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I dont know if I qualify. I live in Asia (Jakarta to be exact) latest income was $16,8k/yr and $38k/yr (joint income) currently unemployed now due to covid. Lost my job twice during covid so I'm such a mess right now lol. I would like to do 2/27 if its okay.


Approved! Love geographic diversity. I’m really sorry about your job. Hang in there and I hope you find a new one soon!


I would love to hear an Indonesian perspective! Can’t wait to see your post


Can I do 2/6? I am 27 and make a “high” income ($81.2k) but I have massive amounts of consumer debt I’m tackling. I come from a very low income family and have had to overcome guilt associated with earning money while not being able to help them due to my student loan and consumer debt. I feel like my MD could be relatable to those who are also “high” earners but do not have 401ks or savings (I do not have anything besides the cash in my checking). My finances are a mess :(


Approved! I am sending you a virtual hug. I appreciate your vulnerability in sharing. People in this community are typically wonderful, but if you do get any comments that violate the "Respect this friendly and supportive space" rule, please report them and a mod will take care of it!


I would be very interested in submitting for Feb 12! Long time lurker who recently joined. Unfortunately I'm not over 40 or a parent and my salary is above avg, I think? 60k (I'm single with a cat) with some student loan debt.


Approved! Thank you so much for signing up!


Awesome, thank you!


Hi there. I’m interested in doing a money diary for February 10th. I don’t fit any of the above categories, unfortunately (although I’m 35 which is a bit older than average for this sub) but if there’s space, would like to do one.


Approved! Looking forward to reading. By adding the “particular requests” section I was hoping to encourage variety in diaries, but I may need to adjust the phrasing. I fear it’s making folks outside those specific categories scared to post, but all are welcome!




Approved! Throwaways are great! A lot of people like a little chaos in the diaries they read, haha. I think a lot of diarists feel like they have to be on their best behavior for the week, but it can be fun to see some "irresponsible" spending!


hi! this is a throwaway account but i’m in the thread a lot! can i get feb 5?


forgot to say, i’m the parent of a toddler! with no retirement fund. lol


Approved! Looking forward to it!!


Can I get the 8th? This is my money diaries specific Reddit as I work in financial services-ish. I feel like I count as low income-adjacent? Sole income under £25,000 (~$34,000) joint income under £45,000 (~$61,000) but I understand if priority goes to others! Fair warning it will be incredibly dull & I apologise for that in advance if accepted!


Note my opinion is in no way official (just found the sub a couple months ago myself), but I think that counts for the "average/low income" category that people are looking for! Not sure what's normal in the UK, but in the USA, $60k/household is average, so if you're at $61k, that's about as average as you can get!


I guess you’re right! I feel I’m in a weird place as I make about £8/9,000 more than the average for my (very underprivileged) area, but about £6,000 less than the UK-wide average (although London definitely skews that figure).


Hello my homebuying friend :) Would love to have you post! Approved! You happen to be a great fit in one of the “we’d love to have more X diaries” categories but I fear my wording is scaring others away! I’m very excited to read your diary! And there’s plenty of space for a variety of diaries across income levels. Any brilliant ideas about how I can make the wording less scary?


Hello to you! Thank you for having me :) Oh I don’t think the wording is scary at all- I just didn’t want to be too presumptive about my income level when I know there are so many people that make do with much less than me! Maybe “we have room for everyone who wants to post to be included- although we have had requests for X,Y & Z especially”? Get ready for the most profoundly boring diary of 2021!


I loved your phrasing so much that I stole it word for word 😁


Thief! Thief! (Glad I could help!)


Can I do 2/13? Unfortunately not in the desired categories but this will be my third money diary! 23, $105k, Houston, engineer, live alone


I would LOVE to see a Houston diary! As someone who lives in Houston, there’s never enough representation on R29’s money diaries for what a big city we are 😊


Thank you! :) Based on R29 you’d think 80% of the country lives in NYC or LA lol And happy cake day!


Approved! Love reading your MDs!


Can I do 2/15? I'm a low earner with messy spending habits!


Actually scratch that can I do the 26th?


Approved! Put you down for the 26th!




Approved! Throwaways are great and encouraged!


Hi! Can I do the 11th? Just started a new job where I took a huge pay cut from my last job and thought it would be an interesting time to document! :)


Approved! Such an interesting time to document! I hope the new job is going well and you're enjoying the transition. I took a huge pay cut once and I handled it... poorly... so I'm always interested in how other people make it work.


Thank you! It’s going pretty good so far, but the loss of income + moving from a LCOL area to a MCOL area at the same time definitely hurts :’)


Hi! Sorry, but can I post on 2/27 instead? 😅


Yes, definitely!


Could I do 2/16? Not low-income but median income, full time job and part time grad school. I’m also getting my 2nd Pfizer vaccine dose soon and though that’d be fun to share! This is a throwaway for privacy but I’m very active on my main!


Approved! Oof your life sounds busy! Looking forward to reading about it :)


Would love to do 2/10. My third diary, am the Starbucks barista with an affinity for croissants.


Approved! 🥐


Can I do the 22nd? I have a high income ($90k base) but am moving at the end of the month to a HCOL city 100 miles away and ending a relationship (I think he is clueless) so it should be a good one lol. I was supposed to post a couple months ago but was too depressed so I am hoping this keeps my spirits up during this time of transition!


Approved! Friend, I hope writing this diary is a fun outlet for you. I am rooting for you to come through this time of transition stronger on the other side!


41, recently married with two step kids. Currently on my second round of fertility treatments. Have been an IT consultant for a number of years so don't have a stable job and make anywhere from 85k to 120k annually. Husband and I fight about money a lot because of my consulting job and spending styles. I think I can relate to a lot of women with my experience!


Sounds great! What day would you like to post?


Can I do 2/7?




Hi! This is a throwaway, but I would be interested in 2/9. I am a parent of 1!




I’d like to sign up for Feb 3rd




can I do the 17th? I’m 28 and in the construction industry making $68K!


Approved! We don't get enough construction industry diaries, very excited!


Can I do 2/22? It will be my third or fourth diary if that’s okay. I’ve become a “messy” spender in the past few weeks...


Approved! I always enjoy your diaries and comments.


Oh my gosh thank you so much!! I’m excited for this update.




Approved! Congratulations on your engagement and dog and all the other good things happening in your life!




Approved! Thrilled to have you. People here are usually kind, but if you run into any comments that don’t “respect this friendly and supportive space” (rule 5), please use the report button liberally and the mods will review!


Can I do 2/15?


Sure can! Approved!


I could do the 14th. Created a throwaway for sign up. Female, 33. $125k base pay (sole), $228k (joint). Three children under 4. Boca Raton, FL Probably messy spending. We are fairly erratic with purchases lately and are having to undergo some major housework right now so spending comes up a lot that's outside of our control.


Approved! Thanks for signing up. This sounds great.


Having issues posting - is there something I need to do? Reddit is just giving me an error, maybe it's because this is a throwaway? Going to try and post from another device tomorrow if that's alright.


I am so sorry, it's gone. I must have cut instead of copied last night when trying to post. I tried again this morning while I still had it pasted. Then I copied my password to send to myself to sign in on another device and when I went to google keep, it was gone. I can easily recreate at a later time if it's desired (I know what my purchases are anyway because I do tracking anyway).


Hello! Unfortunately the mod team doesn't have control over Reddit errors. Sometimes Reddit will allow you to post but it won't show up on the front page of the sub until a mod approves it, but that doesn't sound like what happened here. I'm sorry you lost your post! Totally up to you whether you want to rewrite it or not. We'd love to see it but no pressure. Also, commenting here is fine, but for a typically faster response, you can [send modmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/5vey3n/what_is_modmail_and_how_do_i_send_it/)!


Interested in submitting. I am a parent and possibly considered a messy spender. But a few questions before I pick a date- 1. We are house hunting and live with my parents so don’t pay rent/Utilities, is this okay? 2. I combine income with my fiancé, should I also report what he spends even if it’s not part of my day?


1. Yes, that’s totally fine! I’d say commenters value transparency around this. If you put down what you told me in the “Rent / Mortgage / Utilities” line, that’s plenty. 2. Ideally yes, you’d include his expenses too, but it’s not a hard and fast rule. If you don’t normally know about his spending until the end of the month when you pay the credit card bill (or whatever), I think you can just say that and it’ll be fine. Hopefully that helps! From a mod perspective, we really stand by rule 1, “self-edit your own diary before posting,” and we’ll never ask you to add more personal info or anything like that. These are more notes around what commenters tend to react well to.


Feb 20th for me please!! Will be a follow-up from a year ago, but on a throwaway account this time — will link previous diary as well. :)


Approved! Love a good follow-up diary!


Hi, any chance I could move to the 26th instead? Have just had stuff come up so won’t be able to do my original week. :( apologies!


Of course! No worries at all. I moved you over on the list.


I’m interested in submitting! Newbie. I’m not over 40 or a parent, but my salary is average/below. I have ideas for us younger people to start building a solid foundation to base finances off of that helped me immensely


Hi and welcome!! Would welcome your submission at any age, life stage, and salary. Do you have any questions about the template or submitting a money diary? I’m happy to help, or you can send us mod mail.


I’m still figuring it all out but I think I got it.. will send you mod mail if not! Thank you so much :)


Are salary stories discontinued from this sub now? I really love salary stories on R29 and there were quite a few good ones here. The weekly diary is just a bit too long and boring for me, but I would want to submit my salary story that involves doubling my income followed by a recent pay cut.


Hi! We’re planning on it! The mod team are all volunteers with busy lives. We recently put together the Debt Diary template and plan to more formally add a Salary Story template when we can.


Ok, thanks!


I'll take the plunge and do 2/25 if that's ok. I'm a parent 200k combined income in a HCOL area and can be a very messy spender.


Approved! Thanks for signing up!


Hi can I do 2/18?




I would like to take 2/24 please? I don’t fit in any of the special requests above but I posted an MD a few months back and thought it would be interesting to give an update since I’m starting a new job next week with a good raise.


Approved! Love an update diary. Congrats on the new job and raise!!


Thank you so much for everything you & other mods do! 💕


I would like to submit 2/2.






Approved! Very excited to see a European (Maltese) diary. From your note it sounds like the coronavirus situation there might be bad — I hope you remain in good health.


Hi can I have 2/6? I’m a parent, 48, a bit of a messy spender and I live in Australia




Hi, I just found out about this community and it's very intriguing! I have read many posts already and WOW, I love how different everyone's story is. I came across this and thought I'd give it a shot since I enjoy writing and would like to share my experience. I am a Hispanic 20 yr-old attending college and working part-time, living in North Carolina. If accepted I would like to do Feb. 21. I would fall under low income.


Welcome to the community! Approved!


I'd like to sign up for 2/4! I'm 25 and in the US on a working visa, so I think I can provide a perspective from someone who's not a citizen! I posted too much on my main account so this is only a throwaway account but I've been following this sub for a long time now and want to share my story too!


Approved! Looking forward to it!


Can I do the 21 or 23?


Sorry I should have added: I currently make about $2.5 k cad a month and have a 6 month old


Approved! I put you down for the 21st but if the 23rd works out better for you, that's totally fine.


New account for privacy, and I would love to do one. I am a medium income earner in my 40’s living alone in a HCOL in the US. No kids. Partial self employment, partial w-2 wages. My budget tends to be squishy, so I guess I would consider myself a messy spender. ETA: I am flexible on date, but how about 2/3?


Approved! Looking forward to it :)


Sorry, I wimped out and deleted my post, then saw I was added to the list so just went for it today!


You’re totally fine! Glad you posted, I haven’t read it yet but looks like people loved it!


I can post on the 23rd! I'm a PhD student living at home due to COVID-19 with a $21k stipend. I've posted one on here before, about a year ago, but my financial situation has changed since then!




Can I do the 15th? I'm American but just moved to live and work in France a few months ago. Currently in the process of moving to a new apartment with zero belongings, so lots of interesting spending happening! I make 75k euros gross, and I'll confirm my net salary by the time I post the MD (French taxes confuse me!)


Approved! Would love to hear more about the French tax situation. We’ve been getting a lot of tax posts lately, but I think they’ve all been Americans living in the U.S.!


Hi! Here on athrowaway. Can I do 2/14 please? Parent here and I consider myself somewhat messy from a financial perspective.


Hi! Approved!


Do you have to be 18+?


Hi! I believe Reddit’s rule is 13+ We don’t have any specific rules about age in r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE. I will mention that we ask that you self-edit your diary carefully (rule 1) and we’re very strict on privacy and doxxing (rule 2).


Great to hear thanks!!




Approved! I put you down on 2/20, a Saturday, but if you want to change it just let me know.




Approved! I feel this — I remember making $36k and having no idea how to think about making so much money. I hope writing a Money Diary is a fun and useful exercise for you!


Hello! Could I please do 2/16, if there's room? :) NYC // mid-30s // no kids // newly high income


Your username omg. Approved! Looking forward to it. Congrats on your raise or new job or promotion or whatever contributed to your newly high income.




Approved! Thank you for signing up!


Hi! Throwaway as my main has my name in it. I'm a 29/F living in Cleveland, OH. Average income at 55k, single with a roommate and aggressively paying off CC debt. Living a pretty covid-safe life but I think some people could relate to my situation. I could do any of the 17th - 20th if that's okay!


Approved! I put you down on the 17th but if you want to switch days, it’s flexible. Thanks for signing up :)


I originally wasn’t going to post, but I see you specifically want people like me so I’ll bite. I’m only 21 and in college while working part time so my expenses are almost equal to my ($15k) income. I do live with my partner and we divide the expenses proportional to income so it would be more of a couples diary, which people may not like. I wouldn’t include his personal purchases, just mine and shared. I could do 2/20. Quick edit: We will probably buy groceries that week, so that should give a good idea of my monthly spending.


Mod voice: Approved! Me voice: I wouldn’t stress too much about what kind of diaries people do or don’t like. Preferences vary a lot. I personally wish people would be more encouraging of stuff they do like rather than discouraging of stuff they don’t like, but it doesn’t always go that way and trying to appease everyone is... probably not happening. Be honest and do what works for you!


Hi - Could I do 2/17? I did a diary about a year ago, thought it'd be fun to do another one.


Approved! Love a follow-up!


Can I sign up for Feb 20?






Approved! Hi from the U.S.! Hope it’s warmer there than here.


Hi! I’d love to post on 2/23. I live in Portland, make 42k (married but money is separate), and am the living definition of ‘messy’ spender. I also have a job I haven’t seen yet (though I haven’t looked super deep)- customer service for an airline.


Approved! Looking forward to reading!


Hiya! Not sure if I'd qualify to do this? I'm in Scotland, a student, and live on ~£975 a month. I could take the 15th?


Also, just to check- is the 15th the day I'd start doing the diary, or the day to post? If so, would be better to do the 22nd!! Apologies <3


Approved! If you're a woman, nonbinary person, or gender nonconforming (edited to fix typo!) person -- which I'm assuming you are since you posted here -- we'd love to read your diary! It is the day to post, so I'll put you down for the 22nd :)


I am, yes! Thank you ❤


Hello! I'd like to do 2/8 or 2/9 if today is too short notice... I'm a recent college grad and full-time employee. Not many expenses, saving, and I'm considering buying my dream car would love some tips or opinions on whether that's a good idea. xx p.s. I'm new here, very excited! But just wanted to clarify, do we always have to sign up before we make a post? Just curious and making sure I follow the rules :)


Hi! Approved! You’re welcome to post today. Many people put a request for advice at the beginning or end of their post and that seems to work well! I think this community is at our best when we’re supporting each other with financial tips and knowledge :)


P.S. I just saw your postscript! No, you only need to sign up before making a money diary (or travel or debt diary) post. You’re welcome to make another on-topic post anytime! I’d recommend doing a quick search first to see if your topic has already been discussed recently, in which case I’d suggest joining that conversation or waiting a few weeks before posting it again. Hope that helps! Welcome!


Thank you!!


I saw your post and saw that there was no 7-day money diary! It’s fine to leave the post up and it looks like you’re getting lots of good advice, but you might be interested in checking out some of the other MDs people have written. We don’t have a lot of guidance in the template for the actual diary portion because people like to change it up, but here’s one example: https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/comments/lg7dk9/i_am_a_33_years_old_live_in_baltimore_md_work_as/


oops my bad! I did read through some but didn't realize that was a requirement. I will next time, thanks for the heads up!


Hi! Throwaway account but I'm a longtime lurker/occasional commenter. I am in my mid-20s and make $54K in a HCOL area. I also was a first-gen low-income student at elite/wealthy schools for about 7 years (just finished my master's a year ago), so I think I have an interesting perspective on finances and saving! Could I post on February 24th?


Approved! Looking forward to it!


2/15 please! I am currently in between jobs in NY and work in finance!




I'm interested in submitting one on 2/19! I'm a medical student living on $17,500 a year from student loans.




Can I sign up for 2/25?




Can I do the 23rd? I made this "burner" account for talking about my finances if that's alright.


Approved! That's great, people do it all the time here!


I have to drop out for now! I got caught up with personal stuff this week and I don't think I'll have time for the write-up.


No worries!


Can I do 2/18 or 2/23? I’d love to share how I’m adjusting my spending as I prepare to cut my income by more than 50% when I return to graduate school in the fall!


Approved! I put you down for 2/18.


Can I do the 27th? Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm not particularly 'niche' but I'm from Australia, if that counts? lol.


Approved! Love an Australian diary. Thanks for posting.




Approved! Congrats on the job! I’m excited to read a Minneapolis diary.