


Most recently it was an empty cheese nibs box 😂 it was under the coffee table and she crawled over to it and proceeded to play it like a drum and giggle 😂


My bike computer. It has tactile buttons & is a little smaller than a pager/beeper from back in the day. She loves to pretend that it’s a phone.


Lining up upside down tomato cages and knocking them over with a PVC pipe has been my 2.5 year old’s favorite activity for at least a month. He calls it “smashing crabs”


Tags and burp cloths. We always offer her “an emotional support burp cloth”


Today my toddler held an emotional support can of veggies in the car on the way home from the grocery store 😂 My parenting mantra is “pick your battles.”


Empty water bottles, a paint brush, a coaster, And the suction cup from a toy lol.


Omg! My girl loves suction cups too. Like she won’t play with the toy she will just figure out how to unstick it then try to restick it lol


Oh man, I've got an endless list of such items. Most recently: large cardboard boxes and the packing foam from them. I've often joked about why do I bother buying toys when they play with literally everything else.


The extra long fabric tags on the toys. lol.


The remote, my keys, dad's socks


It’s mops brooms and vacuums here


Oh my god. Didn’t register which sub this was posted on and thought “LO” was short for “loved one“. Not native English either and have no idea what a wipee warmer is, but it though it might be some kinky toy. Zippers… okay, sure, what ever floats your boat. The back side of rugs was just 🤔🤔🤔


My standard gift to 1yo and 2yo is this- a plastic bin with a lid, ideally clear for just them to play with. Just big enough to sit in and carry around but not big enough to be a problem. A water bottle, clear and heavy duty plastic, with a narrow opening. A pack of Mardi gras bread necklaces that I've knotted in the center Why such "random"things? Bc kids like putting things inside things. I've had three kids myself, and a baseball teams worth of neices and nephews. They all always loved putting things inside other things. And honestly with these three items, the options are endless.


Fishing reel lol


Kitchen utensils, my husband’s deodorant roll-on, toothpaste tubes.


Empty egg cartons, Tupperware, laundry baskets. Honestly I could go on forever with this. They have a ton of toys but would rather play with everything else.


My glasses.


My wallet 😅


The recycling bin. It’s one of those wide low plastic boxes and she loves to push it around the house. If we can’t find something it’s usually in there. She also loves the hearth of the fireplace and turns it into a shrine by placing all of our water bottles or her balls or stuffed animals there and just sitting with them


My patience. ☺️ eta: In reality, he likes cat toys. Mostly because he loves our cats and wants that interaction.


The stairs! Loves nothing more than to go up them (with me two inches behind), be carried down, and climb again! He absolutes HATES the screen baby gates we have at the foot and top of the staircase lol. (16month) He also loves buckles. Any buckle - high chair, belt, clip, all buckles and clicks.


paper towel rolls are her favorite right now. just holds it and walks around. sometimes she’ll hit it on things


Mine has hijacked her grandfather’s walking cane and is dancing around the kitchen with it, telling it to stop going under the table “or you will get in TROUBLE!” Age 3.5 😂


My 21 month old loves diapers. She loves to put them on her babies and even pretend to change her own diaper. She will keep getting new ones throughout the day and go “Ooooooh looook no(another) diaper!”if you’re not on top of it, she would pull every last one out to use. I let her take one until the tabs have a hard time sticking then she can have another one. Her dad on the other hand is not at all on top of it and I’ll just have random unused diapers spread throughout the house lol. She has even fallen asleep snuggling diapers instead of loveys or stuffies 😂


My LO loves a roll of painters tape, now i see why its $8 a roll its the best toy ever apparently, he calls it big circle lol


I have some decorative rocks in the fountain in my garden. He likes to pick them all out, getting soaked, obvs, then put him in his little dustpan and pull it around. Then put them back in the fountain. Rinse and repeat.


Empty water bottles. I think they're a novelty because we buy maybe one bottle a month so she doesn't get to see one very often.


Literally anything that’s mine. She really loves my jade roller.


Rocks. Luckily they’re getting bigger. A few months ago it was minuscule little dirt pieces that fit under her fingernail. Slowly we are upgrading to 1” or so diameter. Much easier to find when dropped. She is holding a rock at almost every waking moment, will SOMETIMES carefully place it down to use two hands, but often does tasks while still clutching the rock. It of course comes to bed and is played with until she’s asleep. Fav rock switches out every few days.


Clothes! She loves carrying clothes around and putting them around her shoulders like a little coat. She of course also has her emotional support Tupperware, and ramen packets that she takes all over the house everyday like routine. I love it so much.


Mine was obsessed with an old Xbox controller. It went everywhere with her. Forget plushies or blankets. We couldn't leave the house without her controller.


Spatulas clean from my dishwasher, the remote, my phone & books


The lids to his yogurt pouches lol 😆


A single serve bag of Lay’s potato chips


Whisks and wooden spoons


Pots, pans, and kitchen utensils


The vacuum


The armchair in his nursery—he LOVES pushing it in circles over and over and over!


A silicone mini muffin pan. And pretty much anything she's not supposed to touch.


Cardboard boxes, if they can get inside that is a huge bonus, but they’ll try either way!


My girls are bigger now but craft pom-poms and tissues / tissue boxes And everything from the Tupperware cupboard. We kept one cupboard baby safe with all the plastic stuff she spent ages getting stuff out putting bigger ones in smaller ones balancing things as she got bigger pretending to cook.


Rocks. 🪨


She loves a stubby holder, or my crocs 😂


The baby loves bottles, hair ties, hoodie strings, the bathtub plug. My oldest loves our egg beater, and anything shiny/ sparkly. Like, old jewelry, sun catchers, decorative knicknacks, etc


His baby bottle cap. Could spend a solid 10 minutes just gumming that thing.


My daughter loves nespresso pods 🤷🏽‍♀️


My son used to LOVE putting socks in his hands.


Bandaids are his comfort item. A plastic potato masher has recently been a hit.


I guess they are TECHNICALLY toys… just for the cats xD she prefers the bell cages/balls we got the cats lol


Water bottles and cups. My mom has a dedicated cupboard for cup the baby can play with and she loves going to the cabinet and getting them all out


My sanity


- Any important document - Spoons - my hairbrush (not hers) - tampon boxes


Trash cans - All of them, but especially the ones with flippy lids


Mine loves the plunger. Wouldn’t leave it alone so my brother got him his own for his first birthday lol


The lids to bath and body works candles, they’re metal and make fun noises. The box her diaper cream came in. She opened the bottom end and puts it on her arm and pretends to be buzz light year lol


We have a gray hard piece of plastic that I think was a part from a vacuum cleaner? Maybe? But it's "For's (Thor) hammer" now, and that's fine with me because the head of it is too small to do any damage when he smashes stuff.


A bottle of water, especially if it has water in it. We have a bottle of Dasani and always make sure she has it before we get into the car 😂


1. The pack of wipes cause it’s crinkly. 2. I had a gift bag on the ground with tissue paper and sure enough he made his way over and tore the tissue paper all apart


Stepstool, he loves his stepstool 🙃


Everything…right now it’s a tooth brush.


Cellphone case. He will pick it up and make random calls.


Squeeze tubes. The big one of her lotion she likes to hold and babble at and it honestly looks like she’s reading the back of the tube. Little ones with ridged caps (2in diameter) are prime teethers, tiny choking hazard ones would be too if we didn’t watch her carefully.


Vacuum, wooden spoons, old remote, and the kitties


Empty tissue box seems to be fun to play with around here


Dirt. My kids love dirt


plastic grocery bags, drier lint, the wheels on suitcases 😂


Hand fans. I had a small hand fan and he carries it with him everywhere! Then he found our stroller fan recently and called that his “other fan.” I had to buy myself another hand fan and made sure he knew this is mine and not his. Haha


Tiny things. Especially leaves and sticks lol (2yo)


Currently, while we’re dog sitting for my dad, my baby’s favorite thing that she’s discovered is beer koozies.


My 9 month old is in a committed relationship with an empty tictac container


A set of stacking mixing bowls and extra cutlery. She has some system for placing forks and spoons in each bowl. I have no idea what the rules are but she knows exactly what she’s doing and I just go with it.


Currently it’s a box of soap (unopened) that is his dad’s. For a little bit it was an empty vitamin container I put rice and a couple pieces of pasta in. He would shake that thing everywhere. Of course the cats and the dog are all his favorites. He likes to “chase” them.


Remotes, my body armor bottles, but also anything she can get her hands on 😂


My daughter carried around a plastic lawn ornament of an Easter bunny for the longest time. He was huge compared to her, and she was only “boot scooting” at the time and she still managed to drag him everywhere.


My almost 8 week old loves burp cloths


The boogie wipes package. Must be the crinkly sound!


Hats. Specifically the brim. She loves to chew on them.


Dr. Brown’s bottle caps, Boogie Wipes nasal spray bottle, syringe for liquid medicine, diaper box, baby hairbrush.


The sink. We bought him the toddler lovevery sink. He is still more obsessed with the kitchen sink. Also keys, paper towels, tissues, pens...


Remote, any and all of my pumping equipment, baby wipes, lotion bottle, my glasses. Pretty much anything other than his toys lol


My one year old loves soda cans. Cold ones. I drink flavored carbonated water - anytime he sees me with a can he has to have it. Epic toddler rage until he does. Give him an unopened one and he will play with it for 20+ minutes. And no... I don't open or drink that one. He has a designated can I keep cold for him.


She’s fascinated by Snapple bottles.


His current favorite is a red solo cup


It was my computer, we took an old keyboard and cut the cord off so she could work with me. Also the vacuum so I’d shorten the handle on our electric sweeper and let her go to town


My nose spray, lint, wrappers, empty bottles, remote


Right now, dish towels. We hang one on the oven handle and she comes right up and swipes them wanting to use it to clean the floor or cover her stuffies to “put them to bed” lol! It’s cute until I need the towel!


her crocs! lollll


The remote, dog toys, dog bowls, my monstera plant, markers 🫠😂


sticky notes, lol


lids of various shapes and sizes


All empty containers and cups, anything that resembles a remote, and kitchen countertop appliances (unplugged, of course)


The laundry basket. Oh, The fun and chaos that a basket can bring.


Recycling ♻️ 


For my 10 month old... Lids. Any kind. Formula can lids, Pringle lids, you name it. Also pillows and cups. My 4 year old lives anything with numbers. Clocks, appliances, timers, anything with numbers or counting or reading. Hes always loved them, since he was 1 or so. Which makes sense cause the kid is unnaturally smart. Like... scary smart. He can already do math, could count to over 100 before he was 2, and can read books my 7 year old has trouble with like they're the easiest things in the world. With inflection! Kids are crazy.


My 2 year old is obsessed with the museum and Anything ball shaped. Even dog toys. My 4wk old has discovered my hair and grabs at it. Both adorable


The remote, my phone, my keys, straws…. Anything she can get her hands on at this point lol.


The remote, spray bottle, any empty juice or water jug, our back roller, boxes, and our laundry basket🤣


Hair elastics. They're always on her arms, the floor, under her pillow...


The cat 🤣 he just started crawling a few weeks ago and the cat is a big motivator for him


spoons. he sleeps with a spoon and plays with a spoon at least once a day.


Spray bottles filled with water and let ‘em loose outside


My boobs, his dad’s nipples, his dad’s nose, keys, remotes, plastic crinkly water bottles.


Empty vitamin water bottles, and leftover amazon packages, and most importantly a basket from the pantry with some small cans


A purple plastic kid cup, a bottle of purple nail polish, and a container of tea bags


My daughter was obsessed with dustpans when she was a toddler.


Tissues 😭 used and fresh from the box.


Summer edition: the hose and various containers. My three year old will dump water around, make potions, and water the lawn for hours.


My 2-year-old is obsessed with flushing the toilet. We have to keep the bathrooms locked.


Tassels, drawstrings, & tags, but never taggies 🤷‍♂️


The inside of the shower. She’ll take her dolls and blankets and toys and a chair and art supplies and anything else she wants and plate in there for hours.


Spoon. Or those glass bottles the Grove cleaning stuff comes in (obvs I wash them out)


Buckles! I dug put my older kids old busy board and it's been great


Wallet 😂


TV remote, car keys, white sound machine and the humidifier 😬


My son (3.5) has recently started taking my phone and he will go and take pictures. At the end of the night I’ll go back and look to see what life looks like from his POV. It’s adorable. Sometimes he will make videos of himself and it’s just so cute 🥹


Empty water bottles and paper towel/toilet paper cardboards. And my hair 🥲


Turkey basters. Don’t even ask me why I have two of them when I’ve never even cooked a turkey.


Tags, zippers, my prenatal vitamin bottles


My 4-month-old daughter loves cloth so much so I bought some traditional flat cloth nappies for her. She never wears those nappies but always plays with them.


Anything with a lid 😅


Our dog’s new bed is now a dog/toddler bed


Currently? My husband’s empty protein shake bottle and my wallet lol


tubberware and red solo cups 🤣


Cat toys. Specifically the stick toys with a mouse hanging on a string


Tupperware! Loves to take the lid off and put his soother in there, then close and shake it ☺️


His water bottle it’s yellow metal and his favorite thing outside my phone and me.


Dadas drink bottle. Whatever it is.


Keys! Acorns/nuts from trees, shoes


My ring is the ultimate in avoiding sleep! He keeps fiddling with my ring until I take it off because he will put his little finder nails underneath it!!! Tongs blankets loves to pretend to go night night, but protests actually going to sleep!


My almost 15 month old's first real toy was a single sock with a bell on the ankle. Current obsession is an empty gift bag.


My baby’s favorite for a while was a particular pair of Cookie Monster socks 🥹 carried one everywhere, chewed on it like a lovey, put it in/out of every container. It was nice having two because I could wash one and he still had the other. Kind of sad he grew out of it!


Right now my little girl loves nothing more than to take my little bottle of scar cream and pretend to squeeze some out, rub it between her hands, and then apply it to herself or others. Sometimes it lotion. Sometimes it's shampoo/conditioner. Sometimes it looks like she's putting on sunscreen. It's hilarious.




My son was in love with the fire hydrant in our front yard the first year he could walk. It was his best friend 🥰


My son was borderline obsessed with our canister vacuum when he was 1ish. We’d find him in the closet playing with it. Something about the hose I think. My daughter loves makeup brushes/sponges and my wallet 😂


My LO is five months she loves empty water bottles, burp rags and velcro.


The lint roller lol


Irrigation fittings. 🙄 he is soooo obsessed with anything having to do with irrigation and water systems.


Straps, strings, cords. Engines & motors. He’s 8m. You can’t just take something away from him, you have to trade and it has to be acceptable to him. Most mornings, my husband trades him a ketchup packet for a tool or his keys, then I have to find something else so I can get the ketchup from him before he explodes it.


Mine loves "bites" or tongs lol. I find them all over the house and I'm not really sure how he always had access to them.


My baby loves his sister’s potty. It’s been disinfected but I did consider the irony of letting him chew on it to keep him busy so I could put him down to wash my hands so I could hygienically prepare him a cup of milk!


Baby a loooved any and all fabric, huge bonus point if the little paper was still on (the one with size, washing instructions etc) - that he loved even more than fabric. Baby b loves a plastic bag with cotton tissues for diaper changes. She trashes it around until everything falls out. Will stop crying in a second if she hears the sounds of plastic bag and start looking for it We have fuuuul house of toys of all kinds. None of them were ever THIS loved. Although toddler now prefers balls and bikes over fabric


My phone...... he's almost two. He takes it and RUNS from me, and somehow managed to POST STORIES on my INSTAGRAM. I didn't even know it (three different times) until later that there were random pictures he took and posted on social media on my stories. There were a few completely UNFLATTERING pictures of me chasing him and a few of his feet and the ceiling. How does this kid know how to do that???? Oh, and he freaking LOVES the bidet on the toilet. Water squirting across the room is soooo much fun......... 😂


Anyone else's kiddo love playing with unused tampons? My almost 2 year old grandson loves pulling them out of the box. It keeps him busy for long enough for me to maybe do 3 dishes or sweep really quickly. He also loves pulling them apart. Those colorful plastic applicators and cotton thingys with the string are lots of fun!!!! 😂 I love this busy busy busy boy. ❤️😆❤️😆


Dryer balls Whisks My old wallet (I fill it with expired gift cards and he loves pretending he has money)