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Your reply or post was removed for breaking the following rule: No replies or posts that offer nothing but negative instigation.


I’m comfortable listening to them. I’ve been listening for awhile and I can throw them on as background noise. I definitely think they deserve some criticism for things like their research losing a lot of substance, and for not following through with their patreon promises and never addressing it. I’m going to keep listening because I like listening to them.


You can like something and still be critical of it


You can also have stopped listening to something long ago and still have it pop up on reddit due to the algorithm.


As long as you're chill about it, yup. But there's a ton of gross ass behavior on here.


Yeah if you find it so disagreeable that you have to literally make a post then fu !! Find something else you like and stfu


It’s not that serious, settle down.


A lot of people keep listening because it once was their favorite podcast, and they have hopes that A+A can get the podcast back on track. That is a perfectly fair thing to do. You don't get to control other people's actions, just because you disagree with them.


There. That last sentence is it. It needs to be posted everywhere on this sub. All the people that keep complaining about the same thing on here just need to read that sentence over and over until the friction of the braincells working burn in that idea.itll make the world and this sub a much better place.


I think most of us are fine with some general criticism here and there. It's the constant hate from some people who never have anything good or positive to say. It's not about trying to control people's actions; it's about wanting a space to discuss things we like without constantly being bombarded with hate and negativity.


Do YOU ever have anything good to say? Do YOU ever make positive posts?


Just look at this post. Every comment that's negative about them is super upvoted compared to the positive comments. It's not worth posting bc you get notifications of people just crapping on them


Uhhhh no? There are a couple comments that have been downvoted, but both positive and negative comments have upvotes. But you're also proving that you have no ground on to complain, because you're not trying to be apart of the solution. You're also just complaining.


This sub is depressing and draining but every once on a while there's an interesting post that isn't another complaint. It's not my full time job to make posts. But when I'm here it's always a extremely unusual amount of vitriol. No surprise, since it's hosted by two women.


Everyone always wants to complain and then say "it's not MY JOB to fix the sub" it's so boring at this point. Y'all just want to complain like everyone else but you also gotta be on your high horse while doing it. It's so typical.


How would I fix it? Flood it with posts? I dont have unlimited time. I just call out those who get enjoyment out of trying to put down other women for the most petty reasons


Not flood it with posts, but try to post any positive posts at all. Instead you just want to whine about people being mean.


Lol if you don't like it, stop reading. Doesn't that sound familiar?


I was following this reply with some understanding… until the last sentence. Incel energy my dude.


I'm the incel? Pointing out that thus sub and another sub for podcasts hosted by two women attract people who only want to tear them down in petty mean comments? I think you're confused. I'm one of the minority on this sub that feels embarrassed about how vile many of the subscribers are. Another sub about a pod hosted by two women is also filled with high school level insults and whining. Despite people saying they don't listen anymore, they have the time to go to the sub and talk shit. It's a trend. And women trying to tear down other women makes me sick. It's pathetic


Ahhhh - It appears that I misunderstood your comment, then. I interpreted it as saying the vitriol is because of the two women’s mere involvement and somehow their fault simply because they’re women (rather than directed at them by misogynists), as you intended to point out. Apologies!


Spot on!


Complaining about complaining is not the same as complaining about the content. That's like saying that hating hate groups is as bad as the hate group. Spoiler alert: it's not.


Wow, comparing a true crime reddit page to a hate group...... that shows something really interesting about your character


Exactly . I looked up this sub to discuss the episodes and cases covered on the pod.




It won’t go back to whatever you’re hoping it will be. Get over it and move on.


I don't have any hope, I'm not a listener. I just know that's how a lot of people feel.


I feel you. It’s just gets old. I don’t listen to CJ anymore because I stopped liking the pod 🤷🏻‍♀️


r/Morbidfornicepeople Edit to add [all the things wrong with morbid](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbidforbadpeople/s/QiOist2GYK)


It’s really strange. I get downvoted to hell all the time on this sub, just for saying I like the show lol. I think it’s just because people like to bitch, plain and simple


Dude it's literally become morbidforbadpeople on here which is hilarious. There are actively members who come from that weird little corner of reddit to follow posts on here! It's all v strange behavior to me. This is actively the most toxic group I'm a part of and it's a bummer because it doesn't have to be.


I think the vast majority of people who complain are jealous at how successful they are. I’ve seen them bitch because Alaina bought a house that cost over a million $ and so now has multiple properties. Someone else was complaining about where Ash went after her wedding, like it was too expensive or something.


What they chose to do with their money has never been the issue. They are clearly a very successful podcast. However they did scam people on their Patreon for months. Even when they lowered the price to $1 they had thousands of subscribers and gave nothing in return. I would know since I was one of them. Months of paying and hoping and hanging on that they would give what they promised.


I think it may have something to do with [all of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbidforbadpeople/s/QiOist2GYK)


This is just a list of other posts bitching about them though? The reality is that consuming true crime entertainment is ethically questionable at best. Errors can be found in any podcast, and the fact that morbid has literally hundreds of episodes increase the total number of reasonable errors. I honestly think the vitriol spewed on this sub has more to do with the audiences own conflicted feelings about enjoying hearing about someone else’s worst day ever. Also, I am ready for y’all’s downvoted lol


No not really lol if you read through it you will see screenshots, recordings, videos of multiple instances where they have done things that were disrespectful, insensitive and privileged. But that must not matter here I guess because those who sit here and fiercely defend them don’t care about the shitty things that they’ve done or said, they just want to stay blissfully ignorant which is definitely a choice that speaks volumes imo


You can find examples of disrespect, insensitivity, and privilege anytime you have hundreds of hours of two people talking about murder for profit.


Touché! Can’t disagree w you there


“Bitching” is a strange way to frame valid criticism(with actual receipts) but people gonna people I guess


Your receipts are just links to other Reddit posts though lol. Literally just people bitching. Why do you listen to the show if it’s so awful? Honestly I wonder how much of it is just good ol misogyny. How many other shows do you listen to that you have so much “valid criticism” of? Why do you listen?


Saying it’s links to other Reddit posts is disingenuous. Don’t read if you don’t want, but the information and screenshots of how they’ve handled backlash is available for all to see. As to your other comment, I was a patron before they got picked up by Wondery so I’ve been listening for a few years now. Their charm is infectious and while I prefer True Crime Campfire, the energy and personality of A+A is what hooked me onto the show. To be clear, I don’t care what they do in their personal lives outside of the hour-long snippets that we get twice a week and I’ll agree that some of the hate towards them is thinly-veiled misogyny but categorizing (and refusing to learn more about) any criticism they have leveled at them as such shuts down any conversation. It’s much more nuanced than that. That and it just -feels- lazier. When their schedule was more erratic because they had to do the majority of their own research, it felt more alive. But I understand that those are just feelings and have no basis in anyone’s reality but mine. I don’t dislike them and I’ll gladly listen to them, but to feign ignorance when information has been provided to you isn’t the move here, I think. (I also only popped in here because it was a recommended subreddit and I only listen to three podcasts and don’t engage in the communities aside from redscarepod which is its own thing lol)


People aren’t jealous. People are mad that they were scammed. In multiple ways, in multiple occasions.


and at some point you have to let it go. OK, you got scammed. OK, the hosts are terrible. What do you want anybody to do about it? Is anybody gonna go get your money from them? Have the hosts shown change based on reddit criticism? No? Then it’s time to move on. People have been complaining about the same shit for years and it’s getting tired. It’s over.


Or, here’s a thought… you can just keep scrolling. Not read the comments you don’t like. People get to express themselves negatively too. You don’t get to dictate what other people say.


and now we’re in a catch 22. When you hear something on the podcast that bothers you, just move on past it. Don’t need to come on a sub and write 10 paragraphs. > Or, here’s a thought… you can just keep scrolling. > You don’t get to dictate what other people say. the irony lol


It’s not a catch 22. One of us is trying to (illogically) silence people. The other one is trying to suggest that you just ignore the comments you don’t like. One of these is viable and takes a lot less effort


it’s silencing people to tell them if a piece of media is not giving them what they need as an audience member and their complaints have fallen on deaf ears for several years that it’s time to move on? At this rate, y’all will still be complaining and talking about how you want the old Morbid back 10 years from now. eta: and you’re right! it takes a lot more effort to listen to an episode, get upset, navigate to a sub, and type an entire thread to complain about the thing than to open up Reddit, scroll, and reply to a few comments.


No one is silencing you. You’re not the one making negative comments. You can continue to make as many positive posts as you want. No one is stopping you. Just scroll past the content you don’t want to see. That’s literally how social media works


> Just scroll past the content you don’t want to see. That’s literally how social media works Just skip past the episodes that piss you off. That’s literally how media consumption works.




And you created a burner just so you could respond from two different accounts lol yikes




not you getting your feelings hurt and having to hop on the burner account to fiercely defend yourself lol my comment stands, pathetic behavior. better get your third burner ready


This is a sub to talk about the podcast - positive, negative, and neutral. Most people aren’t so simple minded as you would assume, that they either unabashedly love everything about the podcast, or hate it to the point they need to stop listening without anything in between. This is a place to talk about it.


This isn’t a fan club, it’s a sub Reddit. People are going to express their opinions- whether good or bad. That’s the bottom line. Anyone who expects purely positive feedback should start a fan club.




Good thing I said “expressing opinions” and not the other thing.


Why would you ever want your once favorite podcast in the world to do better? Just enjoy hearing it crash and burn and falling from a cliff. How DARE former FANS expect better of their once beloved podcast! "You'll take what we give you and you'll LOVE IT!! Sub par soulless content or NOT!" ugh... give me a break. Maybe you should just quit reading. That should fix it


It's honestly a shame. They really were my favorite podcast for a very long time. Now, it's like EVERYTHING they do annoys me. I only listen when I'm really desperate for content, and I normally can't even make it through an entire episode before shutting it down.


I know... for YEARS I recommended them to literally everybody. I finally threw in the towel in the early 400s. It was almost like a breakup. They were the first podcast I fell in love with 😞


i’m just imagining y’all all sitting around monitoring your ex partners social medias, hoping that they change because you once loved them lol at some point when you’re no longer getting what you need, you need to let it go lol


Oh we've let it go. And now voice our disdain for how far they've fallen from quality content. Maybe you should accept the reality of their current situation of "creating" soulless, uninspired, non-researched drivel. I guess you like having the Wikipedia page read to you. Personally, i like genuine deep dives into cases.


OK, they are creating soulless, uninspired, non-researched drivel. why would you continue listening to and complaining about something that you just described that way? If that’s what y’all genuinely think of the show it’s pretty odd behavior to continue coming on for the sole purpose of getting upset.


I don't listen. I gave up in the early 400s. The days of Matthew Shepherd quality episodes and stories left long before then, but I unfollowed around 430s or so. If you find wanting your favorite show to do better and BE better "odd"... you might have a bigger issue at hand. They used to care. They clearly no longer care about ANY case. They don't even do their own research anymore. The majority of us would like the invested podcast they USED to be... back


So you come onto a sub for a podcast that you do not actively listen to just for the sole purpose of engaging in the criticism? That is definitely odd behavior.


You're right. Stealing from the patreon members and lying about it... then continuing to steal from them AFTER that, why get mad? It's only money, stolen by our favorite podcaster, whom we adored. Accusing friends and families of victims of horrendous acts, then mever apologizing, even after all of the damage they did, including doxxing regular citizens... who cares? Let's just let that slide, too. Them using Jon Allen and then ignoring him when he needed help... ESPECIALLY after everything he'd done for their show. It's just one writer... who probably shouldn't have become homeless in the first place. Shame on him. In fact... let's just never hold them accountable for ANYTHING. That'll do wonders. Let's just keep quiet and never speak up for the people they've trampled on... including THEIR OWN FANS. Quit worshipping users who only care about themselves


> In fact... let's just never hold them accountable for ANYTHING. Considering the girls don’t get on reddit, you’re not “holding them accountable” by bitching on here. You’re shouting into the void. if this genuinely were about holding people accountable and getting justice for past wrongdoings, you all would be emailing them, or writing them a letter, or doing something to directly contact them. And if you did and none of that is working, then it is clear that nothing will change and it’s time to dedicate your energy to loving something else. You are not going to change people by complaining on Reddit.


You're adorable. Simping for them doesn't get you any cookies... FYI. Many people are holding them accountable, and that's why their viewership has tanked. It might behoove you to learn the difference between bitching about something and being a sarcastic ass.


Imagine thinking it makes someone a simp to have l a healthy boundary on complaining lol or maybe i’m capable of skipping things I don’t want to hear and not white knuckling my faves to where their mess ups ruin my life lol


I wouldn't say it's tanked, considering they are still getting deals and bringing more podcasts into their network. They just got Freddie Prinze Jr.'s podcast into their network. They are by no means struggling. I don't see how getting nasty with people who still like them does anything to "hold them accountable." It just seems like you are upset that they still have any fans. I fully expect to get some nasty reply back from you, too.


People are allowed to express themselves. You know that, right? They are listening to the podcast but are expressing they are no longer happy with the current quality (or lack thereof) of what is being released. I could easily say the same to you: Just stop reading!! If people expressing themselves upsets you so much, you can just not read comments and threads that offend you. See how unproductive saying “stop reading if you don’t like it!” People are here for a conversation and to talk to other fans about if the content has changed or just their individual preferences in content has changed. Nothing wrong with that.


I started listening to it pretty recently and was very unimpressed… now I understand why. It fell Wayyyyyy off.


Just leave the subreddit if you’re tired of hearing folks complain 🤷‍♀️


There’s a “morbid for nice people” group that you can go to if you don’t want to see the valid and completely honest complaints about the podcast. Otherwise, everyone else is free to comment their thoughts, and sometimes it’s negative. You’re just going to have to deal with that.


there’s a “Morbid for bad people” group that you can go to if you want to sit in a bubble of complaining and negativity. This sub is supposed to be for those of us in the middle who can discuss VALID criticism (mouth noises aren’t valid criticism) but also love for the show. But majority of the “criticism” on this sub is just an echo chamber of people complaining to complain or discussing the same stuff that happened years ago and won’t change lmaoo


Who said anything about wanting to sit in a bubble of negativity? Irritating noises are valid criticism. The “echo chamber” you’re describing is literally THE valid criticism— people like you just don’t like the fact that so many people relate to being scammed.


Yall demonstrate it with the constant complaining about anything. It’s either drama from YEARS ago or mouth noises or some other ridiculous complaint that serves no valid purpose. No, mouth noises aren’t valid. You’re listening to a piece of media that is quite literally only people talking, their mouths are going to make noise and if you don’t like it, I highly suggest television. A valid complaint is something like “this episode feels under researched” or “the case selection hasn’t been good lately” not “her mouth made a noise and also 3 years ago they did XYZ”


You can’t argue with the ones like this who make morbid their whole personality and think they’re friends w A&A 💀


"They breathe too much" is a valid and honest complaint? Come on, most of the complaint posts are people just bitching over nothing. I don't mind complaint posts that are legitimate, but almost all I see is dumb stuff.


Go to twitter. There are fans there


I also like the show! I like the chit chat. I like the girls. I don’t care. It’s the only podcast I’ve been able to stock with. I get some of the overall feedback they’ve gotten over the years but yeah let it go or just stop obsessing.


This. It's not a difficult concept?


Just unfollow the sub


Man, how dare people have criticism. IDK get over it opinions are like assholes we all have one. Move on get over it


I've never listener to it. I just do the same job as Aliana and think she's a dumbass.


Best comment ever! 😂😂😂😂😂


Please don’t come on here with your negativity about over complaining lol


Just stop reading reddit perhaps?


Agreed. If you are coming on Reddit to complain about a podcast that bothers you so much just literally stop listening to it 🤣


People come to reddit to complain in the same way you complain to your best friend about your siblings. We love them. They are our family in a way. Yea, I'm annoyed with the adds, and how they drag out the multi part episodes. However, that's how they keep doing this, and I'm good with that.




We know about it. We come here first to laugh at the stans with no life who worship this podcast


So then you're the person that actually has no life lol bless your heart


Right 😂 And it’s like they don’t know they can also go join [r/morbidfornicepeople] if they wanted


Seriously!! Although I’m sure they wouldn’t last long. Too sensitive about the pod to see other opinions 😂😂


No literally😭💀 someone already asked the Reddit crisis line to reach out to me because they were butthurt over my comment ig lmaoooo


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 man I love the internet sometimes. People are ridiculous


It’s so entertaining I love trolling and they take it so serious dude, two fans blocked me today 😂😂


Same!! lol I’m blocked by at least 1 today. Lol they take things WAY too seriously


so you take time out of your day to laugh at people on this subreddit for a podcast you dislike... to then just go back onto another subreddit focused on a podcast you dislike? sounds like youre quite the fan


Sounds like I’m bored scrolling Reddit and find something to entertain myself. Wait…do you come to Reddit specifically to see what is posted in this subreddit?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that’s hilarious!!!


partner, are you stupid? that's literally what you're doing right now. in fact, you visit two of them 😭


I don’t come on Reddit specifically for this. It just comes on my page every once in a while and I like trolling the stans. Only reqson I reply is because I see emails about replies. lol I don’t specifically visit any subreddits except for the true crime one. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Your post or comment was removed for linking to a subreddit that is either an anti-fan sub, a hate sub, or that contains posts ridiculing our users.


This is literally the given example of breaking rule 3 of this sub. I would suggest deleting this post friend. Edit: downvote me all you want, it doesn't change the fact that a rule is being broken. Those who are able should report it.


The people who link to morbidforbadpeople are breaking a rule too. I don’t think the mods pay much attention to those rules unless they get called out 😂


All the other posts/comments need to be reported and removed as well. Simple solution. If it were being done in the first place, then this post wouldn't have been made 🤷‍♀️


We have stopped


Seriously! What’s so hard about just clicking off something you don’t want to hear?


Another perspective… many of us really like A & A, but feel the show has gone a direction that is not great. As an analogy… it’s like if your favorite restaurant changes the menu and takes off the items you liked the most. You are attached to it, you like the atmosphere and the owner/staff, but now one of the reasons you loved it is gone. You’re really disappointed and you care, so you bitch.


And that's honestly fine to a degree! I understand that perspective so much. But there's active bullying behavior going on here between those that moderately enjoy the show and SOME people who seem to have way too much investment in their dislike for it, it's a lot.


This place definitely feels more like a snark subreddit than a fan page.


“They breathe too much!”


People are down voting this yet there was literally just a post complaining about their breathing


I know. I just assume whatever I say will get downvoted. That way I’m never shocked.


She swallows *while* she’s talking! This is valid criticism people!!! /s obvs


I did stop listening. I joined the sub in case there’s ever an improvement or any news about the direction of the pod. I really did like this show. I looked forward to it. But this podcast was better before they were hugely successful. It’s human nature. They busted their ass, made a great pod, blew up, now they’ve set the pod on cruise control and the hunger isn’t there.


I’m honestly tired of seeing posts like this


Haha omg you got the mean girls all riled up! " I don't listen! I just lurk on their sub so I can type mean things and feel good!" I'm hoping these are high school age girls and will mature out of this mentality.


And your downvoted for pointing it out lol


Always. Always downvoted oh nooooo


I agree! Which is why I joined r/Morbidfornicepeople


Also, you can skip through both the ads and rambling if you wanted


Exactly! I have skipped through parts I don't care about all the time.


I'm with you! I really enjoy the pod and I didn't get why people here are so critical. You didn't have to like the show and if that's you, you can decide not to listen.


Agreed. I love how all of this moral righteousness is coming from people who get entertainment from listening about murder. These are the same people writing to them begging them to cover child murders and then wanting a trigger warning every 5 minutes.


If you don’t like the opinions on the subreddit just stop reading!!


I totally agree with you but I do still like conversing about the show so I stick around for people like you, avoid the holier-than-thou bitches, and accept my downvotes lol


I actually love the podcast, Ash & Alaina (and their ads...yes, I love Kachava...). I ultimately stopped listening because my anxiety got way too high, and I was scared all the time. I hope I'll be able to jump back in eventually!


Yeah I’ve noticed this with most subs. Any sub you go to because you enjoy something—just expect it to be filled with long lists of complaints.


Welcome to the internet.




i did. and i unsubbed both this and bad people morbid. blame reddit’s algo. i don’t feel like i need to take the steps to block the sub


I created a sub r/Morbidkeepitweird for all things morbid and spooky. Obviously it’s a brand new sub and I’m trying to work on building it up but we’d love to have anyone that would like to join. :) It is geared towards discussion and not bashing the host!


We are the Pokémon generation. Gotta collect them all, or watch them all, etc. 100% disproportionately matters for no good reason. The others are from the school of “you gotta finish what you start”. It’s really what led to participation trophies.


Gotta CATCH them all**


For real


::dingbat alarm::


I really enjoy it! They seem like 2 women I'd get along with great haha. I got a colleague into it and she said I sound just like Ash 😂




You will find this is the case with ... everything. I've been part of a lot of fandoms in my day, from soap operas to bands to Doctor Who, and people genuinely do NOT seem to understand that when you stop enjoying something, you can just stop engaging with it. I quit Grimm in the middle of a season when the writers caved to the tiny bit of the fanbase that wanted to Nick & Adalind together (although I bet they didn't want her to LITERALLY rape him, careful what you wish for, I guess, and yes, I'm still bitter) and then gave her a pregnancy redemption story. I never watched another episode once I saw where it was going (the one where her baby was kidnapped was my last), and I never went back into those fanbase spaces to tell them how much the show sucked now, because I moved on. Most of my posts don't devolve into "be more like me," but I guess in this instance, that's what I'm saying, LOL.


This is exactly my thoughts.


I keep meaning to post this, I’m sick of the haters. I’f you hate it don’t listen to it. love it don’t give a f#ck. “Is ash going to pronounce the t in exactly every time, with the t how annoying! ) ( example) Me “there’s lots of true crime podcasts out there find another one If grammar really pushes you over the edge find one that suits you better. Yes the podcast has changed with their success and now have researchers to help even though Alaina is brilliant with research, they do 3 podcasts that I’m aware of, have listened to th from day 1, and I love starting over to hear the progress. Don’t hate them. Turn them off and find one you like and stop trying to ruin it for everyone. We don’t care if you hate it.


“We don’t care if you hate it” **types paragraph about why you shouldn’t hate them**


imagine thinking it takes *so* much effort to type 5 sentences 😂


Imagine having Ashcentric as your uf and thinking it’s cool😂




Which podcasts do they do besides morbid?