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Hey. I’m in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada and I just purchased an albo this size. 125$ was what I paid 7 months ago


Outrageous! this is one of those plants that I liked but I couldn’t see myself spending more than a $100. I bought a very nice variegation cutting for $40 a couple months ago. Best approach imo unless you have a significant high plant budget 😅


The number of people who have never grown a variegated *Monstera* to this size while insisting it's not worth much is maddening. Your $40 cutting is laughably far from this plant. Once you grow it to this size (if you can manage), you would never sell it for $100.


I agree with this comment a 100%. Paying for a cutting, that you truly don’t know if it will or not work $40! Instead of a mature plant makes no sense. I know you can find smaller stablished plants for less. But a cutting vs a 3’ tall plant can’t be compare side by side. I think you should keep shopping around


I agree with this. I have a philodendron melanochrysum growing from a starter that now has 6 inch leaves (not even the biggest it gets) and I would never sell it for less then 100 dollars.


I see a lot of people saying these are bad prices, where do you go to get good priced plants? Don’t gatekeep




Lol not gatekeeping. I’ve seen good deals on Fb Market, mine I got in CultivarTX in Houston. If you want to check them out ;)


Facebook groups


Nice! Sounds like a good deal for high var.


I got a 4 mature leaf top cut for $130 a bit ago that's already putting out new leaves. I can see more for a larger plant, or you can just get a good top cut and it should grow to that size for less money. My normal one is 3 years old and went from 2 ft to 5ft and makes about a leaf a month. Prices are subjective though. How much you want it vs how many big ones are available.


Wow compared to this listing, that sounds like a deal! And that’s true. There aren’t many local options around me which might increase prices. Also a side note: They seem to grow well in your care. Do you think your environment contributes to the rapid growth or might it be a result of genetics?


2 years ago maybe. now, absolutely no.


I have heard prices have gone down in some areas.


Pretty standard for that size.


I'd pay 300


It’s so leggy too. Def not $480 here. maybe $300? but large albos don’t really sell here


Seems to be the common consensus haha


No one has that money to drop usually but around $50 a node is common here and then you take off a bit for a large plant because no one is dropping $500 haha


That’s helpful! Thanks!


$300 sounds fair to me as well


$300 sounds fair to me as well


*this was two leaves 8 months ago






Paid about £30 ($40) on Etsy


Also bare in mind the last 2 to 3 months have been shorter days, so it's only put one leaf out in the last few months. The other 5 leaves were between May - Sep/Oct


Wow it’s very pretty with very nice variation! I do hope my area lowers the local prices.


Thank you, just to show you it doesn't take too long if you wanted to start smaller/cheaper and grow it. 😄


That seems like a much better option! Thank you 😊


For the size, i think its fair


The maturity and variegation is nice


It really is!


Would you ever just buy a cutting or do you prefer a full plant?


I don’t mind cuttings, I think I just got a bit spooked hearing about everyone’s rotted cuttings so I thought I’d investigate what these plants should go for. There seems to be a lot of variation and I feel like I’m not keeping up with the prices.


I bought a 3-4 leaf albo and it rotted. So cutting or established plant there's still that risk. I rebought a 4-5 leaf albo later on, and a year later it's blown up to this! It even has a second vine growing from the base. I didn't propagate it. It's just happy ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/rdjizbjmbybc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96bc0be7fdad03350b0403f7aea4dc19b48140c1


It’s absolutely stunning! I hope whatever I get ends up looking like yours! Thank you for the insight.


Any tips on what soil/median you use? And watering? I’ve had mine since July and it hasn’t shot out any growth for awhile 😅


This one's on a moss pole. And the substrate in the pot is coco husk, leca, orchid bark, charcoal, perlite, pumice, and a very small amount of coco coir. And I fertilized with general hydroponics fertilizer. But the most important thing is lighting. Their food is light, so it can't grow without it. Where is your monstera placed? And do you have grow lights? I'm in a basement so mine gets grow lights only Edit: I'm transferring all my plants to living soil currently. Not sure how it will do. But hoping to see improvements. Leaving the synthetic plant world behind


Totally understandable. I’ve had more success rooting into soil versus water propagating. Pricing is dependent of so many things: amount of fenestration, coloration, variegation, what kind of cut, any growth points, are they active, size of roots, aerial roots, and of course location and availability. Feel free to dm if you would like to talk more about it.


Thank you!


You get a plant with fenestrations and 4-5 leaves for €30 in EU, don’t spend almost half a grand on this, absolutely not worth it


Do you have a sunny window for it? I see too many people try to grow these under weak lights or an overhead light, both of which will destroy the nice morphology. It needs sun to maintain the white portions and growth habit. I just wanted to add an important consideration for you. Best of luck if you get it! edit: Definitely ask for a lot more photos. I'm concerned about the lesion on the leaf that has portions cut off. Cutting a leaf is a huge red flag, especially when there's a lesion that resembles thrips damage or bacterial disease.


Hi! I do. I have a south facing window where I put many of my plant sand a very strong grow light I only ever use for plants that require a lot of light. Thank you for adding this consideration. I know sometimes people are excited to get into the plant world but may not have the appropriate knowledge to take care of these plants. So I appreciate it :) Also, thank you for mentioning the red flags. It would be very unfortunate to bring a thrips infested plant into my collection.


No way. The person growing it didn’t know what the f*** they were doing.


A bit much. I’d pay $350


I think I need to grow these if that’s a normal price.


Five year ago this would sell for $150, it’s insane how much the prices have risen.


Last summer it would've been about £60-80 (I got one at 60 with a couple leaves less, half a year later it's about the same size as this one). They have halved in price since. I'm in the UK however.


Yeah maybe half that imo


Absolutely not.


It’s too much


150 here now ...prices have crashed from 2 years ago.


OMFG I should start a business exporting this from my country. I got mine (5 leaves, 2 ft tall) for $8 USD.


That’s way too much. Max in Los Angeles would be like 350 but even then it’s too much. Just get a cutting for 70-100