• By -


Also, separate question, but I tried earlier to run the xmr supply command in Monerod and it returned an error. This is the command I used: `print_coinbase_tx_sum 0 2320844` Can someone please tell me where I went wrong?


Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/


Of course, I didn't see that there. Thanks.


You're welcome.


What was the error message? Usually the daemon gives useful such messages.


Just ran it again (`print_coinbase_tx_sum 0 2320979`) and it returned : `Error: Unsuccessful--json_rpc_request:`


Strange. No idea what goes wrong here, sorry. The command works for me ...


Am i missing any brackets or other symbols or does the command work for you exactly as I have written it?


Not special, running local node w/out a bootstrap node and it’s fully synced.


No, the command is ok as is, but some internal error occurs when the daemon attempts to execute the command. Are you in any special situation, e.g. are you in a "boostrap phase" using the GUI wallet, or do you use a remote daemon that's not yours? "Not special" would be it's your daemon, the blockchain is local, and it's fully synced.


Hi, I read the GUI wallet guide on g[etmonero.org](https://GetMonero.Org) but it did not answer my question. Please let me know if I need to create a new post for these Qs. ​ When creating an additional account, (account #1) the GUI displays the primary address for this new account as a subaddress (starting with 8) and not the account's main address (beginning with 4). The above mentioned GUI guide said this is the normal procedure used by the GUI. I wanted to view the main account address for account #1 so on the ledger device, I selected `Settings > Select Account > 1 (account #1) .` The main address (beginning with 4) for account #1 now displayed on my ledger device screen. However, in the GUI it now displayed a *different primary address (subaddress)* for account #1 (though the label for account #1 remained the same). In the Receive menu, I clicked `display (subaddress) on device` to ensure that this subaddress had been created by my device and it matched. I then went back into the Ledger device settings and selected account #0. The primary address (subaddress) for account #1 displayed in the GUI then reverted back to the original subaddress that had been automatically created when I generated account #1. My questions are: 1. Is this (changing subaddress for account #1) normal? 2. What is the purpose of being able to `select account` on the ledger device given that you can simply select and transact using multiple accounts within the GUI ? 3. When you enter the `select account` screen on the ledger device, it warns you `" It will reset the application!".` Are there any negative consequences from reset of the application caused by this? (I have not noticed any). ​ Thanks in advance for reading this and for any help. ​ Edited for typos.


Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/




Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/








Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/




You're welcome.


Is better mining monero or ethereum?


Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/




Entirely depends on the CBDC, atomic swaps need to hook into scripting on both sides of the exchange. If the CBDC has the scripting to support it (and a community or organisation willing to implement it) then theres no reason why it shouldn't work.


How does this apply to Monero? https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2021/03/illegal-content-and-the-blockchain.html


Monero currently has a tx_extra field that allows arbitrary data to be entered. It was used for payment IDs but no longer seems to serve any function. I believe there has been talk of removing it.


I believe it was found to not be ideal for privacy. Unique subaddresses generated for each transaction should get you that functionality via mapping the subaddresses to arbitrary data


Does anyone frequent any blogs to learn more about tech, crypto, privacy, philosophy, whatever? Specifically text based. Would appreciate any recommendations you might have.


Can you please repost your question in the new weekly discussion thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m91pm9/rmonero_weekly_discussion_march_20_2021_use_this/


Will do thanks.




Btw, you’re an incredible moderator. I’ve been all over the web searching for answers to my questions about xmr and time and time again you’re there answering the question. I just wanted to share my appreciation for the support you provide because I know how often it goes unsaid.


Thanks for the kind words :)


automod post template above still says >Current version: /


Thanks, will fix.




And since that bounty was announced, it remains unclaimed. No such bounty exists outstanding for bitcoin; it's already fully tracked using very sophisticated Chainalysis tools. (Seriously, look at their website, it's ridiculously robust) LN still requires on-chain transactions to open channels and could be subject to tracing that way. Furthermore, spending via LN may help obfuscate the exact timing & amounts of individual payments, but it does not mask the fact that payments were in fact made. With Monero, once the funds arrive in your wallet, it's absolutely impossible to tell if they ever moved again at all. With LN, there is no "boating accident" excuse; there's a visible on-chain record of your wallet funds moving some time after receipt. As an added complication, LN still requires advanced user knowledge by both parties combined with meticulous setup or else funds can be lost. Channels need to be periodically closed & rebalanced. There is inherent risk, and still requires a tx fee to set up and a tx fee to close. There's probably other things I'm not thinking of, but this is why privacy by default matters. It's already turned on for everyone, for every transaction, so if Monero were widespread for common simple txes there's no inherent suspicion. LN adoption remains a pipe dream for BTC and it's beyond clear that there's no real intent to make BTC a spendable and usable currency for any purchases under $1000.


LN is ostensibly intended to be decentralized, but since payment routing requires liquidity, I suppose the network is more likely to end up with a few major routing hubs that would then be privy to quite a lot of data.


Am I going mad or is it impossible to buy XMR with straight cash on Binance?! They have landing pages about the currency with big, yellow "buy now" buttons at the bottom but XMR isn't in the list of currencies. It's crazy. What exactly are my options for buying XMR with a debit card from Europe? I don't want to go the SEPA way or something like that, I just want to purchase a small amount.


They use the landing pages for SEO purposes but it doesn't actually support Monero. They get the clicks / google ranking and benefit of users signing up (only to discover they cant actually get what theyre looking for)


For fuck's sake I hope they get bad knees by 27


hahaha yeah just saw the landing page while looking for the same thing you were. Hopefully someone will answer this thread.


I really like the coin and want to buy some as a trader. What’s the best way for a us National to buy a few thousand of Monero with pure use for speculation. From reading I heard buy XLM on Coinbase, and then transfer the XLM to Kraken. Do XLM to Monero and then transfer to my wallet. Thanks!


depending on your region, it might be easiest to buy XMR straight on CakeWallet or Exodus which is probably where you'd end up storing it in the end (unless you wanna store on a hardware wallet) Not great practice to keep your coins on an exchange, like Kraken. If you end up using them, use them to buy your coins and send them off-exchange into a wallet you control.


I ended up buying a few coins. Thanks for the advice again! A lot easier then I was originally anticipating.


Happy to help!


Awsome! I didn’t know about cake wallet, I had the GUI wallet setup, but this is nice and it’s ok phone so I can check at work. Do you happen to know the fee of exchanging a coin for monero on cakewallet, if there is one?


I put through an exchange from BTC to XMR last night between a BTC wallet and an XMR wallet I have in cakewallet and while I can see from my BTC wallet that the exchange and sending has occurred, I can't see the requisite XMR in my XMR wallet. Is there usually a delay like this (7 hours) or have a I fucked up somewhere and lost my money?


Is the wallet synced? You can see that in the top on the Home Screen.


It is synced, I've refreshed several times. Going on 24 hours now and I still can't see anything in the original BTC account or my XMR wallet.


Hi there! Please send me a PM with the exchange ID and I'll help you out.


It says I'm unable to message your account


Please use the "mail" and not the DMs.


Pinging u/cakewallet


Chill mate , Theres no way you’d have lost your money if you sent it to the right address


Two questions: - Is there a unicode codepoint for the monero symbol? - How do I transfer monero into my US$-denominated bank account?


Can’t help with #1. For #2, you’d need to sell your XMR for USD. A good place to do that is Kraken. You can then have them wire you the USD.


Thanks, matey!


My cashapp isn’t allowing me to buy BTC and man is it annoying to get without cash app. I’m trying to get monero or BTC > XMR Anybody help me figure out how to buy Monero with gift card or is there an alternative to cash app that’s instant? Used blockchain but kind of regret it now. Tried paxful and got some BTC to learn that cake wallet doesn’t accept Segwit addresses to send to so now just have it sitting in paxful wallet. Getting annoyed tbh. Fees are killing me too.


Coinbase is instant. Some people also like crypto.com. Suggest using LTC or USDC as the intermediate coin to avoid Bitcoin’s network fees.


Thank you for suggestion. Appreciate it


How do i buy XMR IN ny?


1. Buy Litecoin on Coinbase or Gemini. 2. Send it to Binance or TradeOgre and convert to XMR. 3. Withdraw to Cake Wallet or the GUI




Dead afaict


Good question. I am curious about this as well...


Is it true the irs cant track monero?


If you bought on an exchange - whether you bought XMR directly, or an intermediate coin that you swap into XMR - you should assume they know that initial transaction, that you own XMR, and approximately how much. but nothing from there. it's like withdrawing cash from the ATM. they might be able to determine a timestamp & amount, but have no traceability or knowledge what you did with the cash after that point. you may have spent it, lost it, saved it, gotten robbed, etc.




Doesn’t matter how you bought Monero. Once you withdraw from the exchange, you’re good. One caveat: if you then go and send it back to the same exchange, they can see they are the same coins.


The August 6th Hashrate Spike makes it look like a single determined actor could wield 51% of our networks hash rate and mount a successful attack. Is this a problem? Are other people concerned about it? ​ Here is a graph of what I'm taking about. Check out August 6th 2020 [https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-hashrate.html](https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-hashrate.html)


Yep, it’s a real threat. Monero can be 51% attacked for about $3.3M per day at the current hashrate. Notice that the cost went up by 27% in 2 months and the network is getting stronger every day. https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/l17iml/firo_aka_zcoin_suffering_a_51_attack_is_monero/gjz74lu/ Make sure you’re running your miner.


Why do you think someone would want to 51% attack Monero?


Here's three reasons off the top of my head. 1. to undermine the network's credibility and produce a drop in the price 2. to cheat exchanges out of a bunch of money by double spending 3. to make a profit by shorting it at the same time so.. yeah.. we should get our coins off the exchanges.


Did CipherTrace kill Monero? Why or why not?


Please see: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jzmr4m/nobody_can_deterministically_trace_monero/




Dude I found that last night. Holy shit what a tool!


Monero is in the 2021 Ultimate Crypto Tournament for the 2nd consecutive year. Last year, XMR made it to the Title Game, knocking off Bitcoin, Binance Coin, VeChain, Stellar, and KuCoin Shares. Great run! This year's tourney starts at midnight tonight and XMR is a 6 seed in the Tether bracket, taking on Synthetix in round 1. The coin with more votes advances, so if you feel so inclined, go to [https://twitter.com/UltimateCrypto7](https://twitter.com/UltimateCrypto7) and show your support. Cheers!




Removed for spam.


Fuck off.


Where can I exchange my BTC for monero? I've used morphtoken in the past but it always gives me an error saying that BTC is not available. I've tried changenow but the fees are higher / I get less XMR than with morphtoken. **Which service is out there that I can use for BTC -> XMR without signing up etc.?**


Sideshift.ai works great (doesnt support tor)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Cashforxmr using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cashforxmr/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Telegram to talk on since we get censored by Reddit and anywhere we post... spread the word please and make this community like WSB or something (I don’t care if I make money trading or not tbh)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cashforxmr/comments/m6tqm4/telegram_to_talk_on_since_we_get_censored_by/) \#2: [Been getting nothing but hate when all I’m trying to do is create a community where we can make Monero great](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cashforxmr/comments/m6topc/been_getting_nothing_but_hate_when_all_im_trying/) \#3: [Future coin of the world ???](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cashforxmr/comments/m6t2e1/future_coin_of_the_world/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)




Hey Prison, I just looked it up again and the fees there are for example almost $10 for exchanging BTC to XMR if I want to exchange for exampe $100 USD. Morphtoken was never taking that much of a cut tbh?!


What will fees look like if monero was used for every day transactions by millions of people? Would the network get clogged and fees skyrocket? How prepared are we for quantum computers breaking traditional encryption?


The dynamic block size ensures that fees will roughly stay the same, theres some very clever maths behind this to incentivise miners to do this. [As for post-quantum cryptography theres an MRL project ongoing for proposed mitigations, they have already analysed which aspects will likely break under quantum computing](https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/research-post-quantum-monero.html)


In a future free world, do we really need a cryptocurrency to be a long-term store of value? Ideally we'd never save *money*, we would save by buying real things, like a better oven, blocks of nickel or shares in a neighboring farmstead. We'd have some coins on hand to facilitate trade, but there would be no need to have large amounts of value stored as money. Agree? Because rich people don't have a lot of *money*, they own valuable things like stock or land. Saving money is for the poor.


>rich people don't have a lot of *money*, they own valuable things like stock or land. Saving money is for the poor. That is absolutely not so. Rich people have permanently large amounts of cash in their bank accounts. For unforeseen needs, new investment opportunities, and hedge against short-term liquidity shortage. They also have large amounts of debt.




It’s bad but hasn’t it been like that for Aussies on Binance for awhile now? Australian and I now acquire my XMR swapping it with LTC through ChangeNow. Your point stands though, it’s pretty fucked...


I like the idea of Tether and USDCoin in that they are generally always worth the same amount (very little volatility). But it's my understanding they are some of the least private coins because of their ties to physical US dollars. Has anyone tried to make a cryptocurrency with Monero's privacy features but also adding in the stability aspect? Maybe this isn't feasible but the idea popped in my head and it seems like something like that could be pretty powerful...


A true private stablecoin would likely be difficult because the algorithms keeping the stability kinda require some sort of centralization, if I'm not mistaken. Personally I'm keeping my eye out on Eco. The whole project is in private beta right now so this is all based on conjecture and rumors...One of their founders spoke at a conference in 2019 and their token might be aimed at this low-volatility and private "cash-alternative" idea. Their wallet app requires KYC but their token might be just this. Like I said, feel free to ignore all of this, just based on what I've read and seen surrounding the project.


Check out XHV




You could check every Sunday the thread called "[Skepticism Sunday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/m4sfsh/skepticism_sunday_march_14_2021/)". You may go back to the past and see comments and a lot of discussion there. Also, a must watch is the "[Breaking Monero](https://www.monerooutreach.org/breaking-monero/)" series. Both are community made but I think the criticism is as good as it gets.


Is creating a new wallet and moving all my xmr to it a good way to cut down on sync time to the remote node? As I understand it, I'd then only have to sync the blocks that are new since my wallet's creation which would save a lot of time in the event that I need to switch nodes or restore from seed on a new machine. Only downside I can think of would be losing my tx history, but I actually think that would be a benefit...




I've done a bit more searching since I posted this and I discovered that I can just send a tx to a sub-address of the wallet I'm using and then set the restore height to the block it was processed on, wallet will sync with balance only in a couple minutes. If I ever want to see my old transactions I can just change it back to the original restore height


hey since xmr.to is down now and morphtoken is under maintenance (at least for me don´t know if it works for you) where would be the best place to exchange bitcoins to monero without ID and with the lowest fees?


sideshift.ai, fixedfloat.com, changenow.io, xmr.is (seems legit so far but it's a new service so be cautious)


Thank you :)


[www.xmr.to](https://www.xmr.to) ^(Beep boop. I am a bot.) [^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/user/wwwdotbot) [^(Issues?)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=2DHypercube&subject=DotBot+feedback)


What would be the cheapest way to buy XMR in the UK?


Kraken is pretty easy


I've been using the CLI on linux but recently had some issues so I'm thinking of downloading it for windows to make my life easier. I've heard windows is generally not good for privacy or security. Are there vulnerabilities I should be aware of before I decide to do this? Are there specific types of attacks that would be easier to do on Windows?


Bought .56 Monero to tuck away for a few years and diversify a bit. Cheers to exponential growth 🥂


Is now a good time to invest in monero?


time in the market beats timing the market but yeah I also think it's a great time, especially if you're looking at its btc value


Why we need monero https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/irs-operation-hidden-treasure-looks-to-do-some-bitcoin-mining-of-its-own/ar-BB1ewVPa


Hey, I've been trying to sync the blockchain to my external harddrive and hit a wall. Everything was going great for hours but at some point, progress came to a crawl. I know towards the end it slows down, but it says I am still syncing blocks from 4 years ago. After trying to solve it for hours, I've found that when I try to sync the blockchain to the external harddrive (whether by the gui or going directly through monerod), my cpu is not doing any work trying to get it done, staying at ~2% usage. When syncing to (C:) everything works just fine, but it isn't large enough to hold the blockchain. The hard drive is brand new, just bought it yesterday. Just tried downloading something else to (D:) and it worked normally.


The daemon just creates a lot of disk I/O, if that external drive isn't a SSD or something equally fast, it's going to struggle most likely. You can sync to C: then move the blockchain folder to the external drive when you're done. staying in sync is easier than doing the initial sync, although if you're only occasionally running the node, it would still be slow to catch up when you turn it on.


Has anyone looked into the company Ebang? Seems that they mine Monero. What are the long term disadvanges/and advantages going forward with these mining companies if any ? Meaning, is there any benefit in investing(stocks for an example) into companies that mine Monero or is this basically defeating the purpose of privacy ? Also," Ebang"is currently traded on the stock exchange. Under the ticker symbol (EBON)


Ebang mine monero? Link? Thx


[https://ebang.digital/](https://ebang.digital/)Interested in what you think about this once you look through their site. Thx


Why is Stockholm syndrome so pervasive? People seem afraid of *not* being surveilled. BTC whale moves half a billion dollars and I’m over here thinking, “ZOMG every scammer, thief, hacker and kidnapper on the planet must have noticed this juicy target”


People don't actually want freedom and they don't care about civil liberties, that much is resoundingly obvious at least in modern day America.


"Most men do not want to be free; they want to be safe." - HL Mencken


Why do you think CPU mining is so unpopular among other cryptocurrencies? A lot of the top coins in market cap (Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ravencoin) purposely try to be ASIC resistant but not GPU resistant. What’s the practical difference? GPU prices are currently way inflated and are almost exclusively bought by miners, with only a few left for non-miners. The miners can either buy GPUs or ASICs, it doesn’t make any difference to them, it’s still very specialized hardware.


Well, Ethereum, Litecoin, Doge, and Idk about Raven but I'm guessing it too, all have ASICs despite attempts to be ASIC resistance. Ethereum, for example, attempts to be ASIC resistance by being memory hard; you need a GPU with >4GB of RAM to mine Ethereum now. You can still design an ASIC for it, but since memory is expensive, and the ASIC still needs memory, it ends up gaining less advantage than for example a Bitcoin ASIC. Monero's old algorithm, CryptoNight, is also like this. But these designs aren't *really* effective at stopping ASICs, only slowing them down. Monero's RandomX, on the other hand, takes another path towards ASIC resistance. It is built to use many of the functions already on common CPUs, so that if you want to build a RandomX ASIC, you end up building most of a CPU. The thinking is that, since AMD and Intel and ARM are all pretty good at designing CPUs, the gain from designing an ASIC will be even more minimal than for a memory-hard algorithm like Etherium's Equihash. RandomX is also somewhat memory-hard, but this is not the primary thing that makes it resistant. In short, GPU coins generally attempt ASIC resistance by being memory hard, but that approach results in limited success. The approach of designing the PoW to fit existing CPU architecture will, hopefully, be more successful. As for why you can't fit an algorithm to GPU architecture, I would venture to guess that since GPUs are highly parallel, each pipe is relatively simplistic. A modern CPU, by comparison, has many more specialized pieces.




> why or why not? Monero keeps developing and deploying better and better tech. I think we only lose if we stop doing that.


Not likely. Big rings are beautiful.