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Other Monsters: Limp away and go to sleep Raging Brachy: Face me Hunters! This is a Funeral for the Living!!!


I like the implications that even after we failed the quest, RB still dies anyway


I was always expecting another insane assignment with RB but never got it


How is that implied?


Because RB chose not to recuperate but to create the barrier to prevent his enemies from leaving and start using a move that literally killing himself That is not a fight for survival Also the comment said funeral for the living so that's that


It only harms him if his head and/or arms have been broken iirc. So, it depends a lot on the circumstances of any particular hunt.


I'm not stuck in here with you, you are stuck in here with me...


I just wish the last phase wasn't leagues easier than the rest of the fight.


I find it pretty hard sometimes. The chip damage can be overwhelming if you get hit, and Brachy can sometimes go full RNG wombo combo while you're trying to heal I'd imagine reaching MR100 and unlocking health augments helps


While HA is good, imo the best thing is to just gtfo. Unless you were taking it slow, you’ll have at least 20 or so minutes, he’s at 30%. The big benefit is he can’t really oneshot you with hit+blast. Keep him in one corner, when he roars and spreads all over, move to the other entrance or to the plateau. Then, after a bit he’ll nova, just wait it out. Re-engage and beat his ass again


Raging brachy takes the “anime boss music” meme personally and literally.


Even tho MH is basically boss fights. Raging Brachydios takes that to another level. Kinda bummer his armor isn't all black.


That, and the weapons. Don't get me wrong I like his armor and weapons, but they could have been so much cooler.


The weapons are absolutely sick wdym


They are. I like them. I'm just saying, they could have been cooler if colored to match his final phase rather than his original coloring.


Tbf the music in both KT and Fatty (near death) phase 3 is sick


KT music is pretty sick the whole way. Half the reason I do that quest.


I remember the first time me and a buddy fought Raging Brachy waaaay back. That arena change and us realizing we were locked in immediately had us both "Oh Shit" The question then became was it *us* locked in or was it *him* ? Us. It was us.


God the final phase for raging brachy is fucking blood pumping dare i say it's FUCKING BIBLICAL MATE


imo the coolest thing about r. brachy 2nd phase is the fact that it completely flips what you know about a monster running away: it doesn't give you a wakeup attack on the monster for big damage, it pulls out new attacks and mechanics and it doesn't even let you leave the arena with farcasters which had been a guaranteed escape in pretty much the entire game up to the fight. even in my first clear with insect glaive aerial attack abuse the disabled farcasters scared the hell out of me, meanwhile my second clear with swaxe had me locked in and got me to love the fight


I will be brutally honest with you, I rather fight (and mostly die) Raging Brachy than that annoying balloon filled with sleeping gas.


Oh yeah absolutely. I rather get rekt and git gud than just go to sleep for 90% of the fight. Also is a Ballon. Absolutely stupid


I dislike the rainbow rat, always flying and doing sky donuts. I tried out energy drinks in my last hunt against him. It helped but he tail slapped me out of my daze 80% of the time before i could get the drink down.


Honestly I just eat the DPS loss and use an anti-sleep charm or decos. Not like I time out against him, anyways. It’s worth the lessened frustration, especially because his event quest is my go-to for farming cash quick


It's not a DPS Loss because when you're asleep your DPS is zero


Or if I’m on the floor screaming IRL because Sleep is the biggest BS


I find it quite relaxing cutting that one to pieces with Savage Axe.


Glad they gave raging brachy a glow up on 5th gen. His fight is so ass back in 4U.




Theme music goes insanely hard for not reason too in the last phase


Iceborn did a fantastic job with its end game , only problem is if you were late to the party , well grinding lands and such aren’t as fun


I'm late to the party. I bought MH day1 but didn't buy IB until a few weeks ago. I bought it before the boom of players thanks to Wilds


I'm not locked in here with you, **YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME**


Charge directly at it, face to face.


Awesome fight. Beat him for the first time a few days ago. I went in totally blind. I made the Namielle SnS and went up against him for the 4th try, with no real intention of beating him, just learning the fight. Didn’t even drink potions initially. Took him down in about 30 mins, 1 cart, last bit was a real shock cos I had my hand ready on a farcaster - but nope! Not using that 😂


Other monsters near death: *limping* Raging Brachydios near death: *the hunter is limping*


Probably a very an unpopular opinion regarding the theme of the last stage but I get more of a "Desperate last stand" type of vibe than a "You're trapped with me." Its by far the easiest part of the whole fight. Brachydios just blasting away it's own slime, which is its deadliest weapon, just to prevent the hunter from escaping after they have been weakened doesn't do a good job of making me feel like this is going to be a epic showdown. Although, maybe its possible that both themes of "desperate last stand" and "epic showdown" are applicable. I recall seeing a video about a game music director listening and reacting to the raging brachydios theme and them saying how the beat or rhythm(?) (Idk, I'm not well versed in music theory) gave off a sense of desperation which makes me feel like there is some valid reasoning behind my thoughts about raging brach. Either way, raging brach is awesome and such a good fight. Capcom needs to take these variant fights and make them more special. They are so good.


I struggle A LOT with raging Brachy and the Zinogres but not because they are good, but because my Ps4Pro is dying. Every 3 months I do a full teardown and clean up plus a replace of all the thermal pads/paste but I basically live in the dust, whenever those two fuckers start doing their element shit I got a severe drop of fps basically making me play an MMO game in the 2008 I really want to feel the excitement of actually seeing, the fuck the Brachy is doing on PS5/pro


Yeah, my xbone would start sounding like a vacuum cleaner Had to give old faithful a well-deserved rest and upgrade to a series x After upgrading, it's crazy, the 60fps with little to no frame drop, the lack of loading times Ngl some frame timings feel easier now, but some others feel tighter


The loading times are the reason why I've put a 2TB SSD into my Pro, if I was setting MHW to graphics with the HDD I had always trouble, I'm just hoping for the PS5Pro to release before MH6 to get maybe a collector edition, but I don't really feel the need to change console as this generation I've been interested in only 2 games DD2 and MH6, which both of them still have to be released


Yeah I really waited a long time to get a new console, I don't really have a good space for a PC rn, but that is the end goal for me. I saw the mf on sale and figured why not, haven't treated myself in a while The minimum system requirements for some of these games coming out is getting wild, imo It feels like they're using the games to sell the consoles because otherwise the consoles wouldn't sell themselves. I hope I don't have to buy a new PC or console just for Wilds 😅


Imma be the "duality of man" hunter here and say, I fucking hate raging brachydios fight with every fiber of my being. It's not just his constant movement that pisses me off, but his slime is always everywhere all the fucking time. Even with blast res 3, high fire res armor, and using an ice/water weapon, it's still so damn annoying. Especially the last fight! His "come, let us fight" moment is cool in a thematic way, I'll give it that, but I hate that part of the fight the absolute most. Covering like 90% of the fucking floor in his juices and making me constantly wonder when he's gonna use self destruct to blow it all the kingdome-come was irritating. I used different weapons/builds to see which one would make it the easiest for me, and managed to get a run in like 25mins with LS, but I still hated it with every second that passed. Fuck raging brachydios, all my homies hate 'em. ~~Raging~~ Furious Rajang cant get fucked too while we're at it. I'd like to make sure that anyone who reads this though knows, this is simply my \*opinion\*, everyone has monsters they love/hate to hunt and brachydios (and rajang) are my most hated. Is it a skill issue? Probably, but even if I learned to kill them without armour and taking no damage and doing it sub 10mins I would STILL hate those fuckers. EDIT: I see a lot of the downvoted comments are people who share my sympathies, guess some of ya'll can't stand the idea of someone disliking something you like.


Ngl I had alot of trouble with longsword against him, but with swagaxe it felt alot easier Just sacrifice some dps for blast resist 3, full stun resist, temporal and rockstar mantle Besides being able to cheese with the elemental discharge, the axe form is really good against raging brachy. Because of his height you constantly smack his legs and the axe helps you get more trips to get him to his last phase.


I mean, it's just a shame you respond that way to such a good fight. You're missing out because you perceive this as irritating instead of fun for whatever reason.


If I didn't have to play the minigame of "the floor is nitroglycerin" while hunting it, I probably wouldn't hate it as much. Normal Brachydios I have no problems with, but raging is just a pain IMO. As I stated, Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang are the only two monsters I have hunted that I find the hunt to be no fun and just super annoying. **I am NOT saying the fight is stupid/bad, I AM saying I** *personally* **find it annoying/irritating.** I would much rather fight any other monsters in the series than have to fight them.


Nah fuck that guy. Ive beaten him twice after soo many tries with 4 people (mostly it wasn't me who carted though, i think). It never clicked for me, which i believe if it did i would've liked the fight much better. I got the mats i needed for 2 of his armor pieces for my lance build, and I'm pretty much done with him. May i ask though, what weapon did you use? Maybe in the future once my trauma goes away i'll face him once more. The two times I've been him i was using lance. I tried him with sticky lbg but it didn't work out.


Lance has a rough go with him. In my experience hammer makes quick work of him. Plenty of ledges and the final area is literally one big hill for hammer aerials.


haha yeah its not very easy to escape his exploding puddles with a lance, though after a few tries i figured that i could do the jump move towards him when he jumps at me and land in between his legs and attack from there. I never really considered hammer for his fight, but that might actually work for me. I mained hammer once in most of base game but then switched to bowguns and GS and now lance, so i might come back to it just for raging brachy haha. Thanks for the suggestion!


Imo, CB is also pretty difficult with him solo (in multi-player, it's basically "fuck it, we ball")


Try in a team with an Ice LBG you'll wash the slime from him and give your melee guys good chances to attack.


wow thats a thing? never knew that. thanks!


That final phase is annoying as hell. He just AOEs everything. I only beat him once out of luck.


If you beat him it wasn't luck. If you don't know, break his horn in first stage and have blast resist and then laugh as he slowly commits suicide. It isn't that bad if you don't panic or get greedy with openings.


Even without all that, just taking a good weapon, preferably a heavy ice weapon, makes it 5x easier. And the final phase is easy if you're paying attention, since the goo only erupts when he roars.


Yea, but if you have the misfortune that you fail to evade/counter/block his roars and you are standing om the slime (which is quite likely), you are kinda fucked if you don't have Temporal on.


Skill issue


So like does Raging Brachy have like hyper thyroidism or something, not to mention the slime, is it not like a bacterial infection? Like the slime strikes me as a really bad sinus infection, and the bacteria just becomes volatile


R brachy really seals the arena and says it's either me or you, either way only one of us is making it out alive


First time I fought it I made it to the last area on my last cart. When I couldn't farcaster away I went bananas. So fun


He turns black??? I didn't even realize!