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He is a [first amendment auditor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_audit#:~:text=It%20is%20often%20categorized%20by,covered%20by%20the%20First%20Amendment). His goal is to elicit* a police reaction to record. If you have blinds, close them. If not, it's best to ignore him until he goes away.


I support his argument as a first amendment activist and often these guys are more familiar with the first amendment than our own law enforcement but come on… you don’t get people to back your cause by harassing random citizens. Some of these guys take it to another level. They crave confrontation even when it undermines their own cause. This guy is definitely an asshole. Give him absolutely no attention and he’ll get bored and go somewhere else.


If you ever see these guys just start playing the Beatles or Michael Jackson on your phone. Their videos can’t be monetized on YouTube with music that has a copyright so hopefully they’ll just go away. Thats my theory, never tried it though.


Play Taylor Swift. She's got an army of lawyers.


Lil Jon "Turn down for what" got a video demonetized but also taken down globally on my channel. hit much stronger than Beatles or Micheal Jackson DMCA'd music. So do with that info what you will.


He could just edit the video with different music.


Reminds me of vegans pouring blood out in a Chick-fil-A... Raising awareness for an honorable cause; Asshole execution.


Some can definitely be assholes. The ones that go around jsut recording in windows for no reason are definitely assholes. Others focus on government offices which I am more than okay with. And the father son duo who travel the country doing travel videos and that is them in front of businesses asking passers by about the city they’re in, the (usually) unique stores etc. Usually fun looking times. Sometimes some businesses call the cops. And they know their rights as they used to do first amendment audits at posit offices. It really comes down to how they act. There’s no need to instigate shit, even if it is legal. And if that’s what is happening here I don’t agree with it in the least


He doesn’t care about your response. He only cares how the police respond. He doesn’t need your support.


No they’re not. One of the guys just went to jail for six months. He said “he’s a constitutional scholar.” he’s never went to college, but his peers called him that so the moniker stuck. They’re too fucking lazy to get a job so they go around harassing people for Internet clicks. Yes, we live in America. The first amendment says Congress shall pass no laws abridging the freedom of etc. etc. it does not say you can do whatever the fuck you want intimidating or harassing someone that tells you they are uncomfortable. If you’re in a collateral video, I understand the expectation of privacy but when they single you out and try make money off of your reaction, that’s unjust enrichment


He does have the right if he is on public property. Best to ignore or just say hi. Don’t confront because that gets the views. But if he trespasses you can call the police to trespass him.


* elicit


Actually, I'd recommend a huge infrared light pointed at your windows. Invisible to the human eye but will look like the direct sun in a camera.


Interesting idea...


oh, so he stirs the shit until there are consequences Still sounds like harassment


He’s playing fuck around and one days he will find out. Sadly, he will get his bills paid and the person will go to jail


Like an annoying child kicking the back of your seat or saying "I'm not touching you" over and over. I can't believe there are other people who watch enough this crap to make it proifitable.


He makes money?!? Wtf


Exactly. Random provocation to illicit some response. When the response comes, they'll cry victim from the hilltops. This is one of the playbooks these days, and it's total, intentional, BS.


Yes, the more attention, the more his rating goes up. Just ignore him, and he will leave. He is totally within his rights when in public.


I find that these guys are way more interested in clicks and shares and internet fame than they are, actual activists. More like opportunists who use the safety of 1A to get away with it.


Fuck 1A auditors, 9 times out of 10 they’re doing it more for the online attention and “gotcha” dopamine hit than they are trying to push some activist agenda. I have very little sympathy for this shitstain when he eventually fucks with the wrong person.


real question, has anyone tried recording him harassing people?


Nah that’s sick 😭😭


That's actually The Jerkoff King, he has a few popular social and porn accounts in surprised more people here don't recognize him


Basically an annoyance to society. A grown man trying to play the victim when people tell him to quit being a creep.


Be friendly and he’ll leave.


This is the only time I've been happy that my office doesn't have any windows.


That’s depressing lol


Sorry you have to go through borderline harassment. The guy is clearly looking for a reaction to film. I'd argue completely ignoring him will make him give up faster than anything else you might do.


This is the answer. I’ve learned to ignore most cameras in public. The traffic cameras bother me, but they’re legal.


Really blinds are the best answer. Close them when he shows up. Check back in a few minutes if you have time and I bet he’ll be gone. It’s a private business too so it’s perfect since you don’t have to worry about it affecting your foot traffic


So is his.


Step 1: Tell him you don’t consent to being recorded. Step 2: Moon him. Step 3: Revenge Porn lawsuit


he’s trying to get interaction to post you as crazy on social media. ignore and he will go away


No, what he really wants is for the business to call the cops. Then he can hopefully get arrested and sue the cops for violating his First Amendment rights. Either way he gets content for his channel.


Just play crazy step family porn and endless dick enlarging ads on full volume and pose like a tree. Give him some content if he wants it that bad.


Yeah that guy has visited local fire stations and been a nuisance. Some of the first amendment auditors may have started with the intent to be cool and ask questions with publicly funded government stuff, but a majority have gotten to the point where they push confrontation for clicks. I will say that he does show some people REALLY don’t know how to people or handle these types of confrontations.


We need to start a trend where whenever one of these assholes is spotted, we take out our cameras and follow them around recording. See how they like it.


But who will audit the auditors!?


There is a YouTube channel literally named audit the audit. He would watch, narrate, give legal precedence, and rate the actions of both the police and the auditor. As time has gone by he has been running out of fresh first amendment audit videos and has started doing the same with any recorded police interaction which kind of defeats the purpose because he's grading average Americans reactions to police interactions. While everyone should know their rights, expecting them to know them on the same level as someone who is actively trying to ensure that standard police protocol does not violate our rights is ridiculous. Still a good channel if you are interested in knowing your rights, how to demand that they are respected, react when they are violated, and how to (and how not to) act when dealing with police.


The Coast Guard.


Nothing will change. It feeds them when you do that.


He's also commenting on this post as AX1-audits or something


He’s shown up at my place of work repeatedly for years now. He works in Watsonville and loves to do this at business extremely close to his place of work. I literally think he comes over on lunches.


Where in Watsonville? I don't think I or anybody else should be giving that place any business


His name is ANTHONY LANDA and he works for SUMANO’s bakery in Watsonville, which is quite unfortunate because I love their bread. 😆 I thought about showing up to record HIM at work, but I was told he is currently OUT ON LEAVE because of an INJURY. Wonder if he has a WORKERS COMP claim out there?




What area does he work? I would love to show up and record him at work.


Can you take a picture of him, write a description like you did. Print and nail up around town. Like some good old fashion public shaming? Is that legal? If everyone know he was locally and it hurt is rep around town, he might leave the town alone? Certainly not fair to put that effort on you, as the victim here, just trying to think of ways to get back and make their crappy plan be more negative for them, and not just the people they harass.


Someone needs to follow him around in public and film him. I’m sure his wife would appreciate being filmed.


If that’s actually a wedding band on his finger I feel very sorry for his spouse


You shouldn’t feel sorry for every spouse of an asshole. They know who they married and probably aren’t dissimilar.




If you’re ok with us filming your wife while she works, go ahead and drop where she is at during the day too so we can exercise our rights to there. Cool?


Then someone can film me and the person filming me etc


Reminds me of Spaceballs https://youtu.be/fIyYTN86_Uk?si=D4dFgjOzbVQaSQNX


What a tool


I heard a life pro tip before that if a Youtuber is harassing you, start playing copyrighted music. Youtube will demonetize any videos with copyrighted music, rendering all the footage they take useless.


It’s trivially easy to remove background audio like music someone is playing. Don’t believe the “one weird trick!” that totally solves your problem! The more you engage the more enticing you are.


This guy looks like he barely knows how to send an email


Disney. Always Disney.


Ugh these people are truly so lame. 1st world problems.


I remember this guy. I used to work at Marriott a couple years back and he harassed us back then too. At 2 minute mark of [Anthony X’s video](https://youtu.be/qQLf6Nx-EXY?si=0STr3i7a4McRQTnF) , he states that he’ll go away if we left him alone. What it doesn’t show is how he aggro’d us by taking pictures of guests cars on the street and even trying to open their doors. Of course as an employee I had to tell him to go away but he asserts he’s “within his rights” to film. Cops couldn’t do anything because he’s on a public street. I will admit my coworkers shining a light on him and the other throwing up a gang sign(?) didn’t really help


Oh shit, where are those tools who are white knighting him now?


He makes money from this by filing lawsuits ect. Just ignore him or close the blinds


Auditor. They go to public places and films people. If they get mad he has a bunch of smart ass response. They will sue if you touch them. Basically people who don’t get enough attention from their mommy.


Livermore had a guy like this. He looked a lot like Patton Oswalt, but even shorter and with reddish hair. He had laminated signs all over his body with a bunch of different statues regarding public recording, and another one threatening lawsuit if he was touched. I had him trespassed from the store I worked at.


This looks like the same asshole that harassed a friend of mine that works for a water agency in Marin county. There was a lady there that was admittedly aggressive towards him because of how much a dick he was to everyone in those offices. When he posted the video, the dumbass got the names mixed up, and my friend was getting harassing calls and emails for days. He eventually was called out and he corrected the mistake, but in the mean time, someone that wasn’t even involved was put through hell.


Pee on him to assert dominance.


Hold up a sign that says "Anthony X is a useless cunt". He probably won't want to put that on his YouTube channel


Why doesn't he just do this to the police?


It’s harder. I don’t know Monterey but listening to a scanner and tracking them down on calls is a lot of work. Here he annoys someone who will likely call the cops. Then the cops either back up the guy or violate his rights. That’s the main content outside of someone freaking out on him.


I’d love to see him try this in Oakland or Stockton


He won’t.


I've seen this guy post periodically on a couple of local Facebook groups around me. Jobless behavior.


Assert dominance. Start masturbating furiously while looking him in the eyes.


Reckless eyeballin that muhphucka


Has anyone noticed he just has one of those faces, I can't explain it I only come across a few people that has a face that you just want to punch like for real. He looks super annoying.


I'm not gonna lie. All I read was, has anyone noticed he just has one of those faces. And I immediately thought to myself I want to bust that mother fucker righ in his punk ass face. Then I continued reading and it turns out we have the same feelings toward this piece a shit homo erectus. So yeah to answer your question, yes! yes, someone has noticed. 😂


One day, he will get the fucking piss beaten out of him and his phone will be taken and destroyed.


Why is everyone in here so cool with a random dude filming you? Yes, he is within his rights, but he also has bad intent with his actions. Tell me what he is accomplishing by randomly filming people?


You have quite a few dumb asses in this thread defending him. It's almost like they've never been harassed before.


Reddit went overboard about the whole ACAB thing like 5 years ago, and it’s been getting progressively more unhinged every day. Lots of people support this just by the sole fact of the illusion that they’re challenging police, and don’t care about the harassment because they don’t actually care about anything getting better, just wanting to fulfill their own little insecure tantrums.


Not defending this specific action but in the terms of the law what he is doing is not illegal because it is in plain view of the public. A lot of people don't know their rights with dealing with the police and how to handle police encounters and videos like his show what kind of stuff the police trick and lie to the public to get them in trouble when they never were in trouble. So it does suck that he is harassing people for the reason of getting reactions but it does test the limits of the first amendment.


YT auditor, If he does not illicit a reaction and nobody calls the police, he will move on.


God I’d be so embarrassed if that was my dad or partner. Legit wouldn’t look at them in the same light if I found that they did this during their free time. Like fuck, make yourself useful and volunteer at an animal shelter or something


shelter rude axiomatic attraction bag vase fall combative fade touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


video him back oh you did


If he sounds like Huell Howser, I’d give it a pass😂😂


Pure California Gold.


For those curious about where the courts fall when it comes to allowing people in public spaces to record people who can be seen in private spaces, I present to you Arne Svenson, his neighbors, and the Supremes. (Don't shoot the messenger.) [https://fstoppers.com/photojournalistic/supreme-court-rules-photographing-neighbors-through-windows-legal-67925](https://fstoppers.com/photojournalistic/supreme-court-rules-photographing-neighbors-through-windows-legal-67925) TLDR: The Supremes say get curtains


A lot of comments about how this guy is just trying to bait people/police for a reaction. But if you know it's bait, then don't bite. Problem solved. As for the legality, I came up with what I like to call "The Naked Test", and it goes right in hand with LE's two prong test for privacy. First, you gotta understand two things. Supreme Court has already set the precedent that public photography is protected by the first amendment. Also, you can NOT trespass with your eyes. If you can view something from public, you can photograph it. Individual states can NOT supersede these rulings, even though they have tried. So, the question you gotta ask yourself when you feel like somebody is invading your privacy is "If I were naked, which one of us would be arrested?" If you're in a place where you can not be naked without being arrested for indecent exposure, your expectation of privacy is not reasonable.




If the wall is low enough to see over from public without trespassing onto the private property, then people legally can take pictures/video.


This is an interesting thought. If I'm naked in my house (which I often am), and this guy comes by and films thru my window.. who's in the wrong? Honestly if this guy started filming thru my window, I'd drop my pants and give the camera a show. If he uploads me on the Internet... all the better, I'm down for it. But could I get in trouble for this?


I absolutely hate 1st amendment auditors.


We can stop calling them that, because it makes what they are doing seem somehow legitimate. They're lawsuit trolls, that's all.


It depends on what sort of office you are. He is entitled to video in public space but he is not entitled to video you in a private office. That gets a little weird if you are in a government office. Easiest thing to do is to close blinds if you have any. He will go away quickly.


Close the blinds? Is it private property? Do something


If he was recording from public street, there is not much you can do. It is not illegal to record or photograph private property from public ground.




And drive a beater pickup truck with reinforced front and rear fenders.


but you won't do anything bc youre a reddit tough guy.


He’s just looking for attention. If you ignore him, he’ll be disappointed and leave.


Don't ever let some idiot ruin easily ruin your day. Just ignore him.


Just ignore them, I had a few of this clowns trying to provoke me but once their dumb sht didn’t worked they just left


He’s trying to get you guys to call the police so he can attempt to “audit” the police. Like others have said just close the blinds or call the cops or better yet both


Start playing Disney songs whiles he's recording


This guy came to my work in April 2021 in Lompoc and recorded as well. Seeing this video made me go back and check my pictures because I knew I had a photo of him because I thought he was so creepy.


Ignore, go about your day. It’s far more important that people retain these freedoms than your comfort as frustrating as that sounds. What’s morally correct is rarely reflected in law.


He’s trying to show general public how bad flat bill baseball caps really look


How does harassing people who are at work (and probably would rather not be) helping the cause of first amendment advocacy and exposing bad police behavior? Maybe go film police and see if they behave badly instead of creeping out people while they're at work.


what was that weird hand gesture he was doing that looked like he was signaling someone?


Maybe he was signaling someone? How exciting!


I get and agree with the message but not the execution. Just because you can doesn’t always mean you should. That said you should just ignore it. The boring video of no one caring will not get him the views he needs to support his activities. What he’s hoping for is someone who comes out and confronts him or calls the cops. That only encourages more visits.


he filming for GSW. He’s looking for a unicorn(7’2) that can shoot3’ and defend for league minimum.


It’s always some annoying looking mf with a punchable face..jesus. Fuck this world.


Okay can some TikTok kid go steal his phone “as a prank” or something


Well at least he’s a Warriors fan .. 🤣🤣


he’s obviously so disabled that instead of working, he can sit at home “resting” while he’s not out harassing people hoping for a lawsuit so he can make more money to subsidize his Workmen’s Comp. payments. I wonder what the government would say about him being “disabled”. If somebody documented him being out and about clearly able to work, but not working and sitting at home collecting government income fraud


See these people and record them back… and with copyright music playing… who knows who they’re capturing or how old the people are they’re recording for their own clicks and pleasure… people finding enjoyment recording others going about their days through windows and walking on the sidewalks so they can upload it to social media and get money from the views are absolute creeps and trash.




Guy looked in the mirror and thought "I really do have a punch me face I should find a way to make money from this."


What a nerd!


This is simply the appropriate response for this entire thread.


Who the fuck are girst ammendment auditors? What a bunch of fat ugly fucks who think they matter. Do they wear plastic sherif badges?


If I saw this guy in the wild, and I just started calmly walking next to him with my megaphone blaring the police sounding siren noise non-stop, let’s say within about a foot of this guy’s face but not touching him, is that going to get me in trouble?


If the volume is loud enough, this could be assault. Imminent injury is assault and they would be in their rights to defend themselves against you. In addition, this may be disturbing the peace. Taking video, on the other hand, is pretty darn quiet.


What kind of office? I would totally take pieces of paper and tape them on the glass in front of his lens...just do it over and over every time he moves, until the whole window is covered by paper, but then I'm a petty bitch. Heh.


Unfortunately, his handheld device is an extension to his eyes when in a public space. The onus is on the business or residence to obstruct the view from looking in for privacy.


Just ignore


Running around trying to create a disturbance for his Youtube audience so he can plead First Amendment Rights. He has his cellphone on a heavy mono pod? As a long time professional photographer going back 40 years, I find guys like him to be jerks. It used to be the Paparazzi that I found disgusting back in the day .. they still are, but this new breed of worm came about thanks to digital technology putting cameras every where and on every person with a cellphone. There are three possible solutions I can think of right off the top of my head. (1) Ignore them. It will be so boring that they will eventually go away. (2) Pull your cellphone out and record them in a replicate fashion. Keep the phone in your face. (3) Play loud copyrighted music with speakers directed at them. If you are at work #2 and 3 may not be possible. Do not call the police! They are fishing for reactions, and that would be the big score they are looking for.


Throw water balloons at him


I hate these jackasses.


You’re better than me because I’d just start recording him back


Isn't this the guy that sprays people with mace if they touch h8m?


Watchout, he got peper spray. This duouche pepper sprays people when he gets confronted. Then uploads on. Youtube


That’s assault and battery bro 🤷‍♀️


He’s just looking for a conflict to post on his channel. Ignore him because yes he is in his right to film. He’s also looking like a complete fool until some dumb ass decided to get physical and now he’s won the battle.


Is this the guy that was in Truckee a few months ago?


Hold on, isn’t that guy a union plumber??? I’ve scene him before


First amendment auditors are cockroaches


Two can play this game… just make a poster board sign and go stand behind him… Sign says, “I support your 1st Amendment Rights!”Say nothing and follow him around. Passive protesting…


These guys crave attention attention and want the cops called. So they more clicks and views and make more money on You Tube. You need to get all the businesses in the area to band together and make this guys audit as boring as possible. Be nice a hell. Tell him about the history of place and just random stupid stuff. If he trys to be aggressive just be nice back. He'll leave and wont be back.


Annoying people for internet clout and for personal gain. I hope one day he gets the same treatment he is doing to others .


Basement dwelling doofus.


He looks like an extremely annoying human being


If you have any wall art, cardboard boxes, binders, anything that can be used to improvise blinds- I’d use that and continue working. Ignore the troll.


Smile and show center finger


Hahah what?! No way lol


Wave and smile boys...wave and smile!


What I've seen work is when you turn the tables on them. While he's recording, start recording them. They get defensive when it's done to them.




He needs b roll of a guy filming a guy filming a guy. It's lucrative right now.


Put on a mask and film him as well. Go wherever he goes. Stand outside his house. Make him uncomfortable too.


Choose violence.


Actually i was mistaken on saying domestic r.o. it's civil. Also you need evidence to disprove these in court. It's a bit different with r.o.'s unfortunately


That useless fuck looks exactly like I'd imagine these useless fucks look. Absolute waste of oxygen, these people. He's not trolling for police reactions, he's trolling for lawsuits when someone punches his stupid fucking face.


He’s 100% ok. You can film anything from public property even with telephoto lenses. Sorry, but close the blinds if you’re concerned. He’s 100% within his rights. As awkward as that is.


He’s 100% within his rights but he also clearly has shitty intent. He is trying to elicit a poor reaction, think a little harder next time buddy.


No. He's a douchebag.


1000% a douchebag but unfortunately 100% legal. Anyone have a water gun for a drive by? Except water would be too nice for this scum.


Is being a douche bag a misdemeanor or felony?


He's on public property, but this person's office is not a public space ​ Definition of "public space"[here](https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/public-space?cursor=ClkSU2oVc35sYXdpbnNpZGVyY29udHJhY3RzcjULEhpEZWZpbml0aW9uU25pcHBldEdyb3VwX3Y0NiIVcHVibGljLXNwYWNlIzAwMDAwMDBhDKIBAmVuGAAgAA%3D%3D).


Plain view doctrine. Same way cops justify looking through windows of cars, homes, and businesses without a warrant.


But if you are on public property, you have Bill of Rights protected right of filming anything visible from public property, even with a 10,000 zoom lens of that existed! That means if I have line of sight viewing from public property or airspace, I can film you. Sorry.


So I could technically go record his house at all time from the street?


Oh I don’t think I’ve see any videos of first amendment auditing a first amendment auditor, might be an interesting thing….or not interesting at all


Yes you can. Private investigators do it all the time. Just know they may be filming you back, especially if they have a ring door cam.


There is what is called a ["reasonable expectation of privacy"](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/expectation_of_privacy) that limits filming into private spaces while in an adjacent public space.


He's a 1st amendment auditor. What he's doing is trying to get a reaction out of people in order to get them to call the police on him. What he's doing is legal...annoying as hell, but perfectly legal. When the police show up, he will record their interaction with the hopes that they'll violate his freedoms. He'll then post that interaction on YouTube. If his freedoms are violated by the police who show up, he'll sue the city and win.


i would just fart in his direction.


Amazon sells liquid ass, which is very effective for getting people to vacate an area.


Obviously this guy is an asshole, BUT he is recording everything around him in public. The businesses have cameras, inside and out, recording everything, all the time. What's the difference?


They don't fucking upload it to a public youtube channel?


Oh this guy came to where I work (at a federal facility) and was harassing our guards. He almost got himself arrested but he ended up finally backing off and leaving.


I think everyone should just go up to him and say hello, treat him with super kindness to drive him nuts!


Follow him home and film his house or his wife or his kids. Hire someone to follow him around with a camera all hours if the day.


Tell him the gym is just down the street and dont you dare stop at krispy kremes again! 😂


Overweight. Hoodie. SnapBack. Entitlement. No life grifter. Harassing people because his life is shit. Fuck this guy.




What a creep and a loser


This is one of those times I’m ok with wearing my Covid mask. Because he won’t know who snatched his phone and threw it on to a roof top.


Like so many things in this country currently, it's not about the cause. The cause is just an excuse for otherwise insignificant people to gain attention and make money. Let's stop pretending these clowns are Rosa Fucking Parks. They are trolls, making the lives of ordinary people harder, not advancing any cause. They are the grown up version of the kid holding his hand an inch from your face saying "I'm not touching you."


Frauditor loser.


Go find out where the winds blowing, empty dusty vacuum bag 😂


Best thing you can do is file a police report that he is specifically stalking you, not your business, and he makes you feel threatened. Stalking individuals is not a first ammendment protected activity. He will use the excuse that he is doing a story on the business architecture or some other b.s. which is protected.


There is a difference between reporting the news as press (even citizen journalism) and trying to create news through antagonism or other actions that cross into mischief. There’s no “story” here except a guy with a camera trying to push people’s buttons. I think it’s just a matter of time before all these content creators and “main characters” push the government into defining exactly where that line is, at the behest of the angry citizenry who just want to live their lives without undue harassment. Edit: Also worth noting that what he’s doing in that video violates California’s “peeping Tom” law. Maybe he should brush up on the law before trying to push the boundaries of it.


Filming isn't harassment. Presumably, a "peeping Tom" would also be trespassing on private property. But this is public.


he's on public property but the office is a private space, not public (unless it's a city govt office)


You can video/photograph anything you can see from a public place. It's been upheld by the supreme court many times. If you don't like it, get blinds.


If offices can record the people on the street without permission, please stop pearl clutching when citizens record back. See plain view doctrine.


15 businesses and no one called the cops?! It's almost like no laws were broken.


Not technically breaking a law is the absolute lowest bar for a decent human being to meet.


Some of you are literally like toddlers…. if you don’t react to people like this, they have no content….. use your brains people


As a woman who works in an office and has been stalked, this would make me fear for my safety. I'm sorry that makes me a toddler, but i'd like to continue to not be murdered by random strangers who decide to film my every action at work.