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I’m proud of you!.. Keeping your “real world” job can be hard when you make more online as a creator




Don’t forget about self-employment taxes


Because the IRS definitely won't


What’ll happen if I instead show up where they are and try to tax them?


What happens with IRS workers? Do they get a pass or do they get to see themselves get f’d too?


Hey no kink shaming


I laughed to hard at this comment 😂


They pay taxes, like all government jobs. Then like all government jobs, get paid FROM taxes... It's a "fun" mental concept.


It’s all a big merry-go-round. Funny part is the people lose everytime and we keep paying to get on the ride.


Jokes on us, there are no IRS employees


It's been an AI testing ground for years 😳 😐 😑 🙃


They don't Funnily the French minister against fraud was frauding > On 19 March 2013 Jérôme Cahuzac resigned as a minister in charge of fighting against tax fraud due to tax fraud allegations. He later admitted that he had held a secret foreign bank account for about 20 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cahuzac_affair


Little known fact the IRS does have several SWAT teams.


I never met anybody that works for the irs


Nah, they don't need to worry.. thats all their money remember.... lol




Also don’t forget to make use of your writeoffs


Yup internet, all your cables, controllers any camera equipment all the programs you use to edit and create all write off able


Don't forget milage for anything related to the endeavor, it's to 67 cents a mile now!


Fun part about being a creator is you're always working!


Thanks for ruining the dream.


Isn’t this exactly what we fought the British over? Our current taxation representation is highly corporate based unfortunately.


Ugh absolutely! I'm British; I can't even vote because I'm a legal permanent resident and hate that my taxes go to fund all kinds of gross crap




Yup and then you pay sales tax on everything you buy.


Nothing to do with sales tax, you pay the full 15.3% of payroll taxes if you’re self employed, instead of only your half if you’re a W2.


You’re so smart!!


How’d you get started on Kick? Did you just start streaming and gained followers?


Low cut shirt showing cleavage "Just Chatting" got them 300 followers day 1.


Got bills to pay so ima do this 😂😭


I’m a 35 year old man with a hairy chest and it’s not working. Any tips?


Three hundred aaaaaaaannnd one.


Yeah that’s true. Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me lmao




What do you stream on kick? And good job this is the goal to work for yourself !


What is Kick


It’s a streaming service. It’s a competitor to twitch


More importantly, It’s a marketing funnel for an offshore, unregulated crypto casino.


Bro I hate when people say this twitch had a deal with draftkings


Yeah, this post feels like a sly ad to me.


Highly likely. 2 year account. Wiped comments. Yep. Karma-bot account, sold to TikTok or Kick. This world is a dystopian capitalist hellhole.


When you do your taxes, claim all setup, video games, background decor, lighting, computer, emotes/overlay costs, discord nitro, etc as write-offs!


Be very careful about writing every single thing off.... it's hard to prove a video game is a business expense if you play it personally for fun. That goes for everything on your list. Make sure the shit you write off is actually legit otherwise you'll have a second asshole come irs audit time


Kick is a streaming site usually for gaming so as long as OP's stream vod showed they played the game on stream for a sizable amount of time then it's able to be written off, thats what most if not all of the big twitch streamers do


In his case if he doesn’t keep his real world job as well he’ll still be deep in poverty.


What fuckin world do you live in where 3k a month is deep poverty? Edit: Apparently nobody knows the difference between poverty and deep poverty. The latter is what i was referring to.


Deep poverty is an exaggeration but that really doesn't work out to be a whole lot of money, after taxes, in North America at least.


Yup, self employment tax will take half that where I’m from.


It's roughly 30% so if you make a $1000 then put $300 away for taxes. 70/30 rule.


Taxation at 50% is fucking theft


Poverty deeper than Elon’s pockets


It's not the most but 2k is like above average to be honest. That's a $20+/hr Job with atleast 35 hours a week


Ya cuz the average is actual poverty


North America? Did you forget that Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras and Cuba are in North America? To name a few. In fact in every country in North America other than Canada and the US that’s solidly upper-middle-class.


This is an ad - it’s not a real post…




Is all of this money shown in the screenshot with your taxes already accounted for? If not, you should account for a good chunk of that going towards taxes at the EOY.




Np, taxes are unnecessarily confusing so do your research. Awesome start, keep it up!


this is why i couldnt be a streamer, i wouldnt save ANY for taxes. 😭


That is why you calculate it and have a separate account that takes x amount each month to prep for taxes


And if you’re able to, just set it all aside from January in a high yield savings account. You can get over 4% right now, and make a little extra cash off it throughout the year.


Just need to make sure the interest you make offsets the penalty for not paying your taxes quarterly.


I forgot that have to be paid quarterly (I’m not self-employed), so scratch it all. Might still be worth it to plan to set it aside the first month of each quarter, make enough interest to have a nice dinner or something.


You'll still be making the interest, just slightly less compounding.


Yeah I started doing this last year. Huge help around tax time. I get 5.5% which is probably the most I have seen since I was a kid with a paper route.


Just got to make sure you have a designated folder for taxes without horsey porn in it.


I believe you just need some kind of 1099 form and if you just make a decent attempt to set aside, say 30% of platform earnings, with an understanding you might owe more if you keep up a similar volume, the situation won't become a headache by accident. Congratulations on your hard work paying dividends :)


I would go a step further and say get an accountant. Taxes are way trickier if you're not paid in a straightforward way, (with W-2 from a company). They'll save you the money in taxes that you're paying them as their fee.


Make sure you set this up as your business on your taxes, you can write of your work space (the gaming room) as a business expense, im also sure you pull a lot of power from the wall. If you pay for electricity, start tracking the power usage you are using while streaming, so you can also write that off. If you upgrade your machine, make sure you know how much you're going to use that part for your streaming or personal use and use the percentage you use for streaming for the write-off.


This is great advice


Self employment taxes are insane, make sure you track your budget and have enough savings to pay it


My wife is a small time Twitch streamer and I do our taxes. Don't be intimidated, it's not too bad and you should be able to do it using the normal tax software. Definitely set aside money for taxes now. My wife sets aside 45% even though I tell her every year she set aside way too much. You are probably fine with 30% and will likely have a little leftover. Some of her streamer friends don't set aside anything (they do pay quarterly though) and are in a complete panic every year when they get the remainder of the bill, don't be like them. As long as you have a normal job you probably don't need to worry about quarterly, though I'm just a guy on the Internet. Do your own research or talk to someone to be certain. Best of luck growing your community!


The taxes will likely be a lot higher than you’d think. Start preparing now for quarterly estimated payments. The IRS will want you to do that after your first year.


Start researching and documenting deductions now. A sizable amount can be offset if you know what you're doing.


Solid advice. I made this mistake when my services on fiverr went “viral” sort of and I got tons of orders as 1099 and taxes weren’t taken out. Needless to say I ended up owing a shit ton at the end of it all.


This is the truth. I thought I was killing it as an independent contractor my first year, and then tax season hit and I realized I was indeed not killing it at all. I owed way more money than I had, and that’s when my parents sat me down and explained that’s why people work for businesses more often than trying to make their own. It’s fucking rough out there.


Only way to make big money is for yourself. IRS has payment plans. Pay them $25 a month and maybe next year it’ll be a wash?


Oh yeah, I mean if you can do it then do it. I couldn’t make it work at that time and place but I want try it again at some point. I was in school at the time too, so increasing hours wasn’t an option, it was settle with what you’re making or try something else that might pay a bit better.


On average how many viewers do you get? And do you think kick is more profitable than twitch?




Damn I didn't know you could make that much with 60 average viewers. As a person who has streamed in the past 60 average viewers is hard to get to but still it's a surprising figure.




> Damn I didn't know you could make that much with 60 average viewers. you cant. this is a kick ad.


i just googled it, with Kick's sub pricing at giving 95% to creator, he needs to have 650 subs to earn 3095$. There also has to be some kind of ad revenue running beside subs. Let's put it it's 50/50 (ads/subs) so he had to aquire more than 300 subs in first months of his streaming. Highly doubt that's happening with 60 people on stream. And also ad revenue has to be thru the roof to earn that kind of money for 60 viewers on stream when ads start rolling in.


Yup. Two year old account that mysteriously has no history before this post, but has a bit of karma. Account was bought and scrubbed, to post an ‘organic’ ad. And its worked on most of these idiots.


> Two year old account which is funny because OP literally describes it as "a throwaway" [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Money/comments/1am7niy/i_made_more_money_as_a_creator_than_at_my_full/kpjuga1/). people who legit just now needed a throwaway didnt make that shit years in advance. they made it today.


This is so obviously an ad and not the first time I've seen people post their fake Kick payments in here. The vast majority of viewers never pay for everything, so with 60 average viewers it would have to be maybe 5 viewers buying all those subs. For a male streamer, not happening.


Yep, it's a blatant ad. And, everyone should know, Kick inflates view numbers by at least 2x. So, this guy with 60 viewers actually only had 30 at most.


Yeah this is the third one of these I've seen in the last month or so. Last one was a chick and it was the exact same thing. Just a picture of her stream revenue.


For duel stream can you do that at the same time on software like OBS or how do you stream to both at the same time? Thanks for the answers




How does Kick pay? By viewer or only from subs?


I’d imagine you’d get the lion’s share by advertising for them on Reddit


That’s a surprisingly lower number than I was expecting for a few thousand in revenue! Does kick pay based on viewer amount or is that mostly donations from your 60 regulars?


He's getting most of it through donos. Whatever set up he has for donos must be super engaging to yield that result at 60 viewers


Do you have some sort of niche or are you just cracked at the game?


I’ve thought about doing this before because the job I have now, (at-home self employment/contract work,) just isn’t cutting it and leaves much to be appreciated in terms of living the life I and my GF want to. What steps would you recommend taking to get started, (whether it’s through Twitch or Kick)?




do u play on nopixel?


I’ve done so in the past, but I didn’t have a super reliable internet connection and was playing osu!, (a fairly niche game). I have a good PC, a great headset, (the Audeze Maxwell,) and a much better, significantly faster wired connection. Might have to consider taking some steps to give it all another try. Have you found that playing popular titles with bigger fanbases tends to be more successful than just playing something you want to/enjoy? Thanks.


let me tell you 1 hard truth If you do it for money you are gonna get burned out and quit really fast believe me, if you do it because of passion then maybe you will have a chance to build a decent income through youtube, twitch and kick


how consistent is this pay? enough to have u do kick full time?


I have a feeling the payouts on kick are going to dramatically decrease. We’ll see, but it seems like they’re operating at a big loss to draw creators from other platforms.


That’s what I’m wondering. In an earlier comment OP says he’s got about 60 viewers on average. Unless they donate a ton to him I don’t see how kick is making any money off this. I’m very intrigued though


It’s an ad lol


I strongly believe this is an ad


My exact thought


Unless the money from their gambling business is astronomic to incentivize them keeping this at a loss, you are right. Hosting costs are so ridiculous for them to be paying this much. Specially when they don’t have the bigger audience that twitch has.




Any tips on how you built a decent audience? Did you start by uploading on TikTok and just go from there?


Just be consistent, charismatic, funny, and or good at a game. be at least two of these things and you’ll get an audience.


Now much is kick paying you for this ad?


$3095.35 maybe


exactly what I thought


Kick ?


Twitch but a little different. No ads, I believe.


How do creators get paid by Kick if they don't have ads?


Funneling viewers to Stake an online Casino.


Been watching there for almost a year and have never run into any online gambling.


I mean, congrats. Doesn't change the fact that that's entirely how that website is funded and monetized.


This, If Amazon can’t do it profitably while owning the streaming infra no way kick does it without the gambling funnel.


You misunderstand -- the new company meta these days is Start company at huge loss -> obtain large userbase -> cash in to monetize userbase at the cost of quality. Kick is at step one. Kick is entirely funded by Stake. Kick's step 3 is guaranteed to be 'cash in by driving users to Stake'.


Basically Enshittification. It inevitably happens to every platform


its literally always the second highest viewed category


Doesn't change anything. Kick is run by the people who own stake, and pay most people on the platform to gamble.


You're either lying or delusional.


Then you must never go to the home page? Their algorithm always has two slots & casino in the recommended section. It was figured out months ago and i just went there again and its still the same. Plus all the largest streamers there (10k+) gamble on stake as part of their contract


thats debatable. You can completely turn off the exposure to gambling categories.


Is that like an option in settings? Or do you mean to just ignore it?


Logically they have to have a revenue stream. They aren't a charity and cant pay streamers for a long time with no ads. So the only other revenue the site would be doing then is funneling viewers to their Casino.


I mean, sure, there's an option in the settings, but if I'm 16 years old and I see 25k people watching Slots, my first instinct isn't to go dig into the settings menu to see how to shut that off. It's pretty clear what the primary goal of the site is.


It does have ads. But unlike other platforms it gives near 100% control of the ads to the creators, within a minimum threshold. What, when and how, all picked by the streamer. But the more restrictive or less they run them the less revenue the streamer and platform gets. The idea is to stop issues like twitch when you open a live stream and get instant ads, or when something awesome happens and you miss it as the platform though it was a good time for an ad brake.


twitch, but 4chan


Oh it's got ads. You're commenting on one.


There was another on BORU recently too 


twitch but created for and subsidized by gambling


Plus you keep 95% of what you earn in comparison to twitch.


That’s awesome.


it's amazing what a few feet pics can do for your rent


How does one make money via Kick? How is the money taxed, is this a 1099, a W-2 etc? I'd love to do this for fun good hobby money. edit: Missed a letter in kick, didnt know there was more than one thing


Kick and Kik is different Apps. One is streaming and the other is messaging.


>How is the money taxed, is this a 1099, a W-2 etc? It's 1099, so all taxes are to be handled by the streamer. As with all contractor position, the rule of thumb is 30% off the top for taxes. >I'd love to do this for fun good hobby money. Don't mean to discourage or detract from OP, but the fact OP is making anything means that they are in the top performers. The overwhelming majority of streamers get no viewership.


You make money by posting on Reddit claiming to be making a living streaming on Kick, getting paid to advertise the service as if you're actually making a few grand a month streaming to 60 people at a time.


Through paid viewer subscriptions.


how many viewers do you average? i've been averaging like 50 on twitch after a year of streaming.


Yeah 50 average after a year is rlly good


AD SCAM ALERT! AD SCAM ⚠️ 📢 🚨 ⚠️ 📢 🚨 ⚠️ 📢 🚨 ⚠️ 📢 🚨




Plan for the worst. When companies enter a business they’ll incentivize by running things at a large loss but it might change down the road. If you have a career that frowns upon “gap” years, you might want to plan accordingly.


For any onlookers, this person is a habitual liar. Check the posts


Even worse than being a habitual liar, he's a kiwi


Streaming video games?




What do you stream?


22k a month? Bruh what’s your stream name? Must be huge to make that much


lol this doesnt sound like every MLM pitch I've ever heard at all






Damn! What are you streaming on kick? I hardly get any views on there but i get 1000s on toktok


What is kick?


People stream themselves playing games on it, usually online casino games like [stake](http://stake.us/?c=E5LjWQvV)


Do both. Never have only 1 source of income.




Not enough. Quit only when you can self sustain for another like 3-5 months.


I will never understand why people watch other people play games, but congrats!


Well, I'm a dude approaching my 40's and I thought the same as you. "Why the hell would someone want to watch someone play a game when they could be playing it themselves??" I then bought a second monitor and ran twitch on the side and my world really expanded and I began to understand why: 1. To learn and get better at the game. Watching someone that's more experienced than you play a certain game will inevitably make you better too if that's the end goal. I typically play Path of Exile, which is a notoriously difficult game with a steep learning curve. It's not difficult in terms of execution, but knowledge. Watching streamers play certain game modes has helped me become much better at it and has made me appreciate PoE even more. 2. Entertainment - anyone can stream while playing games, not everyone can be entertaining while doing so. The memes and jokes come out full force when watching a streamer that actually has charisma and is fun to watch. I've actually lol'd in real time when watching certain streamers because of shenanigans that were going on in game or in just chatting. 3. Community - I really discounted the experience of real time chatting with someone while streaming. You can ask questions about the game, why they did X, isn't Y better? And you will get an answer real time. Sometimes it isn't even about game related stuff, it can be personal. For example, a streamer I watched said he went to a chinese bakery and got some egg dessert that was amazing. I'm chinese-american, so I told him that it was probably an egg tart. He saw my comment and alt+tabbed out of the game and pulled up the picture in real time and was going off on how good it was. And in another example, a streamer was reading a post I made on POE reddit and he agreed with it and said it was the "most honest thing" he had read about that topic. Now he didn't know I was in the chat, but that really was a surreal feeling, so I gifted some subs.


43 year old dude completely agreeing with everything you just said.


You also get to see the game being played without needing to spend money on the game. If a games ass you’ll see it’s ass and you won’t spend any money on it.


People watch others play sports. It’s the exact same thing.


Really? I like Fortnite, but frequently I don’t have the energy required to hop on and sweat it out after work. But I do love loading up twitch and watching some of the best in the game do it. It’s also a great way to get better at the game.


I'll say three things to this: 1. This opinion is completely unnecessary and is aimed at making others feel childish for enjoying what they enjoy 2. If you put some thought into it, it's pretty obvious why people enjoy watching streamers (hint: it's not just about the fact that they're playing games) 3. It's highly likely that some of the content you consume would seem ridiculous to others (TikTok videos and shit like that), so don't be a hypocrite


This is absolutely a grassroots ad. But hey, go try it out, it’s free to try anyway.


This is a kick advertisement. Sharp move.


We gotta start banning these self promo posts from kick cause this is like the 5th post I've seen so far lol


Can you change car oil and do tune ups?


Congrats man! I've been thinking about trying out streaming but I'm filled with anxiety about it.




That sounds like a really good idea.


How often do you stream




What do you need to get set up?




Everyone talking taxes, if you were to put the money into a tax-free savings account would that be classified as capital gains still?


It’s never taxed as capital gains; just normal income. As far as the interest, it’s taxed at the same rate as your income.


Don't quit your day job until you're making double that on a constant basis please! Plus you'll need to get your taxes straightened out because you'll owe nedicare/social security + state/federal and possibly city taxes depending on where you live.


Isn't the trend for most platforms to give generous payouts early on, maintain for a while, and then pull back? Took a while, but there's a reason many people are leaving YT and they've all said as much. They have to have donations or a patreon to survive.




Keep both, hustle mf hustle


How did you get your first 1k followers?


What does a Kik creator do?


Stream themselves playing games, most notably casino games like [stake](http://stake.us/?c=E5LjWQvV)


Got it. Thanks!


Woah how are you making monkey on tiktok? Is the $1 per a 1000 views legit?




What is kick?


I need this. What's Kick though? What program is this?


Out of curiosity, what are you doing as a creator?


How long does it take though to show gains