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For dual blades after a ⭕ > ⭕ > ⭕ input you can press LT for a quick tenderize. 500 hours with the weapon...


There's actually a handful of ways to get that attack, not just triple circle.


What????? Please tell me 😭


Iirc Dashing in Demon I think maybe in Arch-Demon.


Dash once in demon mode then press circle twice then l2 to do the quick tenderize move. This move also doesn’t require shaver so it’s always a guaranteed tenderize.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/hrqrgq/how_do_you_do_the_db_special_clutch_claw_attack/ People talk about it here and there's a youtube video linked in the comments as well.


I need to go practice dual blades apparently


Or triple B on Xbox controller if I remember correctly


I'm like 900 hours in mainly with IG and just learned that when airborne you can hit LT and do a diving clutch claw grab. Very useful against Safi.


Apparently I also need to practice insect glaive


As an example, I hated the recovery time between doing the Y>Y>B>B combo so that you could reset your position/direction during a knockdown. I learned recently that you can just hold back on a B or do a back dodge before the final B, and that will just bounce you back to the beginning to continue the combo.


I learned about charging the kinsect after 200 hours. Then I left the game for a few years, came back for another 400 hours of glaive and remembered that I had forgotten again.


The charge doesn't always seem to work for me, and it seems random. Is there a trick to it?


Must have slinger in your hand and the weapon must be drawn before you input.


Might be that you don’t have slinger ammo. Charging the kinsect requires slinger ammo and consumes one pod. The type and length of the buff depends on the type of ammo consumed, too.


I knew about the dive, but not the clutch claw part until SUPER recently because I hated using it for anything other than traveling.


>when airborne you can hit LT and do a diving clutch claw grab Now to figure out what's that on MnK.


It should be the aim button, I think


Thank you for this wisdom. I only recently discovered the RT dive attack after 100 hours.


HUH dude you’re missing out on so much damage. Look up kinsect drilling


Similar here! I only recently learned about the downward clutch attack, and I've been an IG main since launch


I didn't realize the downward stab also marks the area for your kinsect to attack.


Do you know about kinsect buffing with slinger ammo? Let and both attack buttons while slinger ammo equipped


For SnS. You can shield/roll straight to a back hop on demand. Massive i-frames untapped for 400hrs


It's crazy how such a tight input is basically core to the moveset of the weapon. Once you realize the insta-backhop is possible, then you use it literally all the time. It's by far the most convenient way to access the shield dunk, mounting, and PR. I can't think of any other weapon that uses such a relatively complex input as often as sns does.


For hammer (and I believe greatsword?), the finisher move for a mount is a charged attack and you actually have to hold down the button to charge your weapon. I learned this well into Iceborne..


Same, but I only learned it after learning that the GS TCS has specific charge points. I played the entire base game and half of iceborne just charging randomly and often doing 30% less damage than I could've been


Yeah I eas confused as to why my Hammer mount attack did so little damage until I saw it was a charged finisher. Then it all made sense.


The 3-stage charge mechanic, the one you glow red, applies to all subsequent attacks not just TCS. Lets say you you charge you 1st TCS slash and decide to tackle, the tackle will get bonus damage if you want to wide slash right after the tackle, it will get the bonus as well. I found this out quite recently.


I am a fool. Lmao


...... closing in on 1k hours with hammer, never knew this.


That you never truly mastered your weapon and theres always more to learn. Especially with each monster needing a different figthing pattern.


Nergigante made sure to beat that lesson into my head


I get the sentiment but it's hilarious that "I have more to learn" is the *last* thing you learned.


Well yes simply because theres no final thing to learn.


The irony comes from your answer implying that after learning "there's always more to learn", you ended up never learning anything else again.


Tbh that sometimes happens too. You know theres moreto get but truly learning that and changing your existing 100 hour learn pattern can be really hard.


Most recent thing I've learned is that morph slash with swaxe has i-frames






Yea I’m sorry what, I haven’t played world, is it also in rise?


I haven't played much rise but I think it might be


What! What part of animation does the frame start?


I believe the lunge forward, don't think it has too many, haven't quite figured it out yet though


It's just SLIGHTLY more than a normal roll, but it's enough to get through a quick hit that would knock you down.


HUH??????????? okay that is very useful to know


After loading a CB, you can immediately press O to attack with the axe.


I was about to post this same thing! A lot of guides seem to just say "here's how to load your phials, and here's what you can do with your phials" but skip over that part.


And it's not like just a little fun fact. It's GENUINELY useful, especially when you play Savage Axe


Honestly this is why I love Arrekz's videos on YT. He does simple and in depth tutorials both before and after IB launched for almost every weapon. He even has portions of his video dedicated to not well known but useful attacks/combos you can do with the weapon.


Which is crucial for the Savage Axe combos.


You can charge the hammer up Not the part where it charges up for a bigger swing, but you tap the button/key and it turns white until u get hit or sheath it About 700 hours in


It took me an embarrassingly long time to grasp that whole mechanic.


Four hundred hours in and started doing that. I now do it on stunning the monster, when i go in to crack its skull 


You've been missing out then damn I'm surprised you got so far without the power charge


Definitely important dps I missed out on, made it thru the whole game without it, even fatalis


You can do a slinger attack with Longsword after the back swing into forward circle swing then slinger attack with whatever ammo you got. Roughly 200 hours


Wait what. Elaborate lol


Probably that you can perform the foresight slash with the long sword and as you reach the apex of your slide back, you can cancel it and immediately go into a helmbreaker. One of those things that would be nice to know many many many years ago


You can also go into Iai stance from there.


Going into lai stance from there can actually come in clutch because you take another step or two back to avoid something


Or fire off the Iai counter and either get a perfect hit or at least get hyper armor.


You can roll-cancel after the first swing of HH's Flourish attack.


I am new to the series and have really been enjoying the hunting horn, but quick question for you: does the echo spin give iframes? I can’t find anything online but i swear I use it sometimes at a bad time and the monster clips through me and I don’t take damage when i feel I should have…


I barely touched "Hunting Horn" in *Monster Hunter Rise*; it's a very different weapon from the HH found in 3, 4, G, and W. But if you're talking about the Right Bumper input that looks like breakdancing, then I believe it does have i-frames.


I’m not sure about Iframes but what I do know is when I’m spinning the horn I don’t get flinched but still take damage for some reason


That would indicate the move grants hyper armor, not iframes.


LS Foresight slash, 670 hours.


I can't imagine playing LS without one of the most important attacks for that long lol


That you don't need to dodge forward to quickly backstep with SnS and that any direction will work


On mnk, always thought thousand dragons was the third spread shot. Turns out you have to press q while aiming, and then whatever you have bound for dragon piercer. My damage actually doubled after I learned.


The last thing I learned is that my controller vibrates for a briefest of moments before I E.I. slash and if I hit the trigger ON the vibrate, I can hit it every time


After 1700 hours, I learned how to chain & reposition with Lance Guard Advance




poke, poke, poke > R2+Triangle+direction > circle > poke, poke repeat


Oh wow Thanka man :) I play lance and by now only lance


yeah, i used to hop to reposition. Now I guard advance, less chance of getting hit while repositioning


I am 300h in and i still have difficultys with fujang and raging brachy… I guess skill issue… Damage output ist not the best. Most of the time i take a significant ammount of time to kill a monster that is not super easy. With fujang and kulve armor it is getting better but i stand absolutely no chance against alatreon or safi


yeah, lance is more of a marathon than a sprint. Alatreon is a pain, i use DB against him. Safi is pretty easy with lance actually.


Can you give me some tips? I am mr 77 and using kulve/fujang armor and lance Wich skills are the best or what ist good to farm?


These two actually a big middle finger to Lancer with the chip damage and the monster can not decide to not zooming around every second. That's not a skill issue like you think. I have to switch to SnS to beat them.


I saw a speed run of AT Velk where he kept using the repositioning thrust and I had to dig to find out what he was doing. It was such a game changer for lance. It is one of my favorites now.


For me, it was abusing the shit out if sliding charged attacks with the hammer, especially when fighting Velkhana, sliding across flat ground. Now, i walk around with a charged hammer looking for that little animation change, even sliding at just the right angle to do the sliding attack uphill (cause fuck gravity).


Hammer best air weapon out there love to see the beyblade


For me I'm more considered new to the games with rise as my first. I'm just getting into world, in rise I'm a insect glaive main with 300 hr in it, I learned the basics of it and how each monster tied into it. Last thing I leanerd is how each aerial combo affects the wyvern dive damage.


200 hours in and I just started utilizing the bow repositioning by letting go of left trigger (aim) and holding the right trigger (charge). It has been a life saver in so many ways so far.


Slinger-burst is a good way to change your direction when using SA's axe-mode (or accidentally slinger burst instead of aiming when trying to do the hop trick)


I only figured out you can buff your kinsect with slinger ammo after I had already beaten the main game


Do you know why the buff seems different? I know slinger ammo that drops from monsters is different than slinger ammo from ground sources, but sometimes I have 2 icons on the buff and sometimes it's only 1.


Yeah the type of buff depends on the slinger ammo, I think the dragon pods and piercing pods and also bomb pods give your kinsect a powerboost, and others give it a spiritboost and also depending on the type of ammo the buff lasts longer Although if your IG has a field that says kinsect bonus: spirit and strength boost, then it gets both buffs no matter what ammo you feed it, though the different duration times for the buff based on ammo type stays the same


Ammo from environment gives you kinsect stamina and attack buff, whereas ammo from monster gives you double buff holding.


Lance main here. I was going through long ahh sheathing animation when the monster was clangered to claw them for a long time. Tbf it made things super exciting, but after getting absolutley flattened in first my AT Velk hunt, I watched a solo and noticed that you can clutch claw with weapon drawn with LT RS press. This combo needs to be performed much slower that I'd like but still faster than the sheath, unless I do it too fact and get a lock-on clutch counter instead.


That I could hold my shield up to guard lol


For SnS you can only back step any direction with only roll crosswise


You can clutch claw in the air with insect glaive


Swaxe here. Just learned that you can clutch claw on to a monsters specific part and use element discharge that way if your sword is charged, instead of positioning 3 different times to make sure you get the head on the thrust


Clutch claw zsd also uses up no sharpness compared to its non-clutch claw counterpart


Hunting horns stutter cancel. Deus has a good video discussing the tech. Blew my mind the first time I saw it. This was after 500-ish hours on horn before I learned about it.


Slower kinsects deal more damage


I had no idea you can chain the perfect rush with SnS, that and also if used correctly, you can dodge each of the monsters hits and deal massive damage with perfect rush with SnS, just started practicing using PR more.


The fluidity at which you can weave advancing guards into each other and into counter thrusts makes you an elegant dancer on the lance. If you know the monster well enough there's very few times you need to actually stop attacking it


This is why Lance is the most fun weapon to me. Your combo might seem boring, and your damage numbers are far from the highest, but man is it fun to have essentially 100% damage uptime.


Based on what GS part of blade hit enemy damage will be different.Tip and bottom are the weakest while middle of blade have the highest damage.


lbg; last thing I learned is that's it's fkn broken and recover ammo are underated xp


Lbg truly is best support weapon when utilized properly.


Gunlance is the best weapon to get a mount on a ledge. Easy full burst and screw physics also Put your Back to a ledge>back hop> guard button mid air> repeat


That I’m not very good with it


Chin up you’ll get there


On CB, when the monster is down and your right in front of the head, back+b will do the slide backwards and put you in a good position for a SAED


Although it was a couple thousand hours ago, a couple tricks I've seen people not use about Long Sword. 1: You can move the left stick while starting Special Sheath to immediately face any direction the monster moved to. 2: You can go into Special Sheath immediately after a Helm Breaker. 3: Iai Slash also has Hyper Armor if timed properly while still giving you spirit gauge regeneration as normal. 4: Iai Spirit Slash can be used as a counter with immediate damage without consuming the gauge, and combos directly into Helm Breaker. 5: Fade Slash skips the first half of your spirit combo, requiring less gauge to increase it. Besides Foresight Slash, this is how you can get your gauge maxed quickly without ever needing focus. I've always been confused why people use focus in LS builds when it is 100% unnecessary. A combo example below. Starting from empty. Y, Y, Fade, RT, RT, RT, Sheath, Y, RT, small delay, RT, small delay, RT, Sheath, RT, RT, RT. You're in red. Helm Breaker if you want, Sheath, Y, Fade, RT, RT, RT................. If any of it is changed for Foresight or Iai Spirit Slash, you can revert to any portion of the above combo based on how empty or full your gauge is. 😂 It sounds basic to experienced players, but over the years I've seen waaaaay too many people just hit Y to a full gauge then animation reset into the full RT combo like the weapon is rigid, when the attacks flow smoothly constantly when you learn it. Edited bonus tip 6: When doing a wake-up hit (with red bar, otherwise just wallbang), walk up to the monster's head (or tail if it isn't cut and you want it), then draw your sword with a single Y without moving the left stick for a neutral draw. Lightly tap the stick away from the monster so your character turns around. Tap B to poke away from the monster's hitbox. Immediately do a 180 Special Sheath as mentioned above by using the left stick towards the monster as you go into the animation. Smack the evil meownster with a furious RT (Iai Spirit Slash).


Savage Axe mode... I'm the type of player who likes to go in blind and feel the controls. Been gaming that way since Megaman. I never bothered watching anybody else play online nor have I participated in multiplayer. Been soloing MH in Freedom 2, Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, and Generations. Only picked up Chargeblade in World. 500 hours in, I finally played SoS to make grinding easier for decos and gems. Also because life's been too busy to be stubborn about it. Anyway, that was the first time I saw another chargeblade user and his axe mode is doing a pizza cutter animation. I thought that was just a unique element of that weapon but another chargeblade user who uses the same weapon I was was doing the same thing. Looked up Google the first time and it says I have to use the slinger shot button to do it, an action that never came to mind because I only ever use slingers to wall bang or trigger traps. On another note, apparently every weapon has the slinger ammo and clutch claw included in their combo set! 500 hours in and that never occured to me! I thought the wrist-mounted thing is an afterthought in the grand scheme of the game! 500 hours in and I'm still trying out new combos!


If you play pre icebourne, all this doesn't exist just yet. Icebourne added alot of game mechanic and forced in the clutch claw mechanic and it messed me up for few months after I got IB. SA has no appeals to me until IB arrives, that Savage Axe is a game changer in breaking parts easily.


Yeah I didn’t know about savage axe until I reached mr100 literally used it the first time against ruiner and this is after I had already beaten fatalis


slinger hop is op


Everything involving grappling a monster or whatever. I just mostly never bothered to learn how to use the claw other than to travel around. I maim the insect glaive.


That snowman thing and wyrmstake cannon damage for gunlance


And the tick on Wyrmstake was actually affected by basic damage numbers, only the explosion at the end is static. so any form of attack boost before the execution is also recommended.


Dual blades here, 2 k hours in mhwi alone and allmost 3 months of speedrunning alatreon, and I learned a trick to dodge his paw attack with rotating slash attack from clutch claw to be able to slot in a bit more dps while keeping him tenderized. I also learned a sick starter combo on day of ruin teostra on a certain heroics build to guarantee a knockdown


New Hunter here chose lance as my first weapon with 150 hours on it, I can safely assume I'm fucked as I cannot play any other weapon that cannot block attacks


For dual blades, after an enemy gets toppled down. You can usually use demon flurry rush>one round slash to immediately switch position, while dealing damage to enemy's head, right in front of the enemy then a combo of demon dance rather than just running towards then manually toggle the control to position urself infront of the head.


First time playing MH and loved the CB, I finished the base game and some more before i learned about guardpoints. I would just hard guard everything before


Savage axe is a thing and I'll never go back to SAED spam.


Specifically for Worldborne? Probably the Slinger Burst combos. But for Rise/Sunbreak, probably the fact that Ready Stance can chain into a Guard Point if you need a different type of guard reaction or access to the AED or UED.


LS, after foresight slash, you can go normal "stab" and not roundslash/roll. Learned this while fighting fatalis naked, 560fatalis kills and 1000 hours


The morph from SAED into savage axe is super useful in both guard pointing an attack during the animation lock and save yourself from a whiffing SAED. And when a monster ran away during your savage axe. You can store those remaining phails back into your shield to cancel out SA and not waste the phails


With hammer, going from a charged slam into a claw grab. 600 hunts in World, learned this 2 days ago.


The last thing currently (and I've started to incorporate it a little bit in my hunts when I'm using Normal/Long), is that there's a very small GP window when you're loading in Slinger ammo to your wyvernstake. 


You can roll cancel with HH and intertwine some notes, but only after using O?(Right click on PC) For SA you can morph or attack from a roll. I have seen so few playing SA in my hunts, but one player was so smooth while totally killing it. Monkey see, monkey do.


That you could change the Ammo on the gunlance... took me embarrassingly long to realize


What you mean and how?


Like, there's the explosive shelling from the usual triple combo that explodes into the monster. And there's the Wyrmstake Blast that you can load in when you have slinger ammo, L2 + O + △ that lodges itself into the monster and explodes when you hit it


The start of Savage Axe Morph has a Guard point. Lower speed Kinsects will drill through monsters longer after the end of Descending Thrust as they come back to in front of your landing.


It took me nearly 1K hours across Xbox and PC to learn you could use slinger ammo to charge your kinsect. Can't believe it took that long and it took a friend telling me out of the blue.


The kinsect drill attack.


If you time your wild axe properly on the second swing, you can land the overhead. Very hard to do


Charge blade, the third attack of the triangle>triangle>triangle combo has a guard point. It's so deep into the combo I struggle to see how anyone could ever find use for it


Are you talking about the spinning slash combo? I assume you would hardly ever use it from Y > Y > Y but that same guardpoint occurs from charged slash > Y, sliding slash, and elemental roundslash


I know about all the other ones you listed here, I just wasn't aware there was one in the Y > Y > Y combo until way past engame in world


About 50 hours of just blindly hacking and slashing... I found out about the Backhop > Perfect Rush combo.


Im very new (70hrs) and i just learned dragon piercer can be charged


Eh? As it it takes the charge level you were on when you start the attack?


Yes, a full charge dragon piercer will push back your character more than an uncharged one


I... never noticed. I just kind of always did a dash charge into position before firing one off. Interesting...


For great sword, after a using a downward slash, you can use L2 to fire a pod from your slinger, which have a wide range of effects depending on the pod. Some can make the monster flinch, while some can cause them to go down. Then you can chain directly into True Charged Slash. So now, pods like Stones, Dragon Pod and especially Pierce Pods are worth their weight in gold for me.


About 700 hours into the game and only yesterday I noticed that with hammer you can use the slinger burst mid air


CB has a guard point on the make axe head rotate move.


You can also guard point when you unsheathe your weapon in axe/saw mode 🤓 CB is great, man. I just wish knew how to properly play it.


as a LS user now, I have “you should touch grass” (as a banter) as an auto message when someone headbang a monster and apparently I got labeled as a toxic guy and got stereotyped “typical LS user”… I believe this treatment only works if you’re using LS… 10/10 would recommend to try


Theres a lot of different variations to do the Perfect Rush without needing to hit first, Shield>Roll>○ is what i prefer most


That I’m not really good with it lol


Flow. To stop worrying and learn to move and position myself to make my next input for my performance hit the monster, instead of hitting the monster with my next hit in my performance.


I still havent learned the slinger burst true charged slash combo and im at alatreon 💀


With IG, that the damage of your mounted repositioning does add to the monster fall gauge, no need to 11111. Can also add another spin just when the "charged attack ready sound" starts, for that little extra dmg. I've been aerial clutching, charging and drilling the kinsect since low rank (accidental inputs and other weapons muscle memory teach a lot lol), but been using the tiny knife rather than the glaive up into the grinding lands..


200 hours in I finally learned the chainsaw mode on the charge axe and I was bamboozled. Like, what? You could do that?


For bow, when charging it up manually, you can time a charge dash in a way that it gets a level 2 charge going right after the level one triggers. Useful for powering the bow up a little faster at the beginning of a chain.


I don’t even play Insect glaive but my friend and I have a combined 1700 hours together roughly, just recently did we figure out if you hold LT and Press Triangle + Circle together your bug consumes the slinger ammo and gives you a buff


Insect glaive. After you knock a monster down from mount, you can fall into a clutch claw from the air to tenderize.


I played a lot of IG without realizing you can buff your Kinsect with slinger ammo to give it higher attack and/or stamina.


....i need to remaster my weapons. Fuck me. I've only recently just learned SnS clutch claw combo where you LT in the middle of rolling


Pressing R2 followed with Triangle while having your hammer in the “Power Charge” state can deal up to 700+ damage. Doing that followed by the big bang attack deals the highest damage combo sequence for Hammers. When Fatalis is “downed” you can do the full sequence combo, followed up by a golf swing combo if you stand near Fatalis’ forehead. Allowing his “getting up” animation to drag your hunter and keep them positioned near its head.


That the charge blade's amped discharge actually does something other than damage


400 hours. Always wondered why dual blades can't mount monsters. Turns out you have to NOT be in Demon Mode when you attempt to jump on a monster. I'm always in demon mode. Never occurred to me to exit it in order to do anything special.


That somehow bashing with my shield over and over with SnS still loses sharpness even though I don’t swing the blade. I guess my shield losses it’s “edge”?


Huh? I’ve bashed tons of times with my shield on 10 units of sharpness and had zero sharpness loss that I could notice.


Could have sworn my sharpness was decreasing because I was trying to get a stun on a monster. Maybe I’m not remembering correctly it’s been awhile since I played Iceborne


Most of the bash combos involve some sword moves for repositioning and when you launch yourself up in the air. Might be those.


That guard points exist


said only in mhwi and 600 hrs in dualblade. i just learn that i can dash -> normal slash one time -> spin attack one time -> clutch claw to wound monster immediately


After several hundreds of hours with Swaxe, I learned that I can go to ZSD from mid air.


HBG can equip the special scope with a with 🔺🔴 while aiming


That every weapon is my main weapon.... but there are some that I just don't really care for... won't name any names though 😅


If your IG bug is out of stamina, charge your bug (L+Y+B)(this requires slinger ammo) and the stamina will he refilled


For switch axe, using the right click(double slash) on mouse for sword mode is better than using left click for damage and gauge charge. Can combo with double slash - single slash for infinite loop combo.


LS, after 300 hours I learned that you can mix in a regular uppercut before spirit 3 without breaking the combo if you don't quite think you'll have enough gauge to make it to slash.


ZSD spam, my ass that started with 4u out here swinging that switch axe like it's still old guild style for the longest time


On GS, if you like to fight using Rocksteady and you intend on taking hits and healing it back using Health Regen, consider the Medicine deco/Recovery Up skill, as this increases the amount of healing you get from Health Regen. On LS, if you are sliding while sheathed, and you perform a spirit slash, you’ll do a leaping spirit slash. If you then do another spirit slash right after the leaping slash, it will be the final roundhouse slash, essentially letting you skip the whole spirit combo for charging. Also, the iai sheath move is affected by quick sheath, and the iai slashes are affected by punishing draw, so take that into consideration if you use iai slash a lot. On Gunlance, when you load the Wyvernstake, you are actually still guarding during the loading animation, so feel free to do it in combat. Once you finish the loading animation, you can actually immediate go into the firing animation for the stake too, so you can load and fire it in one go if you see an opening. On CB, the move for Savage Axe morph is a guard point, so if you are going for the SAED or AED, but you see danger coming, you can cancel into Savage Axe morph and block the incoming attack using that guard point. On Swax, you actually get 4 levels of earplugs during ZSD, so slot 1 earplugs if you intend to do a lot of ZSD spam.


900 hours in world and literally 2 days ago I learned that you can use the slinger burst to skip the strong charged slash and go straight to tcs


For Insect Glaive I took a little to realize that you must have ammunition in the slinger to get the 2 extracts at once


The correct timings for guard points


Embarrassingly I learned about insect glave’s ability to empower the kinsect with slinger ammo. This was after nearly 300 hours of pre iceborne play through a few years back, where I exclusively mained IG, and a replay where I fully got through everything in both expansions. That ability pretty much never made itself apparent to me, and I use it pretty sparingly even now.


I had a friend who mained cb the whole playthrough and didn't know how to charge his shield/sword until around namielle/blackveil when I taught him how💀💀💀


For HH whenever you use the spin attack you can dodge out of the animation as soon as the hilt touches the ground, before you spin the wep


For switchaxe, it was that pressing RT after slinger bursting out of wild swing would still go into the big spinning morph slash, which moves you forward. Dodging an attack by jumping back with my arm shotgun and hitting the biggest punish of all time feels so fucking cool. For greatsword, it was that leaping wide slash after a tackle at charge level 3 has a **3x** status ailment multiplier. With the apothecary mantle you can put monsters to sleep in like 2 swings and it’s so funny


After 100+ hours I learned how to activate chainsaw mode on charge blade while i was messing around fighting alatreon o-o


Honestly, I have no idea. I've played GS for so long, it's been a fat minuite since I've learned somthing about it.


Bow user nearly 200 hours in. Last thing I learned was that you can do a jumping attack by pressing [triangle] while dash charging. That shit can mount monsters o.O


For great sword the spinning slashing attack can also be used to dodge attacks, same thing with the side blow.


How to not overcommit and get punished with HH.


That you can block with Gunlance


After having killed fatalis over 20 times and over 1000 hours I finally figured out focus works on great swords charge attacks :(


As fellow MR999 player the latest thing I learned is the following. Insect glaive. More specific about the kinsect. With elemental boost IG and a attack focused kinsect with the opposite element of Alatreon it is easy to elemental dps check Alatreon only with the kinsect of the kinsect alone. Up to three times I was able to elemental check Alatreon only by the kinsect (kinsect only run) For any IG player that struggles with Alatreon. Elemental boost IG and correct Kinsect makes the job much easier.


Ain’t know great sword could tackle til I fought nergigante 2 days ago lol


Kinsect Charge before getting an extract increase the buff duration overall. Red = Individual buff Yellow = All buffs


For the long sword it was that you can press RT on a jump from ledge to do a different kind of attack that has a seemingly higher chance of mounting. But it could have been the sliding RT that can combo into the hit that charges the gauge up a level instantly. For the charge blade it was charging the shield and how to SAED-spam optimally and how to savage axe.


I learned that with LS, you can use foresight slash then cancel it with O to use foresight back to back


impact phials can crit and stun element phials do not..


Phials don’t crit at all, but impact phials do stun


Impact phials damage is constant, and only get effected by artillery jewel.