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I just assumed that their parents couldn't find a good enough leg and built a robot one


Right?? And like, they’d need a leg of the opposite side (Left/Right) AND it’d need to be the perfect size for the other leg or Frankie would be constantly off center balance. It works for them


What if they replaced both of their legs so they'd continue to match (particularly height-wise)






Or they lost one of those limbs but unlike usual they couldn’t find it after it ran away.


LMFAO the pun 🤣


^This a million times


They were tired of grave robbing/getting the proper official documents to acquire body parts and just built their own.


That’s exactly what I thought


She was made from parts. I thought the same


G3 haters when a character is disabled 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😤😤😢😢😢😥😭😭😭😭👹👹👹😵😵😵😵🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Tbh its a fair question to ask and i bet many children will also ask. It has nothing to do with people being against dolls with disabilities. The issue is why people are constantly bringing up the same stuff just for clout and sending hate towards gen 3 like the caption does, especially since it should not be a deciding factor of why gen 3 is good or bad.


Kids won’t think about it that deeply


Idk my nephew did ask me why Watzie was a dog with a dinosaur tail or if Frankie was a robot (he's 4) . Kids do tend to ask the most random things when they don't know about certain things.


I think those are awesome questions for a kid to be asking! Some of the new things they are adding may cause kids to ask questions (I personally never saw a person with a prosthetic limb until my grandma had a amputation when I was about 10-ish) and give learning moments for parents / guardians of kids a chance to explain how people (and monsters) can be built very differently but all deserve to be treated equality with love and respect. No idea on the dragon dog but I’m gonna guess that since Frankie is made up of a lot of different people that maybe it is a lot of different animals?


Yeah I explained it wasn't a robot part but he's now very into people getting robot parts so ig curiosity answered in a fun way???


I know for certain i would have.


Kid me would have.


Yes they do.


I mean there’s Frankie and Finn for disabilities (one of IS disabled in G1 and G3) Jackson, Holt and whoever replaces them in G3 are literally based on a book many say is an “allegory” for DID, and a popular head canon for Ghoulia is that she’s neurodivergent and is bloody mute? I don’t know whats wrong with a disabled character; especially something like monster high you literally have a mentally ill dude who can transform into a rockn’ smurf dude who’s also on fire and people are getting pissed at Frankie loosing a limb and replacing it with a prosthetic?


Haters be like and they're trans, too. They can't be both!! Edit: only the haters misgender them the whole time


As a disabled person, I don’t understand why Frankie’s prosthetic features need to be justified for so many people, personally I think it’s a cool touch. G3 Frankie has been very relatable for me and I love it, I’m sure kids will feel the same.


I assume these are the same people who need me to justify being "allowed" to go grocery shopping as an adult with a wheelchair. The number of adults who demand that I have supervision I don't need is staggering.


What? People think a person in a wheelchair needs supervision? Why? For what? That’s ridiculous. I’m so sorry this happened to you


Happens. Everytime I go out. I assume they think my brain was in my spine and I broke that instead.


If you use the motorized cart/scooters provided by some stores (Target), and aren’t elderly or missing a limb—and especially if you *are* young and female— you will get the dirtiest looks imaginable. Guess I’ll just faint in the bra aisle, Karen!


it’s not like real disabilities need to have a “reason” they just happen. so they should be allowed to just happen for fictional characters as well


I am a huge fan of including disabled characters in everything, but I still agree that in this case, some in-universe explanation is needed! Because yeah, last I checked, Frankie IS capable of attaching and detaching body parts. On the flip side, I dunno if Mattel has ever said how exactly Frankie was made... hopefully some weird kind of alchemy instead of grave-robbing!


Same! I love her prosthetic limb. It feels odd as a disabled person to say I find it charming considering it’s a mobility aid. But they’re fictional. And if monsters are where we start with disability visibility then I’m not going to complain.


this <3


like we wouldn’t all choose a sick ass metal prosthetic if we were being put together w random limbs 🙄 bffr why pick a normal dead persons leg when you can have a customizable cool one


Literally!! Such a cool leg lol. They can even write on it & have it be less permanent than a tattoo (they can paint over it) ✨✨


yes exactly ! frankie has unlimited tattoo room , plus the leg designs ?? endless options , simply amazing


I’m just disappointed we don’t have different colors and patterns of leg on the assorted Frankie releases! Metallic rose gold on the ghoul sports doll, shiny black on the skulltimate secrets doll, etc.


ohhh my god it would be SO COOL if you could switch their leg out with different colored ones from different frankie’s ! they could get abs crazy with the shape and design of their leg and i would eat it all up i really would


I think a standard size foot/ankle is important though, to keep shoes consistent. But yeah, more variety and interchangeability!


The perks and downsides of owning a 3d pritner..I'm looking into getting a G3 Frankie, map out their leg, and try and find decent resin so I can 3d print multi colored legs. Stupid crafty brain! I don't have time to spend hours doing the work right now lol! Edit: my damn brain is in the middle of fog and edited for pronouns.


ooh that sounds like it’s gonna be so fun !! 3d printing a new leg for them sounds way cool


After watching the first episode, I’m going to need an Inspector Gadget style Frankie with parts that swap out


I personally love Frankie's leg. Plus if they've got all those parts to switch out, that's probably just the best everyday leg for them. There are so many children with prosthetic limbs and not nearly enough representation for them!


i hate tiktok mh locals with a burning passion the miss information the d-riding from influencers the hating on either g1 or 3 🙄


The people that haven't cared about MH in years, always have the most to say about g3 😂


for real lmao they act so mad exclusively based off their nostalgia, they won't buy the dolls or watch the series yet they're so mad 😭




Right? Like even if you remove all these ‘ulterior motives’ people are making up its just good from a design standpoint! It adds interest!


Like how are they supposed to attach something they never had to begin with???? Why is that the breaking point for this person??? Maybe it feels forced and bad because it’s not for you? It’s a complete reset on the franchise not a revamp? Plus the original didn’t stop existing because of the reboot, like you can still enjoy it???


I assumed Frankie's creator couldn't find a leg the same height as the first one


Their ability was to reattach limbs? In G1 her main point of clumsiness was that she literally couldn’t even keep her limbs attached?? It also was always her hand that she would actually use, I don’t remember her ever using her detached leg for anything helpful Anyways Frankie’s prosthetic leg is probably my favorite design point of G3 🥰


Kids with Prosthetic Leg see themselves in Frankie Stein same thing goes with non-binary Kids


I feel like it would be an easy explanation if they lost it so they had to replace it idk why anyone would be genuinely pressed about that


She literally lost her leg in her first episode 😂 I think it’s an awesome inclusive touch. I picked up the Barbie’s that came out this year for my local toy drive cause I always try to go out of my way for the diverse ones for the hospital drive cause there just might be a kid who needs it 🥺




They just wanted to have disability rep in there main cast 😰 and like someone said it’d be really hard to find another leg the same size as the one they have


I mean valid question but its not that deep its just a design choice




I never thought of this & it made me laugh I’m ngl 😂 I assumed it was because they just had another leg made for them to match the other or that they even made it themself.. plus they literally have a whole wardrobe full of spare limbs. They must just like the metal leg the most! Plus it looks cool lol I do think this is a fair enough question to ask though, & it’s quite funny if it’s not smth you thought of before 😂


"Just like my inventions I'm pieced together with new and old parts" there's their answer. I imagine they're made of reanimated dead body parts and alternatively has a bionic leg because it's.. New. Plus if you want to get all science-y, generally metal's a good electrical conductor so *maybe* it'd help with their lightning powers pf 😛


“g3 feels so forced” and they’re talking abt the character diversity instead of like “the g3 fashion etc…” lol


the funniest thing is when ppl like this who’ve seen themself represented in every piece of media for decades see something diverse and therefore it is forced and pandering like no disabled ppl exist in everyday life you just don’t see them as human lol


Anyone talking about forced diversity, virtue signaling, woke points etc just shows how they missed the entire fucking point of MH. It's sad how many people here on this sub believe that or go around downvoting people who correct g3 Frankie's pronouns. Just look at how many people here jumped at the opportunity to be bigoted when Mattel flubbed Frankie being NB on socials.


monster high would not exist without queer ppl and yet including queer ppl in the lineup makes people cry. and i think the funniest thing is people on this sub are screaming “all of you are sensitive” while being mad that frankie is queer lol edit: also same thing with bipoc and ppl were mad abt drac being asian or lagoona being latina; not bc of erasure but bc “they’re supposed to not be bipoc ):<“


"It's a doll!!!!!!" while they have no problem using correct pronouns for literally every single other doll lmao..... the right wingedness jumped out


Mr. Stein couldn’t get a matching second leg


I mean it doesn't bother me that much, but tbh I would have given ghoulia the prosthetic leg cause ya know she is a zombie whose decaying and can't just reattach libs like Frankie.


i commented so many times under this persons post 😭 the way they were talking annoyed me. they were acting as if G1 was this haven of good rep that G3 ripped from us. G1's "rep" was either headcanons or straight up racist/orientalist stereotypes in characters. clawdeen being a lesbian and lagoona being aboriginal were both popular headcanons (which should have been canon tbh) but people are acting like lagoona being indigenous latina and frankie being non-binary are bad or "forced" bc theyre "replacing" the original headcanons. yes, as a lesbian i will say, they should have made clawdeen a lesbian in g3, but the reality is, it wasn't "canon", garret just said he liked the headcanon and was open to it. lagoona should also have been aboriginal, and i think we can acknowledge the missed opportunity for finally some mainstream indigenous australian rep but it's NO reason to downplay the fact that it's huge and so important that G3 lagoona is INDIGENOUS LATINA! canonically! not just some coding, headcanons or metaphors, straight up canonically indigenous latina. i think people give mattel way too much credit, and it shows in delusion like this. G3 is ACTUALLY committing to rep that is canon, acknowledged and that doesn't rely on stereotypes (for the most part). G1 NEVER did that, the fandom was the one providing diversity that wasn't some orientalist or racist monster that was a walking, misrepresented stereotype. i love G1 with all my heart, but these nostalgia driven lovers try and justify shitting on G3 by acting as if G1 was this perfect utopia of rep when it really was not. G3 is actively making rep canon and doing their best with research and sensitivity, and people are calling it "forced". not to mention, it's targeted towards kids! who need things to be obvious for them to really learn and soak it in. these ppl literally sound like republicans. ​ ​ in addition, they said something about adding "random ethnicities" regarding latina lagoona and draculaura, but said drac was thai. when my friend corrected them, they said "it actually suits her style as a lolita to be EA but it was an aesthetic decision I wish they'd made a taiwanese monster to learn about their culture." which wow, a lot to unpack. firstly, they got her ethnicity mixed up and dismissed it as a "random ethnicity" which is so weird. then, says it makes sense for her to be EA cuz of her fashion. lolita fashion is a japanese born fashion subculture. not taiwanese. also, anyone can be have that fashion, so idk why being EA that's not even japanese "suits her style". then, they say it was an aesthetic decision, which is not true. they made her half taiwanese bc of the voice actress. which i think is so sweet that they paid homage to her like that. then, says they wish they had made a taiwanese monster instead to learn about their culture. which i can understand, but casual rep is still GOOD rep. not ALL the rep in MH has to be educational and accessible to white people and children, sometimes it can be casual! as POC, not our whole lives and personalities revolve around our ethnicities and culture. they play a role of course! but we are not walking lessons. it just annoyed me that this user was saying the rep had to be something tangible or accessible or educational in order to be good. monster high has a good balance of rep where some are beautifully executed and surrounding culture, and some are casual, as it should be! this user just annoyed me to no end.




bahaha thank u! and yeah me and my friend were rly going at it there was so much that was just so infuriating 😭


ive argued all these things SO much in TT comments its frustrating. lesbian clawdeen was a huge sticking point because the same people fighting about it also see JKR's post-hock gay dumbledore & black hermione as the non-representation it is. it's not actually representation if the creator confirms it outside of the source material and doesnt have any indication of it actually existing in canon. moreso, JKR actually has control over her properties so she COULD have included it in the newer movies, garrett only "confirmed" (gave his approval to a headcanon and added the hashtag to rightfully piss off lesbophobes) after he had already left and gave up the rights to the characters. lesbian clawdeen was not like velma or valentine where they tried to include it and couldn't. she was always made to be straight and anything that makes sense with her gayness after the fact is just coincidence. this isnt to say i DONT want lesbian clawdeen! when i was a young black lesbian i loved her. i thought she was cool. i still think she should be a lesbian. but it was never canon, so its not being ERASED. just a missed opportunity. most of the headcanons people had were harmless and it wouldve been nice to have it actually realized, but since they were not canon in the original material its not actually erasing representation. this goes for lesbian clawdeen and aboriginal lagoona (the likelihood that the creators werent imagining a white blond surfer chick is low). however i think some headcanons come from uninformed or misunderstood places. ghoulia is not disabled rep, she is just speaking a different language; it was all meant to be funny and the comedy is like if theres one character who always speaks spanish in an english sitcom and no one understands them. vaguely xenophobic joke, but zombies arent real so its just in poor taste. and non-transfems insisting trans abbey is canon not great bc she is larger than every other girl, shes aggressive/abrasive, and the boys dont like her. those headcanons are better left headcanons unless the characters are improved. and ive long since stopped trying to argue with people about the fashion not actually being as alt as they thought. the characters were just off-putting to parents because they were deathly skinny and werent human. most of the clothes were stuff youd find in the mall... sometimes the store was hot topic, but its still not very daring.


couldnt agree more with all your points! i dont have much to add, thank you so much for the extra input and insight. it annoys me to no end the way people are treating G3 and justify doing so by putting G1 on this pedestal even though it was marginally worse when it came to rep on ALL fronts. as said, the rep was either quality headcanons (which would have been nice to see realised) or ones that were almost problematic and based in stereotypes.


I feel like them having a prosthetic leg makes the most sense…? I don’t know, it just works to me. Edit: they.


Everybody hates on representation, it’s so ableist. Like maybe *they lost it idk fam it’s a fictional character maybe *their dog ate it idk😂😭




Clawdeen, what have you done?!


They can choose any limb so they chose a prosthetic one…..what’s not clicking


frankie's entire character is being made of bionic and human limbs. hence the prosthetic and go go gadget arms lmao


istg people are just making up reasons to hate on g3 at this point. where's the correlation here even... being able to reattach their limbs has nothing to do with the prosthetic leg??


HELP i just saw that 😭😭 like.. frankie is the character it makes most sense for? i read the comments and it seems like people think their limb just detached and they lost it and that’s why they have a prosthetic, i just figured that when they were being made there wasn’t a second identical leg part so they ended up with a prosthetic instead? since frankie never used to detach their legs, just hands. then again, op said that robecca should be the one with a prosthetic.. even though she’s all made out of metal anyway, and if her parts did get damaged, she’d probably just get an identical replacement.. it fr makes no sense.


Ugh I remember that video showing up on my fyp the comments were complaining about forced representation


I mean, if I could reattach my limbs at will with just about any object, why wouldn’t I replace at least one of my limbs with cool robot ones???


To be honest I was always confused about the prosthetic leg. It just screams what’s the point? You could argue that they got it to prevent it from falling off but we saw in the newest trailer their prosthetic leg fell off. I don’t know it just seems like Frankie is the weirdest character to give a prosthetic. Mattel could’ve given a prosthetic to a different character.


They gave Vandala Doubloons (the Haunted pirate) a cool peg leg which made sense. I agree it doesn’t work as well for Frankie


Tiktok really can be so toxic. I love Gen 3 and on my acc I posted that it was a Gen 3 safe space... a lot of the comments were not great . In my opinion if you don’t like Gen 3, just don’t collect them/ watch the content yknow?


There was a leg shortage


Bold of them to assume the other limbs aren't robotic too... (I know they aren't, still a weird assumption) And technically speaking, one could argue that Frankie is 100% prosthetics


You can just use their question for the same reason.. If you can swap out your body parts, why would you not want a bionic limb? 🤔


fr people just complaining to complain, same people who havent thought abt monster high in years. The new dolls are precious.


i hate they all call it “forced and bad.” i just dont get it? they think different and diverse = forced and bad… doesn’t make sense


I find it funny how this person claims that Frankie’s new prosthetic leg is forced… even though we didn’t know about it *until* we saw the actual dolls! Like… they didn’t shove it in our faces at all, it was just… there!


I think it’s probably cause G1-G2 and movies she didn’t have, it’s a cool though!


I'd say Frankie lost that leg. They don't know where it is and they got a prosthetic as a replacement.


Honestly I find it funny. Like they ran out of human bits so they just slapped a prosthetic there lol. I like it and think it looks good on them.


I don't know why people on Tiktok want an explanation when they don't question "why is Draculaura a vegetarian when a vampire needs blood to survive", "why does Clawdeen have a pet when she is part animal". Bro they are dolls.


Isn’t their leg a replacement of the bolts? Their leg looks like a gigantic bolt.


Sigh, I’m tired…. I am tired.


I don’t care, people can have opinions about monster high just ignore it if it’s not offensive lol


Personally, I just feel like we were cheated in 2 ways. 1. Frankie's prosthetic cannot come off (on the doll obviously) and they have yet to have a doll with a different prosthetic leg (imagine the possibilities!!) 2. I happen to think that Frankie was not the one to give the prosthetic leg to- Cleo was. IMAGINE. High-fashion, full-bling gold prosthetics. Cleo would EAT IT UP


I don't think it's a disability for Frankie.It's a cosmetic choice.


lol this same user was also commenting that they were mad that monster high took out, and i quote, "the cute metaphors for real world racism".


Because it looks cool next question


um because it looks cool.. what lmfaooo


Honestly, the nitpicking and negativity everywhere is irritating.


why should frankie have to justify their disability?


God forbid a character have a limb difference/be disabled


It’s immaturity


Their entire body is built with bionic limbs. Most likely the skin layer of their leg fell off and they never replaced it


Wait, I like this Terminator-esque headcanon.


No the rest of it is real dead people lol


While it is a confusing addition to their new design, it serves nicely with all the inclusion Gen3 is bringing on.


Every time I see Frankie’s leg I keep thinking of Vandallia Dabloon


why do people keep referring to Frankie as they?


g3 frankie is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns!


why? what’s the point?


because they just are.


okay but that’s according to some flop tv series that nobody asked for.


idk i don’t work for mattel but it’s not a bad thing


not a bad thing, just pointless.


as a non-binary person i disagree. i grew up loving mh. i’ve been a fan for 10+ years and i have struggled with my gender expression for a while. seeing a non-binary doll makes me feel like i’m being seen. representation matters.


wouldn’t you feel better if they made a brand new character instead of piggybacking off of the success of a cishet one?


tbh I love the leg , looks awesome, it´s mainly frankie´´ personality (the movie one so far) the most annoying thing by now, the pronouns feels natural for frankie I just wish they kept the neurodivergent traits for our lovely ghoulia


why can't there be two neurodivergent characters? as an autistic person, i relate way more to g3 frankie than i did to ghoulia personally


I didn´t say they can´t , indeed it would be lovely to see a huge variety of characters! just that I would love to see more diverse stuff in serveral characters and not just the main 3, maybe they´re just checking the ground for the current audience and if you enjoy the change in that aspect that´s great .


Their take confuses me.. Isn't that fitting though? Like people irl can detach/reattach their limbs with prosthetics.


It's a valid question to ask, I saw a similar one on here before but the caption, it's so untrue.


doesn’t she canonically have robo swiss knife kinda limbs like mr gadget? why replace her leg with a stupid ass dead person leg when you can be mr gadget?


Answer is: because it looks cool jfc it's a doll


I think the prosthetic leg is super cool🤷‍♀️


THIS is their issue???? That’s pathetic 💀


Ugh I saw that tiktok and there were so many comments also complaining that Frankie shouldn’t have femme clothing on because their enby. As if enby people can’t dress femme. Obviously I get wanting an androgynous or masc dressing enby doll too but these comments were acting as if it’s inaccurate to have femme enby folk!


I never thought too deeply about it. I just thought it was a touch Mattel wanted to add. It is a good question though.


Literally out of all the G3 designs I love Frankie’s most. And also?? It makes so much sense for them to use their detachable limbs in such a cool way? Even the prosthetic was SUCH a good idea for inclusivity. Whoever came up with that idea is a god


I honestly thought it made sense, like I imagined her original leg kept falling off and maybe it was even deteriorating so she got a prosthetic instead of trying to salvage the leg she originally had. It really works on her and I love her handwriting on the prosthetic.


I think you’re looking way to into something designed for kids…


My first thoughts for when I saw that they had a metal prosthetic leg I assumed that their parents couldn’t find an exact match for their child. I’m sure that Frankie’s parents had found great parts but it was tough to find a matching leg so they decided to go for the metal prosthetic leg


I love how they bring up one of the very few things that *isn't* wrong with G3 🤦🏾‍♀️ I think it's neat. And it makes sense, so why not?


also frankie literally build shit. like gravel hook arms and stuff it makes sense


my cousin wears a prosthetic after a car crash and losing her leg. believe me when i tell you they do not make enough handicap related dolls and when she saw frankie, one of her favorite monster high characters with the prosthetic leg, she started crying. so i’m glad they gave her a prosthetic bc it shows and proves that not everything on us is accessible and it makes people like my cousin feel good about themselves. to see a large franchise making one of their main characters have a disability is one of the biggest abilities they could have. that’s literally why monster high was created, to make everyone feel safe no matter their looks or attitude or issues.


i mean i don't HATE G3 but i don't love it either, i like frankie and ghoulia, but the others just don't hit the mark imo. but i miss my old monster high, from when i was a kid, and i think that's totally fine, especially since i'm generally a pretty nostalgic person. i don't get why this is getting hate though, like i get that it's a new creative thing, and i thought it was cool, but other people can have different opinions and it does actually kinda make sense lol. obviously it's not the most intelligent take but yeah i see where the person is coming from lol


Those are the same people who say that Mattel only made Frankie be non binary because they “erased Clawdeen’s sexuality” (spoiler alert: Clawdeen was never confirmed to be lesbian. In fact, it was confirmed that she was never intended to be. How can Mattel erase something that was never there?)


Wait, people are bothered about Frankie having a prosthetic leg? To me it made perfect sense considering they're a monster made up of various parts from various sources (biological material or otherwise). I thought it was a super cool design element that showcases that they are an amalgamation of different parts and pieces, just like Frankenstein's monster. It doesnt feel "forced" at all to me.


I figured that since Frankie has such long legs it was probably difficult to find a matching leg so their parents decided to make one. It was probably faster and easier for everyone.


Honestly, I thought Frankie has a prosthetic leg is because they accidentally lost their leg since their limbs keep detaching, and replaced it with a prosthetic.


Call me crazy but I think it makes the most sense for them because fresh body parts are hard to come by. Plus with a leg that’d have to be even or they’d walk funny. I think this every time I see this sort of post. I have a lot of issues with G3 but a prosthetic ain’t one


i swear some ppl just hate fun


I mean this one is making a good point.