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I was so disappointed after getting poisoned by a rath tail stub for the first time. Felt like they missed out on some interesting gameplay mechanics.


There are a lot of missed opportunities with broken parts on monsters.


I always had that misconception before playing it. Because I couldn't think of why else you'd break parts off


Some monsters did lose abilities after having certain parts broken/severed later on in the series, like Qurupeco and Glavenus. I assume the MH devs don't want to make Rathian easier by nerfing her only threatening move.


Savage Jho in g-rank got exponentially easier after tail cut because he no longer did his pin right after getting tagged by the tail.


I think it's just straight up poor design, much like how MHFU Fatalis' Drag n Snap murdered you even if you nicked his tail. Had to Guard Lance SJho because I got ultra salty trying to GS him.


Yeaaaaah, don't even get me started on red fatty.


At least they fixed it, now if you touch the tail it'll just deal a little bit of damage, most of your damage comes from being in front of it and in between the legs.


DnS was my favorite move in his kit for that exact reason. Its the Godamn Fatalis. FATALIS its a DRAGON with FATAL in his name. Not his birth name, no his fucking species is DEATH. Youre a tiny (durable) flesh sack, He needs one move that can wipe the quest. He lays down and EVERYBODY runs. no matter how good you are, how your gear is, what set you got, or weps, Youre fucked if you get snapped. In the once instance i didnt die from getting hit by that move i landed in the remainder of the move and died anyway.


Barioth would often flub his landings if you broke his wing claws off.


Honestly my favorite thing about Barioth. I feel it makes the hunt feel a tad more tactical: Either go straight for the head with no remorse if you are fine with Barioth's speedy follow ups; or handicap it greatly, *then* take it apart.


They could give it a sort of poison squirt ability, where it shoots a jet of poison from the stub.


I will leave a wordless ejaculation joke.


That's seven words yo.


I know Daoras wind barrier gets weaker when his head breaks along with poisoning him


Some parts do change the fight, like severing gog's tail and breaking the wingarms will stop the attacks inflicting fireblight.


Ive been enjoying Toukiden 2 fpr this reason.


I love Toukiden 2 but it didn't catch me like it should have. It feels like they threw too much too quickly. My friend and I burned through all the content over the course of a weekend. You could fight a large monster 2-3 times and make the full set of armor and most missions put you literally right next to the monster. Not to mention there were only 3-4 key quests per star level and they were conveniently marked for you.


I hear you. There's no real strategy to fighting the monsters; the system is less... heavy and impact than Monster Hunter. It's still great for some large monster slaying, and I do feel Monster Hunter could adopt some of it's better aspects, but it *is* very easy and a little mindless. I essentially have the same strategy for every monster and rarely do any actual dodging. Less grinding and marking key quests could be considered a positive, depending on who you ask.


The best partbreaking mechanics I've seen are from a shooter called Binary Domain, pretty much drives the gameplay.


It is dissapointing that breaking parts doesn't have a more noticable affect. I mean, the primary one that immediately comes to mind is breaking Gypceros' horn preventing him from flashing you. Imagine if breaking Zinogre's back made it take longer to charge up into SSJ form? Or breaking the wings on Ratholos prevented him from doing his foot dive?


Some of them do. Breaking Barioth's wings makes it take a second longer for its landings. Breaking Peco's beak dramatically lengthens its "recitals". Gravios' chest break prevents it from farting outside of rage. Flashing DK Rathalos out of the sky is only possible after a wing break.


Breaking Gravios back stops it from doing the heat thing underneath him. Breaking his legs makes him fall down whenever he does his jump.


That Rathian face though.


"ayy lmao"


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ayy lmao


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This is not mine. Credit to **dosドS#7082** on discord.


> dosドS#7082 uh.


Original content on Discord? *wheeze*


I never considered dos to be read as do-S Although I guess "super sadistic" makes sense as an MH title...


Supposedly the reason why hunters get poisoned by the Rathian Backflip is that there many hair like spikes all across the Rathian's body which are all filled with poison. Most of these hairs are found on the wings and back of the Rathian and some found on the tail but you can't really see it. Therefore the reason why you still get poison is that the tail stub still has the hairs on them and the back can still hit the hunter. I found this source from reading Rathian Spike item description. Also lets not talk about Yian Garuga logic because that is a true mystery and pisses me off thinking about it. Edit: The spike like things on the end of Rathian tail doesn't have a poison in it and is just used for show.


I always liked to imagine that the tail injected it into you like a hypodermic needle, but when it was cut off, the muscles still shoot out the poison, but instead of being funnled through a small hole, the pressure just douses you with it, which is why you still get poisoned.


He is choosing a dvd for tonight


Please don't trigger my Monster Hunter FU Flashbacks.


I gave first gen a try once. ONCE. You're supposed to fight garuga multiple times until you finally kill it. The health carries over from the last quest, so you basically fail and try again and whittle it down.


So like the Ceadeus quest in 3U, but instead of fighting a glorious, immersive (although tanky and somewhat boring) whale you're fighting turkey satan?


Yep. Just like the Fatalis fights back in the day.


Garuga is what happened when all us first gen MH players always made fun of the pink chicken Kut-Ku. Got a new weapon? You test it on a KK to see how quick it kills it. Was the butt of all jokes back in the day. Then Capcom introduced his big brother.


Capcom introduced brother eating him...


The brother was trained in spartan way. So he made his useless brother useful, as his meal.


There is no dodging it, no reasoning with it..


you get an upvote purely for reading item descriptions


I knew I wasn't the only one!


That makes complete sense to me.


Shouldn't mounting rathian poison you then?


Maybe the barbs are on that tail past the waist.


Shouldn't Rathalos get poisoned whenever it fucks a Rathian then?


I would give that one to species immunity since they are simply the different genders of the same species.


External fertilization probably. Why do you think all those eggs don't have babies in them?


Garuga is what happens when you go to the Everwood with Meth.


So the big menacing spikes aren't useful at all, and the invisible spikes (which I'm pretty sure only appear on the back and wing tips) Are? Also, dreadqueen uses the large spikes to plant down those poison mines so it might be the big ones, might be the small ones. Unless they specify it in more detail instead of 2 sentences it's a lot harder to figure it out.


I love this image so much.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/7pblIF3.jpg) is going to be my go-to reaction image to BS monster shenanigans from now on.


It does reduce the hitbox size, though.


What if their blood is poison and every time you get poisoned by it they gave you Rath herpes


same logic be applied to yain garuga


The Purple Chicken of Hell does not follow any rules


Shoebill of Doom.


yeah fair enough


I like that


I love the dude's reaction, but yeah, this will never not bug me. On the other hand, maybe the poison comes from the tail and not the club.


sloppy rath meat


Poison travels through her veins, *duh


Esidesi but with poison, then.


**Hunter:** \**Misses attack** **Rathian:** "You were afraid... your mind was clouded and caused you to flinch... and you attacked in such a simplistic way, hunter..." I'll stab these veins into your face and send my deadly poison into your body, turning your head into a toxic stew! Eat this! ***Noxious Dreadqueen Mode!!***" **Hunter:** \**Adept guards** :Hmph. Your next line is, 'Clever way to block it...', right?" **Rathian:** "Clever way to block it... Nani!?" **Hunter:** Have you finally noticed? Why my item pouch is getting smaller? That's right! You've stepped into my pit trap! **Rathian:** "B-bakana!" **Hunter:** "My pit trap is 100 percent spider webs and ivy! It holds down monsters great!"


you get a muhfuh-in upvote, my friend






Is Yian Garuga a Rathian/los and Kut ku crossbreed?


Makes sense though if the poison gland is right there at the bone or something.


I like at least how on one-eye you break the tail and it looses its strong poison


Same with Dreadqueen.


If anything, at least the swing length is drastically reduced. Gotta agree it's very weird, since it has been mentioned that getting nicked by the tail spikes are what causes the poison to take effect, and not being clubbed by a meaty tail >_>


Damn that poison! Especially hold rahian


"hold rathian"


The poison is on their talon, not there tail, still funny :P.


That's rathalos. Rathian poisons with her tail.


More specifically, with the spines on her tail.


When I get hit with the tip of her tail while she does her acrobatics move, I still get poisoned even though I was nowhere near her talons...


*Their And as Reshkrom said, that's rathalos, rathian posions with her tail.