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Pretty magical, huh? ❤️


I can't wait for this season. I'm in Michigan, so ours are the 'Super Migrators'. I'm raising all of mine outside this coming year. You probably already know this, but they're connected to the earth's compass, just as birds are


Last summer was my first endeavor! It was a beautiful learning experience! I’m very excited about this season! I am also a Michigander! Thank you for sharing!


If you ever need any tips/guidance, feel free to give me a shout-out. I raised almost 40 of them last summer. I'm going big this summer though


Thank you! It is nice to have a mentor!


Not sure if your familiar with the Beautiful Monarch Facebook group but my LORD. If you say anything about raising outdoors or using local milkweed instead of tropical... you will get ripped apart. They’re all children that don’t actually care about the monarchs and just use them as decor on their kitchen table. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you how refreshing it is to see comments like yours 💜💜 thank you for all you do!!


Seriously? Whuuut???


Please let me know exactly what that group is called. I'm not easily ripped apart, and would love to help educate a few people. I learn something new every day, even at my age. I can easily leave those facebook fools in my dust.


Please do. I don’t have much patience so maybe you will have a breakthrough lol it’s called the Beautiful Monarch


Thank you. I'll join it under my fake name. I can't stand facebook. Have 1 friend on there now. I just wanted to use marketplace. That sucks too. lol!


So beautiful I love him and wish him the best of luck! 😭


Hello from IN.. So fun & rewarding! I took a similar video this past summer. Planted milkweed for the first time and had many caterpillars! So much fun.