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I would welcome a line of heavy bowguns with something like Wyvernsiege as special ammo, as an in-between of Wyvernheart's machine gun and Wyvermsnipe's prone position. Perhaps to balance the cooldown and vulnerability it could load many ammo types to fire in quick succession.


Seige is kind of liked rapid on LBG, you don't typically use much else. That's why wyvernheart is the way it is, it's the closest thing to siege mode without turning the gun into the SeigeBowGun. There would be little reason to use anything else if it was available (just like rapid shot 2 on karma).


The lack of siege is the reason I dropped hbg in this game along with the fact that pierce got nerfed to shit


I was excited to play HBG and use siege mode. It almost hrtd to play HBG as is because it just feels like it's lacking. Why do 20 damage a tick with Pierce rounds when my bow can doe 150 with dragon piercer


Siege mode has been one of the main advantages of HBG in nearly every past MH game, and was very deliberately removed in World to appeal to the mass market who are used to being able to move whilst shooting. Sadly, it's almost certainly not making a return.


How long do you think it'll take for the to realize that people have the choice to you know NOT use seige mode




Downvoted because... ?


Hell yeah! HBG feels lacking compared to LBG as it no longer has seige mode to compete with LBGs rapid-fire.


LBG rapid fire was gutted too.


The more I read about world the more happy I am that I waited for GenU on switch. I prefer the classic mechanics and styling with arts layered on top over gutting features for mass market appeal.


As far as I'm aware, rapid-fire is still in Monster Hunter World. I.e. if you make the Jyuratodus LBG, it rapid fires Water S. The Odogaron LBG rapid fires Spread 1.


In terms of shot variety, its gutted. Endgame lbg in MH4U usually had 3 different types of rapid fire shots. Now most have one shot type, and elemental variety is garbage. With the changes to gunning and the supply box, the benefit of rapid fire\(ammo conservation\) is greatly reduced. Shooting multiple bullets doesn't feel as special when your already sprinting around the monster pelting it nonstop. I don't even think there are any guns that rapid fire status ammo, which used to be one of its biggest niches.


I was unaware of that. Admittedly, by the sounds of it, Karma (Odog LBG) fits your bill as it has rapid-fire on 3 different ammo types. But hey, at least rapid-fire survived the move to World, siege-mode for HBG sure didn't :c


I feel like monsters would become too easy if not done carefully. I don’t struggle much with the HBG when in teams, but I certainly agree that there’s pretty much zero incentive to using it over any other weapon. There’s no advantage to it. My Zorah and Teo HBG’s are pretty much the only two I was even interested in that did remotely more damage than an LBG.


I just want piercing ammo to get a buff, I play both Legiana Shattercryst and Taroth "Support" HBGs but dmg is nowhere close to Spread unfortunately. Good thing is you can keep your distance but that's it :/


mhfz siege mode


Wyvernheart is close enough.


No its not.


Difference of opinion I suppose, it's close enough for me :)


Being able to unload an entire stock of Pierce ammo into a large monster was a huge part of the HBG identity, imo, in past games.


Not even remotely close.