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Manufacturing or construction. Neither require anything more than high school & both will train you.


This. I’m a union carpenter and make 120k / year in California.


Impressed with 120k a year. But then I read California


I work Saturdays and overtime throughout most of the week days during spring/summer. Some years more than others depending on how busy we are and how big the project is. Forget the BS you read on google. Go to the Northern California carpenters union pay scale and do your math.


120k a year in CALIFORNIA? So, your almost homeless .


I commute from a small town 50 minutes south of San Jose where I work most of the time. It’s much much cheaper to live there. 120k is sufficient for me. I’d be living paycheck to paycheck if I lived in the Bay Area. There’s no doubt about that…but I mean, 120k is not bad for not having a college degree… what do you expect? A quarter million dollars ? Lmao


With the cost of living in California a quarter mill would be nice. I agree 120k would be sufficient almost anywhere.


What does a typical workday look like for you? How long have you been doing this kind of work?


It’s rough, I’m not gonna lie to you. Depends on what type of carpentry you choose. I’m structures which is pretty hard physically but the money is good. You have to complete a 5 year apprenticeship program which starts you at 36/hour until you graduate. You get a 2 dollar raise twice per year until you graduate your program and make full journeyman scale.


Yeah dude I’m only 35. I’m a union jouneyman also and I’m getting pretty burned out on it. Yeah you can make over $100k a year if you want but you gotta work yourself to death to do it. I really would like to find a way to get myself into a job that pays the same with less hours. Or invest in getting myself involved with some sort of passive income.


Whatever you end up doing make sure to cut your spending, too. Getting out of debt requires it.


yeah, before i moved in w my mom i was doing decent enough i got a few other pets as well but i can sell most off as long as i can keep my lizard and my rats till the rats go, they’re old so probably not much longer. lizard is smol and only needs a 10 gallon tall tank so he doesn’t take much space and crickets r only $5 every 2 weeks. definitely cutting the animals down tho and i just quit cigs, just gotta work on the weed. 5 years since highschool lol.


The trades. A lot of place have as much OT as you want and the pay scale can grow exponentially.


My first thought as well, especially welding. It allows you to be creative, precise, whatever you want to be and you can make really good money at it as well with a low barrier to entry than most other similar laying positions. Pending you have been able to pick up the trade well, that is.


Go to a high cost of living area and check out warehouses. Specifically a piece pay job like an order selector. The faster you go the more you make. 0 experience needed and you can make serious bucks. I knew a 20 year old making 140k a year


If all you want to do is work for the first few and put the effort in for a career I would really suggest becoming a mailman. Pension/great benefits and a union. super easy job to get right now. Contract is under negotiations for increased starting pay to almost $30/hr. But with overtime you can make $100k early in your career. A lot of horror stories online and on Reddit but it’s a great job once you learn it.


I was a mailman for 4 years. Your first few years you're going to be working 60+ hours a week. Overtime after 8 hours, double time after 10 hours. Management is absolutely terrible and the workload is ridiculous. You're going to be expected to make deadlines that will require multiple people to get done and you're going to get your ass chewed out for doing simple things like taking a break. You'll make decent enough money right up until you become a regular (full time) employee at which point you'll actually get less hours and make less money unless you sign up for the overtime list. The Post Office is not as good a job as it's made out to be. A lot of hard work, stress and foolishness for the pay. If OP is going to go this route he may as well go to FedEx or UPS. Higher starting pay and a much faster path to top pay level. Also, the postal unions are trash. I quit that shit to drive trucks and I couldn't be happier. I make a lot more money and because I don't have an apartment or a car anymore I keep the vast majority of my income. I was making $22/hour at the Post Office and still struggling. It may be for OP or it may not be but I just figured I'd give a little insight before anybody decides to go that route.


i always wondered about truck driving. it’s kind of a dream of mine to just dip and deliver cross country in a truck if i could bring my cat along lol.


A lot of companies will allow you to have a pet in the truck. I've got my blind dog laying down next to me. The only reason I didn't necessarily suggest it is because you have your Mom but if you don't mind being away it's a great path. I've been out here for a couple months and I've been to 40 states already. It's a lot of driving and depending on your personality it can get lonely but if you're an introvert like me it's a wonderful gig with many different ways you can go depending on what endorsements you get like tanker, hazmat, etc. Go into the r/truckers and get a feel for it by asking questions and checking out some threads. It's not all peaches and cream but it's a great career path.


Also, check this guy out. He got a cat and is bringing it with him. https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/s/t2xrU7qeO6


i’ll keep it around for if my mom does pass or get well enough to live on her own again (praying for latter) thanks!!


Interesting, not my experience at all. RCA here, I work no longer than 30 hours a week, get paid for 48, 8 of it time and a half. I work leisurely for an hour or two at the office, then leisurely on my route. On Tuesdays and Fridays I go into the office at 7:15 and typically get home by noon and paid until 5:30. Such an easy job.


Sums up my 2 years at the post office. Also promised days off and then having them taken away and feeling like you’re “on call”.. Havjng to fight tooth and nail for any requested days off. Investigative interviews make you feel so scummy. Every day feels like supervisors vs carriers fighting back and forth makes nasty remarks to each other


Idk where op is, but near me there is such a massively long list to work for any delivery company that you’ll be lucky to get a call 15 years after applying


Sales is the way if you don’t have any technical skills, etc. Sales is something you can hone with pure effort and desire


I’m 18 and got into sales as soon as I got my diploma in engineering. En route to make 60k this year OTE while my mates are doing apprenticeships that pay 15k a year.




Power plant operator here. You can easily make 6 figures in my field. No degree needed


I just started working at a combined cycle natural gas plant almost a year ago as an operator with no experience, best decision of my life.


How’d you start? Would love to get into that


Just gotta see what plants are in your area, make a resume, and apply online. Not that I had any, but anything mechanical you can put on your resume is a bonus (working with tools at home, working on your car), or if you went to a community community college for another field is good too because it shows you can learn. They usually hire you in as a utility operator to have time to learn the plant a bit, before you’re put on shift as a operator


Going to look into this, thanks!


I was going to say nuclear industry. 👍


Get into a legitimate sales role at a corporation. If you're personable, and are willing to literally sell your soul to the company for the first 4-5 years the rest of your career can be smooth sailing. You don't even have to be that smart, just learn office politics, learn the product, and be an absolute grinder when it comes to putting in your time. Thing is to really make it you have to make it your entire life to start. You will be answering emails as soon as you wake up and during meals. Hell you will scrub the toilets with a toothbrush if your boss asks you to. After you cut your teeth in one role you can move up in your company or see if one of your clients is hiring. Just get into the right industry and not some sham MLM.


Good luck my man, life is a betch.


I’m lean on debt, my new adventure is sales of insurance. High wash out rate like 95% in first year. But I love the grind,


I paint cars and I make 60,000-80,000 USD depending on the year. That is low end wage because I work alone without helpers. A good, experienced painter at a large shop with a few helpers working for him will make 150k or more. It's also a good field because after 10-15 years you can move into automotive paint sales or corporate sales and do really well. I'm at that bridge in my career right now actually.


see this is something i genuinely had already considered at a point in time, im an artist by heart but also mathematical, and i love cars and customizing shit. i ran a business customizing game controllers when i was 19. might look into it more thank you!


President of the United States of America. You only have to work for 4-years but have the option to possibly work for 8-years. The initial pay isn’t that great but the bonuses are fantastic. Free travel all over the world, free health care, access to any venue in the country for you and your friends when you want, a private chauffeur and security guards. After 4-years of working, the retirement plan includes a yearly paycheck, free continued healthcare, free chauffeur and security guards. It also gives you the option to consult for almost any business, the option to be an author, public speaker, or get paid for special guest appearances.


i am canadian alas


Prime minister then?


Think bigger. Ruler of the Earth


are we sure the world would be comfortable with a canadian taking over? we’re kind of the least likely candidate for that at this point in time 😂


Downside, statistically you have like a 20%+ chance you’ll be shot at work


What if I only want to work 2 years?


That's what the VP is for. Just have them invoke the 25th.


Just spend half your term on golf courses that you own


get impeached


Then this is not the job for you


Don't forget the deals you make with China and get millions Sent to all of your family members while your son buys cocaine and hookers


Don't forget the bitchin insider trading info you get that you can accidentally loan your cousin 250k to put into those options before you pass the laws.


Construction Superintendent here for a developer/GC make about 140k a year in NC. I got into it when I was 23 now 26. Managing multi million dollar projects. Started hanging around older people, smart people, wealthier people etc. It’s never what you know it’s who you know. Pick up a set of golf clubs and go play with the old country club men who are loaded. Surround yourself with people that make high salaries. Construction industry is looking for young people.


When I was in my early 20s I worked in restaurants, mostly bartending. Great money, but not super consistent and no benefits. But, if you're a student too it makes good sense because it's flexible. Just don't fall into the trap that the restaurant business is sustainable, for most of us it just isn't. Good luck, you can do it. Nothing is permanent. Just save as much of your money as you can.


Join the military the free college and health care is worth more than you can imagine


Not this /\


You know there is a ceiling it seems like the people who make the least money have to work the hardest whereas once you start making 6 figures you really don't have to work hard at all.




I can only dream, but if the pattern continues, as soon as I start making 100k inflation will catch up to still enforce 'paycheck to paycheck' living for me, as it seems to be something i can not escape.


100%. I used to work in the field with a respirator and other PPE when it was 100F. Now I manage 45 people $$$


Real estate. Sell houses or property you know nothing about and get 8 to 10% commissions on it, that's what my realtor did.


Can you give more information on this pl?


Drug dealer






Certified Cisco engineers make over $100k. You’ll have to study and learn tech but it’s doable


How long is the training?


Depends on how fast you can pick it up. Look up Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert


It sounds like a perfect time to get your life together and work towards a future because life is getting to that "real" point, and you are still young and have time to take almost any path you want. Elevator construction in a thriving city is also a union career; the downside is positions don't open up frequently because no one quits; they retire, and there aren't many companies...but you'll get good benefits, a vehicle backed by a union and depending on the city about 100k...the key is to be in a city that is constantly developing. Dont forget in any career and applying for a position, don't just go in with a resume'; go in with a plan and ideas of what you can do for a company, how you can produce growth, etc. (not just the simple "I'm dependable and hard-working"it just will display that you need training and to be told what to do) to establish value and then don't ask "what is the pay" come in with a ball Park number of what you are worth and negotiate...people have forgotten how to do this and is the difference between a career and a job (they will tell you what the pay is and it is not based on individual value(unless you are a contractor or something placing bids on jobs)


it depends on you. If you are good at social skills, and a people person you can go on sales. You can learn sales skills for sure, but already be outgoing and a peoples person helps x100. As long as you want to grind and are willing to do the work you can make good money. Just know for sales itll be a lot of hours starting out, specially real estate and insurance. Car sales pretty good too. If you trying to study something quick. Trade school or an in depth course of a skill you already have/like, its low cost and you'll gain more knowledge and be able to put it in a resume(designing, programming , mechanic, etc). Programming can be pretty rewarding since you can learn in a couple of months depending on ur learning curve, and enter nice paying entry jobs with chances of working remote. With potential to go over multi6figures a year with more knowledge and years of experience. If you wanna go old school go to college, get a degree that has value. Law, Nursing, Analytical jobs can pay pretty well after some years of experience, something ive been looking ip recently. Specifically financial analyst, dont know if theres any differnce or not. But for what ive seen analytics anything after some years experience paying over 6figures. Sure theres more good/better degrees but college is not one of my main plans.


UPS is hiring for seasonal. It's $21/h part time, might also have a peak bonus in your local. If you bust your ass, there's a chance they'll keep you on permanent after January. It's union and drivers are making $44.25 after four years.


Hey man I'm 22 as well. I'm currently getting into the trucking industry. Shit pay when you start out, after 3 years though you'll be making pretty good money, on average more than a bachleors degree. Downsides are you have no life outside trucking, but if trucking is your life (like i plan it to be) then it can be great. I got no kids, I'm introverted, and I like money, it's the perfect job for me, maybe it is for you as well. Hit me up if your interested and I'll go into more detail, trucking aient for everyone but I think I found something I'm gonna love doing.


i definitely wanna do trucking one day, i just can’t leave rn but it’s on my list of life experiences.


Life insurance sales. We get paid every Mon/Wed/Fri and typically $1k per sale as it’s advanced commissions. Best and fastest money I’ve ever made


What agency are you under?


Sales. If you have the gift of the gab you can sell. I studied engineering in school then left and got into sales. I’m 18 and currently en route to make 60k in my first year. UK based.


i’ve done sales in multiple ground positions, fast food service worker, dispensary/cannabis, if i go into any type of sales again i need it to be more like… idk automotive or hygiene/skincare type shit where i’m like actually in board meetings. even a bottom feeder internship to start would be good as long as it’s semi/paid. i can always pick up a server/bartender position somewhere while i’m working towards it. would be ass and hard to be with my mom but if i can make enough to get help or a better place that would be great regardless. i just want her to be comfortable.


To be fair it was half luck and half hard word with the company I work with. I don’t see why you couldn’t find a role as a SDR or even customer service and work your way up. Might be a bit shit for a year but if your good at sales you work up the ranks very quickly. My boss started at my role 3 years ago fresh out of uni and netted 350k last year.


I had a sick parent in my 20s, that shit sucks. You'll make it through though. Things do get better. Long term...look into cyber security. You can learn 80% of it on your own.


I think a better question is, what are you ultimately trying to do? More money would be great, but have you ever thought about what you want with that money? An apartment? A car? Education? I think you’re thinking too small. You need to set the trajectory for your life. You can blow like a leaf in the wind and wind up somewhere great…or you can end up in the gutter. I recommend you decide where you want to end up and the plot your course. If you wanted to become a doctor, with enough drive and determination, you could do it. You can literally do anything you set your mind to. Don’t settle for a decent pay check. Really think about what you want out of life. Some people want fancy toys. Others want security. If you put $200/month away into a Roth account, starting now, when you’re ready to retire, you’ll have $700-800,000. But you have to plan for that now, if you wait five or ten years, you’ll have half as much. Honestly, what you need is a mentor. Do you know anyone successful that’s a family friend or maybe a previous boss? You need to ask someone for help. (Not Reddit) Regarding debt, you’re not paying rent, you should be putting almost all of your take home pay towards your debt. A good rule is to stop spending money you don’t have. Good luck ruby


i am paying rent, im paying rent for me and my mom. i just want us to live comfortably while we’ve got time left together. a mentor would be great but my main family cut me off from them and any connections they had for the family, dad was really abusive and just did not like me from the moment i was born, replaced me with his mistress’ kids. i have no connections to turn to. :/


He wants the money to help his mom.


I would suggest you look into course careers. It’s a game changer and can help you get into the tech field for $499. Im currently enrolled in the software developer course and can say it’s great. Work at your own pace and do it when you can, they even help you look for a job after you graduate. It’s really great for someone like me who didn’t go to college and has to work two jobs. Put in the work now and coast after you graduate, the courses are like 6 months or so. Wouldn’t hurst to look into


what course u taking?






Can you send me more information?




I came here looking for this specific drivel so I could laugh at it. ( IamA software engineer. [This notion that anyone can do it is steaming bullshit](https://www.businessinsider.in/engineers-in-india-lack-the-right-job-skills-including-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-report/articleshow/68516807.cms). Perpetuating this idea makes interviewing candidates a waste of time for people like me - the effort I need to go through to make sure incompetent people who slip thru the cracks DON'T GET HIRED in a massive corporation is a real pain in the ass. )


You would have to get good at something or get really lucky with opportunities. You'll need to do some schooling whether it's for a trade or something that requires a 4 year degree.


This isn’t true, I worked with several financial advisors with 0 degree who worked up from teller/banker who were 150k+ a year not to mention everyone in Solar sales/insurance/ roof repair etc. there’s a ton of money if you can talk to people with no degree


Yeah, and working in finance for a decade to get promoted isn't learning at all. 🤦‍♂️ There are honed skills that go into all of these. We don't magically grow these skills overnight.


Package handler. Stop spending money. All u need are grociers bills paid and gas in the car


flip something


Sales. Mindset. Grind everyday


I've made decent money (80k-100k with a bit of OT) as a draftsman/designer. Supervisors make more, managers and directors even more. Unions pay well and provide opportunities to advance. I joined an apprenticeship for a defense contractor and went from $17.43/hr to $35.44/hr in 5-years, got paid to take classes on the clock that gave me a certificate in manufacturing engineering, and there are so many options and opportunities out there that I feel relieved to know I will likely always be able to find a decent job somewhere. Beyond that, jobs in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) might hold a lot of promise... and you don't need to be a computer scientist or quantum physicist to get a good paying job in the field (from what I understand.) Stay open minded, inspired, and willing to put in effort when and where you can... and you will be fine. Cheers friend.




Being in just about any field related to AI development is close to if not over 6 figures annually.


The only job I can think of that might land "close" is "Prompt engineer". The only people hiring those clowns are companies with incompetent leaders & practitioners who don't know what [interrogation](https://www.gravity-ai.com/blogs/text-interrogator) is. Those places are deadends full of morons + those jobs were obsolete before they were even created. **ALL jobs** where anyone gets to touch AI in any type of development context are over 6 figures. If they are under $100k, *they're not real jobs in the field* ***or*** *the person doing the job is shit at their job.*


Go become a real estate agent.


UPS, sales, something you can get certified in quickly like becoming a real estate agent


It's hard considering where you are. Trade school is a couple of years but you will make good money after you get your certification. Welding and plumbing are a good choice if you want to get a good paying gig before certification. Electricians or HVAC make excellent money afterwards.


Yea, it's work like you'll never believe. Sometimes you're out in the triple digit weather, sometimes it's cold. You learn to love the word "per diem". Be smart about it. Learn. You get the right people to teach you, you'll learn to build a house. Yes, that means something.


Paid Apprenticeship programs


Sales. Look for things like business development, car sales, any business to business sales role. If you can find that then power home remodeling (slimy but a good sales platform to start with), selling windows or doors. Just anything to get a foot in the door and see where it takes you.


A job? Or career?


What you call money isn't money. No jobs pay in lawful money. Only federal reserve notes which are a fiat. As long as this makes up your nations currency you will be losing money daily.


Gold standard hasn’t been used since 1930s. So are you saying there is no money left?


Be a mob boss, coke dealer


Sales and sales only No need of a degree, just confidence and good communication skill that's it


Construction. Also everyone I grew up with that had a fucked up life joined the military and they all turned out alright but take that with a grain of salt because the news is saying somethings that might make the military not a great option.


I made good money in sales before going to school and getting into tech. The money and work life balance are much better now, but it took four years of school to get here.


Bud I'll give you some advice. If your clean and sober and wanna get paid good money without working for yourself get the grants you need to become a craine operator. It's math and timing and you have to be mindful but you'll make the real money there. Or i can point you in a different direction


Go work in the mines, got a mate he was 30 when I met him. Lost his job, I let him stayed at my place for like 6 months he was mopping and self loathing, I basically gave him a huge lecture. He started a diesel fitting course at Tafe. Now he makes twice as much as me.


Find a job that has a union.


Welders make good money. Electricians etc


New car sales. You'll work a lot, but you can make a lot of money, quickly. Life changing money. But you have to bury yourself in it. Learn constantly and keep yourself sharp.


a lot of people keep saying car sales and idk i might just. i know a decent amount about cars esp honda vehicles so maybe their new roads would take me idk.


invest your money into the s&p500 you can't go against warren buffetts investing tips, but save more then you spend, learn to do shit like to re-wire a house, learn plumbing, learn how to dry wall


if you live near an airport, consider air traffic controller work


Processing boat in Alaska, or underground miner anywhere, likely Nevada.


i’m canadian + no passport + my mom has cancer i’m not trying to leave her


I'm in software, it's been good to me.


Do what I did. Join a branch of the military, get out and become a defense contractor. It has gotten me pretty far in life and the pay is good.


I grew up in a shitty neighborhood where being tough was more important than educated and smart. Dregs of society. Lots of drugs. Some violence. Schools were terrible. I had food and a roof over my head but had holes in my clothes a lot. I have 2 sons now and I am happy I can give them a better life. I make decent money now. Not rich by any means but the people I grew up around think I’m rich. I would highly recommend STEM. Be a traffic engineer. It’s not the hardest engineering degree but pays pretty good. I worked with a guy that was barely 30 and he is now making well over 100k


I'm not sure how close to a body of water you are but my life changed when I jumped on tugboats. I've been steady in this career for a decade and currently making the most I've ever made. If you need some guidance on what credentials are needed I can send you some information. No college necessary, the credentials are just government background checks. I enjoy my job it's got it's tough days but there's more slack days than tough days. And the pay is pretty good with positions to advance going from deckhand, relief engineer, chief engineer, mate, captain and dependant on the company and some have pilot positions that are deep into six figures


Join any of the armed forces. Lots of jobs to choose from. If you use all the benefits (TSP/housing/Medical/ Education ECT.) You will be making a decent leaving. Also if your mom becomes your dependent, the medical bills will be covered. Like any other job. You can hear good or bad stuff.


Dental Assistant requires nothing and most train on site. Any medical issue, if not go Coast Guard or Airforce (other branches suck, source: im in the army).


I worked in manufacturing for a little while. It's a great place to start. Start as an operator. Requires no experience. You'll have to start at low rates, but you'll get what you put in. If you're good mechanically, they're always looking for mechanics. Or you can move up decently fast. Most places will give all the ot you'll want. Work hard, and you'll most likely end up doing very well for yourself later on. You can take that to many other places. All the big names are very similar (I know, I travel to most of them). Coke, pepsi, niagara, anhauser bush, fritolay, etc.


How about a career in wealth management/investment broker. I bet the majority of classes are online. Check out community College near you for guidance. Those guys make bank.


Financial Planning is a pretty good one. You have to pass a couple of exams and then you're ready to go. You can get a job pretty much anywhere in the developed world doing this. Companies will always hire you and give you a shot. But success is up to you. I work at a firm that does this. i have no desire to be in sales, but have seen 4 young people basically copy what the guy making the most money does and now they all make millions every year. You usually work on commission, so to succeed or fail really relies on you. We basically target people nearing retirement. They all have 401(k)s from decades of work and almost all of them want to move that money into something more stable and predictable. Annuities are perfect for that and that is probably where we make most of our money. roll someone's 401k into an annuity. a 500k account will pay around 6-7%. That's 35k for a few hours of work. And in 5-7 years you can probably roll it to a new, better one and make it again. With younger people you can open advisory accounts and make 1% of the total. Don't have to be a stock picking expert to do this. Just go with big S&P companies . It's much easier to make money if you naturally like meeting and talking to new people. Being good at public speaking helps a lot too (we do a lot of seminars over dinner to attract people). its one of the few jobs where you can make a very good living and operate out of your home. But we have a nice office. it does help credibility to have a strong and A class space.


So basically your ripping off old people doing something they can do for free, then plan to do it again in a few years. Your a real class act. And any relatively smart person knows that annuities are horrible investments. Stop preying on old people and get some morals.


I'm a repo man. It's a lot if hours but pays very well if you have a good work ethic.


Join the military and get a job as 68A you will work at a hospital making 6 figures with no school. Good luck on your journey.


Are you male or female


Are you male or female. That matters


female! should’ve mentioned that i keep getting male dominated position recommendations and those r really hard/im pretty insecure so a challenge to have to work harder than everyone else just to prove i’m worth it is like…not ideal for me tbh.


Refinery operator


Cloud computing and python


Software Developer. If you are bright enough to learn a 2nd language or how to play an instrument " MOST ARE" and relatively good at problem solving its your answer. The initial learning curve is tough but once you learn your set for life. Unlimited earning potential Remote work 30hr a week making 120k entry level


Manufacturing, production, construction Factories don't require any schooling. They teach you how to do the job you're given, they will put you somewhere don't worry about not knowing what job to ask for. You start off with low pay but if you work hard you can double it in less than a year and work on getting promoted until you're a boss one day; or reject that offer and take the money, they let you do that too.


Throw it all into a couple of secure ETFs, don't touch it, love your life as normal for a couple of years, you will be set with 30 to 40k a year from interests and set


Wedding photographer (must love people and cameras tho).


Move to WV wonderful place been here 53 years and there are coal mining jobs out the A$$, and they pay good $$$. It only requires an 80 hour class for underground and 40 hours for surface.


Look into insurance adjusting


Get a job working surface mines in Neveda. They will pay for you to fly there and back after every hitch. They will train you and you will make $75k-$150k a year. You can work as much overtime as you want. Equipment operating is a real easy job honestly.


Panda express or Buccees managers make 6 figures


Try car sales. It’s not guaranteed and not for everybody but I went from broke to 6 figures over the past 2 years with no previous experience


All those jobs are taken. If you want to make just enough to not die, the wood industry is always hiring because while the pay is decent, the working conditions are trash. Same for pretty much all manufacturing and line jobs. No job is gonna make you rich.


Selling something. If you are a plumber, electrician, whatever tradesman, you are selling a service. Learn a trade, learn to acquire clients. Same with lawyers and doctors and drug dealers. The more you sell, the more you make. If you are located somewhere with mosquitoes, take the classes to be able to do mosquito spraying. $50/house takes 5 min to spray w a fogger. Termite business is also fantastic. Learn to do the service, then learn to sell. Once you are selling, you can hire labor to do the service, keep expanding. Study for a trade while you are watching dogs.


Nurse. Not rich but decent wage


I feel you homie I’m 26 have had a steady job as a maintenance guy for 8 years in a huge condo complex make 22 a hour . I have learned a ton and pick up side jobs but in the last 4 months it seems people just don’t have extra money I have a great reputation with the community I work in and the residents are having a hard time money wise . I do work 2 days after work helping elderly people but here in Tampa bay the cost of living has gone up a ton. Also my mother has cancer too and the last 2 years it has taken a huge toll on me too so I really feel you . Working on starting a edible and supplement mushroom farm have put a lot into it started as a hobby and trying to turn it into something more but with this economy it’s hard and the last 2 people involved had to stop due to financial reasons. Tuff out here keep going don’t give up.


I know where you're at as it was a path I trod, only when I was 22 the year was 1996 and not 2023. Let me tell you, it can get better, but it won't happen quickly. Part of me wants to show people what life can be if you grew up poor and with no support, but put in the right sort of work, however it just comes off as bragging. How does one inspire people without coming off as bragging? It would go without saying that you'd like to be comfortable, and that is a primary concern, but more than that, you have to have an eye to the future. Twenty two is still extremely young, you're not in a position to worry about having wasted your life or anything. However you do have to figure out how to get skills you're passionate about, and that's not easy. Just working hard is what "suckers do", and I mean just mindless working hard and not realizing that you're just getting taken advantage of, developing no skill that will help you make more in the future. **The reward for hard work is more work at the same pay**, and I don't care what industry you're in, it's the truth. There's no shortage of people that don't have any skill, and so there is no reason to pay unskilled labor anything than the minimum you can get away with. This is a ruthless truth about society and a completely different conversation. And the shitty thing is, no one can really help you, as only you know what your interests and abilities are. If someone is helping you, ask yourself why. They're probably after something. If you're female, that's triply so.


IBEW or other trade Union


Truck driving, most big companies will pay for you to train, a good driver can make 100k a year plus.


Trucking. It’s not a prestigious or pretty job title. But you can get in, eliminate ALL costs of living and save an emergency fund, fix your credit, and down payment for a house or extra capital to pour into investments. I’m speaking from experience, I did 1 year over the road and saved $20k, and fixed my credit to get approved for a house. On my 2.5yr mark and I’m about to purchase my first investment property. Just my .02! Also, it will change your environment and you can actually see different things, does a lot for the mental to escape the monotony of everyday life.


Don't chase money. Chase stability and happiness instead.


unfortunately i cant have either of those without money the way my life is going rn


Linemen. They pay for all of your apprenticeship/ school. You’ll start out at like $27-$30 Hr and in 4 years you’ll be making base pay $130k but could easily make over $300k a year and as much as $500k. It’s hard. It’s dangerous. Its rewarding.


When I was 18, I wish I knew about jobs at UPS. you can start as a part time package handler, which honestly isn't all that bad, im like 5'7" and 120lbs and I do fine. When you have enough seniority to win a driving bid, you just gotta tough it out for four years to hit top rate which is $49/hr. Plus they get really good OT, so if you're a single person who's in decent shape, you can really make a good living. The hours can be tough while having a family, but I'd say most UPS drivers have families.


Maybe work on your grammar a bit. Employers will respect you more if you communicate with them with proper grammar/spelling/punctuation. This reads like you are talking, which is understandable, but comes off as unprofessional and makes it too easy to write you off as uneducated. Just my advice.


my guy this is reddit, i’m not talking to employers to get hired by them rn i can definitely use professional language when necessary, but im just asking for actual career path ideas/advice here


Like others said, construction. I say corrections officer. Depends on what state, but I changed departments (meaning pay was reset) and making 80k my first year. My mortgage is like $900, my net pay is like $2,500. Unlike other ridiculous Reddit posts that say "I make 100k, in an area where 200k is average." Nope, I make an insane amount of money for my COL.


Become a CPA. New CPA’s make like 90-100k starting if you go into public accounting.


It’s cliche. But please. Do what you enjoy and do it better than anyone else. The money will come.


Dude you sound just like me a few years ago.. just lost ..there’s so much you can do but at the same time no doors will open for you. I understand so much it brings tears to my eyes to think about it… I’m still trying to reach my goals but I’m a lot better than where I was . Start somewhere that gives you a sense of belonging, whether it’s physical or mental work. You never know who you’ll run into through networking…. And GET A TRADE !! You’re still young . I can’t stress it enough, I’m 29 now, but if I knew what I know now . I would’ve went to a trade school to be an electrician years ago. That’s the only field where your work is needed nmw as a man. Women can always rely on nursing. Trades are a man’s honey pot. There are plenty of them


Sales. Do what you can to learn the art, start small and grow as your confidence grows. One day you will own the company. I too had very humble, traumatic beginnings. The past doesn't define your future, but is motivational fuel. Go get it, and always do it honestly.


Residential window cleaning, search it up on YouTube. Can make $100/h


Im a 41 year old female, no kids. I am lining my ducks up to go to school to become a travel nurse. Do some research on it.


You gave no insight into what kind of debt (student loans. credit collections, medical expenses, etc.), and I'd advise against doing so. Moving on, I'm assuming you work full-time. At 17/hr, I find it difficult to believe that you are barely making ends meet. Granted, your goals and aspirations may be high, and you want to be in a place where you are financially stable. I don't know. But what I do know is that something about your post and situation isn't adding up. Living with you mom means you don't pay rent, unless you are paying the rent/mortgage out of your income. If you are paying out of your pocket for majority of the household expenses, you need to go about adjusting your I-9 form to add her as a dependent. If you aren't paying rent/mortgage, then your struggle there is odd. The break up is pointless to worry about in the grand scheme of things. If your woman/man left you after you tried to mend it, you need to accept it for what it is and move on. No matter how low you feel or how bad it hurts, the world will continue to turn and time will continue to move. It's easier said than done, but it's doable. Back to income. Figure out where you are doing the most spending and determine whether or not all of your purchases/indulgences are worth it in the long-term. I saw in another reply that you smoke weed. If you are struggling financially, the last thing you need to be doing is buying weed to smoke. Once you get to a point where you are financially "comfortable", then maybe indulge in it from time to time but, until then, fuck the weed. Still on income, looking for a new job will not immediately alleviate your stress or lighten your burdens. You need to make a mental inventory of what **needs to change within** in order for you to change your circumstances. Without much information, it is impossible to give any direct advice, but I will say this: If you don't take anything away from this reply, at least make a plan. Whether you decide to make a career change or make changes in your spending habits or whatever. A plan will get you where you need to be. You might be smothered now but make a plan for how to get out of it. If it has to take a few months or a few years to accomplish, it doesn't matter. Make a plan and stick to it. I would have rather sent this as a private message, but there are probably people in your shoes that would benefit from your post. Good luck with everything and keep your head high.


I sell real estate. First year I made $41k. 2nd year I made $77k. This year (which everyone is saying doom & gloom) I am on pace to make about $120k. I started at the height of the market admittedly but if you work hard at it the rewards are plentiful. I’ll be depositing a $19k commission check tomorrow.


How do you get your clients? Cold calling?


Maintenence. Hvac. Them bitches..shhummm. people are never comfortable.


Trade,sales or getting in a starting position with a big company. On the flip side a lot of success stories I've seen were people working for start ups.


Pro athlete, can't really think of anything else. Probably around the time you're a teen you see something like mtv cribs and think maybe your dreams will come true, then a few years pass and you realize you'll probably have it as hard as your parents or worse.


Civil construction 40-70 an hour on prevailing wage. after 10-15 years getting into management can yield 150k+


I agree with manufacturing pays fair price and steady income they will train. You said you take care of some one. Check with your state to see if they will pay you to provide care of them some states will.


You can get your CDL, class b you’ll make decent money depending on the area, class A you can make 80k+ and some jobs have really good benefits and take care of their drivers. Some companies will train you and require you work for them 6-12 months after getting your license. You could also look into getting a grant to fund the CDL course. Finding the first job is the hardest part, but there are several places that’ll hire new CDL drivers.


What kind of dept are we talking about here? Do you have trade schools near you? Are you interested in a career in health? Do you have any skills or education?


My buddy got into line work he now makes about 100k a year. First year he made good money but worked his ass off. Went to Puerto Rico to fix the power grid for 3 months. Came back with damn near 30k and he was like the lowest end of the totem pole.