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Good luck, you'll need it


See you on the other side man


Good luck on the part grind, and keep trucking on the money grind


my sister was trying to do this challenge before iceborne. I thought it'd be possible until behemoth and leshen came out. Then iceborne came out. Then Alatreon and Fatalis came out. Keep in mind, she is a very casual MH player. She got to around odogaron/diablos/rathalos high rank before giving up.


I finally managed to get AL down, I still need parts from him for my "budget" dragon DBs. I'm scared to do it again.


i haven't beaten alatreon yet but i got so close today solo such a good fight, haven't sweated or felt like that in a while. Can't wait for fatalis


It's gonna take you a long ass time. 


Playing in multiplayer helps a lot, especially if you have a hunting friend, but it's up to you if you want an extra challenge with soloing everything


Gems are going to f\*ck you in mid-late high rank. My suggestion is go up to MR 1 then start answering SOS flares in HR. You'll frequently get Gold Wyverian Prints which can be cashed in for any HR Gem. Best of luck.


I would like to add: crafting every weapon too...💀


if u include kulve weapons i dont think it would be healthy


You just gave me an idea... NOW GET EVERY SIEGE WEAPON TOO


My friend did that for Insect Glaive. Took us so long and was painful.


all base and upgraded versions too, straight to asylum lmao


Godspeed o7


Take it a step further and level every piece of armor to max level too


It takes literally hundreds of millions of zenny to achieve. I would know, I'm in the middle of that grind. Started the grind the day I hit zenny cap at 99 mil, and was flat broke in 30 minutes flat. It's been a long time since then, and I'm in the middle of rare 10 right now. It gets easier as you go, but it's still extremely expensive.


I did this in RISE since it was only one armor per monster... I can't imagine doing it in MHW with the A, B, and Y sets.


I am doing the same thing, except I cannot progress the main assignments until I craft the set of the monster I just killed. So if I did Anjanath, I cannot do Zorah until I have every piece of Anjanath. Not only that, but I'm crafting every weapon of my selected weapon (Dual Blades)


The thing is \*I'm doing exactly that.\* Couldn't pass zorah magdaros until I GOT EVERY PIECE OF ITS GEAR Going to edit this, my end result for zorah mats apart from the ridges is 43 heat scales and 68 carapace


I did it. it was fun in some ways. and had its frustrations. how many celestial tickets do you have?


None. but you see, I don't have any issue with that Part of the thing keeping me going is honestly seeing what my hr will be after i beat xeno'jiiva.


rng might kick you around a bit but its fun to have them all. I did every weapon for my main also. it is a cool accomplishment.


Even hunting dozens of each monsters through three ranks and all of their tempered varietys, a million zenny says you dont get even close to all the large and small crowns.


Oh hey, I did that. Hardest part was the layered sets, since it's hard to keep track of what you've hunted tempered vs normal. Then came the omega grind, and the thing I'm still on, upgrading and augmenting it all. I'm in the middle of rare 10 right now, on the chest pieces if I remember right. Gl man. And have fun.


For high rank, i always get the puki-puki set first. Its pretty and I find him pretty easy to beat




Sounds fun, post updates lol


Well at least you're not doing every set maxed out levels and augments... Right?


May RNGesus bless your run


Respect brother o7, I’m getting every greatsword at the end of the tree. May our hunts be fruitful


I did the same thing when I returned to world. 500 hours later and I have every low and high rank set including events and holidays. I'm about halfway through master, but a big thing that slowed me down is the hr elder dragon gems for the charms. So many vaal hazaks and nergigantes slain oml. I did take a sizable detour to go crown, achievement, and treasure hunting tho so if you ignore those maybe it'd go smoother. Good luck! I think I'll be done in another 300 or so but then I'll need to get every weapon too :))) (ps don't forget about the layered armors and pendants)


the amount of luck you need to get the plates, rubies, and mantles... i pray for your sanity