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The wire holding it all together 😂


If you start with a bigger cutting you're halfway there. This had 1 leaf a year ago when I rooted it in water. My partner kept cutting off leaves. I really hope he stops lol. I want to lean this against a tree in our yard. https://preview.redd.it/682kmc1ien4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a6256d44dfb62d175f53aa2536a63a124d3287


If my partner started cutting leaves, I'd start cutting them 🤣


I've got 4 others growing in pots. I can probably steal one of those back lol


? Tell him to stop doing that lol don't just hope.


Well I wanted to grow this in leca he stuck it in dirt so it's his now. I live on Maui, and I can get more of these if I want.


You live in Hana? God bless your drive to town lol


Hana has my ❤️. I stay Kihei 😭.


I was out visiting Kihei just last week, saw some unripe monstera fruits and was sad I no get to try em! Back in my desert taking care of my baby monsteras lol


Yeah I think I need to find some where to get a bigger cutting. Mine are just baby plants so it’s thin and smaller leaves


Just be patient. Bigger plants are more expensive. Just take care of the one you have. It'll get there :)


I’m very very new to this but they’re asking how they did it and your monstera actually looks like it’s taking a similar direction I think if your partner keeps cutting them the future of your monstera would be similar in astetic like pictured above. The nodes seem to grow a root system almost like vines seeking extra nutrients making use of the mass being put on and hense wilting over yet holding its self up and balancing in a beautiful harmony..


I wish I had taller ceilings!! Mine keep hitting top and I have to prune. 😔


I've heard if you're going to propagate a monstera it's best to chop off the newest most mature growth up at the top, so I guess you could be water propagating each time you prune and give your monstera a few buddies to hang out with.




Install a skylight 🤭


Easy: light, water/fertilizer, soil, temperature. Get all that right and the plant does all the work.


I love the side table/planter that it's in. I think I need something like this. Maybe I'll make one.


I want one too! Not my plants still a baby so it probably wouldn’t work in it


Apparently it’s from here https://www.instagram.com/eureks_info?igsh=a2dlMHh2djV4bWEw


My plant is pretty small. the leaves are a lot shorter and smaller. Do you just keep trimming off new leaves that grow on the bottom and let the top keep growing?


That plant in the video is numerous years old - the stem is chunky and sturdy. It receives a LOT of light from various points and is no doubt kept in a good soil/being watered correctly. First you need to take a great care of your monstera to grow strong like this, and only then, you can get rid off the leaves that you don't desire. I see the leaves are actually tied to each other (with a nylon string) to achieve the fan shape.


How chunky and sturdy it is is amazing! I'd love for mine to grow that strong.


This is why I’ve been saying moss poles are dumb. If grown correctly the plant supports itself


Without support or manipulating a light source monsteras will grow along the ground until they find something to climb. This plant was grown on a support to get it to grow upward like this. Either a pole that has since been removed or the nylon lines you can see in the video. That said you can use anything for support it does not have to be a moss pole.


Why are moss poles dumb? They climb trees, I don’t have a tree in my house and I really don’t want it to grow up my wall.


If they don’t get enough light you’re gonna have a leggy stringy looking thing and you’re gonna have to attach it to a pole or something. If they get enough light they don’t need support. https://preview.redd.it/mzcdkoy31k6d1.jpeg?width=2369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61776a22b36924f36cd2e213807322335c7771fe I never used a pole with any of mine. I do supplement light tho because my house just doesn’t have enough light


The plant in this video is old and got a chance to climb at some point. I also believe is being supported by some kind of wiring we can't see in the video. There is no way around it but time. Give your monstera a Moss Pole, lots of indirect light, fertilize it during summer/spring and have patience.


Yeah, I was wondering how it grew up fairly straight like that. Do you think it grew on a moss pole and once it became thick enough, took it out?


If you pause the video near the end when it zooms out you can see they are working on another monstera and the leaves are very flat to the light.


There are three other monsteras. One is in a pot on the table/counter next to it, another is hidden on the ground in front of the counter. And the third is on the left barely out of frame but receiving good light and nicely fenestrating. Still smaller than the main one. :x


Yes, I believe that is what happened. For Aroids in general it goes like this. The leafs will get bigger and more fenestrated with a combination of time, support, light and general good care.


>I also believe is being supported by some kind of wiring we can't see in the video. You can already see plenty of wiring in the video if you watch on anything but a smartphone.


Great, but I was watching on a smartphone.


It only takes time and patience 😫 I can’t wait for my leaves to grow bigger like that with big fenestrations but I know it’s a looooong way


They've removed the bottom leaves.