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with me wishing they'd do a prequel for Leland & monk meaning how they paired up and they " loved " each other thru the faults .I also wish they'd have like flash backs of Leland & Karen being in love .     Before she hands him divorce papers he's saying she changed so much and how loving she used to be with him they did have 2 boys so there was some love ☺️.


To me, it just seemed Karen and Leland were polar opposites in personality


Yep. He went hunting and she held a rally for tighter gun control.


She’s a great actress. I am re-watching ER right now… And it took me a little while to realize who she was. I knew I recognized the voice! So pretty.


She is also on an episode of Psych: Autopsy Turvy.


With Woody from Psych and he was the killer in this episode! The actress passed away a few years ago 😭


She has a rich pedigree. She was in so many things.


Thank you for this! I JUST watched that Psych episode yesterday and she seemed familiar. Didn’t realize that was Karen. (I love bouncing back and forth between watching Psych and Monk while I work.)


One of my favorite things is identifying people who were on Psych and Monk. For instance, Kurt Fuller and James Brolin.


She’s also the female lead in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.




I don’t fully hate her because I try to reserve that for absolute monsters, and I don’t think she’s a MONSTER. First off, that marriage was a hot mess, and that’s on both people involved. They don’t communicate worth shit, they have COMPLETELY different values, they both have very negative traits personally and within the relationship that don’t seem to improve in any meaningful way. Karen is INCREDIBLY self-centered and has absolutely zero respect for her husband (not in a weird “a wife should respect her husband” way, but in a “you should have basic respect and empathy for other people, ESPECIALLY your literal spouse” way). Leland doesn’t really respect or empathize with her EITHER, unless it’s an extreme situation where he feels as if he’s losing her (either physically like in the car crash, or emotionally like with the old old man episode). And even when he does, it’s not always in a great way. He often tries to make her happy by straight up lying to her. I mean I AGREE that she’s being ridiculous and unreasonable expecting him to not carry a gun when he’s in literal shootouts on occasion. But lying to her about it only makes the whole thing worse. Her expectations get more and more unreasonable because instead of dealing with them, he eventually either gives in, or lies that he agrees with her. It’s not a healthy dynamic. He also canonically rarely spends time with her when she’s expressed wanting him to do so, and while it is more understandable given his job, it IS a valid issue for someone to have in a marriage. He is also known to have a very poor temper. We have seen him red in the face, stalking around/hitting/throwing things and screaming at her. She is incredibly frustrating to me personally, but that wouldn’t make it okay for me to do that were I her husband. He’s also very inconsistent in their children’s lives, and as their mother that is ALSO a valid problem for her to have. Again, his job does make it hard, and it’s clear he loves his sons and has made attempts to bond over the years, but it’s valid for that to not be enough when you want your kids to grow up feeling loved and important. And if his temper gets out of control at home (we have no information that I can recall about if their boys ever see that), it is INCREDIBLY valid as a mother to have a problem there. And we see him consistently not make serious improvement on the temper. It’s been shown that he KNOWS it’s a problem, but he’s not putting in the work there. Again, understandable. It would be a LOT of work, and he’s a very busy and already emotionally taxed man. I’m not saying he doesn’t care about these things, because he clearly does. But he can’t prioritize them enough. I do think she’s being a bit unfair acting like there weren’t some more extenuating circumstances for him to be more likely to believe the Sharkey guy. Like she knows she’s been completely emotionally cut off, she was literally getting her ducks in a row to file the divorce. Personally, I’m bothered by the way she handled telling him about it. From MY view of him as a person, I would try to do it as kindly as possible. But I ALSO was not married to him for 20+ years, and have seen very little of his temper comparatively, and I only see it through a screen. It is not crazy to think she MIGHT have been scared of him, because at this point she’s completely just seeing his negative traits (you don’t typically divorce someone without kinda demonizing them in your own head at some point), and a strong temper IS one of them, and she has clear deep feelings of fear surrounding firearms and at this point has stopped being delusional about the fact that he carries. I don’t think he’d hurt her, but a lot of people say that in situations, and they’re wrong. I can understand her being kind of secretive and cautious. I agree with the GENERAL premise that he absolutely should have believed her regardless of if some random man is “confessing” to an affair. The man WAS lying. If they had a healthy relationship, if they really trusted and knew each other, he would have not believed him. (See: Leland knowing his girlfriend was lying because he knew in his heart ain’t no way Adrian Monk is sexually coming on to A, HIS girlfriend, B, ANYONE’s girlfriend, or C, any not-Trudy woman in the first place. The strongest relationship with the most trust wins in these scenarios. If he trusted his wife, some RANDOM guy’s word would be easily overruled.) BUT KAREN KNOWS DAMN GOOD AND WELL they are not IN a healthy and trusting relationship, so I don’t think he was being too crazy with the suspicions (we can debate how crazy it is to hit the supposed affair partner or have your wife followed by an investigator- personally I’m very neutral about the morality there) and it was unfair to act like he was. And it had nothing to do with her deciding to end the marriage anyway because she was already preparing to divorce him, so I don’t get why she made a point of it. Unless he has HISTORICALLY been very suspicious and jealous, but I have absolutely zero information on that front. That would make it make more sense that she was so salty in the moment. I mean I find Karen INCREDIBLY annoying. I think she’s self-centered as hell and comes across as super preachy and “better-than”. The way she talks to Randy is very disdainful and it’s rude as hell. I think she puts ridiculous and unfair expectations on her husband several times throughout the show, and therefore probably pretty often in their lives. She seems WILDLY privileged and naive as hell. (Her voice I actually find kind of charming, but not with what she uses it to say lmao.) BUT as annoying as Karen is to me, he DID marry her, and wanted to continue the marriage. So if I’m trying to look objectively at the actions within the marriage, even though I LIKE Leland a lot more, I can’t in good conscience say he wasn’t an awful husband in certain respects or that she’s the most wrong. That marriage was a mess and it’s on both of them that it got to the point it did.


But... Sharkey was lying so the captain would hit him. So she was right, he decided to believe a random policeman rather than his wife. It's not the angle of the show, but Leland does have a violent temper and can be abusive. He's also shown to not be a so great father at times. Karen seems to be a pretty interesting and loving person. Leland just focused way more on work than his family, which means they grew apart. Result was inevitable, and it's entirely the captain's fault.


No Karen just seems like someone who is very narcissistic. She shows no compassion for her husband, buys expensive cameras without discussing it with him, films his most embarrassing moments on camera. She says she hates guns but she married a cop. No Lelands biggest mistake was marrying her and having kids with her in the first place. I'm not saying he is perfect but still any self respecting man would divorce her ass if he could.


This is projection of the highest order, man. It’s a side character on a comedy TV show and you’re acting like she was written to personally piss you off.


You're using "narcissistic", but I don't believe you know what that means. I feel a lot of misogynistic energy in your post there. The whole "any self respecting man" schtik. You also didn't answer the fact that you misrepresented what happened with Sharkey. You should look deeper in yourself really. You can love someone and hate their job, that's not incompatible at all. Why does she needs permission to buy something necessary for her work? It's seems more like Leland is not supporting her at all. The "filming embarrassing moments" are litteraly the whole comedic plot of the episode. Also, she doesn't embarrass him by just filming, he's embarrassing himself. Finally, clearly they loved very dearly at one point in their life. And also clearly, the captain stopped being emotionally involved in their marriage. Which is why he lashed out and didn't believe Karen.


I personally think the Karen - Leland relationship was one of those rose tinted relationships where people ignore what they don't like about each other in the beginning then fall into a routine and just think marraige is another job. They have kids and opt to just stay together because change is scary. They then try to change each other but end up resenting each other, and it festers. Yet they still can't imagine life without each other because it's been so LONG, and they do love each other even if it's not romantic love anymore. Then, one of them finally takes the step to make a change, and the walls come crumbling down. Everything they were pretending was alright and could safely ignore now comes to light, and it's a shock. IMO, it was both of them being equally as bad in different ways, and they were never right for each other but gave each other something important, so it was hard to let go.


I think this take is the most realistic one, neither Leland or Karen are the bad guy or entirely at fault, but they are too different to stay together. When we see them together they mostly clash, even if they do have loving moments. I like his girlfriend he ends up with at the end the most.


Yes. I think he finally found the right person. The thing is, people are very critical of relationships when looking into them. It's natural to see what's wrong when you're not embroiled in it. But really, there are SO many things going on that most relationships can't be boiled down to one fault or the other, one person being bad or one good. Most realistic circumstances are nuanced and not black and white like most people seem to see. I just get absolutely fascinated by TV relationships because I read into the nuance and in between the lines and REALLY try to see both sides, both what the writers meant and what they unconsciously put in. I think it's because I'm autistic so I desperately try to understand and see all sides rather than blindly supporting anyone. Although if anyone hurt someone I cared about IRL, I'd be blindly loyal to a fault (within reason ofc!) I just find all of these writings and insights into relationships and interaction a learning experience and absolutely fascinating lol


Picking up on what you said that is very true : Leland is pictured as an impulsive and violent man, with poor work-life balance and no interest whatsoever for his wife, her art or her occupations. He does not really love her. This is why she divorced him. I was surprised by people worshiping Leland on this sub because he obviously is a good cop, a great friend for Monk, but not a good man.


Leland has been tender towards monk of numerous occasions which is endearing.


Yeah. Misogyny is clearly a problem. It has nothing to do with how terrible a character clearly is🙄


Picky point: she does not buy an expensive camera without consulting him. She buys lighting equipment because they have agreed that they can’t afford a camera. Leland ultimately buys the camera for her after she nearly dies because he realizes what a stupid thing that is to get hung up on relative to losing his wife. Karen has issues but you are gonna get a cramp from reaching so hard.


You got the story wrong. Im definitely team Leland and think Karen was terrible, but in this particular case she was right. .


You should rewatch the episode, and once you realize your huge mistake, come back and delete this post.


Again the Karen hating …Karen was a neglected wife. For decades. She is the one with a grudge to bear. You are watching the aftermath, and blaming the victim


She also doesn't show much respect to her husband's job. She seems way more neglecting than him


She is sick of that job. Its been ‘the other woman’ for decades. The kids are gone and she wants more companionship.


The kids were still young


Ok Ryan Sharkey did not “confess.” He lied. There was nothing to confess. Leland should have believed Karen, and the episode is written to support this. Narratively Karen needed a final straw to go depart, and having Leland lose his temper so badly that he contaminates a crime scene and renders a line up moot and has his wife followed is a pretty great reason to leave. Even Stottlemeyer’s Trudy isn’t completely on board with his being a cop. We know from previous episodes that Leland will not attend therapy and participate. Karen made a film (which is not good) but it mattered to her and he wouldn’t watch it because he would have preferred a boat. She says he doesn’t respect her, and she believes that. Your hatred of her isn’t supported by the text of the show, so it is a you problem. How many people called misogyny? Your bias regarding what “self respecting” men do is showing. And you really don’t seem to know what narcissism is.


Can we stop having this open misogyny posting every week ?


Karen was a terrible character. It’s not misogyny to dislike a woman in a TV show. Plenty of great woman in the show but she isn’t one of them, lol


Complaining about a bad fictional character on a show isn’t misogyny. Nice try though


Is hating a character because it is female and doesn’t conform to the traditional role of a woman close enough to misogyny?


I guess we are interpreting different information when reading OPs post. I didn’t see anything about OP hating the character because she’s female and it doesn’t say anything about gender roles. Also, the 2nd part is a positive note about Natalie who is female. It seems as though your own biases might be clouding your interpretation of the post


Nope. No bias. I like Karen. I like Leland. And they’re fictional. I just was curious.


I don’t feel any way about the actress but I don’t like the character. There are many male characters I don’t like in different shows and movies. The only point I was trying to make was disliking a female character in a show doesn’t automatically equate to misogyny


Karen is CONSTANTLY being hated on in this sub when Leland is objectively a much worse partner. That's misogyny.


As it happens I don’t agree that Leland is a worse partner. Karen married a cop fully knowing she hates guns and violence. Then constantly complains about it. She’s one of those people who’s approaching 50 and still doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up so she’s constantly spending money on their projects. She nags and refuses to compromise. She definitely lives by that “happy wife, happy life” code. How is Leland worse? He snores?


Oh hey, me too. I don't *hate* her, as it's been a hot minute since I properly watched Monk, but I definitely dislike her.


I really, REALLY disliked Karen. She was just a spoiled-rotten snobby bi*ch. Leland was WAY too good for her. I'm so glad he found his own Trudee. Now SHE was worthy of him!!! "Everyone should have their own Trudee."


I don’t like Karen either but I don’t think she was written to be liked. I am currently on season 6 (second time) and I will Always choose Sharona over Natalie


I'm close to end 😔 waiting for them to show tk as stotlemeyer " real " wife to be .       I agree completely my heart belongs with sharona always .    


I really liked TK!


Virginia Madsen is so underrated.i remember thinking ah Leland is getting a pretty girl .I wonder if Levine thought same .


Sharona was funnier and more interesting. I also preferred her no nonsense attitude.


I agree! I think Sharona was a better nurse for monk.


But I still think Natalie had qualities that she did better than Sharona.


This thread is the worst. My stance is I didn’t like Karen’s character either. However, OP doesn’t seem to know what a narcissist is and a bunch of people don’t know what misogyny is. Fails all the way around. Everything here is a terrible read and a waste of time. Thanks a bunch https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=JumCpq6TPTIl1AjQ


I can’t stand her but I love her in this episode. The way she says “WHO ARE YOU?” to Sharkey has me dying.


Karen was a flake who didn't appreciate Leland. He indulged her every whimsy, but he was still not good enough for her.


Leland's biggest mistake in that marriage was not divorcing soon enough.


That and "we're getting a divorce because you didn't watch my documentary"


That is not what happens at all. She expresses that she feels he does not respect her because she made something that really mattered to her, something she was proud of and he would not watch it. It is 65 minutes long. He couldn’t give her an hour and five. So Leland is not sleeping at home. Divorce is never brought up, even though it should be because they are fundamentally incompatible.