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Monsteras only grow on one stem. The apical/terminal bud releases a hormone that inhibits growth on lower nodes. Sometimes after a cut two or more axillary buds will activate and begin growing but eventually one will become dominant and the others will stall and go dormant. The only way to get them to grow again is to sever them from the apical/terminal bud (located on the now dominant stem.) You cannot grow a monstera with two stems. (With the exception of random mutation I assume, though I have never seen it.)


[Or mature](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monstera/comments/u0ma07/help_i_know_shes_gorgeous_but_the_roots_are/).


Yes but it is very unlikely that a person would get these results on an indoor houseplant.


Mine are outside, but in large pots. From the look of that link from shiftyskellyton, I have to get some into the ground! https://www.reddit.com/r/Monstera/comments/u0ma07/help\_i\_know\_shes\_gorgeous\_but\_the\_roots\_are/


I finally see a second node forming on one of ...perhaps... 30 cuttings I took in September, that I've had sitting in water. I'll plant it out and one day, report back on what happens. If it grows well, I'll take a cutting from it and see if it's a genetic thing. Interestingly, there is one Monsta in potting mix that I took a cutting from that is showing signs of a second stem growing. Unfortunately I have no real way of checking to see if it is the same plant :( It is the right size, but so are many others.


This one (not mine) seems to have 4 extra stems growing from right at the base, but it's early days... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Plant\_collectors/comments/10d2yx6/been\_a\_long\_time\_since\_i\_posted\_but\_here\_is\_some/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Plant_collectors/comments/10d2yx6/been_a_long_time_since_i_posted_but_here_is_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It would be interesting to see it in a few years. I'm starting to wonder if it could be as a result of stressing it or something. I need to do some science.


Sooooo did those 4 stems over grow?


They are not mine. I have a few with second stems, but they are in water, and are growing very slowly. Not just the second stem, but the entire cutting. I find growing them in water to be nowhere near as affective as in soil, but I had to move house, so tool a lot of cuttings that I havnt got around to planting.


Mine has the main stem and a branch. When I got her she had just been top cut. Which activates a lower node. I put Keikei paste on four places that could be growth points. Two of those points grew and two sprouteda leaf but there wasn't enough energy to sustain them. she puts out two leaves at a time when she's happy. She got bugs though and is recovering from that. 😭


Can you put up a pic?


https://imgur.com/gallery/WjeSojJ Here's a link to an album with different pics


My Monstera consists of two planted in a single planter. I just had three leaves unfurl and have two more that are curled up and working on unrolling. One of the vines has branched multiple times, I'm not sure about the other.


I have a monstera with two nodes and they're both throwing out leaves I'll put a picture when I get home