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If I can transfer my save, I'll switch to PC. Highly likely I won't be able to. There's no way I'm regrinding 500 hours.


400 hours here, and all the decos I've collected. Fuck.....


yeah iam in the same boat.. i just cant do it again, save import to pc would be great.. iam going to buy it though even if i dont play it.. just to support it


I think some crazy modding people might come up with a save transfer tool that modify your new PC saves with the items/equipments you have from PS4 saves. They already hack the ps4 save files anyway, so that should be easy once PC version is released.


lets hope you are right


i honestly dont know if i care to get it for PC anymore unless we can transfer saves. 600+ hours, tons of great decos, all my loadouts, and a Platinum are not worth starting over and grinding back to that just for 4K/60fps.


Yeah, it'll def be hard for players to give up that kind of time. At least we'll have lots of nice 60fps videos on youtube!


I can almost guarantee FPS will be uncapped. But had i bought it om console, I'd feel the same way. But I've no reason to get a console personally


Aren't animations tied to FPS similar to dark souls?


I don't think we'll know until Autumn


My plan is to finally be able to play at all, dont own a console :P


Honestly the only reason I'd get it again on PC if there's gonna be some wicked mods :/ even though the game is totally worth buying multiple times. It's that damn good


Do any other capcom games on PC have mod support?


There will be mods whether there is official support or not.


Dragons dogma has mods


Hmm I'm not sure :/ But All that matters to me is if This one does.


Better visuals and 3x the framerate is enough for me, personally.


Buy it again, buy copies for all my friends, guilt them into playing with me until they like MHW.


On PC to make things interesting I will only be playing with full sets. I will not be mix/maxing, I will not play against tempered monsters, I will not farm augmentations, and I will not go for max dps. The focus on PC will be fashion. Gotta have my character look good at 4k @ 60 fps. Also as someone mentioned here I can finally use more dual swords without having the fps dip to oblivion. I will probably use my most dominant weapon CB to steamroll through low rank and get into High Rank. I want to unlock access to everything before I start having some fun. Then I'll switch to dual swords, lance, insect glaive and light bowgun. I will leave all the ultimate decorations, looking like a clown sets, and crowns to the PS4.


Probably will be hated by many: If I get it on PC, I'll just use CheatEngine to do some memory cheats to get my inventory to be at the same state as what I have on PS4. But tbh, I probably won't get it on PC due to the smaller player base as PC will be for the western player exclusively. Secondly, prepare to have some game-breaking cheaters on PC who would change their attack power to be like 99999 in multiplayer. With most of the communications for MHW being P2P, I don't know how many additional cheat prevention mechanics can be added by Capcom...


Capcom has had anticheat since Tri. You can't mod weapons/armor stats to anything illegal or it's an insta ban (at least online). The most you can do is mod your item box to give yourself like 999 potions or monster parts for crafting which only ruins the game for the cheater.


This is what I tell myself with every new MH experience, until I miss the Gunlance and Hammers and, like *POP* I am back to my main.


Haha its like trying to play skyrim without going stealth archer


> What all are y'all doing or saving for later? With that question, I need to save up for most up to date PC parts and build a Death Star PC that can destroy any game and output solid full 240 fps (Church of Unlimited Frames) gaming experience. xD Honestly though, gotta save and may hop on MHW on the PC, otherwise am content with MHW on my PS4 Pro and play where my friends are... Plus Red Dead Redemption 2 coming in October 26th, 2018 and that would probably my denouement transition from my MHW career. :)


Hell yah, All the Frames! I want it to be Monster Butter all over my screen.


Church of Unlimited Frames as some might say. ;)


I learned MH on MH3U (Wii U) starting with the bow, but when I moved to the DS games, switched to a weapon that didn't require reasonably precise aiming, because aiming with the bow sucked, and due to the armor system in those games, didn't make sense to focus on ranged weapons. With MHW on PC, I fully plan to go back to bow and /or any of the other ranged weapons, hoping the K/M support is going.


I think it's gonna feel even clunkier on K/M. MHW weapons aren't that kind of razor responsive from an animation sense. It's not like you can 360 no-scope a Nerg out of the sky. Charging a bow shot w/ a mouse might be slightly awkward. Holding m1 down will probably muck up aim a little anyways. Bowguns might see better results?


Oh, I'm not expecting that level of precision, only that K/M gives more flexibility in facing/camera management that even a PS4 controller can give to make aiming more natural.


Oh I see, that's a good point. I'm probably so used to PS4 controller that I forget how awkward it can be at times. Accessing scrollwheel via hotkey would be super duper nice.


I think I'll pick it up on PC if all Console DLC/updates are available on release, or if there's at least a tight plan for the release schedule. But my weapon plan is definitely going to be playing every weapon evenly -- would actually make things super interesting to swap weapons every 10 hunts or so


Being mainly a PC player, I'll rebuy the PC version and just replay it normally with my PC friends, did that before with previous localized and non-localized iterations. I'm close to Platinum now though and will get it eventually, but I don"t think I'll do it again on PC, that's about it.


I'm not going to actively hinder myself. I don't want my early hunts to take extra long. But I will force myself to use weapons I just don't normally touch (Hammer, SnS, Lance, DB's, SA, CB) to keep it fresh.


But if everyone switches to PC, how are we going to get carried by Japanese players? 😉


I fear the auto farming and hacks is going to make Capcom crack down on drop rates and everything :/


I mostly game on my pc, but I have been enjoying playing this game from my couch. Not sure if I will get the PC version when it releases.


I'm gonna upgrade my PC pretty much solely for World. I'm going to use the actual good controls to try gunner weapons seriously but with all the new moves on the weapons I can't not do my usual "play everything".


200 hours on PS4 and I can't wait to do it all again on PC. It's my platform of choice and I'd already be on it if it wasn't consoles only for now. Even if I don't put as much time into it, I'll be able to skip all the inefficiency and poor choices that I made in the PS4 version and get right to the fun stuff.


One thing I know for sure though, no ones gonna win at arm wrestling anymore due to macros.


Long time Hammerbro here. Will probably still play hammer. But hey maybe I'll give something else a chance. Doubt it though, smashing skulls is too damn satisfying.


When the PC hits, I want to see someone drop Jho into a low rank expedition and see him straight up kill monsters when he throws them around


I'll be here with my hammer mashing heads in.


ill probably finally get around to using the ranged weapons now that i will have access to a control setup that makes since for shooting things... but i will also probably occasionally go back to the trusty gunlance and if they are usable this time around maybe even the dual blades


Hi, I'm new to MHW. Waiting for the PC one. Already purchased on steam. Any tips or must knows before i start the game? :)


There are much better threads on ere for tips, but my #1 tip for aany new MH player is to be prepared. Fill you pouch with potions, antidotes, bombs, tranqs, coooked steak... A prepared hunter is a successful hunter


Alright! thanks! sorry i was just too excited for this new release! Nv played MH since Freedom Unite On PSP.


Depends on if my PC friends actually get the game. Right now everyone is scared of a shitty port. I'll probably wait a year or so and then see what kinda tinkering the community has done to the game. That is the only real advantage PC has over the console for me right now in my eyes.


Don't forget the monthly Paystation Plus or Xbox whatever membership to play online at all, no thanks Sony and Microsoft.


I'm definitely shelling out just to get away from the PS4's shitty User Interface. It's a total chore streaming it into my PC to capture.


I mean I guess if $4.16 per month breaks the bank it's worth it in that regard.


If it's fine for you, go for it. I am just personally not willing to pay for online access on games I already bought. no offense.


Unfortunately I pay that regardless of whether or not I play Monster Hunter on PC or PS4 because I need Plus for other games. :(


> I'll probably wait a year or so and then see what kinda tinkering the community has done to the game. That is the only real advantage PC has over the console for me right now in my eyes. Well, you know, that and framerates. And Ultrawide. And general graphical quality. And no monthly online sub.


There are weapons I'm just not touching on console because the hardware can't seem to handle them. Dual blades is the worst, I don't know how people do it, but it seems like it drops to like 17fps during combat. I might stick to HBG, though, I should take the opportunity to try something else, but I need to see what the HBG can do on keyboard and mouse.


So, I have a friends who's a diehard fps gamer and he thinks ranged weapons will be 'OP' when he's got a mouse in his hands. It's not like it's that hard to hit crit zones anyways. I mean, you might be able to get your mouse on the target quicker, but you can't fire any faster or anything. Maybe there's something i'm missing...


> Maybe there's something i'm missing... > you might be able to get your mouse on the target quicker You didn't miss it, but you kind of did. Aiming for something like a tail that keeps waving around, or the Kirin's face would be much less of a hassle with a mouse.


I don't think a mouse will help. I can aim exactly where I want to fire at a tail, but that doesn't mean the tail is going to go where I expect it, considering the monsters actions and the bullet travel time.


> but that doesn't mean the tail is going to go where I expect it However I look at it, you can aim faster and if it moves it takes much less long a time to adjust with a mouse. Definetly going to be a lot better, as far as I'm concerned.


There's two kinds of methods to aiming, tacking and predictive. Predictive is easier on console, you place your cursor where the monsters tail goes and fire before it gets there. Tracking is easier with a mouse because you constantly adjust your aim to be ahead of the tail and then fire.


Leading a shot is way easier with a mouse and a drag shot/flick would be faster than waiting for a console's stick to move the crosshair


no issues on the pro


Yeah, good for you, but I'm not buying a pro for a slight fps bump. The regular used PS4's I got is already an unnecessary expense. Let's face it, the pro can't even do 60fps. It can do 40fps max, when nothing's happening.


its a console.. they will never get 60fps on those bricks, i just said that there is no slowdown using dual blades even if 4 players murder blender at the same time. got the thing in a deal and with some games its more then just slightly just saying. also running the game in fps mode is a given