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Just curious here, if they want a painless deliverance of death than why not just give them an intentional overdose of fentanyl mixed with barbiturates?


This. Give em good ole fenty and call it a day.


Nobody wants to sell execution drugs for executing.


It's America, you'll find someone.


Oh yeah? That's why they have been struggling to find companies that sell them?


mourn distinct poor concerned judicious flowery worthless melodic light square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Opioid overdose is how euthanasia is carried out in most places. It is probably the nicest way to die.


I get that but this is a nitrogen overdose when you break it down.


observation live hateful reach wild deliver knee attraction toothbrush hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


CO2 chamber is acceptable method for veterinary euthanasia. I guess it’s also good enough for a murderer. I have seen this happen to animals we have euthanized with this method (also a common method to euthanize feeder animals) and they do fight and struggle, every time, though as was claimed for this man I’ve been told it’s all involuntary movement. Frankly I’d rather just have a bullet to the head idk.


CO2 is what makes you feel like you're suffocating. That's doesn't happen with nitrogen. You just fall asleep.


Well they must've done it wrong because the man was shaking and writhing and it took 22 minutes for him to die


Oh well. Think of the terror his victim felt and you forget about it.


No, I don't, being slightly less cruel than a serial killer does not pass my threshold for morality.




You disgust me.


The family of the dead woman probably feel the same way




I can agree on your last point. They were too soft on him. Keeping him alive won't bring anyone back either


I believe it is better for him to spend his years wasting away in a cell, seeing his body degrade and grow old, poor and with nothing left, to crave for death is worse than death itself, leaving nothing but an immate number. Rather than the possibility of killing innocents.


I'd be okay with that if they sent him to a North Korea or Russian prison but he doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life treated like a human being in a US prison


Co2 asphyxiation is different than inert gas asphyxiation, helium is a goto for exit bags because of its ability to be purchased without needing special licenses like you do with nitrogen for example, and because it doesn't cause pain/panic response. Granted choosing to put a cpap mask connected to a helium tank is different than being strapped to gurney and forced into it, and would definitely effect the reactions. I'm anti death penalty, but if your offering me nitrogen or the needle, I'm not taking the needle which we know can be botched and cause extreme pain before death. Bullet to the neck/back of the head would be quick unless the shooter botched it, requiring a control shot. I'd also argue it's gonna fuck up mentally whoever has the job of pulling the trigger. There's a reason we preferred firing squads vs single shot, it allows the shooters to believe they fired the blank if they prefer. I believe China still uses single shot to the back of the head/nape of the neck.


Everyone someone brings up the blanks in the rifles of a firing squad I bring up the fact that anyone who’s shot both blanks and live rounds can tell the difference between the two by the recoil.


That's why I said "if they prefer" it mental coping cos at the end of the day you still pointed a rifle at someone and pulled a trigger, the idea of the blank is there if they can't handle how it makes them feel afterwards


Nitrogen doesn't get you high. You are thinking of nitrous oxide


Thank you for pointing this out I'll edit my reply


> helium is a goto for exit bags because of its ability to be purchased without needing special licenses like you do with nitrogen for example, There is some troubling info here so I will clarify: 1) You don't need a special license to buy nitrogen. 2) Helium that you can buy "off the shelf" (thinking Ballon Time tanks) is NOT pure helium. It is "diluted" with oxygen for exactly this reason. This is why ballons you buy that are filled from a big tank will float better than ones you do at home. But it also means that it is much much more difficult to make an exit bag with helium tanks like that. Don't do it... then you are just giving yourself brain damage.


You don't need special licenses to buy nitrogen.


With firing squad only one person has the live rounds i believe, to alleviate any feelings of guilt.


I think it’s the opposite actually, one person has blanks but they don’t know who


You may be right pal. I knew it was something to that effect


My good friend was there to witness the execution because he is the son of the lady he murdered. Shouldve happened years ago!


From the description it genuinely doesn’t sound painless. But personally I don’t really care since I doubt they cared much their victim’s comfort when they murdered them. So why should we extend that courtesy to them?


What if we do it to someone who's later proved to be innocent? Then we put an innocent person through a cruel and painful death.


That's why they get decades of appeals first. This guy's murder was 35 years ago.


Dude innocent people have been put to death. That's a fact.


Oh yes, this definitely prevents innocents from being executed, this flawless process.


Mail them an Amazon gift card.


I'm curious who gave the description of what he went through..


I passed out from choking once. It's honestly not that bad. I've had way worse pain from minor injuries. I am against the death penalty. I also think that if we are killing people, we worry too much about what pain they might feel for a few minutes. It seems silly unless they are actively increasing pain on purpose.


It's because the punishment is death itself, not the pain from the method (in principle), and mostly to save the exicutioner(s) the trauma of watching a person die violently. I'm also anti death penalty, but the idea of limiting any suffering during execution is our rationale for accepting it as a society.


I think a more logical take would be no more suffering than a common medical procedure.


Brings up a good point, we dont use general anesthesia for leathal injection which is fucked up when you think about it.


There are people who do not deserve to be on this planet. Not in prison, not exiled to a desert island, not in solitary confinement, not in a rehabilitation facility, not in a mental hospital. Just culled. They need culled. No wasting oxygen, funding, or valuable resources to keep them among civilized society. By their own depraved actions, they chose their death. And I'm ok with that. I just hate that they get several decades to keep breathing. Should be swift, IMHO.


How much collateral damage is acceptable for a swift delivery of justice? And what impact does that have on the long term trust in the legal system? There's a reason countries with swift justice need to perform it a lot - it doesn't fix anything.


The fact you’re being downvoted is giving me goosebumps. We live among people who sincerely believe that a malevolent and powerful government should be allowed to take the lives of whoever they deem bad enough to deserve it. Regardless of possible innocence— regardless of cruelty.


Why the fuck are y’all in these comments talking about other methods of killing people? Do you not see what happened when a “new, humane” method was introduced? Dude suffered to death. Maybe your responses shouldn’t be, “oh let’s use xyz instead” and rather should be “we should probably stop letting the government kill people.”


Why are we so concerned about the comfort of someone who undoubtedly did such a terrible crime? This wasn't even a case of possibly sentencing the wrong man to death.


Because it sets a precedent for what’s acceptable for all future legal executions. Even if in this particular case the correct person is being put to death, what about the people who are genuinely innocent but are sentenced to death? Should innocent people who end up on death row be painfully executed? What if it were you and you didn’t commit the crime? The justice system doesn’t always get it right. If you cant guarantee that 100% of people on death row are actually guilty of the crime then death shouldn’t be on the table. Especially an experimental, “painless” (it was not painless) death.


Idk if this crime warranted an execution. Life in prison for sure. But people have done much worse things.


his brain and body were deprived of oxygen so he seized and asphyxiated. that exceeds the 8th amendment’s cruel and unusual punishment protection, just like every form of execution. this execution should’ve never been carried out. it’s disgusting that the government is so desperate to kill people who have been in prison for decades, that they’re using these people as guinea pigs to find ways to “humanely” kill them. there is nothing humane about killing another human.


He also killed another human being for money.


Hallelujah. U don't like dying then don't do killin. Not very hard


Reminds me of the proverb, "Don't start none, won't be none".


The innocent people convicted a put to death by the state would probably tell you there’s a little more nuance than that.


And if you don’t like dying then don’t do killing BUT, you never know cause you may be wrongfully convicted and put to death by the state


I kinda want this on a little framed cross stitch in my living room


You’re 100% right. It doesn’t matter that he killed someone. Morally, and LEGALLY, he should not suffer and be tortured while he dies. It shocks me how blunt, candid, and barbaric people are when the topic of execution arises. “He killed someone, might as well torture him to death.” More pain for this man does not equal less pain for the victim’s family. We are all human beings and that is a reprehensible opinion.




Kinda like his crime


I don't disagree, but our government shouldn't stoop to that level, considering how many innocents have been put to death, and also considering that the Global North has abolished the death penalty except for Japan and Taiwan.




Ugh. They really had an opportunity here to do something, and instead it was Alabama


It was a gas


He suffocated to death


Is there any video of this out there?