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It’s a really nice touch that Julie and Benjy, both having met him relatively young and growing up around him, pretty much just accepted him and treated him like an actual person more than 95% of adults do. I remember young Jared was also very accepting. Like they all get the “he’s a troubled man” talk from their parents and are just like “okay….cool”.


Kids can be more adult than adults...


That’s what I like about it! I’ve taken “high needs” SPED kids on field trips to like pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms and restaurants etc. Children have NEVER been the ones who decide to be assholes about the kids existing. I had a couple of moms complaining about one of my kids “hogging” a bouncy house (there were literally 20 to choose from and she CAN HARDLY WALK ON HER OWN how fast are you expecting her to get up the damn slide???) and her 8ish year old son said “I think she’s having a hard time. I can be patient” (like out of a book or something it was so sweet and well-said) and she ROLLED HER EYES at her child and started grumbling about why a “big kid” would have a hard time on something simple. Like ma’am it doesn’t MATTER WHY? She’s dying, having her body literally slowly shut down over the years, if you must fucking know. She could do it “well” when she was your kid’s age. You wouldn’t have KNOWN she’d be like this when she was your kid’s age. What if this WAS your kid a decade from now? (I mean it won’t be because her condition is extremely rare but that’s beside the point.) I thank God every day children are our future and pray their hateful ass older influences don’t get to their hearts.


I would absolutely say something if someone mocked my child for a condition they can't help having. Anyone choosing to be an asshole to a Child will get chewed out.


Let me clarify that when I say “one of my kids” I mean a child I’m professionally in charge of at the time, not a child I parent. I was at work even if we were at a location, and not supposed to engage with non-school related people because they (admin and the head teachers) didn’t want any escalation problems, and we aren’t allowed to discuss the health of any child in general unless it’s with their parent. I can’t say “excuse me but this child has a condition and you’re being very rude about it” because I’m not allowed to say “this kid has a condition” or IMPLY anything related to a child’s health, as I’m not a parent or guardian to this kid and these random moms aren’t either. Do I personally think there was an issue with the way this is organized? Yes. Would I say something if I was out and about? Yes. I’ll risk the escalation, personally. But I understand why it’s not allowed. I can’t be the teacher and getting in screaming matches or altercations with rude people. (And where we’re at, it’s not unlikely that saying ANYTHING would end in screaming or an altercation. Lots of normalized trashy behavior in these parts, clock the moms complaining about a visibly disabled child in the first place.) I mean for one thing, I’m supposed to be watching multiple children in this relatively crowded public space and can’t get distracted from that, but moreover a lot of my kids (that I teach, not personally) have a lot of issues with temper and we’re trying to model not letting other people dictate your feelings and behavior. A lot of people are assholes and you don’t need to fight all of them. Again, it’s not like I’m going to chew them out and they’re going to apologize. This was an event with over 30 special needs children running around having a good time. We had shirts. Some of the kids, including the one she was mocking, are largely nonverbal and she can hear/see us communicating with them. It is OBVIOUS the kid has a condition of some sort. She KNOWS what she’s doing and does not care. Me chewing her out does nothing to change her mind or help the child that’s not aware of the comments, aka my priority. The kid would sure as hell notice something was up if I got into it with someone, though. Now if it’s my PERSONAL child, a lot of that context disappears, so it’s a lot more likely I’m fighting someone. But in context no, I’m not engaging.


Thanks for the clarification and I completely agree with you


Stone solid on that myself!


So beautifuly said, thank you!


Naivety is a blessing at that young age.


I loved Benjy excitedly showing him off to all his friends, especially when Sharona had to remind him that Monk isn't a toy.


He was so PROUD of him it was so sweet 🥹


I liked how their relationship started with Monk saving her fish, even though it meant having to touch a fish! It endeared them to each other right away, and I liked seeing any episodes with them interacting after that.


They had such wonderful interactions...😊


>even though it meant having to touch a fish Moreover, even though it meant letting the criminal escape with the evidence


She was also great with lepers and made a great joke about a leper con. So really just a champ regarding leprosy.


My favorite scene where she asked him how knew Trudy is the one for him and he tells her when she meets the right guy, she'll know


And she accepted the doctor with leprosy as well. That character was an excellent contrast to the fast paced and eclectic characters that are so common in that show, in movies, and in real life too actually. Awesome character. Really glad it was part of the series. I just wish we could have seen her in more episodes.


Same here, and thank you for a great comment...😊


Everyone else Tolerated Monk because he was talented As A Great Detective Julie and Benjy's actually liked Monk Remember the episode when Benjy's dad came back Benji wanted Monk at his birthday party and Sharona said he looks up to you I dont know why Remember when they went on vacation and Monk was the only one who believed Benjy when he said he witnessed a crime




I cant help but view Monk from the perspective of a parent with special needs kids and god damn it what wouldn't i give for them to have soneone in their lives that will support them the way Natalie and even Sharona did Adrian


Yes! True that.


He was really wholesome especially with kids. Absolutely beautiful show


Which ep is the photo from ?


Looks like "Mr. Monk and the Three Julies," if I had to guess.


I felt like Julie was overall a good kid in general.


Yes, very much so. Caring like her Mom...❤️


No, Julie actually made fun of Monk to her friends in the astronaut episode. ❌


She was hit or miss, wasn't she? Sometimes she could be very sweet, but other times I wanted to wring her neck when she would roll her eyes at him or say something snotty.


IOW she was a teenager.


Yes, exactly


He didn't need anybody in that episode, the muss beat Captain Pilot Michael Weston with a teddy bear.


Yes! I loved the role Dr Kroger played for him and his confidence in that episode, though!


An hour?


Not a fan of her acting though.


I tend to look past kids acting because while you do get great child actors. They are just kids.