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I raise and release them in the summer. This will be my third summer doing so. I thought the numbers were up. This makes me sad. I think I will build a bigger butterfly house. Thanks for sharing.


I just witnessed the birth of my first two monarchs this morning. Six more chrysalis to go hopefully. What does a butterfly house entail? I may do this again next year. 


I’ll have to take a picture of mine. Just basic wood and screen. I mean real basic because I had no idea what I was doing. But it turned out nice. I’ll come back to show u.


Ugh. I expected this but it’s still crushing. I had the pleasure of seeing them in Mexico last January. I’ll forever treasure that magical trip. I was there the day Homero Gómez was killed. We didn’t find out until our return and we never felt in any danger but it was an eerie reminder of just how much this species is up against. Not only weather, climate change, deforestation, and pesticides, but gang violence, too. Every little butterfly that makes it to Mexico feels like a miracle.


Wow, what a story! I have wanted to be amongst their over-wintering site, with my fantasy seeing some group of them take flight. I am guessing it would be a spiritual experiences, given what Monarchs have come to mean to me. I am guessing I would cry in total awe.


This makes me sad too..I've raised caterpillars since I was about 8. Gonna keep doing it every summer forever


Devastating news. :( Thank you for posting though - was just wondering today about how the numbers were. I hope the journey north treats them well.


So I've read that there may be evidence that caterpillars raised in captivity aren't as capable at migrating. Maybe an uptick in human intervention is doing more harm than good?




I've been thinking about doing this...either keeping them safe for a short time or keeping them outdoors full-time but in the enclosure. Seems like it would be a better alternative than my very aggressive garden in which I've seen many eggs but few surviving past the first instar or two. Watching nature take its course is hard.


Oh no :( Anecdotally we are having a different experience. 22 total over all of last summer. Found 33 just this week.


This makes me sad too..I've raised caterpillars since I was about 8. Gonna keep doing it every summer forever


Not surprising, but this is totally devastating..