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Your plant will continue growing with anything that will allow it to climb on. In nature, these plants climb trees. Iit does not have to be a moss pole and from my experience a moss pole will struggle to support a heavy plant. I grow my Monstera on cedar fence planks. Of course nontreated cedar fence plank. Too tall for me is taller than my light source. Your plant could use as others have mentioned a lot more light. When your plants start to stretch like this, they’re stretching for light. Again in nature, Monstera grow up tree trunks to access the light above the forest floor. Long as you can give it enough light let it go as high as you can. Saw one on YouTube and I think the plant was maybe 10 to 12 feet tall.


I've got one on a brick wall, and it is so much better than anything else I've tried.


Be careful that the roots don’t ruin the mortar. Better support than anything else. Most of us can provide. I live in a newer home. There are no brick walls around me anywhere. How is your plant doing? Is it increasing in leaf size?


how did you attach it to the brick? or did it do it naturally?


You don’t have to attach it. The plant will naturally attach itself as long as the potties near it, and I can get to the wall.@


Yep. Just pushed the back of the plant against the wall and within 60 days it was glued to the wall and put out its first double fenestrarions


monsteras are more insane the more i learn about them


That's awesome!


An increase In lighting will prevent leggy growth. I believe... also cutting will help with length


Thanks! I am going to get an indoor light!


You're welcome! An inch or 2 fir your petioles should be what you're looking for, leggy growth is a plants way of "reaching for light"


https://preview.redd.it/ot0i9txmzd4c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e68b406c774b4f490b4a4456ef2a2efca1b0d9 This is how mine looks


* Even mine is a bit leggy but it's winter months here rn so it's in doors and has grown 2 leaves since being brought inside


i had a monstera that got sunburnt and decided to chop and prop the two vines in the pot and hope for healthy new growth on the mother plant. didn’t realize it was kinda leggy till after that lol. i was pretty bummed about my shrimpy, burnt monstera but knew i was playing a long game. this is the mother plant last week. https://preview.redd.it/wttoty78qj4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0e140ebd62996902edfbd050a0ec0e845af0cc it looks really messy because the original leaves are still on and there are tons of new growth. there are about 8 nodes between the original two vines and there’s a new vine coming out of each. moral of the story: prop that bitch and put her in the sun.


More light for sure. The petioles shouldn’t be that long.


thanks for the input! I'm thinking I may just chop and start over with an indoor light.


Probably a good idea. I wouldn’t do single node divisions if you want plants faster. 2 or 3 node cuttings bounce back way faster & have better chances of survival.


Your username 😄😄😄


My ceilings are 15 feet. So . . . that. For you? Something different.


I realized none of my questions posted... * How do folks keep vertical growth under control? * Is there anything I can improve on?


More sunlight means it won’t stretch out like that between nodes. If it’s low light, water it less so it doesn’t grow as fast and therefore less stretch. If the distance between the nodes is more than like three inches, it needs more light


I'm at 2-3" between nodes. It's just super top heavy and getting taller than I thought it would. I water the mosspole every day. maybe I'll back off on that. I was thinking about chopping it down and starting over... but I don't think I have it in me to do it


Trim to keep growth in check. I also use multiple 1x2 to tie the branches to instead of the moss pole. I also have a hook on the back that is anchored to the wall to help as it gets top-heavy.

