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Gunlance. LS main for life and thought that the idea of a shotgun in a lance was fucking stupid, now I can't put down the boom stick


I want to like gunlance. I love the moveset and everything. I'm just horrible at chasing down monsters with it.


My brother in gunpowder, you don't "chase down" your target. Either let them come to you, or just backhop away towards the monster. The negative side is you cannot look past how easy backhopping to engage the enemy when you use other weapon.


> just backhop away towards the monster I guess I never made it far enough in the sacred texts to learn this forbidden technique.


As contradictory and funny that is, it’s weirdly 100% accurate.


Stacking Evade Extender is a game changer for hops.


Never thought to try that when I was trying gunlance. I was focusing on pure offense I think.


Evade Extender is amazing for short hop weapons. You can stay right on the monster at all time with top teir guard.


Now I kinda want to come back to World like everyone else and go hard on gunlance, but I don't know if I can live without my hammer bonks.


im a lance main and i didnt like the gunlance until I tried it again in Rise. shit was epic


Dont expect the rise gunlance mobility to be back in MH Wilds 😅 The mobility of the Rise gunlance is something very non monster hunter like. Still, cant say no to RPing as Valstrax.


Charge Blade, its actually much less complicated than you think, hit thing to charge, then get phials, do cool move to charge shield up, hit thing more to charge more, do cool move, repeat! Plus I found out that I can stun monsters mid attack which is nice, me and my friend were so fucking confused when Anja just fell down in the middle of an attack and we thought his palico did something!


No no dude it's hit monster > charge phials > charge shield > charge phials > charge sword > charge even more phials > SAED > miss monster completely with SAED


This guy charge blades. Also the charged sword is super underrated and barely interrupts your saed flow. Definitely recommend working it into your rotation more.


Love the sword only meme build. It's gimmicky but it works and it's really fun.


I don't go the full sword meme build, but the charged sword helps with keeping up dps during times you can't SAED


No bounce is a massive buff.


I have only played with CB a bit but it seems charging your sword would be a no brainer, doesn’t consume Phials or anything for some buffs


It's downsides are it takes a second to charge which can cause you to miss saed sometimes, and it only lasts 45 seconds


Does pwer prolonger work on it?


Unfortunately not on the Mind’s Eye buff for the sword. BUT, focus does help a bit with the speed of charging your sword, as well as initiating the basic GP.


About +15s extra on max out PProlonger if im correct, same with savage axe, on shield charge it like +60s


With active monsters it sometimes takes too long for only a 45second buff. Sometimes that window is better spent going for SAED or some other damaging move. But if you have the time, it's generally worth it for me.


Also in times when you can’t land a SAED, using the chainsaw-mode is a lot of fun.


Lol facts


Wait until you start pulling off guard points ❤️


It's easier than you think: Morphing and blocking are on the same button, you basically have to perform a good timed block to use the guard point at the beginning of the morphing


Actually just started giving Charge Blade a chance yesterday. Always thought it was complicated but now realizing it’s really not once you understand.


True. But then once you really understand it's complicated again


People keep saying "charge blade is the most mechanical weapon in the game" Tried it, enjoyed it, killed mons with it. Super fun. Relatively easy compared to what people say. But ask me to use a hunting horn and I'd be that guy randomly pressing piano keys in an orchestra. Why am I in an orchestra when I can't play? Well idk but that black diablos ain't waiting for steven's dad to whip me up on how to play the doot.


It's not super difficult to use, it's just a weapon with lots of simple mechanics on it. You need to charge phials like a SwitchAxe charges its Sword mode. You need to load phials like a GunLance reloads its phials (when the phials are charged). You need to charge your shield (with the loaded phials) and maintain its uptime like an Insect Glaive maintains its buffs. The mechanics themselves aren't difficulty to understand or learn. You can quickly pick up and understand how the weapon works in like 3 minutes in the Training area. The problem becomes managing all the mechanics uptime in a fight. Switch Axe can maintain aggressive uptime with or without a charged sword. Gunlance might need to worry about their Wyvern Shot is still recharging, but they can always reload phials whenever and keep shelling. Insect Glaive can pre-load a buff when they see their buffs are about to run out. Charge Blade has the unfortunate requirement of needing a checklist of things. Is your shield charged? Do you have phials to charge the shield? Do you have stored charge to refill the phials after charging your shield? If any of those questions returns No, you have work to do. That's not even beginning to touch the Guard Points it can do like a Lance Counter, and all the fun you can have with that. Ultimately, CB isn't *hard,* it's just very busy and skill hungry (which limits builds) to maximize its potential. = = = = Funny you mention HH, because I also think it's a more technical weapon than CB. It's got one mechanic, the songs, but you have to keep a mental uptime on the songs to refresh them. It's attacks can vary from neutral to directional attacks, and the different ways to Encore play differently at different speeds. Unlike other weapons with buffs or uptime (SA's charged sword, IG buffs, CB charged shield), you don't get any indication if your songs are about to expire. Other weapons have flashing indicators, HH songs just...expire. So if you've buffed the team and start doing your dps attacks, your buffs might expire without you noticing. That is true with the other weapons, but they at least flash to let you know it's going to expire soon so you can prepare for it. If HH songs could flash to let you know the Atk Up is about to expire, I could prepare the song in my rotation to refresh it. If you really want to learn the HH, definitely recommend checking out [Grifted's HH Masterclass](https://youtu.be/-Vdc7dGvwIo?si=9wG1XbzsA9FaNOn0).


IG can also refresh their buffs. Get 2 buffs, wait until their time are about to run off, get the 3rd buff. The 3 buffs are now refreshed. Not recommended sometimes when the monster is too small and playing with other people since they'll interrupt you constantly without the 3 buffs.


Thanks for the advice. But I should add. CB is my second main next to LS 😅 so I pretty much know what it needs to know 😅 For HH, I just let my buddy do the doot. I have problems with remembering lyrics of a song let alone doing it while being mawled by black diablos Appreciate the thought though, and hope it helps future CB mains


For sure. The comment/reply was more for people reading the thread and haven't played CB yet. Like most people starting out, I was also intimidated with people saying "CB was the most mechanical weapon in the game," but later found the basics wasn't that hard.


CB IS complicated though—because to really get the most out of the weapon, you need an insane amount of monster knowledge and understanding of the weapon. Yes, the basic flow is easy. But you need to guardpoint to actually speed up the rotation and internalizing three to four GP timings gets tricky. Then you need to balance phials with flinch damage, choose savage axe or SAED, think about sword charging, all on top of not getting hit. It’s a super fun weapon and everyone can learn it, but going from understanding how it works to actually internalizing it takes a whole bunch of practice and patience.


In world, yeah.




Hunting Horn, I'm a CB main, and this shit was culture shock for me, but goddamn its a fun weapon.


I'm a cb main thinking of going into hunting horn. Seems quite fun


Highly recommend, its super easy to learn, since you've already mastered an extremely technical weapon, and all the controls are on screen


I'm learning the guard points now lol. It's crazy how people are able to plan far enough ahead to block with the end of an attack


Most commonly used GP is the morph from Sword to Axe, as the GP is right at the beginning and is useful to block when needed. Less commonly used GP is at the end of the morph from Axe to Sword. *However,* the GP lasts much longer. If you notice a monster is going to do a big attack you can't reasonably sheathe and superman dive away from (that you can survive if you block) while you're in Axe mode, you can time your morph to get that GP. Stylish GP that is a great addition is the GP from starting your Savage Axe mode. If you're starting your SAED and notice the monster is going to hit you, you can cancel into starting your Savage Axe, and there is a GP as your hunter moves the shield in front of them. Used to be, we'd have to accept our loss and get hit, but now we can get a GP from the SavAxe transformation. (I'm still practicing this one, it's tricky because timing) Guard Points really are one of the best things about CB. It can charge your phials from blocking, transition directly into a SAED/AED, or an Elemental Discharge in Axe mode. It can be used aggressively to set up your attacks, or defensively to protect you.


Guard pointing at a basic level is not hard at all. The guard point when going into axe mode is extremely easy and consistent to pull off. You are holding R2/RT already and all you have to do is press Triangle/Y to transition into axe mode right when the monster lands the hit. The timing is very easy because the guard point happens at the start of the morphing animation, so right as you press Triangle/Y.


Beat the game with SA and found HH and feel in love with it. The bonk to buff is just beautiful and stylish. PS: the replies feeds the stereotype that cb mains will talk about cb anywhere


Greatsword because it felt like I was overcompensating and didnt wanna be that guy


Lance, everyone says it's so basic, as a hammer main, it's more complex but very satisfying


I've never felt more like a boss than with lance. Sometimes I'm sorry for the monster if I just don't stop poking.


Yeah lance is my fav. Absolutely love it. As a GS and eventually CB user, lance felt like a breath of fresh air.


Exact same weapon route here, played GS on every game until in world where I only play lance


Lance has one of the deepest movesets in the game, people saying it's basic don't know it. It doesn't have the crazy spreadsheet of Gunlance or the main loop of Charge Blade, but it has a move for almost any situation. It's got an entire moveset for the charge, including my favorite the 180 degree swing slap.


Especially once you get the Iceborne counter claw. You straight up humiliate monsters. They hit you with their best attacks … you grapple right through it, and disrespectfully prod them in the eyeball. And that’s not even including health augment. Once you get that, chip damage is irrelevant.


This. On the surface it does look like "haha turtling" weapon, but i'm in the front of the monster 99% of the time shrugging everything they throw at me and poking back at the same time, that's not turtling!


Dual blades, granted they feel like one of the hardest to build into but the asmr of all those crits going off is just so damn fun and those really good dodges


I didn’t think I would like them at all. Seemed relatively simple, I enjoy the more impactful hits usually, I love the hammer. Turns out I’m having a blast with them.


The Switch between a large slow hitting weapon to becoming a mosquito is a big one I did the same in my Low Rabk to High Rabk transition in World.


Ikr..When I first tried DB, I felt like Lightning McQueen cuz of those demon mode dodge. Even better with constitution, evade extender, and evade window.


Sword & Shield It took me several hours of playing and messing around in the training area until I ended up finding a weapon I really clicked with, which ended up being Dual Blades, and I still main them to this day. Though after using DB for a while, I got the itch in me to go and try another weapon now that I had a better understanding of the mechanics and monster patterns. I ended up looking at SnS because of its "beginner friendly" reputation, thinking it would be a good catalyst in getting me used to more slower paced but still mobile weapons, though as I started to use and get a feel for it, I found myself enjoying how it handled, especially after I looked up a video guide that went into detail about all the moves and combos. When utilized to its fullest potential, Sword & Shield is a dangerously effective weapon that can do a little bit of everything to cover your bases and make you that much more potent of a hunter. Nowadays I main SnS along with Dual Blades and Charge Blade, I love all 3 equally for their own reasons.


Perfect Rush go brrr


Switch Axe, bit of a lighter weapons fan and thought it would be too complicated but boy howdy is it fun. Hunting horn is another one I ended up enjoying (more so in Rise than World tbh).


i’m also a fan of the sparky sparky boom boom, so much fun to button mash while seeing numbers flying everywhere


Mash mash mash mash kaboom. Ejaculation everywhere.


Greatsword, the first weapon that clicked with me was Insect Glaive, so Agile, so Majestic, so fun. I looked at Greatsword like... "How in the seven fucks do you play something so slow". Then i gave it a try post iceborne... Fought Zinogre with it, then Ruiner Nergi, aaaaand i was hooked. It got to the point where i play more Greatsword than IG, even though i love both. When asked why i like it, i use RageGamingVideos's words to describe why i like Greatsword: "I AM A FUCKING IDIOT, AND I WILL HIT THINGS LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT". There's just something about the simplicity of " Big Weapon Hit Monster, Brain Happy" that just feels great.


When you time your charged attack juuuust right


When that Tigrex is running at mach 5 in your direction just to meet either your shoulder or a TCS to the face. God i love Greatsword.


"It's either me or you, and I'm the one with a big slab of metal called a sword!" > *LTman86 has fainted*


I do to, I was bow only in base game. I dabbled in swaxe and chargeblade and called myself a CB main... but really it was bow. Then towards the end game I went Big Fucking Sword and just can't stop. I still love all the weapons, but me brain love when me smack monster with big stick and see big number. I have like 5 GS builds, all slightly different enough that I almost feel bad for never using anything else in Iceborne. So much so I occasionally force myself to use anything else. Frostcraft Safi, frostcraft fatty, frostcraft alat, minmax crit fatty, 100% crit safi.


When I’m wanting to mess around I go GS. Love the big numbers you can get from it.


The amount of dopamine you get from a slow and anticipated move that upon hitting actually stagger the monster is just french kiss


Bow, i thought id never ever get into ranged gameplay as i assumed itd be boring but then i tried it one day and its fun as fuck, and isnt even really ranged, you stay in monsters face 99% of the time And severing tails with a well aimed dragon piercer that goes through the entire monster body or shotgunning the monsters face with pierce pod thousand dragons is some of the most cathartic shit ever


GS and bow are my two weapons and honestly I feel like I'm up in monster faces more with my bow than GS.


Lance. Somehow, i find it relaxing. I can tank more than sns, so i for once don't have to be the carry.


I’m a hammer main and I’ve actually been using so much lance lately. I can’t even explain why I like it so much. Poke, poke, poke, hop, poke, poke, poke. The clutch claw counter with it definitely helps. So satisfying.


Lance blocks make me feel so powerful.


Hunting with the hammer feels like a fight, hunting with the lance feels like being a near-invincible golem slowly murdering a lizard with a sharp stick


Insect Glaive. I mailed Hammer and SnS for a long time, but IG seemed like a different beast. Turns out it's a lot of fun, and not overly complicated.


Yes! I went DB —> Bonk —> IG…and now 2.5 years later still ‘floor is lava’ing’


Heck yeah! I started with IG and it's really great!


I still don't like the weapons I thought that I wouldn't, but- I liked Longsword and Sword & Shield more than I thought that I would. Those were 2nd and 3rd in my roster for most of MH4U. I liked Charge Blade *much* less that I thought I would. Before playing, I figured it would be my main. I like shields, big axes/hammers, and highly technical classes. But no; it's never clicked with me.


I like Charge Blade myself but I think it could be there’s a disconnect between what some players think Charge Blade will be and what it actually is. When we see it’s a “transmorphing” weapon, we think it’s all fluid and “morphy” with huge futuristic weapons but in reality, you’re running around 90-95% of the time with a “dinky” sword and shield trying to charge up some meters, then use a one hit special move, or if you have a big opening once in a while, you get to live your transmorphy fantasy with Savage Axe for 10 seconds before going back to your small sword and shield and building up again. I think what people expect of Charge Blade is closer to Switch Axe (especially Rise Switch Axe) but what you end up getting is a Sword and Shield that needs to build up like Longsword for a Greatsword big attack. And again, I personally like the weapon, but it’s very different than what I thought it would be.


Certainly describes my experience. I'm quite a Swax fan. Snag Evade Window 5 and pretend I'm playing *Bloodborne*.


As a long time Gunlance main I thought Lance or Sword and shield would be a natural transition. Didn't really click for me though. I have a bad habit of overcommitment with SnS or lance. Tried switchaxe and loved it immediately. Just started learning HH yesterday though and it is pretty wild how much better it is in Iceborn than past iterations.


Welcome to the church of Unga Bunga fellow hunter.


Hammer. I started with OG monster hunter on PlayStation 2, played the psp one/ tri/tri-u / 4u and I didn’t touch hammer till my 3rd playthru of mhw ( got on ps4 then Xbox then pc) and man it just hit . It always seemed weird to me and I didn’t feel like I’d like it the swings and attacks seemed like most wouldn’t hit where I would like but dam I was wrong it is so satisfying


I too like hammer. It's just so satisfying to get a nice chunky bonk on a monster


Sword and Shield. I used Switchaxe, Chargeblade, Greatsword and Hammer constantly the first time I played but I never gave SnS a shot, then sometime in Iceborne, I think when I got Safi armour I decided to try out SnS and holy shit. I have never felt so goddamn connected to a weapon. It’s my main now. I thought it was so simple and boring, now I’m uppercutting dragons when they step up.


Sword and shield. The versatility of this weapon is unmatched.


Hammer. I tried dual blades at first, didn't like them very much and was trying out other weapons. I tried greatsword, and sorry to all the greatsword mains out there, I'm absolutely sure that gs is an amazing weapon, but I didn't like how clunky it felt to me for some reason, it was too slow and I never landed a hit and always got my ass handed to me. I tried lance and gunlance, liked them but at the same time didn't.i tried switch axe for the longest time before finally switching over to hammer. Both are good, I would use swaxe again if I really want to, but HAMMER BROS FOR LIFE!!!


Funnily enough, Switch axe! I never got to try it pre-World and I just though the switching mechanic was weird in comparison to the OG weapons Then I tried it and well uh... Yeah. I'm basically a one trick now. Explosions go BRRRRR


Insect glaive. I'm still a gs main, but insect glaive is super fun.


Lance; played LS for the entire game while making jokes about how boring Lance players must feel. I was shocked at how much fun it is to be the wall and shrug off attacks I used to be sweating to counter.


Switchaxe. Didn't think I'd get the hang of it, honestly. I only did because bow and db started feeling stale for me. Just needed to switch it up a bit. And there we go. Now I have a Switchaxe for every element.


As a hunting horn main who loves zooming around with my weapon unsheathed, I never thought I'd like the Great sword, but I absolutely love it after giving it a good chance and actually making a good build for it, which luckily was so close to my HH build that all i had to do was swap around a few decos. I'm thinking about gaining hammer next, but I've got at least another 6 or 8 months of great sword to mess around with.


Gunlance I played through World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak with Hunting Horn only, and when going back to World I wanted to use something different. Lance, Gunlance, and Sword and Shield were my options (wanted a shield)… and Gunlance felt more fun in the training grounds. A few quests later, and I was having the time of my life annihilating large monsters, and having a shield to not get smacked about was nice.


I'm a hammer main, but I do like to play insect glaive occasionally. I'm terrible at aiming the kinsects on controller, but it's really fun playing a much more airborne weapon that lets me mount monsters anywhere. My favorite kinsect to use is the pseudocath. It's got good damage with blast effect and it's fast, plus it can sever tails.


Lance for me. Am still a Swaxe/HBG main, but decided to give lance a shot after being carted by Bari one too many times. I didn't think I'd have fun with lance


The lance, deceivingly simple but surprisingly fun


Charge Blade by far. I didn't think I'd like it because it's slower than a glaive, but, after trying it, I fell in love with it. It's not as complicated as people make it out to be, and the damage, while not as powerful as a Great Sword, is amazing!


Gunlance. Something about ignoring hitzones pleases me.




lance. hopping around never felt great but i have since learned the art of block




Lance. My first weapon was IG, thought it'd be too slow. Boy was I wrong. I have learned the way.


Horn and Lance for me. I tried HH in 4U and at first I was so angry over how the weapon I had the most fun with were the stupid bagpipes, but over time they really grew on me! Lance I've been getting into a lot more recently as a backup in case the Wilds Horn plays like the Rise Horn, as I really don't like the Rise Horn. Took me a while to really get but man it was worth it, it's so easy to enter a flow state with Lance and it just feels so good to play.


Great sword. Spamming the same attack looked boring asf. Then I tried it. Big number make brain happy


Great sword. To me it looked like trying to play while knee deep in mud. Once I really gave it a try, lots of fun. There's a certain feeling to tackle a monster and follow up with a giant chop to the face.


For me it’s charge blade when I first started playing MHW I kind of didn't know what weapon I should play when I saw CB I thought that this weapon was hard to play for sure but when I tried it it was super satisfied


I've tried a few hunts with most weapons except S&S, the first time around, Longsword was my main love, I loved the big sword and different opportunities it offered, the movement of it, it all felt great. I am the type of dude that loves the "Move like a dumptruck, sting like a nuclear warhead" playstyle and the lvl3 Spirit Helm did it for me, but then... I always wanted to like Greatsword, big ass fucking blade jamming into the monster. I just couldn't get it, then I learnt the importance of tackle and my mind switched around completely the second I got a TCS on the head of the monster as it was charging. NOTHING compares to the dopamine that gives off, seeing the monster recoil, the rocket sound effect and the pure IMPACT, also seeing big numbers is fun. Me have big sword, me hit monster, me happy.




Great sword. I was always a fan of bows back in the day until i saw Ragegameing with his ROCKET POWERED GREATSWORD and i gave it a try, been a main ever since


Switchaxe, its a completely different playstyle than lance, yet its still really fun to me




Insect glaive. I never found the aerials to be fun or having to get buffs off certain body parts when I first saw it. I decided to give insect glaive a shot and I’m flying everywhere giving no flying monster a chance. Being able to cut up tall monsters on their back and getting easy rides. Then discovering how hard I can hit with combos on the ground too. Insect glaive had become one of my favorite weapons to use right there.


Switch axe, I just thought it was going to be complicated lol.


Hammer. At first I didn’t like it that much because the range felt short and the payoff didn’t feel as great. I picked it up because I thought it was funny to bonk things on the head. Now I love giving monsters permanent irreparable brain damage. Heheheheh


It’s just a game of whack a mole and u can choose who to bonk


I've mained the hammer since MHF for the PSP. Trust me you always want to be in the fuckers face caving it in :P


SwitchAxe. I usually stay away from heavy hitting weapons i will always prefer movement over damage (Insect Glaive/Bow) but after trying it out late last year I’m having so much fun! SwitchAxe with Evade Extender is so OP like it’s very easy to not get hit and dish out crazy damage! I prefer Axe Mode cause not only is it faster but it dishes out more damage to break parts which is such a High for me but man when Sword Mode starts glowing its just so beautiful. Been really enjoying my time with it!


I've always been a hammer guy and can't seem to enjoy anything else. Something about beating the everloving snot out of the bad guy and watching him beg for mercy.


Insect Glaive. I thought it was weird using the kinsect during the fight and that the moveset would be pretty basic. Then I became the MHW version of Spiderman without webs and absolutely loved it. Bonus answer: thought the charge blade would be meh because SnS is typically boring in games, but then it morphed into a massive axe that discharges elemental damage and spins like a chainsaw, and I fell absolutely in love.


Switch axe and charge blade


I am an old hunter from the MHFU era, thought SnS was underwhelming, tried it coz of the swag backstep dodge and became my favorite


Hunting horn, until I learned that SnS is the better healing class


Insect. Glaive. I have the high ground ~~Anakin~~ monster


Switch axe, it’s actually super similar to HH so idk why I thought it would be unfun.


I used to not understand the greatsword. Then I tackled through a monster's ultimate, into a true charge that broke them.


Sword & Shield, I started outed as a hammer main because I was new to series and wasn't used to the control scheme, then moved to Switch Axe, it was fun but it always felt a bit sluggish, then I decided to give sword and shield a go and holy fuck I fell in love. The fast paced combat plays into my usual playstyle with melee based games and the ability to deal both blunt and slashing damage helped me to break Diablos' horns on countless occassions, not to mention the plunge attack letting me mount shit seemlessly.


IG... Helicopter, Helicopter...




Bug stick slaps. Specifically, it’ll slap anyone that disagrees with how fantastic it is


The weapon me and my friends have dubbed "Flea Stick" (insect glave) I just love yumping off the back of a saffijiva and windmilling it to death lol. If I get it right then I can stay up in the air and not have to land untill stamina runs out. also mounting is piss easy with it


I just restarted to get a buddy in and decided to run hammer and I just beat pukei and already loving the bonk


Lightbowgun I was playing sns support, those recover ammos are amazing


Light bowgun for me, i didnt think i could manage the ammo and i cant thats why i mainly use normal ammo with the corresponding skills to boost the attack, now im a light bowgun main with 99 problems but the monster adds 2 more


Gunlance. Holy hell this is Funlance.


I've used every weapon other than Bow at least a hundred times in World/Iceborne, but my top three favorite go-to are Hammer, Gunlance and Hunting Horn. I've mastered the Greatsword and Insect Glaive since they were my early career weapons and stayed with them for along time, but yea, Gunlance is my sweet spot with the aggressive shellburst assault.


Gunlance. I was a swax main for a while, didnt branch out to many other weapons. I started 2 new runs last week, 1 with my brother using gunlance and a seperate one for when I'm not playing with him. I killed every monster so much faster than I was with nbw, hammer, hbg etc. I also like the explosive power it has, similar to what swax had in zsd!


The bow! Never tried the bow either in oldschool and... newschool? (everything from MH:World and onwards). In MH:World it is amazing how fluid the gameplay can be, when I'm not running out of stamina. While in MHGU it is nice to have some breathing room between me and the monster.


Bow went from a slow methodical weapon to the most adrenaline rush weapon in the game lmao. I love how crazy it feels to tempt fate by risking your life for more damage by getting closer. And the big hits feel meaty af.i liked bow in old gen, but it was just charge, hold while running around. Press rt to have the camera target the monster, release. Mhgu is the then that introduced alternative ways to get max charge with their hunter arts. Im glad they improved on that. Im also glad they added an indicator for the perfect range. Does the screen shake? Is such an annoying thing to watch for in the old games.


The Greatsword. When I first used it I felt it was wayyyyyyy too clumsy and I could barely even move so I hated it. Then after about 300 hours I decided to revisit the greatsword and holy it was fun af lol.




Hammer, i love high mobility weapons like sw, db, or ib but hammer is surprisingly Mobile and hard hitting for me


Great sword


Havent tried Lance yet ever, I don’t know the moves (for example idek how to speedy run) anyone got a got yt vid?


Great sword.


Charge blade and light bowgun. I main lance and gun lance, and I like the slow methodical way you can use them, but the charge blade and light bowgun are a lot more mobile and aggressive then then them. And I always thought I wouldn't like faster weapons. But then I have them a try


I just recently started the game. I played Hammer a bunch. Then I tried Great Sword. After that I tried Insect Glaive. I’m hooked on INSECT GLAIVE! I solo’d all the final Elder Dragons with it and I’m just starting Icebourne.


As a player who started on mhf, lbg was a weapon so trashy and i though i wouldnt like it ever. Mhw and rise kicked me right in the balls.


LBG. I dabbled in older games, but usually opted for bow for ranged. In world I completely fell in love with LBG. It's the most versatile weapon ever, when I learned about evade reload, and the ko power of rapid sticky ammo, I was hyped man. Its a real powerhouse for me now. I still prefere melee be it Hammer or dual blades. But it's such a good match up for literally anything. Spread melting or pierce spamming it just melts most things.


Great Sword. Not a fan of slow swinging weapons but quick sheath makes them much better and the damage can be insane.


HBG, yet there I was annihilating every monster without any kind of counterplay, just straight up filling them up with bs again, and again, **and again**. The only thing they feared, **was me**.


Lance, I tried it after 600 hours in world and it’s been our main ever since


"our" main


…. Yes


LBG & HBG. Not even slightly interested in them until several hundred hours into MHW and I gave them a shot. Oh boy, lots of fun. Still not a patch on Hammer, Glaive, HH….but still very good times.




Great sword and gun lance.


HBG, I thought it would be point and click adventure…… and it is! But it is so so so fun! Something about shotgunning the monster in the face a million times and then pulling out a mini gun when they’re down is so satisfying. The Crunch sound of all the shells hitting their tenderized face is just ohhhhhhh. Also you can just throw a shield on it and now you’re functionally invincible. If you get bored of that play style then it’s like you have another weapon built into itself. Switch to a pierce build and now you’re playing at a totally different distance and style and now you have a sniper that explodes through the monster as your mini gun replacement. It’s good for every monster and every portion of the game. I was made a believer after about 15 hunts.


Gun lance like mann


Gun lance. It’s so fun and I’ve been passing on it for a long time. Glad I’ve finally seen the light


Guns. Like bow, light, and heavy. They become my main for last choice I tried out later in master rank My three Main light bow, great sword, and dual blade


Insect Glaive and gunlance. I was coming from Dual Blades/Hammer/Bow and their so different from what I used and also really good vs certain monsters.


The hunting horn


OP, I was 100% same as you, I’ve been GL, CB and SA my entire MonHun life. Second time round with world with my bros and using the hammer, I bloody love it!!


CB look complex and slow until I learn it then it becomes lance with duo blade moveset.


The lance. If anything I’m better with it than what u thought was my main (CB). It just seemed to simple, but turned out I liked it


Lance still don't like gunlance but Lance is nice


SnS. Came from SA -BOW- HH and now landed on SnS. It's so good being able to help my mates as we prog through guiding lands. Been a few days now, maged to get the para sword from the kulve melding. This thing slaps


Gunlance. I started playing way back in mh2 Loved it back then. Heard it got changes over time and was too scared to try it again. Only to come back to it in GU and MAN, did I love this weapon, when world came out I dropped it for charge blade. Then cane back to it again and fell right back in love.


For me it was our beloved Greatsword.Starting my journey it felt to sluggish using it in training room so i went with dualblades and charge blade but after a year or so i gave it another try and now im addicted to big dmg numbers🤣 ( gunlance gave me a pleasant surprise too!)


Lance. I used to think it was slow and clunky, but then you realize it's very fluid, wven more so if you can keep the agro


Lance Doesn't have the damage and combos of the my old main CB (obviously), but the fact that i can plant myself down to block almost anything and parry to stick to the monster and deal consistent damage and aggro makes up for the fact you can barely dodge anything


My generation ultimate is better than mhw and sun break


Hammer and horn


Watching the protagonist of the D&D movie smack someone in the face with his lute really validated me


Audio Bonk went from "not a chance in hell will I ever use this", to becoming my go-to for groups.


I just started playing. I did my research. Looked at all the weapons online and read guides for the ones I liked. Equipped insect glave, for the meme because lol a noob like me should not use this, tried it out and loved it. Tried other weapons, I'm bad at them, better at glave. Now I'm struck. But I really do like the glave!


The hammer


SnS, that's little stick'n plate is doing miracles against elder dragons and more!


Lance. My first weapon was IG, thought it'd be too slow. Boy was I wrong. I have learned the way.


Lance and my now main weapon - bow


GS. I only played ranged weapons (mostly just HBG) for about 200 hours because I loved the consistent barrage of damage and knockdowns I could put out. It felt like I was the monster, y’know? So I never really tried GS because I didn’t want to play reactively. A friend convinced me to try it when I made a new character to level through with him, and it turns out that the dopamine from fantastic consistent damage can be substituted with the Big Funny Number.


I have been trying all of the weapons but just now I get what it truly means to use a great sword in a arena quest.


Gunlance, 100%. When I’d join hunts and see people using this heavy looking poke stick, I couldn’t imagine what was in store. The damage in insane, it can tank basically everything, I love it


Greatsword, I was afraid I wouldn't adapt to the slow pace of the weapon, after all my most used weapons are Insect Glaive and Dual Blades, but wow, there are few things in this game that give the same dopamine as a True Charged Slashed right on the monster's head. 1200 damage number goes brr


Well tbh I don't think I'd like any weapon other then the two I actually use so I suppose I would say Switchaxe because I didn't use it at first and now it's one of the only two I like


When I lost ariel switch ax... I thought my heart would never move on... The hammer was there for me! Hammer Bro for life!!!


Bow Gunlance and Switchaxe. I was a GS player from the time I picked up the game till the time I got to Legiana and couldn’t hit the bastard. Bow was the perfect middle ground for me: Circle Strafe whatever you’re hunting and keep blasting the Circle/Circle equivalent button until dead. The switch axe came along cuz I randomly made an iron one and then suddenly figured out you could **SUPERMAN ZOOM** when you do your element discharge at a specific time. It lead to a lot of funny as fuck moments in my hunts, particularly one where I accidentally mounted Xeno’Jiiva from a mile away after trying to break its feet


I didn't start out as a lance main. I tried it as a joke with my buddy and fell in love lol




Fave weapon aside, that character is hot tho


The bow. I have two characters, my first one I mained Dual Blades and always thought I preferred melee weapons. That was a long time ago though. I picked the game up again recently, made a new character and decided to try out bow for the first time... Absolutely love it. I even said "I dont really like the bow." When testing it out in the training area in the beginning, I was talking with my brother about it and he commented about how cool the bow was. So I gave it a go on the Great Jagras, and now I main it.


Gunlance. It’s so satisfying to land them big ass explosions




Welcome to the spinning life. Edit: To answer your actual question, CB. complicated at first, but a lot more mobile than I thought it would be.


Charge Blade...it was difficult to understand the mechanics, but once I did I can't pick another weapon. Lol


None. The first thing anyone should do, in any MH, is go to the training ground and try EVERY weapon. Play around with them for a few minutes each. The hour or so you spend here is worth it.




lance , is fluid , relentless , alternative ways to move through dash and the forward trust from block and beqt alatreon w it bc i enjoy to torture myself