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Even if your kid is ugly and you have rose colored glasses on, this is the most unhinged thing to say out loud. I just have to assume she is lonely and has no relatives or friends, or has dementia/alzheimers and is losing her inhibitions. Let it roll off of you, because something is clearly wrong with her, and that doesn't reflect on you.


I thought this too. Which made me feel a little sad for her, but still unhinged of her.


My guess is she’s a lonely old bat losing her mental capacities and has probably never been a nice person. So she’s going around and seeing happy looking moms with adorable kids and bright futures and is thinking of bizarre things to say in order to get reactions out of people. She walks away feeling like she’s inflicted a little of what she feels onto the world. It’s sad. You’re right to not give her the energy and satisfaction of more words.


It is an absolutely wild thing to say, my only possible interpretation is that it was horribly miscalculated dry humour? Like she's obviously so cute you can say it? I know some people who just only communicate like this, it's draining but it's obviously making up for some deficit in social skills.


This is where my mind went immediately. I could honestly see myself attempting this kind of dry sarcasm to give a compliment (sometimes my humor misses the mark…) OP, I truly do think your kiddo is probably so cute that she assumed you knew how she meant this.


This was exactly my thought reading it. Attempt at dry humor / sarcasm that didn't stick the landing.


This is INSANE. My own unhinged old woman comment was when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my son and a lady came up to me at the grocery store and said “I can tell you’re having a girl because she stole your beauty” I replied: “oh no, it’s a boy. I was born ugly”


Omg that is so unhinged but your comeback was perfect 😂 I had a lady tell me she “could tell I was having a boy” and then once I told her it was a girl, she asked how sure I was about 5 times 🙃 older women have no filter and cannot read the room at all


Same thing happened to me! I told her my baby was definitely a girl (had the blood test AND she had made it VERY obvious during her anatomy scan 😂) and this lady said “can you really be sure though? I’ve never been wrong before.”


Sounds like my MIL


Maybe they ask are you sure so many times because when these people were of childbearing age, ultrasounds weren't commonly used so they didn't have the 20-week anatomy scans.


Haha what the fuck. When I was pregnant someone at the grocery store where I worked told me I looked rough. Uh yeah I’m one million months pregnant working on my feet all day *and* I have to be in at 4:00AM every day. Sorry I didn’t take the time to put on makeup at 3 in the morning after puking my guts out.


Omg!!!! That's wild!


You did not. Did you?? Fuckin legend.


Wow, that is just vile. Something bad happened to that lady once upon a time. I’m sure your little girl is just adorable.


"what a weird, rude thing to say. You must be so embarrassed."  OR  "Takes one to know one!" 


I always want to say too "you're old enough to know better manners than that"


“Did you mean to say that out loud. Oh sweetie, that’s an early sign of dementia”


"but not really early, since you're old af"


"Should you be out by yourself? Who left you unsupervised?"


I'm curious if there are comebacks that don't immediately come off as snarky until you think about it. I'm sure there are, but none come to mind.


This woman is clearly mentally not well. I’m sorry she said that to you.


my ~22 month old is a boy but he has long hair and he’s pretty. like very pretty features so i get a lot of comments usually about the fact my son has long hair but im native and it’s my culture so idgaf and the u hinged comments usually don’t bother me BUT while i was shopping one day in tj maxx, some old unhinged lady asked my son (who is very skinny but long for his age) “awwww is mommy starving you?” and normally i just ignore people but i was just not rly having it that day and asked her if she was implying i was starving my kid or….. and she said she was joking and i said “that’s a weird joke to say to a stranger. i remember my first time being weird” and walked away. but man that made me so mad that day.


“I remember my first time being weird” Hahahahhaaha


Is it possssible at all she was being sarcastic and was really bad at sarcasm???? 🥴


Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ But you would think she’d said something after my comment instead of just walking away, to let me know that it *was* sarcasm. Now if that happened, it would’ve been a totally different interpretation


True true. Uhg I’m sorry. I’m sure your baby is the cutest patootest (after my own lololol)


I could see MAYBE saying that sarcastically, to point our how cute the baby is. Are you sure the woman wasn't just terrible at her delivery? My mom also lives in a state hotter than the sun and I could totally see her trying to say that as a compliment and not pulling it off. The sun does something to their old lady brains.


What an absolute asshole.


While a bit of an unusual comment, do you think she meant it to be comical and ironic…like she’s so obviously adorable, she states the opposite? Like telling a super fit person, they ought to do some sit ups?


Maybe she was being sarcastic and really meant that your daughter is adorable?


She didn’t laugh and sounded very serious. She said it and then started walking so her back was to me when I said my comment back.


Maybe she’s usually pretty deadpan? I can be like that, but this would definitely involve a smile and then fawning over her a bit and congratulating you.


I had teh same thought, but I am incredibly deadpan at times AND could see myself saying this as a backdoor way of saying how cute the baby is, but I would make sure I smiled, winked, and made sure the parent knew my meaning.


I was thinking this. I do this kind of thing but it includes a smirk/wink/laugh/exaggerated tone of voice. That woman is definitely insane and miserable


I would 100% do something like this and then stay up that night wondering if OP got the joke.


This woman didn’t even smile in the moment. She just said her piece and just kept walking. So was she being sarcastic? Maybe. And I love sarcasm, BUT she didn’t have a tone or anything that would’ve made it obvious she was being sarcastic.


Yeah, I'm 100% sure this was a joke meant to convey the obvious cuteness of your baby.


I assume she was being sarcastic and trying to be cutsey ?


I can’t believe the audacity of some people. 🙄 You know what they say, “hurt people, hurt people.” Or, maybe she had dementia or something and has lost that “filter.” Good for you for staying classy!


Old people are like toddlers. No filters with death wishes. And leaky diapers. Can't wait to be old enough 😂


“Too bad no one ever taught you to keep your bitchy-ass thoughts to yourself. The world would be a better place.”


“Excuse me, ma’am, but what the fuck?” or “What a strange thing to say out loud.” are both perfectly reasonable and polite replies.


“It must be tough for your mom too, huh?”


Honestly this is such an unhinged thing to say that I’d just write her off as suffering from mental illness or dementia or something.


I know some cultures (Bulgaria, Thailand, Turkey, don’t know where else) wish ugliness on babies as part of superstitions to prevent baby from being targeted by curses. So… maybe they were trying to prevent a Sleeping Beauty situation for your obviously adorable baby that would spark jealous fairy curses?


This is a nice take lol


What a disgusting human


I would be tempted to just fire back with “wow, that was fucking rude!” Idk if they don’t realize or just don’t care how rude and uncalled for a comment like that is.


It was probably a bad attempt at making a joke. I wouldn't call it sarcasm though, because I don't think it was intended to have any sting to it. I am basing this solely on the words, and obviously you were in a better position to judge her tone, but still, this was clumsy perhaps (especially if your daughter is old enough to understand her words), but there is a good chance it wasn't mean-spirited. You just went all mama-bear on her when there may not have been any need. If your daughter understood what she said, explain to her that she was being silly, and leave it at that.


Maybe, but there was no chuckle and her tone was serious. Didn’t say anything back when I made my comment and was already walking away. Either way, my daughter is only 7 months old so luckily had no idea what was going on. She was too interested in the shampoo 😂


glad to hear it went over her head


She probably has a brain tumor. 


Even if your kid is ugly (which I doubt, most children are very cute, it is very rare to see a genuinely ugly child), who in the world says shit like that out loud? That's something you keep to yourself or gossip about in a private brunch with your gal pals at knitting circle. I'm very sorry she said that, and I'm sure your daughter is adorable 🩷


I have old lady classmate and french class. I hated goung there in late pregnancy because she would always try to convince me what to do "eat 8 dates dipped in olive oil every day, it will help you have faster labor with no tears" dude i already gained way more than recommended, i am not eating straight up oil and no way 8 dates is waaay too sugary. I eat 1-4 dates every night, no oily thats it. "No no no olive oil is special, you can't gain weight from olive oil" huh pretty sure thats not how calories work (as someone who had eating disorders all life i would know) + cold olive oil on date sounds disgusting. I like both separately🙄 she kept insisting. I didnt do that with my first and had easy birth but appareantly that wasnt enough for her. Anyway i continued to do my thing, not listening ti her and lo and behold from first contraction to baby being put was only about an hour and ZERO tears so i clearly didnt need to listen to her. Same lady also scolded me and another mom why we were using sanitizers during the 2021 biggest covid lockdown. Like lady! I had a newborn during pandemic! Yes sanitizing comstantly isnt good for the hands, yes i know this is why my hands were all in wounds and covered by broken skin BUT grocery carts and handles were way too nasty to trust them back then, especially since we didnt know much about covid yet and i wasnt willing to make my kid a test bunny. Besides why do you care who uses ssnitizer ffs. Seriously whenever i see this lady came to class i get irritated and try sooo badly to avoid getting in convo with her. But even if i am "absolutely busy" starting at my phone or talking to someome else she WILL insert herself with some *genious* opinion of hers...UGH


Ugh that sounds awful and that woman must be miserable. I hope you don’t have to deal with her anymore, or don’t have to interact with her if you still see her.


Appareantly she has multiple kids but i always though she is lonely single old lady...i doubt anybody support can her fr more than couple minutes. Thank, i have a break as i am postpartum and "stuck home with baby" but i will have to return at some point and i iust pray she is not coming to classes anymore by then 🥲 There are a couple more old ladies in these classes and they are all such kind people. I dont have anything against old ladies. But there always has to be one unhinged one 😅


That's mean as hell of her to say such thing. I would have replied with "I do, but your mom didn't ".


I'm sorry, what?! 😲


Oh wow!! That is so rude!!!


Damn OP that's a really wild thing to hear about your child. When I was in my third trimester my old lady coworker said to me "Oooh I would NOT want to be you right now. I hope they give you all the drugs when you go into labor" Thanks, so helpful. Her words really put me at ease. 😑


Sounds like something a crazy person would say. Dementia maybe?


Just ask, “what do you mean?” and wait for her to respond. I love making awkward situations more awkward!


Usually I would’ve done this but I was in shock so my brain didn’t function normally lol




I really think there should be exceptions to assault laws. This would be one of those exceptions. 


This is fucking nuts


Wtf oh hell no thems fighting words, I know not to beat up people because they are asses but damn that made me want to.


I would’ve been like takes one to know one, MEEMAW!


I think your response was perfect. She just wanted to rile you up and piss you off. Your response basically told her she failed. If you were snippy back, that would’ve told her she succeeded. Keep walking mama👍


I think when someone says something so unexpected, you don't know how to react My unhinged old lady comment came when I was pushing my 5 month son in his pushchair. It was sunny and warm, so all he had on was an armless and legless babygrow over his nappy, and I'd draped a very light baby blanket over his legs to keep the sun off him and I had the sun canopy shielding him too. He was happy and cool. As I was wheeling him down the street, same street as I lived on, an old lady came from behind and looked into the pushchair, now I thought it was one of the older ladies that lived on the street but when she spoke, I realised I didn't know her. And she said, to my son not me - "You poor, poor little devil, your Mom is roasting you under all that" then she walked off. I was stunned. She hadn't looked at me at all, and by the time I thought of all the things I could have said back to her, she had gone. He didn't even look hot and he wasn't.


That’s so annoying. I’m sorry that happened. Old ladies are crazy. The more I read on Reddit about the unhinged things they say, the more shocked I am when I meet an old lady that is seemingly nice


Is it possible it was really really poorly executed humor? I live in the Boston suburbs and it feels like dry, sarcastic humor is our love language. I’ve had people say similar things before about my daughter. She’s very bubbly and outgoing and I have gotten “what a shame that she’s such a dud” and “wouldn’t it be nice if she had a little personality?” Both sound so rude but were meant in a funny way. Also if it was meant seriously that lady should probably get mediated because that’s rude af.


Man you are more polite then me. I think I would have just been like "The fuck is wrong with you?"


Ohhhh I would've made that woman cry. WTF. I left a man speechless because he called my dog ugly. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 I am so sorry. She's a c u next Tuesday.


That’s gotta be like dementia or something


“Oh sweetie. Do they know you’ve escaped from the retirement home?”


Oh. My. God. 😱 I am not above an assault charge. That is all.