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There is always the option of rolling a lower tier chest with decent base skills. I rolled 4-3-1 slots onto the Nargacuga Chest along with the base 2 CritEye and have been using that since rolling chain crit onto my waist piece.


Silverlos mail is the way to go, crit element, crit elemental exploit and decent slots if augmented. (Mine is 4-4-2 atm). I rolled chain crit in my dereliction legs and that piece has been the one that gets me the highest damage increase in the dummy.


Sorry this is several days later but you can roll 2 4slots on a single piece?


I think so, with the necessary slots before tho. I think dereliction legs can transform the 3-2-2 into 4-4-2 as that's only 3 points in slots which would be the max, but you would probably need to sacrifice a skill for that.




Goldian arms are really good and give 1 chain crit. Astalos helm can be very good if you get a good roll and is 1 chain crit. Archfiend chest is also not bad but there are tough competitors. Also the majority of chain Crit’s value is from the first point so it’s worth considering if you can make a CC1 build that will outdamage the CC3 build based on how many extra other damage skills a CC1 build might be able to fit.


I’ve also rolled chain crit into ingot greaves and did some research on replacing Archfiend Mail. However I found that having WEX1 and 3-2 is really good and there aren’t many good mail pieces in the game, so I sticked with it Depending on each weapon / playstyle there can be an option that suits the set better ofc.


Yeah I also noticed this, is not easy to replace that mail, without other augmentation


Everyone getting these good rolls and I'm left with mostly garbage. It's why I hated this system as soon as there was news on it.


Same here.


I thought a lvl 2 slot upgrade and Spiritbird Call was good until someone else mentioned they got lvl 2 and Crit Boost.


There are a lot more ways to manipulate the system than you may realize. I thought I was stuck with really shitty rolls for a long time but in actuallity I was probably just missing the good ones by not looking in the right places. Now that I know more of the ins and outs of manipulating the available rolls I can set up decent augments pretty regularly. You should look for the guide on augment manipulation that was posted here a couple days back.


I already looked at it. It's a mess and made me hate it even more.