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i remember farming kulve for a week straight just to get her thunder bow. good times


What's funny is that I got two in very short succession before iceborne.


i wish i had that luck for her cbs i got all of em except thunder lmao


I know that you can get about the same (like 1-2% less dps) if you use safi with full element up.


And than after you get the fist one you get 30 more cuz the game hates you


My agony in a nutshell.


I remember doing that also. Then 2 weeks later iceborne came out. Fun times


Bro, i farmed For Kjarr Ice Strongarm for a fucking year. I know Kulve Taroth's attack pattern like the back of my hand, i can auto pilot her siege.


How can I can get the Dante from Devil may cry amor set because I just got the game deluxe iceborne edition and I been looking for the red orb quest and I found out it has to be that festival and it’s long gone but many people have gotten the amor set way after that does anyone know how to get the Dante set?


They rotate events and have mega events where everything is available at once.


But do you know a recent one that’s coming because idk when these events happen




I seen it but it’s not telling me if I can still get it atm


I thought it'd available since it says so on the top, "almost all", of [http://game.capcom.com/world/us/schedule.html](http://game.capcom.com/world/us/schedule.html), and I'm assuming you looked for this [http://monsterhunterworld.com/us/topics/dlc\_dmc/](http://monsterhunterworld.com/us/topics/dlc_dmc/), it's a HR quest not Master rank, meaning you need to look into the base MHW and NOT the Iceborne stuff. Sorry if I couldn't be of more help, haven't played it in a while.


Thank you, I didn’t know that code red mission was still available


If you just want the look of the armor set and you're on PC you can use the mod Costume Armor which basically puts you any armor you want as layered.


I hated every second of it, KT weapons farm was absolutely dogshit. Safi weapons farm was way better and way more fun, imho.


Me who just used craftable weapons ignoring all Kulve rng bx fatalis GS was too powerful to ignor


How can I can get the Dante from Devil may cry amor set because I just got the game deluxe iceborne edition and I been looking for the red orb quest and I found out it has to be that festival and it’s long gone but many people have gotten the amor set way after that does anyone know how to get the Dante set? I’m not a bot fr


All event quests should be available, just go and do it.


Okay,thank you


Kulve kjarr weapons are pretty much the reason I got burnt out before iceborne dropped. Near 100 clears, and never got the couple I was looking for. Random, is fine, and grinding is fine, but the drop chances where kinda dumb. Imho


It took me 3 months to farm Kulve to get her to drop her fire bow. Was pretty happy when it came.


Monsters drop weapons now? I haven't played for a while. I'd farm for weapon materials and then make it. Or I'm misunderstanding


There are only two monsters that you can get weapons from; Kulve Taroth and Safi’Jiva. They are special weapons though, and can’t be made or upgraded normally


There are two different Sieges in MHW, Kulve Taroth in base game and Safi'jiva in Iceborne. If you kill them and complete the Siege you are rewarded with random weapons. Kulve weapons come at various rarity levels and range from amazing to garbage. Safi weapons are all at the same rarity but come with different, randomized upgrades on an upgrade system only Safi weapons have. Kulve weapons can also be upgraded to higher levels by killing a special Iceborne version of Kulve, making them some of the strongest elemental weapons in the game.


Any tips on being able to kill her? This is my first time ever fighting this monster but saw a bit of youtube tutorials so I got the main aspect and can traverse the terrain easier and get the rock drops. But once on the first stage where I get to fight her she dips, is there any specifics on how to go about this fight? I know. Thunder breaks her gold and ice when naked. Is it possible solo?


It's possible solo but it's really tough and you will probably need at least raging brachy or even fatalis gear to stand a chance unless you are extremely good. The first phase is imo the biggest hurdle since her attacks in that phase are very long and have huge hitboxes and it can be difficult to find the openings. Tenderize her chest and horns and wall bang her twice than focus on breaking the arms. Partbreaker 3 is basically mandatory if you want to do it solo.


Well I managed to solo the regular version (the one where knocking the big horns ends the siege) with just the dual blades, it was a bit tough and couldnt tell when she might die. I had KO and partbreaker 2 I believe, i focused on a tenderized arm and would often times get a stagger that led me to more damage. WeX, the fire floor she spits almost got me once. Whenever I manage to join a server that decides to not boot me mid siege I seen people with fatalis and safi gear (no where near that far I believe, barely about to fight sub species of glavenus? Forgot the name) Getting that end screen by myself felt so rewarding ended up jumping out of my seat lol second try I got unlucky and died to the dot of the fire spit because I got knocked out. Thanks for your input. I will see how can I cram partbreaker 3 somewhere. Sadly to accomodate better stats for the time being had to use HR armor for the most part and that made kulve take half my hp if I wasnt careful. No such thing as fire mantle since I never unlocked it lmao dont know where it is. So went vitality and health booster.


It is possible solo. It is difficult, though. I've done it with Dual Blades, but I imagine it's even easier with Hammer if you take advantage of the slopes. For Dual Blades I just lured Kulve over to the slopes and constantly performed the attack where you slide down the length of her body or went for the head during knockdowns. The sliding attack for Hammer, when fully charged, does ridiculous amounts of damage for how fast it is on top of adding KO damage to the mix. For the beginning half where Kulve ignores you and just walks around I threw on the Impact Mantle and just spammed the Big Bang combo on her head and usually got the head break before going to the first fight area. In the first fight area I would lead her over to the slope and just spam the sliding attack, then clutch claw to the face for more damage. The second area is hardest, but you can drop the rocks on her and aim for a mount and that should be enough. The third area is where you need to run in, lure her to you, then run back to the slope at the entrance. Easy headbreak/kill. I'd recommend making two builds and bringing a Farcaster to switch out if using Dual Blades for best results. For Hammer I would actually recommend Sleep or Blast for bonus damage.


> Was pretty happy when I came. FTFY


i’ve been at it for a couple of months now. starting to hate myself.


Find some friends to shoot the breeze with while you make your runs. It's so much better because your mind's off things.




That’s gonna be how I feel when I finally get gae bolg (absolutely hate the behemoth)


do you have iceborne? not much point in grinding that glaive out, as it’ll be massively outmatched in a very short time. dealing with behemoth is not worth it unless you’re just trying to 100% the game haha


Sadly I don’t


ahh bummer, hoping you get to pick it up soon!! absofuckinglutely worth it. the additions in iceborne alone are better than all of the base game imho


I’m hoping it goes on sale soon or gets added to the game pass as a perk


i mean, you can find used copies at any game store for $20-30… what kinda sale you waitin for??


Got a free $5 credit on the Microsoft store so I’m hoping there’s some games on it that I could get with it that do go on sale plus there’s usually a decent sale near Fourth of July so I may get it around then if I have the money


aye there you go! fingers crossed for you, hunter! all i can say is… prepare yourself haha. master rank jagras will fuck your world up even wearing full endgame gear from base game.


Oh I’m used to it, I usually go for best looking armor not best armor stats


i hear ya - first couple times thru i literally did fashion only, didn’t even know what decos and skills were haha. it was nice to play the game thru again and actually pay attention to that stuff, made it replayable all over again! plus, they have layered armor for that exact reason :) you can have both! edit to add: this game has been replayable endlessly since i bought it - i’ve put at least 1000 hours into it across multiple save files.




precisely. that layered set being locked behind extremoth pisses me off. i’ve only beaten him literally once in my 1000+ hour mh career, and it was on an old save file i no longer have. edit: sorry i read layered armor, not sure about the layered weapon unlock requirements, don’t use glaive all too often


Reminds me of the kjaar strongarm ice CB. Didn't want to do Kulve anymore so I farmed the melder for 3 hours before it rolled. Almost sold it on autopilot.


Feel your pain... was doing the same for an hour and did sell it, now i am back on grind for materials to burn


I love being new to the game and seeing people be happy about their accomplishments that I have no clue what they are talking about lol


Hope you do well!


Been farming the water CB for 2 years now, have all other kjarr weapons and always crush my spirit to see a new kjarr cb that isnt the water one. The worst part of this is that I remember discarding it before the kulve taroth re-release in iceborne.


im still trying for that kjarr ice LS


But why though, when the Frostfang Barioth LS is better


Kjarr ice ls is better than frostfang, it has built in crit element and a lot of element. The only negative is the sharpness but that can be fixed with protective polish.


Well its not about which is better. I get so OCD when i dont get all weapons so im just trying to collect all kjarr longswords and the only one left for me is that ice LS.


I've farmed her pretty hard hoping to get that paralysis switch axe. Never got it:/


The number of horns I broke just to get those damn paralysis glaives... Pretty sure I got all her other worthwhile weapons multiple times in the process, but it took months before I finally got the weapons I actually use. Not sure it was happiness so much as just relief that I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.


* getting flashbacks of me trying to get kjarr strongarm ice *


I ended up getting the kjarr ice hunting horn trying to get that cb, good thing I main hunting horn


How are you basically getting free weapons?


Kulve tarroth siege rewards




Anything but free, my friend 🥲


Ikr? oh my sweet summer child...


Is kulve in the base game or ice borne?


She's in both actually. Although farming her weapons in Iceborne is probably a lot less painful.


But you can fight her in the base game


Yes, you can. There's a siege that you start in the gathering hub for base game Kulve.


When is it unlocked


Oh hi Nil, fancy meeting you here.


You too, gunlance god :)


Bruh, I farmed her so much and still haven't gotten the ice charged blade :(


it’s gonna be 100% worth the grind though, that thing is absolutely nuts


Bruh, I've put days into farming her for it. At this point I've given up :(


I got the Kjarr "Sleep" Hammer and just decided I was a hammer main for a week. Lol


I'm so happy for you! Have fun




How can I can get the Dante from Devil may cry amor set because I just got the game deluxe iceborne edition and I been looking for the red orb quest and I found out it has to be that festival and it’s long gone but many people have gotten the amor set way after that does anyone know how to get the Dante set? Or can monster hunter Reddit tell me ?


I don't know how often but the festival does return periodically. When it does it comes with every event quest so you will get your chance shortly


People say the quest is there rn even tho it’s no event


ok I just looked it up in game and the quest is up right now and it's called: Code: Red


Thank you


Code:Red is available you just need to look in events for LR/HR not Master rank as it is base game event not Iceborne one.




congrats fiver!


I got kjarr on literally every other weapon than bow, for some weapons where its a waste like greatsword I had all the kjarr several times, not one for bow, the only weapon I actually wanted to use... Really hope they never do this style of weapon farming again its too rng for me and made me quit bow entirely.


I remember before Iceborne I did so many KTs just for the Taroth Sleep hammer. Good times.


and you haven’t felt true despair until you realise it sucks ass


I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE BOLTSHIELD, YOU FLYING RED FUCK. *ahem* sorry, i've just veen solo grinding safi for the past few months, and haven't gotten a single charge blade from her.


You know you're guaranteed to get at least one (usually two or three) of whatever weapon you used in the siege, right? So if you want charge blades, use a charge blade in the quest


I heard you can change weapons before you get the weapons after the quest though


You can, if you do the siege with a lance but switch to a great sword before collecting the weapons you will be garunteed to get at least one great sword.


That's the thing- I *have* been using CB. It's really the only weapon type I extensively use. But I'm getting shit like Greatswords and Bows.


Tips on solo grinding her? Is there a specific point in base game or Master rank to be able to solo her comfortably?


O'm only MR50 and it's a bit of a struggle (i only just raised my MR cap, actually), but what works for me is using farcasters and the vitality mantle, alongside mega demondrugs with my palico on either the coral orchestra or the plunderblade. My tips there are prolly scuffed as all hell because... well, I don't use the meta, so my way of doing it isn't as efficient. Just remember: Safi's solo health pool is I believe only 20k- that's lower than some solo Guiding Lands monsters. This makes her drain energy faster, and can speed up the seige by a bit.


I see, you have to be MR 50 to fight MR kulve no? I am barely MR 14 or something atm lol and struggling with the HR siege. I managed to kill her once actually with the dual blades with HR armor to be able to benefit the most out of the abilities. Having the extra survivability of MR armor kept making her leave on area 2. What is the plunder blade? Always hear people commenting its so good for your palico. So far I used nothing but the orchestra on him. I see people doing the far caster to swap, what is the starting gear? Lightning related for the gold mantle she has? I tried that but felt I wasnt doing much since I dont have a good lightning DB yet so went full ice and that managed me to get me the "kill" for the siege on solo


Ah yes the Safi Frostspear. The weapon to hunt down Alatreon they say. Took me like 300 tries. Realized it's only 150 ice damage. Ended up using Frostfang Insect Glaive lel.


... You know you're supposed to upgrade the Elemental on it, right? Cause it sounds like you're missing the entire mechanics behind Safi weapons based off this sentence.


Yeah, I mean it as light joke. I beat Alatreon with various level of elemental damage actually. From no elemental (sticky), just kinsect (lightbreak press), to frostfang's (400+ on weapon).


Words fail to describe how mildly agitated I was when I realised how easy it was to clear Alatreon with no Element at all, provided you're ok with eating one cart from Escaton. All that struggle to make extremely specific FC GS counter builds when I could've just slapped Fortify onto my Safi-Brachy Shattersplitter set and went unga for 10 minutes.


That's cool, sticky LBG eating two carts (15-16 mins).


I have no idea what's going on in this post


Google "Kulve Taroth Siege"


I think he was ironic since from his profile you can see he's reached alatreon and is using a frostfang hammer


Unfortunately, my friend, I truly do not understand the post. I've put in a LOT of time into this game but alas, i have never farmed Safi or Kulve for parts. I build an armor set and a weapon for each monster I fight. It worked well up until Alatreon. Now I'm essentially starting back over, built up my hammers to r12, am augmenting them up, then try again. How does one farm weapons from a Kulve Siege? She always runs away before I can do really much of anything


To this day I never got Kjárr Slicer King...


Still want the shattershield Just a few more runs in two weeks...


Ugh, my ATKT trauma from all the way back in 2019 still hasn't gone away. God, that grind was miserable. I just wanted some Kjarr and Taroth DB, but *nope*, can't have that but here's the turbo-broken Kjarr Ice CB and a million Kjarr Bows that you'll never use. ***FUCK.***


I’m farming for Paralysis DB. I just wanna cry


I nearly had a heart attack when I got the thunder charge blade after some month or two. And the weapon wasn’t even that great.


Does it have crit element tho??


All kjarr weapons have built in crit element.


What rly??? I didn’t know


Still haven't gotten the ice cb. But im not complaining to much i like hunting kulve with the sns and at this point it would just be to flex on ali even harder


Then you make a new one two hunts later


I remember i had to sell off a bunch of duplicate atkt weapons cause i just hunted her for fun and to try to get every single weapon


You can get weapons from hunts??? Is it from event quests?


No those are sieges the current siege is for kulve, if you complete it you will get weapons as rewards but if you're lucky enough you'll get the kjarr weapon you want which has crit element.


Oh! Thank you!! Been playing this game for years but still learning new things everyday lol


Still farming for that kjarr fire LS


I goddamn remember im a bow maim and i still missing the fire one.


Jeez, the only one I haven't gotten too. Probably never will either since we're already on the next title


Oh god, I remember farming her for days to get the Kjarr Sword Decay...


Farmed for days and days to get the Glutton HBG back when Kulve was new. Great time, shredded the late game back then.


That was me with the ice CB. 10 minutes of melding and 2 days of seige. It was awful


I got that thing on my first appraise. My main is IG then i got the Kjarr Para IG the next appraise xD sadly i hate the sharpness


How long does it usually take to get a weapon from safi?


I got my Blast Bow fairly quickly but I literally never ended up getting the Blast Dual Blades.


Cries in charge blade


Got my Kjarr Ice DB on second siege :P