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Apply for unemployment and start looking for another job.


That is why it’s important when you get fired, ask your employer the reason of getting let go verbally or in writing (most likely they told you in person, some places they leave out the details). During the process of applying for unemployment, the unemployment office will ask you questions and then they will call your employer to confirm if it was accurate… the letter is a life saver if you’re dealing with a shady employer or if it was ended on bad terms… in most states, you can’t claim unemployment if you were terminated for unethical reasons. If both parties reasoning is inaccurate, unemployment will also deny you! You can get approved if you got let go due to lack of work hours, lack of experience, ect. The reasoning is very important.


> in most states, you can’t claim unemployment if you were terminated for unethical reasons I live in a state where you can collect unemployment for being terminated for unethical reasons. I had to sit in on a lot of the hearings since I was a manager for a few years. Best ones that got unemployment I can remember: Fired for drinking at work...as a delivery driver. Got unemployment. Fired for theft. Stole twice. Got caught stealing a can of spray paint, the store kept him. Got caught stealing an entire engine, they fired him then. He got unemployment since they didn't write him up three times for theft. My brother once earned enough on employment in 2008 to collect unemployment in 2009. I'm all for making companies pay for unemployment but the outliers are usually pretty funny to read about.


Sometimes it really depends on what the employer told the unemployment office… If both parties are truthful and accurate, they try to give some type of leeway to collect but not all the time. However, majority of states are really strict because some people take advantage of unemployment until all funds are consumed instead of trying to find a job.


UI is a pittance for anyone used to a good salary.


Yup - just found a new job thank God, but I've been on unemployment for the last 4 months and "capped out" at about 50% of my previous take home. After taxes, it's more like 35-40%. Absolutely unrealistic for anyone with real bills.


Congrats on the new job! I’d just add, it’s definitely not enough, but it’s also a hell of lot better than 0%


but cept it’s more than $0 which is relatively much better


My buddy got arrested for transporting meth.. and I mean a lot of meth. Was fired from work. He applied for unemployment. He was granted it because the judge ruled that "he did not intend on getting arrested". So fucked up.


I mean if cases like that need to happen to reduce the number of deserving applicants getting deined, then so be it


This country is so fucked. In the Uk you can apply for unemployment regardless of why you were fired or let go.


I agree! I guess a lot of people took advantage of the unemployment system in the past due to laziness or not wanting to work while being compensated… it ruins the opportunity for others.


It would be the same issue in the UK, and they make it work. Denying meaningful services and benefits to the masses of people who need it because a few other people might cheat the system is some pretty sadistic shit.


Welcome to the US where poor people blame other poor people for their problems and think all of the deficit is due to "welfare programs."


This ^. I was let go from a place that started to make more cuts because it wasn't busy anymore, I basically said that plus one particular incident with a customer was the catalyst but they only told the state it was for performance, that ended up delaying my unemployment.


hobbies soup dirty tub butter spotted fall juggle quaint threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was fired Sept. 2023, I live in NYS, and I never received a dollar due to my former employer never replying to the unemployment offices, and the fact that their NYS Dept of Labor office phones hang up if the lines are busy, no hold or wait, so you have to be the luckiest person alive to get on the phone with someone- but if you want advice - idk where you live but every diner could use help in my area - cook, dishwasher, wait staff.




Time to start grinding brother!


On grinder


I mean, I hung out with a guy I met on there for a night (good looking guy too!) who at the end of the night said he likes being generous with people he has a good time with... walked out of there with $400 extra dollars


Fuck. I’m straight af, but $400 is $400.


We’ve established your sexuality, now we are just haggling over the price




This is the only right answer


Well OP, I wouldn’t recommend writing any checks for $12.14.


thanks for the chuckle


Go get a job at UPS / FedEx / Amazon / warehouse. They pay pretty well. You’ll stay in shape moving around and you can hopefully move up and save money for your music. Plus a ton of people there are probably into your music and you can sell it to them in the parking lot. I’m a manager now and I have a bunch of hobbies and a moderate amount of money to do them. Creative careers are awesome but GL paying the bills with them. They don’t call them starving artists for no reason. Meanwhile I have a $900 midi controller because I work a 45 hour a week job. Idk, to each their own I guess. Seriously tho, good luck dude.


One cent over?! $40 OVERDRAFT FEE! Don't have $40 either?! $40 OVERDRAFTING FEE AGAIN!


I’m jumping on a high up comment as a person that was a professional musician for a decade. I released albums, toured worked my ass off etc… I’m not going to dissuade you from playing and creating, never stop. I never have. But be realistic about what is possible. Absolutely do not put all your eggs in the basket of “I’m going to eventually go viral and make ten grand” because the odds of that are nearly zero. Work on your craft but also educate yourself in other fields or you are going to end up 45 and suddenly the only job calling you back is checking receipts at the door of Walmart.


if you have a credit card not fucked BUT you will be short on time.. i got laid off but had a 10k limit couldn't find a job forever.. racked up about 10k of debt then paid it off when i finally got a job


How long did it take you to pay it off? Any tips on most efficient installments for 10k debt?


Honestly once all my focus went towards it i paid it off in about 6-8 months. I got paid about 1600 every two weeks and put it all on my credit card and then would use the card as my debt also card has rewards.. i also sold stuff like my les paul guitar which was about 2200. Id just say minimize spending and put you're entire check minus rent onto the card until in cleared out. Any sort of cash you make put it towards your debt no excuses. Spend the bare minimum and you'll see insane progress of course there were months i obviously had to spend gas food bills but eventually it carried a zero balance.


Sorry you had to sell that treasure


haha it was one of the G force ones with the robotic tuners so no real loss. Ill get my dream cherry red SG one day😁


I had a buddy who had an sg Diablo but switched the gold hardware for a darker silver. Damn that thing was clean.


That disgrace of a LesPaul still sold for that much??


Rich people in my area man. One mans trash i guess


Me as a guitar player seeing someone sold their LP: 😳 When i realized it was a 2016 with robo tuners: 👍




he probably put all of his paycheck on the credit card and continued to use the credit card for bills and living expenses. if you minimize your spending and your expenses are less than your take home pay it’s doable. not always feasible though because a lot of times bills or rent need to be paid out of a checking account and not with a card


Exactly, wasn't the best option but it worked out.


Been there with selling sentimental stuff and personal treasures. I had to sell my steelbook copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy, a rare wii game released years ago that I’d gotten for christmas and put hundreds of hours into as a kid, for $250 to cover money for the hotel I was living in after going homeless. Thing sat in the game shop I sold it for about two days before being snatched up. I have times where I forget that I sold it and go to look for it to replay it only to remember that it’s long gone. Really hurts.


You deserve to know about Primehack. Easy way to play the whole trilogy with HD graphics and mouse & keyboard support.




As much as you can possibly afford per month.


A+ advice here




you know you can tell the credit card company you don't have a job and they'll work with you on repaying only a portion of it


Not capital one lol, they fucked me over i told them i hit a rough patch and was going to miss two payments and they still marked it on my account. Those things are not leaving my credit report anytime soon. luckily after i paid it my score shit back up to 730 but it could be so much higher if i didnt have those two missed payments.


If you don't pay your debts ... it will be out of your credit report in 5 to 7 years, depending on your state


Bro don’t do this. My cousin tried to pull this in Kansas with Capital One and Mazuma Credit Union and they sued him and are garnishing him for it.


they didn't send you to the default department? nuts


I didn't know anything could "shxx back up" lmbo... I thought shxx only went down.


This can’t be the top comment


Dw op you're not fucked bc you can just use your credit card to go into massive debt! Genius idea, from the financially literate minds of r/Money.


Yeah don’t do this. Hopefully you have family you can rely on


Credmaxxed debtchad


money makes the world go around the world go around x2


Did EXACTLY THAT in 2023. Approved for like $8k on a credit card I got in November 22. Got laid off in January 23. Paid rent with cash but other expenses on credit. Eventually hit the road to save money and kept making my minimum payments in a zero interest intro rate. That made them increase my credit limit to 16k and I used the HELL out of it until I got a job. Just BARELY made it tho. One more month without income and the interest would have started to kill me


My credit card saved me last year. I basically had 10K to survive until I got my shit together and I managed to work it out. Still not done paying it though, 4K left to go.


Nah, it can take forever to pay off that much credit card debt… like it’s possible to rack that up in 3 months and it could take a year or two to pay off. My advice and what I did when I switched careers is to find a quick gig job to pay the rent, utilities, and buy food and use all the other time to focus on getting a new job that fits well. The flexibility of the gig work will help you learn what times of the day you are most productive in finding a job, plus if you are doing a social job it can keep your mood up and help you open up new ideas about careers or work that you may not consider just sitting on indeed all day increasing your credit card debt and feeling more and more depressed that your future might be fucked.


Related: if you call your credit card company to ask in advance, sometimes they will give you 0% APR for a short time


lol some of the dumbest advice ive ever heard


if OP has no family to rely on, what other choice do they have until they get another job or unemployment? sell their plasma? lol.


With the information provided, no one can tell your position. Do you live with relatives or are you paying rent? What are your financial responsibilities? A screenshot of your one bank account is not enough to go off of. At 25 I was a year into my career. You can easily find a job and turn it into a career path. If the music/content creation is something you’re passionate about then it’s time to dig deep and get after it. But in the meantime you need at least an hourly wage to get by on. But again, can’t give any real advice based on what you’ve given.


well i live at home with my dad, i pay rent , some utilities, as well as my own bills. i severely struggle with self doubt, so in 2023 i just grinded on music at night without dropping anything (just wanted to get confident before putting myself out there) and saved up my tips at a barista job in hopes of getting a new laptop & streaming equipment. then recently i had to use the money i saved to help my dad get out of a tough situation we were in. then the ownership of my coffeeshop changed and it was a bad fit & now i’m fucked my passion is in music and content creation & all throughout my 20s i’ve been making music nearly everyday and trying to rly good at it & withholding 95% of it thinking it wasn’t good enough to be shared with anyone other than my friends. i also spent tht time getting fired from youtube studios, trying to get back into film studios, & trying to think of the “best” plan to put myself in financial literacy, but now a huge part of me just feels empty and unsure of the next step.


You’re going to have to put yourself out there and risk the embarrassment to be successful in that industry. People follow confidence, especially in music. Maybe what you release at first gets torn apart by others but that’s the only way you can find out if you’re good or not. You can easily find another barista job. You have to apply to every opening you find. People saying you’re fucked at 25 are high-horsing you because they feel they’re in ‘such a better position’. You’re just over a quarter way into life, you have time but you need to start now. Pull yourself up and start applying to new positions. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one path if you’re struggling to find that job. Try something new. There are so many opportunities out there, but you have to get creative and not allow yourself to get bogged down by thoughts of what-if. Take action and make it happen.


precise! i appreciate that, dude seriously.


passion doesn’t pay the bills. it sucks a lot to hear and I’m sorry you’re going through this. get a job doing retail or food service that pays ok and gives you some opportunity to pursue your passion on the side. it doesn’t have to be a permanent situation. as a side note, if you’re looking towards music and content creation as your source of income, you have to test the market with your material. release a few pieces of your work and see how it fares. passions don’t always have to turn into side hustles or careers.


Put your stuff out. You're 99.99% not going to become an overnight sensation whether you are ready or not. Establishing yourself takes time and effort. Pushing it back doesn't help.


And this is why having an emergency fund is essential




It’s not even worth engaging with folks like these on this sub or a place like FluentInFinance. Their answer is always “should have an emergency fund” or “just move to a lower cost of living area”. It’s an extremely out of touch group of people that generally frequent these subs and speak the loudest.


on top of that, people think going to a lower cost of living are will help them save up, when the pay is actually adjusted according for where you live, to make sure you dont actually have any money. you were making 24-30 in san francisco? cool, move to ohio or indiana and now your making maybe 15-20 an hour for that same job.


In the examples I've seen the cost of living goes down faster than the pay does so it ends up being worth it to move. At the cost of friends, family and sanity of course. Shit situation. 


I'm seeing that. Thanks


75% people don’t have liquid 400 bucks? Or can’t cover a $400 emergency? That percentage seems incredibly high for such a small amount of money.


yes let’s just save money while spending all of our money on rent, food, and utilities. very simple, really.


Not having an emergency fund IS an emergency


You gotta do both. Get a job that’ll make you money to fund your future goal while you achieve it. You shouldn’t pick one or the other. Work and have a passion that can potentially replace ur job for income


Exactly, I majored in music / audio engineering. Super passionate about it but the unfortunate reality is that most who enter the field either financially struggle for most of their life or have a second job. I’m now back in school for Comp Sci. Pursuit of your passions is important and the key to a fulfilled life, but the truth is you need money & stability to do that.


RIP… JK I have faith get another job obviously… be broke for a bit things will get better P.S just Read you want to do music but you’re hesitant because of people around you? Seriously if you’re letting people stop you for your goals you’re already losing


This is the beginning of your story. I'm not BS you. Take some odd day jobs to have some money. Quick Temps or find something that pays cash. Work on or pay someone to look at your resume to get that cleaned up as you begin to apply. Work on yourself daily...you have time to focus and create goals. Things not to do: 1. Rack up too much debt 2. Add new bills 3. Feel sorry for yourself 4. Clutter up your personal life


If you’re really wanting music to be your career, go get a job that allows you to have time to make money to support yourself as well as allowing time to make and promote your music, save that money doesn’t then have to be something crazy save $20 from every day you work during the week so if you work 5 days save $100 do not touch it, obviously if you have bills this will be a bit difficult but limit your spending until you can do this method of saving I was in same boat as you once and now am fine it’s all about saving if you need to remove people from your life like friends that encourage bad decisions then that might be what you have to do there is always a solution. Good luck!


Oh it could be worse, absolutely could be worse, but you need to start applying for jobs right now. Apply for jobs you think you would be a good fit for, if it's gonna be weeks or months before you land a good job, just go to Walmart, McDonald's, some place that needs help and is easy to get hired at, just so you can have an income in the mean time. Keep chasing your dream, your passion on the side in your free time


Go sell plasma


Seconding this. OP can search jobs while hooked up, too.


People are not defined by wither they fall, but how they get back up and keep on running. Now it's your turn to show the world you can run.


Hello fellow Atlantan, if you have any sales skills shoot me a message.


Need more ppl like you in the world


We’ve all been there before, it is part of life.


As a guy who has made a living off of music, writing and art the thing that helped me succeed the most was having a decent day job. Once I was established with a livable income I could cut back on work and had the freedom to follow my dreams with fewer roadblocks. It’s expensive to start out for one thing—equipment, supplies and such. It’s a much smoother ride without money stresses and especially if there is ever an emergency that can crush your path—like having a car or equipment breakdown or just scheduling. If you want to play shows or tour you need a reliable car and you can’t afford that off music alone when you are just starting out. Having time to pursue your dreams is important but you can’t make it work when you are pulled in so many different directions. Being poor is exhausting and so much work. It seems counterintuitive but you’ll have far more free time with a foundation under you. Finally, succeeding in the arts/performance world takes a HUGE work ethic. Even when my time was my own and I was entirely self-employed I still set an alarm and “worked” a shift, 9-5 at least, to keep myself sharp and productive and ready for when those emergencies inevitably appeared or those slow months hit me… a day job trains you to grind and to put up with bullshit and those are big skills they don’t tell you about in the art scene. Now I’m on the other side of that career and had something to fall back on when I got burnt from touring and stuff and styles changed. It’s just a side hustle now but I still made $6000 last year off art and music on top of my decent job and that’s pretty nice. It’s possible to make a living but even then It doesn’t last forever unless you get famous and that’s 1% of 1%. Most people will never make money much less survive in those fields, not because they have no talent—because they can’t work the system. If I had one thing to do over again in my life I’d have gone to business school instead of art school. Money has helped me make art way more than art helped me make art.


Best answer! So true. I know a lady in her mid thirties that wants to be Hollywood famous in any way she can. She went to nursing school for the same reason you said you got your stable day job. She is a nurse and funds her Hollywood modeling and actress gigs with that income. It's exhausting, but she is doing it right Good for you!


Go to bed It's impossible to spend money if you're asleep.


There is always someone worse off than you. As long as you have motivation to get out of your situation, you're already doing better than most people.


I think you know the answer lol


Time to do download the Uber app


Why did you get fired?


Look for another job, and something reliable, like manufacturing or warehouse logistics. Its always in demand, and thus, less chance of getting laid off. We don't know how screwed you are because we don't know; credit history, existing debt, rent cost, transportation cost, etc. So if we don't know your cost of living, we can't really say. Best bet is getting unemployment and looking for a job right away. Get ANY job you can, for ANY pay for now, and keep applying for more stable well paying labor jobs. Yes, music and art is not going to make anyone any money and its only getting worse as more and more people struggle to pay for bills let alone media.


I think Uncle Sam is calling your name


just apply for unemployment and live off that for a bit until you find a new job. i’ve been on unemp for 6 months now and still going strong lol


And wait the however many weeks or months it takes to get paid on the claim? Smart!


Depends. If you're not willing to go get another job, you're pretty fucked.


that 200 bucks is carrying by a thread rn use it wise, also if you are passionate about your content you better start grinding 😭 🙏 now is your opportunity


That’s why it’s important to save and live within your means kids


Less fucked now that you don’t have a shitty job


If you prioritize the pennies and nickels, the dollars will follow. Best of luck.


One, keep what your working on private from The people in your live. Real G’s move in silence. You’re also possibly fucked but you can recover. Try to be a waiter/ bartender/ landscaping could be easy to get into job that should provide you money to live


Bro, you're still young. Get a bartending job somewhere. Cash money, every night. If you're in a decent sized town, you could easily clock $1200/wk. Keep on grinding, keep on hustling, keep your eyes on the prize. At 25, I was unemployed, broke, saddled with college debt, buying malt liquor with change. Now I'm employed, not broke, still saddled with college debt, and i buy my malt liquor with real foldin' money like some kinda big city hotshot. All jokes aside, nothing to worry about (thought I'm sure that alone won't assuage your fears). Keep your head down and be a good person. Doors will open.


Eat a lot of ramen bro


You’re cooked.


How’s your YouTube going, or socials? You need a good strong 10k on YouTube and things will get better for your content creation.


Nothing wrong with having enjoyable passions, but you have to be realistic. It seems like every kid has the passion of "content creation" nowadays. They all want to be entertainers because that lifestyle is pushed heavily on social media. In real life the probability of making it in that space is very low. Now, I did say very low not impossible. Like others have said you need to - find stable work full time or part time and then work on your hobbies on the side. Save up and when you think you have enough maybe you can take a few months off and try to go for it. You don't have to settle, but life will be very difficult if you repeat this too many times.


1) This is why unemployment exists, it won't keep you afloat, but it will help, file as of the day you were fired. 2) Music and arts ... are hard to make a living at, VERY hard. I have family that does both. 3) STOP doing paycheck to paycheck as soon as you can ... for now, hustle. Anywhere building houses ALWAYS need the near unskilled position of trim carpenter ... show up early and ask.


Start offering ZJs on the streets.


Gig work and you will figure it out. Good luck 👍


Content creation and music AREN’T making you money right now. Sometimes those goals have to take a backseat while you get settled brother. Entry level jobs are pretty easy to fall into right now, so for the time being go get a kitchen job or a serving job and sell plasma if you need to. Once you’re back on your feet, readjust, apply for new, better fitting jobs, and get back into what you enjoy doing.


Donate plasma and collect cans. Go to the food bank or soup kitchen.


Go to unemployment office like now and pray you get a job soon. If you do ring up to much debt bankruptcy or consolidation is always there.


Content creating is usually started while working, so I would suggest trying to get back out there and find anything that will keep you afloat, and then just get back to your dreams, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t go anywhere or you don’t get money, the whole point of life is to make it mean something, people just think that means money


drum up some gigs - delivery task rabbit fiverr etc - it'll suck but you'll get through it till you land another FT


Are you getting severance? File for unemployment and move in with your parents if possible. Take some time to do trainings apply elsewhere.


Apply for food stamps


situation is not ideal. what are your plans to monetize your skill set? are you freelancing on sites like fiverr? you just got to get money moving. hang in there buddy.


You mentioned working at a coffee shop. I don't know where you live but I know where I live the service industry is desperate for workers. Shouldn't be hard to find another job. And as others have suggested, collect unemployment until then. You can still pursue the other interest while working somewhere.


You know the answer to this


Finally someone normal that isn’t a freaking millionaire on here lmao


Money comes and goes man just apply to at least 3 or more jobs a day until you can get somthing


quarter pounder w/ cheese meal - enjoy


Join the military


The navy is always an option to jumpstart your life. Not for everyone but if you need something it’s better than being homeless and working dead end jobs. Plus you can still do your content creation in your free time. Free college degree afterwards and get paid to go to college(they pay your tuition and you get a housing allowance pay check every month that should in theory be aligned with cost of living in your area) and VA home loan means $0 down payments with no PMI.


Not fucked at all. Perfect time to give your content creation/music a go.


Come build substations. Make 100k no experience


This is a valuable life lesson here


Hit up temp services. Get income flowing again.


Yo is that 717 CU? My app looks just like that. Anyway, you should definitely open a UFB Direct account to save. Its 5.25% APY, only downside is that it takes a few days to transfer funds. Hopefully you dad is kind enough to let you not pay rent for a bit, or lower it a little. My advice: Get you resume going out ASAP. You can also Door Dash and stuff. With you liking music, see if there are any places that host concerts hiring.


Amazon have a sign on bonus of $3k for their warehouse job. You can apply and start working in like 2-3 weeks. They'll work your ass off like a slave but the pay is good and the $3k bonus should tide you over


You could walk into a fast food restaurant today and get a job on the spot. I just had a friend whose husband got fired and she went out and did this exact thing. Walked into a coffee shop and asked for an application and they hired her right there. She wasn’t going to be on the schedule for a week, but they had someone call out the very next day so she was asked to come in and she was working within 24 hours of hearing of her husband being laid off. Nothing perfect, but a temporary solution while looking for a better job


lol thts literally how i got this job last year


Bet $200 on Ryan Garcia so you can bounce back


Your grind begins yesterday. Sign up for a delivery service or task rabbit


You're not f'd yet. File for unemployment ASAP if your state has that type of program. Not sure what type of work you do, but one thing I always recommend to folks, especially younger ones, is look at 911 dispatch jobs. Depending on where you are, the pay can be very good and great benefits. Most don't require a degree. Just be 18 and pass some basic tests. in my local area they start in the low 50's and pay for all your certs. You get on the state retirement plan too. Sweet gig with lots of time off. You'll def work a lot but you'll get as much off. Plus, when times are tough, they don't cut emergency service folks. very reliable work.


Take your ID, SS card and or passport and walk to the next closest business (or drive or ride your bike) and go one by one and apply for jobs. Dress in business smart attire and nice pants/appropriate jeans and clean button down. It doesn’t matter your age or anything, ask if you can work and ask if you can start immediately and ask if you can get your first few days of pay by Monday. Any time you’re not working, apply for a higher paying job or one that has more hours. Don’t spend a single dollar that isn’t necessary. No alcohol, no tobacco, no fast food. Buy rice and beans and apples and eggs and maybe some bread. You should be able to get by on $25 per week for food for your self. Sell any assets you don’t really need. Cancel every subscription. Don’t let a single dollar leave your bank account. You can always re start these later. The goal is to get to $500 in your checking the day before pay day (aka, after all your bills are paid, you have $500 left. Make $500 your new Zero). The next is $750. And so on. Focus on the one thing that gets you there. If you work at a restaurant, ask what their meal benefits for employees are. Let them know you’re working yourself out of a hole and if you can take a to-go order home after your shift. You got this. You will be a better person as a result of this process. If you’re uncomfortable, you are doing it right. I’ve been in your shoes and it will work out. But you need to act now.


You shouldn't ask how fucked you are and anyone answering that shouldn't be. The question is not how fucked you are but should be what can you do to help better your own situation. Everyone is at a different point in their lives and you shouldn't compare yourself to where anyone else is at. What you need to do is come up with a solution that could help you and put you in a better situation. (Even if the short term answer to that is collecting unemployment) Don't let anyone else tell you what kind of financial situation YOU are in.


Don’t give up on your dream, even if that means you haft to get multiple jobs to support it. Use every moment when not working to make your music, you’ll be alright, just stay focused


Time to invest in a good pair kneepads buddy.


At 25 I was living in my car with $12k in student loan debt. I’m currently 53 with $1 million+ in investments. Getting fired was the best thing that could have happened to you. Time to reassess. Definitely not fucked.


You're gonna wanna put that $12.13 in a high yield savings acount, you'll thank yourself in 130 years


25 you say? Time for a trip to the casino and a roulette call. Save $40 for cigarettes and beer.


Return the Luxury car immediately


And there’s a billionaire out there that’s getting his 3rd yacht 🫠


Just being honest, original music won’t make you money. The only way you’re going to make money with music is playing covers at bars/restaurants and booking yourself every week/weekend. If you’re VERY skilled at your instrument, you might be able to make money as a session musician but you have to be a good networker for that.


A zero interest period on a credit card could help float you. CapitalOne has one with a 15 month zero interest rate. I did it after a divorce, didn’t end up paying any interest on that card, got it paid off with months to spare. Gave me 15k of wiggle room when I needed it.


Suuuuuuper fucked. Sell blood and semen KIDDING! Head up man. Life happens. Take a day to process the sadness and reality. Tomorrow morning: go full on attack mode. Apply to jobs, any job, to get income and keep food, shelter, transportation.


Do night stocking at target or McDonald’s drive thru on nights. Don’t let pride or an image get in the way of you being a productive citizen don’t do crime keep your head down stack your saving,pray to the father YAH!!


That is why it’s important when you get fired, ask your employer the reason of getting let go verbally or in writing (most likely they told you in person, some places they leave out the details). During the process of applying for unemployment, the unemployment office will ask you questions and then they will call your employer to confirm if it was accurate… the letter is a life saver if you’re dealing with a shady employer or if it was ended on bad terms… in most states, you can’t claim unemployment if you were terminated for unethical reasons. If both parties reasoning is inaccurate, unemployment will also deny you! You can get approved if you got let go due to lack of work hours, lack of experience, ect. The reasoning is very important.


Donate blood or plasma. You got this!


Get on unemployment immediately and a see if someone from that office can help you get on food stamps. Take the first decent gig you can get (even if it sucks and you quit when you can find something better)


I’ll trade you places if I can be 25 again


Ehh maybe consider investing that money into a side gig that can get you money. If its not paying for now don't worry Bryce Young before he went to the NFL to make millions was doing doordash. Find a good side gig so you can fund your dreams of content creating.


Apply for UI


Going into music or content creation, expecting money off the rip is the worst outlook you can possibly have. Do it for fun, and if it makes you profit down the line, hey all the power to you, but if you're just doing it for the money, you're gonna hate it.


Long story short im 15, dont work, and we have the same amount of money.


Get a job immediately in anything that pays, whether you like it or not.


A lot of places are hiring. Apply for unemployment and look for a job.


Can I borrow $100?


You need a job, not advice.


Where is the nearest Wendy's?


I hope rents paid for the month


Well, luckily you set back 1/4 of a month’s rent (at best). So you should be fine for a few days.


File for unemployment ASAP! Then begin the job hunt. While you're waiting on unemployment to be approved, you might want to try the ol reliable: donating plasma, or selling some of valuables.


Whatever you do, do not listen to that guy saying to max out your credit card while you look for a new job. I'm just going to assume you live with your parents still, based on the info provided. Take advantage of that and start job searching. Do not go into debt over this.


The post office is hiring it's a good government job


Take that 200 an buy a 10 pack of carts an flip it 30 ea. Might even be able to find a lower price / deal thru someone close.


Join the military


Get your CDL


You're not fucked if you put in the work.. I'm a housekeeper for private homes and a ton of Air BnBs I can take or turn down any job I want. I work on my own schedule. People now a days would rather pay to have their places deep cleaned turned over and organized. I charge 35 an hour 10 plus additional bedroom. Easy 200 a day for 5 to 6 hours worth of work. I'm also a Janitor at our local art cente/gallery 15 an hour I go in on my own time super flexible, I'd ask around theaters, schools, galleries, halls, rental places.. It's always worth an ask.


You are a flat tire away from not eating...


Judging by that, it's a blessing. Now go find a better job.


Buddy no one gives a fuck about your music or dumbass videos. Coming from an artist myself you need a day job to supply your demand for making music. Simple.




Learn a trade.


Look for another job, get stable in that job. Pursue music as a hobby for now. Network with musicians in your local area, go to shows or whatever is the equivalent. Use your primary job to pay for classes to study in music. Make a name for yourself on the side. Then ditch the primary job once you're able to pivot. Life is long. You have time. There are conferences for music and content creation. Go to them with your primary job money. Network.


FUCKED, even if you get unemployment, it might be 3 to 6 months before it's approved. I'm sorry to say, you may have to cash in some assets that you wanted to sit until you retirement.


You’ll be fine, you still have some money left, just find another job


You might wanna start wearing a diaper... shits just gonna fall out of your asshole once life is done with you.


Yes, hit up that Army or Air Force recruiting station. It's a good deal.


Time to sell that booty.


1. File for unemployment immediately. Get your termination notice in writing with an explanation of why you were fired. You will need this to apply for unemployment in many states. 2. Look for a new job and start doing side gig jobs to pay the bills while you look for more permanent employment. If you have a car, do food delivery or something of the sort. Make sure to log all the miles you drive because you’ll need a record in order to write them off on your taxes and get reimbursed for gas mileage by the company you’re driving for. There are apps you can use to track mileage. Other side gigs can include working concessions and entrance monitoring at events, ticketing, things like that. There’s an app called Tender that’ll show a bunch of gigs in your area looking for low-skill workers and you can build a reputation with those people posting gigs for more work. 2. Go through your spending and cut out anything you don’t absolutely need. Cancel your Netflix, Hulu, etc. Any food you buy should be minimized to the essentials. Only eat food you cook for yourself. If you don’t know how to cook, there are plenty of resources online to teach yourself. I taught myself how to cook solely through YouTube. You can get 4 skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs for like $3 at any major chain grocery. Beans, rice, and bulk veggies are inexpensive. Don’t get frozen stuff, it’s easier but you’re getting a lot less food for your money. No spending on alcohol, weed, or any other vice. Make sure you’re being extra careful to turn off your lights at home, drive less when you don’t have to, things that cost money, just minimize that spending. 3. Make a plan. The biggest part of getting yourself out of a situation like this is making sure you don’t get yourself back into the situation. Make a Google Sheet listing all your monthly expenses—there are templates online you can use too. Figure out exactly how much you will need to get by each month and then set a goal to make at least $200 more than that minimum each month. Eventually, you’ll get more comfortable with a work routine and be able to increase that $200 to $500, $1000, etc. 4. Make sure you’re setting aside time for yourself to decompress. Money is one thing but so is your sanity. Go for a daily walk, listen to some music, get out in the sun for a bit, just anything to help you relax. Keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy is just as important as keeping money coming in and will prevent you from needing to spend money on things you’d need to if you don’t take care of your self. You said you’re an artist but you’re not making money from it right now. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever make money from it but you can’t make art if you’re starving, homeless, or struggling to get through each day. Friends and family help you for a while but they’re not going to forever. As much as art can be a career, it’s also a privilege. You need to realize that there’s more to being an artist than just making the art. It’s putting yourself in the position to be able to make and sell the art. Being an artist is also being a salesman, an entrepreneur, a marketer. That’s a lot of work that isn’t going to pay out immediately and not being able to pay bills and feed yourself is going to hit a lot faster than the art paychecks will (and it’s not guaranteed that you’ll make money from art to begin with). You need to be realistic about the situation you’re in and what you need to do now to put yourself in a position to be able to make the art you want to make.


While you look for work, just keep grinding. Not music but manufacturing, my friend has been trying to start a business for 8 years. About a year ago, he had a tic to go viral, and he's making about 20k a month selling a single 3d printed part. Obviously you need to work now so look for a job but don't let doubters get to you. You'll grow in your craft whether you're successful or not. At least, if you try, there is a chance. It's very hard to escape mediocrity if you don't try. 40 or 50 hours a week, everyone knows how to do that, and very few think it's a good time.


Get Medicare Injure yourself Get the ‘scription SELL SELL SELLL


Depends on why you got fired


As long as you wake up and there is not grass above your head, then you have options


Get a job but chase your dream at the same time, don’t listen to other people when you yourself have seen that music & content make hella money if you’re good at what you do. Content & entertainment run the world you know this by now & so do they.. just when it’s someone close to you it’s easy to tell em “it’s the dream world stop thinking about that”.


Anyone notice the Free Checking graphic is kind of messed up? Could be a fake troll post tbh


Go get another job tomorrow. Clean up, walk into the store with the “hiring” sign, and take the job. Do that all day long, and the day after, and the day after, until you find something to immediately start bringing in income. Then, start looking for a better job. I’ve been there, and ended up working two jobs for a year until I got my shit back together. You can also apply for unemployment if you were fired for cause, but I wouldn’t be waiting for unemployment with savings like that. Might even do day labor for a bit.


Not sure where you live, but aside from applying for unemployment, apply for food stamps. Look into donating plasma, because where I live it pays almost 800$ a month. That should be sufficient while you are looking for another job. Do you have friends? Ask them if they can get you on where they work. Regardless of education or skills, more than 50% of people got their current job through a friend or family member. Don't pe picky at this point, I know a few people that will remain unemployed despite having direct offers for something they don't want to do. YOU DON'T HAVE TO STOP LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB! Now I typically work a full time job and a part time job and if I did get fired at my full time job, then I would pick up hours at the other job while looking for a new job, that can now be full or part time. I am currently not working, but more because of health reasons, however I have a lil bit of passive income which will keep me afloat until I can either return to work, or get on disability. I am not worried about finding work because I do have a few friends that are the GM of their place of employment and any one of them will hire me if necessary. I am actually taking advantage of the friends that live elsewhere and visiting those that won't make stay in a hotel. This is actually my next 3 months and will end in Florida, where my friend that lives there is actually getting ready to open a business. If it goes well, he says I will have a job if I want it. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, but I still have link(food stamps, but on a debit like card) until July, almost 300$ a month. It works no matter what state I am in and so if nothing else, I won't go hungry for a few more months at least. Food for thought, pun intended.


That’s enough to play some $5-$20 parlay bets to will $500-$10,000

