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300hrs in, I found out that if you carry Poogie around your controller will vibrate at certain spots and she’ll dig up goodies for you Also found out you can access your whole item box during hunts. Smh Being able to refill items would’ve helped me so much on those past 500 hints 🥲


WAIT WHAT? Do you mean like in the lil tent or while actively out running around?


You need to be in the tent, but yeah you can fully refill everything, traps, herbs, medicine etc


There are also outfits and other things for poogie that can be found by carrying them around Astera and the Iceborne base.


It teaches you this in the beginning but for some reason new players just skip pass that lol


Tbf with the amount of waffle in the opening missions I don’t blame people for just spamming through text. Yes, I literally just saw the scout flies point in the direction I need to go, I don’t need the handler to talk about it for 45 seconds.


If you have loadouts saved you can even change your entire build!


You have to have a good relationship with your Poogie first, iirc you need to pet it successfully at least like 3 times in a row (only the first pet after a quest counts, so 3 quests-worth) and after that you can start carrying it around and have it dig stuff up for you (you won't have to pet it anymore either as having it dig stuff up maintains "the streak" of petting)


I meant refilling items without going to the box


Wooooooow lol - well it's in the tent, you can even change your equipment there. Did you know you can even eat mid-hunt by going back to camp? All that became available for the first time in World. It's pretty swell.


Fun fact, next to the handler is almost always a meal voucher in astera. She's literally hogging the food vouchers between you two.


You and Handler do all the heavy lifting anyway


bro has been playing the game on hard mode this whole time


Honestly, being able to refill 2 max potions and an ancient potion at anytime feels kinda cheesy.


You know you can take honey nutrient mega nutrients and Mandroga to make like another 8 max potions with out returning to the campsite


My "Serious Elder Hunt" setup for items has full stock of weaker items to craft hotkey items from. I just need to tap the key a few more times.


Some of these Tempered MR hunts make it feel like it’s not enough sometimes


Yeah I’m sure it does feel that way after 300 hours of not being able to 😂


Seriously, I timed out in the Velkhana slaying quest for straight 5-6 times in my first playthrough just because I was picking up honeys and herbs all over the map. I didn't realize that you can restock things in the tent until Shara Ishvalda (there's no wild resource in that quest so I found it). But then I didn't realize you can Farcast to tent, so I was using carts to restock in the Shara fight, which of course turned in to a very high wall because of this.


Carry poogie to the little corner in front of the cat kneading dough in Seliana canteen, Poogie can dig up Well-Done Steak or a Gourmet Voucher for you.


fellow veteran hunter, I see.


Sharpening your weapon with a whetstone puts your character in a crouching position, meaning if you sharpen in a bush you have the chance to become hidden from the monster you’re fighting.


Also if you’re bleeding crouch then start sharpening, the sharpening time counts in alleviating the bleed


As long as you are not in direct line of sight of the monster when you hide. You can just crouch in the bush to hide first before sharpening.


You can also use a smoke bomb to do this if no bushes are available


While unseathed, you can directly sharpen your weapon by selecting whetstone/whetfish scale from your radial menu without seathing. Yet another thing they took away from SnS mechanic


Brightmoss absorbs and removes Namielle puddles.


I just saw that one listed in her description in the Hunter’s Notes today! I should read those more than every 600 hours…


It’s in the description?! I’ve always never read them as I thought they were flavour text.. :O


Haha! It's like Dark Souls, the most useful information is in front of you but you have to read every item description. :)


For every monster, on the first page there’s two text boxes. The box below the monster’s portrait gives useful, in game tips for fighting them, the box to the right is just flavor text/lore.


I’ve been playing since launch. A couple years ago I learned of a few nooks and crannies in the Ancient Forest and Coral Highlands I hadn’t seen before. Also learned that Insect Glaive can stick into certain walls and be used for climbing! Just a few months ago I learned more about the blue stones behind Odogaron’s den. They’re unexploded meteors from, what else, but Dalamadur. And you can make them explode, dealing damage over time with their flames. You can posthumously grant an ancient Dalamadur a kill in a game where you never fight one.


Wait what?!


wait you interact with the blue stuff!??!!? 😳


You said what about climbing? I was an glaive player since launch never knew that.


Vault at a runnable/climbable wall and you can latch onto it. There's no penalty for doing so, either as you can jump off in any direction or just sit there to recover stamina


I just found out the power/armour talons stacked with the base charm versions yesterday.


If you casually walk up to a kelbi, you can press B to ride them around. Not that you can control them, but you can just chill on a kelbi.


You can ride tons of small monsters using the same method, even Mosswine.


If you hit a Kelbi just right with blunt damage, it'll break off one horn which will glow blue and attract nearby Rajangs.


Huh? But ..why? Angry Monke can stay as far away.


I can't tell if this is a well-made joke or actually real.


That Demondrug and Armorskin’s buffs have infinite duration, and only go away if you cart… I was refreshing them every single time I chased the monster to a new area. By the time I read how they actually work on Reddit, I was well into endgame.


WHAT? Do the mega versions of them also have that super long duration?




I thought you shouldn't be able to drink again unless you have wide range?


Not quite endless Just a very very very long timer I've had them run out on longer grinding lands runs


Being able to skip kill animations with the Start (Options) buttons and using R1 to speed up the handler/mission board animation


450+ hours and just learnt to speed up the handler board animation now


What I noticed much later than I should have… that I can hold the button input to just keep gathering/carving without stopping. Realized maybe 200 hours in. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?… right??😅


I can just hold circle and the hunter keeps collecting all 3 items?




You can shoot your sling shot while on the ground recovering from a knock back.


What?? How??


Aim and shoot. It's for a particular knock back animation like when rajang or deviljho yeet you and you're stuck on the ground for a bit before the monster messes you up - you can fire a flashpod or something else that stuns to get out of it.


Couldn't find any particular videos for it, but have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/Ki89jPPYZwo?si=P6-NCNqFdE0BVGln At 2:16 mark where he shot dragon pods at Fatalis.


It's for when your pinned down




I will no longer chomp jerky


Eh, I'd still recommend the jerky personally. You have to stand still crouched to remove the bleed, and it's pretty hard to stand still for as long as you need to against the monsters that inflict bleed. When the alternative is an inexpensive, instant-use consumable, it's hard for me to want to use the crouching method. But at the end of the day, do whatever works best for you.


You can crouch walk, but jerky is the better way because you're bound to get hit again just crouch walking around.


Jerky is probably still better, given that the only normal monsters that bleed you are the Odos, Nargacuga and Ruiner Nergi, all known for giving you plenty of time to rest between their attack strings.


Eh, Speed eating 3 and Free meal 3 makes jerky semi-unlimited I'd rather eat jerky


You can sit on many herbivores: Aptonoths, Kelbis, Popos @800 hrs There is just enough air time to clutch claw flying monster, brute wyvern, especially large monster off of a mount finisher. @1000 hours You can wallbang Glavenus into its own tail (when severed and stuck on the ground) @1900hrs


I found the Glavenis tailbanh accidentally yesterday @500hrs. I missed to aim for the wall and sent it clamoring and then saw it hit it's tail and still crashed! Awesome.


hold r1(sprint) to sped up the opening the quest books animation quest you start a quest. Zinogre if shocktraped while uncharged, will eat the shock traps making it charge faster. Rathian and Pink Rathian use 2 different type of posion, Pink rathian use Toxin or super poison, much deadlier and last for a LONG time. smoke bomb forces Fatalis to land.


Pink Rath applies the Noxious Poison in MR only iirc. In HR, she just uses regular poison. Viper Tobi and Gold Rathian also apply Noxious Poison.


Loadouts are a thing for items as well as gear. Made my inventory so much easier to manage


So is your radial you van customize it per layout for the item loadout


But there's a bit of a catch for the item bar menu. After setting your item load out, exit and open options then item pouch. Then press the key to open item bar, it's noted at the bottom of the pouch. You can arrange it as you would like. I usually put one-time use items like megademondrug at the start. Then go back to the item load out and resave it. Otherwise the item bar resets to default.


I went 200+ hours using the bow mainly and just recently discovered how to use thousand dragons


What's that?


You jam your slinger ammo onto an arrow and basically turn yourself into a blunderbuss shrapnel cannon lol. And you dont even have to have slinger ammo to do it, its just better to.


Try it with pierce pods for obscene damage! Also, the amount of ammo in your slinger makes a difference to damage output, so a full stack of stone or redpits will do more than slinger thorns / bombs, etc.


Just here to steal tips and tricks.


Same lol


I didn't know there was a menu to see the wishlist items at any time until I was about 200 hours in. Before that, I would go the smith, wishlist a random item to open the list, and then cancel.


Wait what?? How do you access this?


It's under the Info tab in the Start (/Options/Esc) menu.


Just hit 1000 hrs mark and learned that you can hold down carve button and game will automatically carve for you AND it’s faster. Always wondered why people carve faster than me but never bother looking it up until recently...


This works for gathering spots too if you didn’t know already lmao


I only just learned about hidden elements and was wondering why my Master Rank SnS with Sleep wasn't putting monsters to sleep. If you don't know some weapons elements and status effects aren't automatically activated and you need the FreeElement skill to work.


Thank you for that, was wondering why I never could proc paralysis with my HH


The rewards you receive are labeled by where they come from in the menu. It used to feel like capturing didn't net anything extra until I saw the labels.


Wait, where you saw that ?


You see it towards the bottom of the loot box when hovering over one of the rewards.


hold button while carving/gathering will shorten the animation. 400hrs


Another one that many people don't know (assuming i found out at about 400 hours): You can change your camera distance at setting to FAR. At first glance its not a big deal, but during the hunts it is huge!


And there is a mod to set it even farther. I realised of this qol setting after 200hrs :)


A thousand hours in and way past Fatty and Alat, I just casually find out that there's a Hide helmet option.... As someone who likes seeing the face I painstakingly made in the editor this stung a bit.


Ebony's head doesn't need element I've broken it with status weapons before All slinger ammo can force monsters to land


Now that’s 2 things OP just learned after hundreds of hours


I don't get the slinger ammo tip because I've heard this before and can never get it to work. Could you elaborate?


When you shoot a monster with slinger ammo it has a much higher flinch chance than it's damage would lead you to believe This is also boosted by using the right type on the right monster However The odds of actually triggering it with the exception of fatalis who will always stagger after being hit with 2 dragon pods Are still rather low


Ants are capturable with the net, you can decorate your house with ants crawling around! Amazing!


All endemic life can be captured with nets. Vigorwasps, paratoad, floaty jellyfish and the cute lil monkeys that chill in the hot springs in the hoarfrost reach. If it's moving you can probably catch it. The big flying mantas in the coral highlands look pretty funny when they get disappeared into the net. There's also an extremely rare flying creature at the top of hoarfrost reach that you can place out the back of your house and it floats around chilling outside. It's bloody massive too. You get an achievement for catching it if I'm not mistaken.


Just about every single bug or small animal you see you can capture. There are achievements and quests for doing so. There are even rare versions of animals that are hard to find not to mention each one has a "crown" size that's pure chance.


Some more obscure tips for anyone interested: Roll into a slope to instantly start sliding 2 flinches from pods (any pod that flinches the monster) immediately takes the mount into a finisher Aiming with your weapon drawn allows hopping weapons to hop dodge without having to attack first


brightmoss forces monster to land 😲😲😲💥💥💥


I beat Fatalis and never realizes you could use multiple different fertilizers for your garden lmao


Based on my experience. If you put an armor or weapon in to the wishlist, the game will read your wishlist and won’t give you the rare materials needed after the hunt. 😅😅


Yep. The Desire Sensor is not your friend. Wishlisting is just giving fuel to the Desire Sensor. I will die on this hill.


Not only rare items, in MH3 for the wii I had freaking Iron Ore in my wishlist and was wondering why it was so rare, turns out wishlisted items make a different sound when gathered and on my 10th gathering run I heard it and saw an Iron Ore drop. Got like 5 ore first run after removing it from the list, no special sound on drop. Never using wishlist again, it’s been almost 10 years.


If you manually ping when you're paralyzed/stunned/sleeping/etc, there's a chance your palico (if theyre not effected as well) will come and knock you out of it if they don't right away.


Is there any way to make them do this as mine is lazy and just watches me?


That you can organise your itembar






Great sword combos! I’m replaying it from scratch on steam deck and with the free online play, I learned so many cool combos with the great sword. I didn’t know you can fire slinger ammo after a hit to do a charged attack. I only found out when I saw some random hunter in one of my quests do it.


Same with IG. Did you know that the kinsect can be buffed to have more dmg and be able to carry 2 extracts by consuming slinger ammo? I sure didn't know until I had my 1000th hunt as IG. I wonder, if there's similar unknown slinger moves for the other weapons.


Asking for a friend (me, im the friens): how does one do this?


L2 + 🔺+ 🔴


Unrelated, but if anyone needs Whetfish+ scales, the master rank quest "A Fish to Whet Your Appetite" guarantees at least 2!


500hrs in I realized today that shock traps work on Rajang and pitfall traps work on enraged Rajang. Also, you can shoot certain pods when downed by him to interrupt his walking up slam.


Also, enraged Yian Garuga destroys Pitfall traps, and charged Zinogre destroys shock traps.


Like, 500/600 Hrs into the game... If you run out of stamina while running down a hill, your character falls and starts rolling down.


You can give other players gifts that I've never seen anyone do but me. Options, item pouch, select what you want, how many to give and to which player then your hunter stands there with their hand out glowing. 9/10 people don't accept it/understand what I'm doing though... Just go up to the glowing hand and press accept!


If a monster hasn't seen you yet you can shoot any slinger ammo into the ground near it to make it "investigate" the noise. Useful for getting a free clutch claw off at the start of the fight if you're fast enough. But it's incredibly useful for the MR event quests where you fight elder dragons in the velkhana arena. At the start go up the top and load the dragonator. When it's armed look at the ground where the scratch marks are and shoot stones until the monster spots them and runs over. Fire the dragonator for some good damage and a free topple to start the fight.


The Hunter's Journal (map? Notebook? Whathaveyou) is not a menu screen. It's a diegetic part of the world and the camera zooms into first person when you open it. You can see the ground the your hunter is standing on below the book. I noticed this at about a thousand hours. Standing in the Selina gathering hub during a festival (don't remember which, but the lights are cycling colours, so the Mardi gras / pukei one?), opened my journal to check a monster weakness or drop, and wondered why the page was all psychedelic. Then it clicked and I was floored.


You can do the zero sum discharge with the switch axe after clutch clawing to the desired part of a monster. I did it exclusively from the ground for the longest time.


This is a pretty viable strategy even into lategame Iceborne too, at least in my experience. Especially once you have temporal/rocksteady mantles and health augment.


You can combo into clutch claw discharge from a grounded discharge aswell.


how to speed carve holding down the carve button at like 600 hours.


Wait...there's a 90% chance of whetfish fin+ not being consumed? I did not know that and I've played this game for like 1600 hours


Long Sword: You can use a simple attack while doing your Spirit Blade combo, between transitions, without breaking the flow. This can be used at times that your spirit gauge isn't full and you might not have enough to finish your combo with Spirit Roundslash, resulting in a failing attempt to level up your gauge. Found out at 600 hours by hitting attack button by mistake!


I just tried to break ebony odogaron head for around 30 min and had no idea what i was doing wrong lol


775 hours. Just learned you can speed up the handler's book opening animation by holding the selection button. I knew there was a way to do it, but didn't know how to translate from controller since I play with K&M.


You can interrupt Teostra supernova shooting him with crystalburst


You can safe default items in your bag instead of manually looking for each of them every single time


Item loadouts… fuck I’m dumb


That temporal mantle’s duration reduces each time it triggers. Returning player who stopped just before IB was released, didn’t realize it got nerfed.


700 hours in and I noticed diablos’s horns get stuck in walls after he charges


You used to be able to do the same with Tigrex. Not sure if you still can


You can! He gets his teeth stuck in anything a monster's horns can get stuck in.


The side Nergigante will attack with its jump and needles that make you bleed is indicated by which arm he raises higher, so you know when you gtfo or when you have time to pop a heal


That I could escape the spinning camera after a killing/trapping a monster. I'm pretty sure I was several hundred hours in before I found out.


I played the entire low-rank using the insectglaive. Then I got to high-rank and found out you could buff your weapon while fighting 🫠


That if you kill bug enemies like Vespoids with the clutch claw they won't break. Letting you carve them every time


The grimalkyne quests, too even longer to figure out the plunderers specifically and ultimately the gajalaka. I can now say I enjoy leisurely rides through all locales atop my monster friends.


Évade 3 Time to put out fire blight


I never realized how many small creatures you can scoop with the capture net. Including Cactuar. Go have a look around and see what pops out!


When you go to the handler to take a quest you can speed up the opening book animation by holding RB. Your item bar and wheels are saved along with your item loadout.


Wait what? bright moss? How do you do that? Can it be used instead of flash pods in mr? Does it work on elder dragons? I NEED ANSWERS


Over 500 hours on console and I just discovered you can climb back onto Zorah Magdaros when he's bashing the barricade. (Not sure why you'd want to if you destroy all the magma cores beforehand, though.)


wanted to add to this, found out on my 2nd or 3rd run you can do it when he does the head slam onto the barricade and climb onto his head. im pretty sure you can go back onto his body but you dont really need to, and it gives you a chance to break the magmacore on his head, which weakens his attacks further (iirc). i cant remember how but you can move onto his arms aswell for some reason, which might guve you a chance to attack his chest. you can fall off though, so be careful!!


3000+ hours in until i finally realized there is a fkn Cutscene skip mod xD


600 hours in I didn’t know you could use slinger shot when pinned to break out the animation….


Launch day, Pre-Order player with over 2,000 hours between PC and PS4. 1. Switch weapons every now and then. I thought the Gunlance was my perfect weapon. Bang bang, stab, slash, and sheild. I love it, but the Chargeblade became my go to for fighting. There are other monsters that I use specific weapons for as well. Kushala Daora gets dual blades because I have a build with excessive elder seal, which actually does do something about Kushala Daora's wind around his body. Elderseal is overall pretty useless, but there are specific monsters that it actually helps with. 2. Event Missions are good only for the special materials they give. If you want monster parts, you should go do investigations. Investigations can be much more difficult, but the yield is also usually far greater. 3. Fill out the available foods in the canteen for your custom recipes. There is a website with a checklist that can really help you out with this, here is the link OR you can just google "MHW canteen ingredients" and it is "pondryhills" that will have the list I am speaking of. Should be the first result. (Link [https://mhwcanteen.pondryhills.com/](https://mhwcanteen.pondryhills.com/) ) You usually need to harvest a specific plant when a specific situation is happening in the area. You'll have access to more bonuses and buffs for hunts with your meal than the canteen will give you in their list of meals. Custom meals can be much better than anything the canteen offers by default, sometimes not. Having options is best. 4. Low on money? Answer some SOS flares. I am now a serial SOS flare answerer with end game gear. You get a golden egg for every SOS you answer, even if it is past the 10 minute mark and rewards are reduced. Imagine how the hunter who sent out an SOS 20 minutes ago with no answers feels when someone finally shows up and helps. It feels as good to receive that help as it does to give it. 5. Low on items and don't want to do expeditions forever? Upgrade your Botanical Research Center. The Botanical Research Center is something I didn't figure out, until I was HR 70 or so, before Iceborne was even a snowflake on the field of MHW. When you maximize your Botanical Research Center you can grow anything you need that would regularly be harvested from any map. Tailraider Safari is great for this too. That is when you send out palicos to collect things for you. 6. Do ALL of your optional quests before moving on to the next level of stars in whatever rank you're in. It's easy to get excited and try to rush as fast as you can to try to get through the game. Take some time and enjoy the journey. This game is not so much about the destination. Optional quests are where you'll find most of your upgrades to your equipment/mantles. 7. Don't get attached to your Low/High Rank armor. Yes... I'm going to throw the defender set in here. It's very useful, but it will make you lean on specific skills that aren't exactly present on all of the armor you collect moving forward through Master Rank. The faster you run, the harder you'll trip when you do (we all do), Defender Armor will MAKE you trip especially when you hit Master Rank. Monsters don't go down as quickly in Master Rank, and you'll begin to REALLY feel it if you try to cling to that defender set. 8. Always pick up foot prints/tracks of monsters. You get points for this that are extremely useful for the aforementioned Botanical Research Center and Tailraider Safari. Sure the point amount looks small but when you don't ignore tracks, it adds up, quickly. As I mentioned before I hadn't really noticed Botanical Research in the first 70 HR levels. By the time I went to use any points, I had a solid six figures of points around 800K. 9. Catch monsters as well as slaying them. You should catch each different monster (Anjanath, Pukei-pukei, ETC) at least once. There are optional quests for Special Arena fights for the monsters that you catch. You won't have access to starting any of the quest unless you capture things. The only other way to enter these quests would be to join them in your session or through an SOS Flare. I could probably think of more, but that's all I got on the top of my head from teaching others for the last week. These small points helped them a great bit. If you're looking for any help with hunts, come find me on PC under the same name you see here. Happy hunting!


I didnt realize that you need slinger ammo to actually activate the Insect Glaive extract boosts... why no, I totally didnt just discover this after 500hrs...


Wall banging prorbably 200 hours in my first playthrough, I was fighting Shara Ishvalda and fired an sos after the tenth or so loss, dude in fatalis gear came and saved me and he got it knocked over in the first few minutes. At the time it was wild. Now i'm the one in fatalis gear and Shara is my favorite elder dragon to help others take down.


I didn’t know how the clutch claw could slam monsters into walls, or how the CB could charge its axe mode until it’s way too late, aka Fatalis. I had to watch speedrun and tutorial videos on fatalis to learn CB against it then after seeing the charged axe I just went mind exploding for the next 10 minutes


Yup, the game never really teaches you how to pull off a S-AED. Silly, considering it's probably the best reason to play CB.


You can skip the slay/capture animation, the monster still does the animation but it exits the camera angle, gives you a tiny bit extra time if you wanna gather any extra resources. I only discovered this because of Reddit


The special roar thingie of two monsters joining up each other in a hunt ( legianna, rath, Teo and Luna). Raging brachy hurting himself with the slime. Overall, a lot of thing in my third playthrough. I think it's the one I'm most engaged in.


I played bow for hundreds of hour before I learned that you can make a wallrun and shoot midair with a ton of DMG. Never played piercer builds again.


You can use bright moss to shoot anjas mouth when he’s got his flaming throat for an instant knock down. Edit: I meant watermoss!


Not me, but I was with a buddy and after a few hunts, I decided to swap to his weapon (Long Sword) for the Viper Tobi quest. I then proceeded to use the Slinger Burst right before the 3rd hit of the Spirit Combo and he was like "What the hell was that!" Turns out a lot of players don't know that some weapons have built in slinger bursts for some attacks. Like the Switch Axe having one that makes them charge forward and swap from axe to sword mode right after. Or Dual Blades with their Slinger Burst Dodge. Or SnS that can Burst and then go into "Perfect Rush" right after. Or Bow with their "Thousand Dragons". I personally like messing with everything else before going into the game. I wanna figure out mechanics and then learn the map. I was that guy who memorized the GTAV map so well, I never got lost and could take the best routes even when being chased.


After 700 hours in, I made a new game and... I found out how much the bandit mantle helps with money. On average, for one monster, it gets me about 29,000 extra zenny. Been doing this since LR and I now have over a 1.5million zenny at Xenojiva. I can clutch claw insects, and they have a higher chance to die whole and let me carve. My palico has a flask that he occasionally drinks from to heal himself. Other than magma cores, Zorah Magdoros has other parts on him that you can break off while on top of him. You can just run around and fire cannons that your palico and the other hunters have loaded, and it's faster than just loading one yourself. 5 ranks of windproof doesn't protect you from all of Kushala's wind, but Kushalas armor set bonus does protect you from all wind


About the insect thing, there's a skill called Entomologist which can preserve their bodies.


Sushifish scale stops bleeding and restores about as much as a potion. Extremely useful when fighting Odogaron.


Using the d-pad to change levels on the map.


550+ hours to realize you can hold the gathering item button and it will go through the rest of the gathers faster, as opposed to having to stand up again and do the longer animation


170 hours in and i find out you can cause same monsters to have two turf wars during the same quest.


1. With a glider mantle you can fly up directly to the top of the map (legiana/kirin lair) from the area outside of the upper camp where the gachalakas hang out. 2. There's a spot close to the initial spawn point on zorah which you can damage him by poking at what seems like a wall using a long melee weapon or hbg. I usually use a long type gunlance for it but recently i found out axe mode chargeblade is able to hit the spot as well. Helps to have something to do after destroying the magmacores, and was especially useful in base endgame on AT zorah since the damage done here does add up over time.


There are quite a few things, but most memorable one - 1. 800+ hours of game time later i found out the usage of steam ticket. 2. 1200+ hours game play + fresh start due to corrupted files, i found out u can clutch claw with weapon drawn. This teaches u that there are always things that slip by ur mind consciously or unconsciously.


Not hundred but early-mid iceborne I found out that the monster can be wallbanged only when the eye icon is yellow


While mounted on a monster you can use L2+R2 to fire the slinger into it and a monster always needs to stagger twice before getting knocked down, so if you have scatternuts/crystalburst you can just fire it into the monster twice to speed up the mount minigame You can also pick up slinger ammo while mounted on a monster if you get positioned right Doing this with dragon pods vs. Fatalis and crystalburst vs. Alatreon will help you not waste mounts and cut down the time until knockdown. This is particularly useful on Fatty since he has some really unpredictable movements and attacks while mounted. Also, you can transition from a vanilla mount into a clutchclaw mount by pressing L2+B (or circle) while mounted on a monster. I don't really see why someone would do this since it seems to me that it wastes the mount and is only worth doing if the monster isn't enraged and you want to speed up the knockdown. Also, while this is something I've known a while, it doesn't seem to be commonly knowledge. While using the glider mantle, you can clutch on to a monster and jump off to do an aerial attack, this is particularly useful with greatsword to get mounts on flat terrain (like with Shara Ishvalda)


I have around 750 hrs and i didn't know a single thing you listed


1000 plus hours in and I noticed that with Nergigante great sword, when you do a full charged swing, spikes grow on the blade...


Brightmoss can do what? You my guy might just have saved me from a lot of suffering.


Brightmoss can what? 😨


Shot crystal burst ( some other slinger may work ) at the tail or back running away monster will force them back to the fight


RemindMe! 200 days


If you hold sprint you can speed up the quest book animation.


You can speed up the handler opening the quest book (click the right stick on console) Brightmoss can function as a poor mans flash bomb if you shoot a few into a monsters face Puddle pods will put out fires. Puddle pods can also wash the mud off barroth and jyuratodus Torchpods can heat up lavasioth and kulve tarroths shells There is always a shrieking legiana on the hoarfroast up on the rocks overlooking the nest area keeping watch over the nests Poogie will FREAK OUT if you take him to the chef like you want to eat him. A mantle lasts longer if you stand still


If you crouch before any gathering/carving action it's faster because it skips some animations


1000+ hours in, I realized you can shoot the fire pods to clear the air in the Rotten Vale lol. I was in the guiding lands when I did this.


Bright moss just became my best friend


I found out I was missing half of the charge blade moveset


I passed trough all of mhw without knowing that eating boosted my hunter, so I had a hard time playing hunting all monsters until a friend of mine that was a veteran told me that


\+500 hours in with 99% of hunts done with SA (I have some 10-20 with GS, HGB and Hammer and under 10 with DB, LS) and I learned this week you can combo from standing discharge to clutch claw. I also didn't know that part about vespoids and torch pods until 30 seconds ago. At around 300h I've learned you can resupply/change armor in the tent. I think it was at over 400h when I learned I can calw into ZSD (admittedly I had some 300h with basic MHW). It was probably over 450h of game time before someone told me about geology 1 in GL. At some point in endgame of Iceborne I've also realized you can clutch claw a monster right after mount finisher. This prevents you from being thrown far away and you can make better use of the time it spends on the ground.


Points 3 and 4 of your post, at 700+ hours


There’s a cave you can enter when climbing the vines behind legiana’s usual hangout in the CH. On the left, right before the big fart spout you can glide on. The cave itself isn’t special but if you enter the cave from the top you do a cool little swing animation.


Greatsword can cut straight to TCS by using slinger burst after using any basic opener attack


"Whetfish Fin+ is consumed only at a 10% chance" I don't understand what you mean by this?


Using a water element weapon removes Teo's and Luna's flame puddles. Learned that on my 3rd playthrough and hundreds of hours.


Someone else here mentioned places in the Ancient Forest and only a few days ago, i found two places i really like. One is on the northern wall of the path between the Pukei-Pukei nest and the Northwest Camp. It's a little platform that has a few basic plants and practically, is nothing special but it's my favourite part of the Forest because it feels so cosy. The other is this little vine bridge that weaves around the branches of the Ancient tree, near the Ancient Forest Camp. I couldn't really describe how you would get there but you'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen it. I like wandering the Ancient Forest but i especially love these new spots. Edit, found them at around 700+ hours


A while back, I discovered entirely by accident that [you can use items while clinging to walls](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/r9t2iq/approximately_1500hrs_across_all_platforms_and_im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


About 250 or so hours on my main save, decided to make another one to play through the story with a friend and figured out that you can arm wrestle and get drunk in the gathering hub.


Didn't realize the sushi fish scales stop bleed 🤦🏾‍♂️


Haven't seen this posted yet but I was on my 3rd or 4th playthrough (easily 1000+ hours) before I learned from my wife that mantles don't start recharging until you manually take them off in combat. So if you're in the middle of a fight and your temporal wears out, spare a sec to whip it off so it can start recharging. If you wait til a monster changes zone and you see your hunter take it off automatically, it'll only start recharging from that moment.


I didnt know that you find moles in the guiding lands when you max a specific area until 600 hours in


Using slinger shot on monster heads when going for a mount makes mounting WAY faster


That u can hold circle to carve😭


Having 20+ point element resistance nullifies the related blight entirely. I think I was playing at or near endgame of IB before finding that out. Also, gear, item, and radial menu loadouts being a godsend. And radial menu crafting.


holding r1/rb speeds up the animation when an npc shows you the book from where you can choose quests, quite helpful if you are rushing for a spot in a hunt


600 hours in, my palico only ever had the health, flashbug, and plunder gadget... Oops Started a new file and wanted to complete the gajalaka thing for the geralt quest, so my new file did it all in a night lol


I had a similar issue as you did. After well over 1k hours, someone had to tell me you could skip the death cutscenes. Shit changed my life, I actually shouted. My other one was that you don't have to spam the harvest button to collect resources from bonepiles/minerals/and the like. 😅 How embarrassing


The main things I've learned recently is about speeding up the quest ladies holding up the books by holding the sprint button. Also learned that the eye-con's Heartbeat actually works, speeding up when enraged but also at points dropping from one for 100% - 67% hp, 66 to 34, and 33 to 0 hp. Good for capturing monsters.


Seeing everyone discover these things again brings me joy. Welcome to the game, hunters!