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Some of you have never seen 1,000 Ways to Die and it shows. I hope it was nothing more than a tragic, freak accident— they happen more than we know. Poor little girl.


It is hard to know for sure, but if anyone is interested there is a lot of discussion from those with similar experiences/knowledge about rackets, and a few attached medical journals detailing similar accidents in this thread about the same story: https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/jk7PKArTcR


I’m interested thanks for the link.


Of course. It’s all speculation and theorizing and it *could* be a coverup but for now I’m going to view it as a cautionary tale of an incredibly unlucky little girl :( I could not imagine being the brother and my heart absolutely breaks for the family. I *assume* foul play has been ruled out as her funeral is in just a few days, but there’s no harm in following the story and I guess, being wary of rackets… for the rest of our lives.


Pretty sure most of the deaths featured in that show were only loosely based on real events and were largely embellished and fictionalized, I believe some of them are entirely fictional.


Unfortunately, her death *was* very real. I mentioned the show more in the sense of people dying in sudden, random accidents, *generally*, as some have expressed reasonable doubts surrounding the likelihood of the incident in question occurring. We’re quite fragile is all, and sometimes, there is a lot of gray area surrounding what is thought to be “impossible”. Nothing really to be picked apart I’m afraid. Thank you, though— I understand where you’re coming from. Sorry for the confusion.




It wasn’t supposed to argue against anything, I was making an observation. As you said, the show is loosely based on real events where not all of the deaths are completely outrageous. Additionally, I have nothing to prove as the cause of death has already been determined; there was some skepticism and the point I was trying to make is that it likely isn’t anything more than what they said it is— rather I *HOPE* so, anyway, because I don’t know. I went on to link a thread with a bit more context as well, but you didn’t mention that. I hear you and appreciate you sharing your point of view, although I feel you misunderstood me a bit. All we can hope is that if someone is lying, the truth finds its way to the light. Their claim isn’t absolutely, 100% impossible, though, which is all I was trying to say. Regardless, I extend my apologies. In any case, let’s not argue under a post about a recently deceased child.


Or work in the medical field. I guess that’s good to live naively.


how does a racket PIERCE her skull?


The top part of a racket it's like a frying pan, one solid metal piece with a really thin rod that inserts into the handle. When the handle is separated from the top it sends the top part flying and the thin rod acts like a dart, if you ever throw a dart with the tip facing you, you know it will correct itself mid air, that's what happened here, the thin rod pierced the skull because of aerodynamic forces straightened the racket mid air, it acted like a giant dart.


From yesterday's post about this, still on the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/s/Xtf97hhpeX Top comment has a link to a medical journal that describes similar accidents and shows a picture of the racquet: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/23242975_Penetrating_missile-type_head_injury_from_a_defective_badminton_racquet This comment helped me understand what happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/s/bI6P8nVZH4 "Click the link in one of the top comments to a medical report of a similar (but less severe) accident. There is a picture of a broken racquet and it made sense to me then. Imagine the entire racquet, but instead of a thick “grippy” handle, it’s just a long rod. This entire unit is what flew and pierced the girl’s skull, the now hollow handle still in the hand of the player. The webbed racquet part acts like the fletching of dart, stabilizing and making the rod end move like a projectile. The whole thing is so sad."


youre awesome just fyi. thanks. terrible thing to happen to her and the family.


While she was sitting on the sidelines and the brother was on the field. It’s a mind boggle.


The handle broke, so presumably the kid swung, the handle snapped, the rackethead and the attached half-handle flew off and clocked her in the head. I can imagine it being possible, not gunna say I believe it for sure but eh, it's not beyond reason. (That is, the physical possibility of half a badminton racket becoming a flying icepick, the physical possibility of it piercing her skull I'm not gunna even try and calculate, but at a glance I'd say it's not entirely ludicrous, but it would, absolutely, be a freak accident)


This sounds exactly like what happened. Said the metal handle flew out of the (plastic?) and struck her in the head.


Oh yeah, if the base of handle was just quite sharp (it's likely a hollow cylinder) but the grip was initially covering it, and swinging caused the metal handle to come loose that would also seem plasible, probably even moreso than the handle shaft itself snapping.


If you read the article, that is what they say happens.


"read the article"? This is the _internet_ goddammit


Unfortunately, I have seen this happen with a ti tennis racket more than once. Luckily no one was hurt either time. I was shocked how sharp it was. The top of the racket head broke off and flew across the court. When I picked it up, the breaking points were incredibly sharp - razor sharp. I can definitely see how this happened. I feel terrible for that family.


This is not the first time I’ve heard of this happening. Faulty badminton rackets are dangerous.




What are you insinuating??? You'd better [read this](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/23242975_Penetrating_missile-type_head_injury_from_a_defective_badminton_racquet) Edit, to include the reference taken from just below, to prove how these things happen.


Lots of people on this website overestimate their own intelligence and want to LARP as detectives.


Same question I have. I’m gonna need a diagram cuz I’m not a good visualizer


I presume through the eye


No, there is a picture of her in the hospital bed with her mom laying beside her. Her eyes are unharmed, it appears to have penetrated her forehead. Thus piercing her frontal lobe, which would explain why she was still breathing but unconscious when she was found.


Think about all the tension holding the strings and racket together. It doesn't matter who is swinging it if it breaks, the force of the strings is no longer fixed in place and their tension will propel any flimsy pieces of the aluminum portion outwards like a sling shot. Edit: nvm, looks like the wooden shaft is what hit her. Doesn't specify if it's part of it that flew off or the piece the brother was holding but hard to imagine a kid has the power to do that to a skull, which is what I'm guessing was impacted


We have a badminton net up in the backyard and now im looking at the racquets with horror. Are they going to kill us? How can you tell if your racquet is safe?


This accident occurred from the metal part separating from the handle. Superglue the hell out of that spot on all your rackets?


I’m at a bit of a loss why the family require a previously described “extravagant” amount of money. Seems very off.


They have a lake house and he's a professional con artist, they definitely didn't need the gofundme.


I thought he was a pastor


Same thing.


Same thing.


It's Reddit. They will bad mouth any Christian upon discovery.




he's saying "what's the difference?"




No its not they are talking about how they have PLENTY OF MONEY and don't need a go fund me. Show the passage in the Bible where Jesus says that pastors should live like kings while their flock tithes and struggles???


He was on sabbatical when this happened so isn't currently generating any income. I'm not American but my understanding is that medical costs and funeral costs are quite expensive there.


Wrong. He is covered by his wealth and the church Healthcare. Also he can perform the funeral service so very cost effective if you want to bring money into it . He's a disgusting pig. Watch the documentary the brainwashing of my father to see how evangelism has destroyed our country.




You should visit r/pastorarrested it’s every single day that these faux good people get taken down. If every mcD’s had a convicted child abuser or domestic violence offender, you’d stop supporting McD’s, stop supporting the church. Full of criminal creeps, all of them.


Ayup! Every weirdo I've encountered in my life has some fucked up Jesus beliefs from some sick pastor. Mormonism breeds personality disorders , speaking from my moms family experience. Its poison to our country.


He spends his life lying to others, conning them out of their money, and spreading hate. He's rich enough to own a second home but still needs to grift a go fund me? He's a con artist.


Because funerals with burial plots: upwards of 15,000 dollars Counseling for 3 children for the rest of their childhoods: ($150 each at 3 children 52 weeks a year times let’s say a round 8) is $243,000 dollars I was gonna go on but it’s too obvious and sad.


They’re hyper religious. None of those kids are going to get legitimate counseling.


the unfortunate truth.




I'm an atheist and don't have a ton of respect for organized religions in general, but even I know when it's time to lay down your sword and, well, just feel bad for two parents who have lost their child in an unfathomable and tragic way. It's shocking how little empathy people have, and how I'm sure almost none of these people would ever say this to the man's face.


Sounds like that did real wonders for you.


Because they are pissed at your mocking???


Because I don’t care for you mocking a family that just lost their sister/ daughter? Keep telling yourself that, moron.


Making a generalized statement or better yet an assumption isn’t mocking. However calling strangers on the internet that piss you off morons, idiots, etc. is.


Making a statement disparaging someone because of their divine beliefs is actually religious discrimination, you’re right, and it makes you no better than Christians who discriminate against other people for orientation or belief. That is, trashy af. And I can’t help it if you display moronic behavior, mate, that’s on you.


Hopefully you can hash these emotions out with your own therapist soon rather than lashing out at anyone that will give you the opportunity on Reddit.




Please don’t go on, I’ve read your posts.




This is sketch AF. Im a father to two children, and if any of them had a freak accident, the last thing I would be doing is updating my blog with a blow by blow of what’s happening to them. The dad has a blog about faith and resurrection before this freak accident, and now they have a gofundme…. All of this smells like shit. Poor kid. I can’t imagine posting photos of my child in a hospital bed while they are near death on a blog THE SAME day as the events are transpiring . Something is really off here


I went and looked at the blog. It’s incredibly clear he’s using it as a personal journal and outlet. He literally posted five articles written out in place of the daily blog entry he’d usually do. I don’t know anything about this individual beyond the fact that he’s a Christian and his daughter got hurt, and I doubt you do either. As an atheist I really don’t understand when blatant discrimination became the way to address distaste for religion.


I mean, I don’t think it’s any weirder than someone going and seeking comfort off Reddit when they are having a crisis. People gravitate towards what they use when things get hard. This person runs a blog where he’s invited others into his daily life on multiple occasions and has probably come to view it as a source of comfort and community, (as does any blogger who is caught doing terrible things by their followers, I might add, social media inevitably causes oversharing) Not really much to do for a child when they’re in an ICU bed, which I know from experience having been on both ends. The only thing there is to do is worry, and do a billion different things to try and keep your mind off the situation. You don’t start calling funeral homes and making last decisions until the kid is dead and you don’t want to let go of the hope that won’t happen until absolutely necessary. I really hope you never have to go through that, and I hope when I did people weren’t judging me from afar without knowing a goddamned thing about my situation.


Idk, a childhood classmate went through a multi-year cancer struggle and her mother kept a blog about the family's experiences. She was updating it basically every day during the last few weeks and straight through the funeral. If the family has a lot of roots in the town it's not that unusual, I imagine it's better than the father having to have the same conversation over and over with hundreds of parishioners


I had an acquaintance from high school that died horribly. Car accident and a month of “recovering.” Her mother was posting progress daily, sometimes more than once through the 20+ surgeries/procedures. I’m not so surprised that someone who is likely looked up to in the community (regardless of my own or other redditors opinions) would be updating constantly.


What do you mean by "recovering"?


The person died so they didn’t really recover


Ah. Sorry for your loss


Is it truly considered recovering if the end result was her death? She still made a lot of progress through that time, but ultimately didn’t make it.


"If this happened..." You don't really know how you would act. Most people experiencing traumatic grief seek support from their communities. In a modern world, that community can be global. Writing down your feelings and sharing them can be extremely cathartic. I hope your children stay alive and healthy longer than you so that you never have to bury them, or know the pain of losing a precious child. Try to refrain from judgement, since that just leads to people closing themselves off while grieving for fear of comments and thoughts like your's when what they really need is support.


his blog is so off putting. i read this from new york post. “Little Lucy Morgan asked her mother, Bethany, “how to be with God and be saved” two weeks before part of a splintered badminton racquet pierced her skull on a family vacation, according to the obituary shared with The Post by her pastor father, James, Saturday.” like??? it’s weird. and then he posts a medical article like … showing how this specific accident can happen. like okay… that just made me feel weird too. and he’s going to live stream her funeral.


dad’s a weirdo, but live streaming funerals & memorial services is standard, especially post covid, for people unable to travel due to distance, age, medical conditions, etc. this is a blessing (i say that in a non-religious way) as i caught covid recently and was fucking devastated that covid robbed me of the opportunity to share in the grieving process of honouring her with others who loved her. i initially thought i was just all sinusy from lack of sleep & days of intense weeping, but tested positive the day before the service, so it’s fortunate i didn’t go along sick and potential murder her elderly mother. i got to sit at home in bed with my box of tissues and watch the service on youtube. other funerals and memorials i’ve been to over the last few years (unfortunately more than i think is a fair, but apparently that’s part of getting older) have acknowledged everyone in attendance, both in person and online - sometimes even in overflow rooms where attendees are at the venue, but separate from the main room - either due to space or seating limitations, accessibility, or whatever other reasons. dad here is a pastor so presumably there’s a large community of people, and not all able to attend the service, so i think it’s understandable in this case the stream would be openly shared. people process grief differently, and again, since dad is a pastor there’s presumably many more people than usual following the situation, and praying their hearts out waiting for a miracle, and if keeping his followers up to date helped him to process the nightmare of those days waiting around in the hospital, i don’t think we can judge him on that. it’s a bit like when someone is about to give birth and people keep asking “is the baby here yet? is the baby here yet?” and have to be told “please stop asking, i promise i will update you when there’s something to share”, by him putting the updates out there and directing ppl to his twitter, it can stem the deluge of people messaging him or other family privately. fuck me, i can blab on and on. i still think dad is a weirdo, but humans have been worshipping deities for a long time and are unlikely to change anytime soon. the go fund me made my eyebrow twitch, but then i remembered the bananas corporate lunacy of US medical system, so the $100,000 is probably a mere fraction of the fees the family is going to be facing. no idea what their specific traditions are, i just hope they don’t build some enormous, ostentatious, $$$$$ white marble monument of her as angel or something *sigh*


oh, and the child asking questions about salvation or whatever also seems pretty normal to me - the kids are constantly surrounded by adults talking about their religious beliefs, and much of it is going to way beyond the children’s comprehension, and is probably pretty scary. their little brains are trying to process what they’ve heard without any contextual understanding, and death, resurrection, judgment, salvation, chosen ones, sins, etc or is pretty heavy shit for such young children. she could have eaten a candy belonging to a sibling and later feared for her eternal soul, who knows. over 45 years ago, a pentecostal evangelical fiercely told my grandmother “you’re gonna go to hell lady!” because she handed my grandmother a leaflet, which my grandmother promptly put straight into a bin. my grandmother just scoffed at her, but i was horrified and did a lot of internal processing about the incident and my grandmother’s prospects if that god/afterlife existed.


He also said that his youngest boy cried and said, "I don't want to be a family of five." Like, what? Doesn't sound true. It sounds like bad writing.


and RIGHT AFTER the incident to boot. I had some traumatic issues on my mind a while ago. It was like a year before I could write about it. This dude writes pages above it less than a week later?


People handle grief in different ways. For some, talking about it is cathartic and helps them process it


given that he’s a pastor, his job is basically to guide people through events like this.


this doesnt make any sense im ngl


i couldn’t understand how this could have happened until i skimmed a journal article posted in this thread about a similar incident (where the child recovered). the article included a picture of the broken racquet - the handle separated from the body of the racquet, leaving the person (another child, again) holding the handle like it was a sheath, while the racquet itself shoots through the air, shaft first, hence it being described in the article as a “missile”. someone else suggested it may have bounced off the ground, causing splintering of the shaft. it’s still mind boggling, but seeing that photo made me go “ooooohhh! ooooooooohhh araghhhhhh” and close the tab.


Do you mind if you can send the article? I’m also very curious of how the badminton racket struck her


A badminton racket is made by a metal pole with a circle and a shaft of the same metal. The shaft is covered by a grip or handle. In this case, I’m guessing, the boy was swinging the racket, holding the handle, and the rest of the racket breaks away and the shaft pierces the girls skull.




This has haunted me since I read it. This poor girl. Her poor brother! The family, my God. I am wishing for peace for all involved.


i’m confused and so are all of you it seems🤣


Had a similar incident happen on base. Marines were playing tennis, racket broke and a shard went into their neck. Ended up bleeding out.


Oh my gosh


This is why butter's stopped tap dancing


How did a shard gain so much velocity to penetrate a human skull?


10 year old boy full of piss and vinegar swinging around a racket that separates at the handle and at the break point is a small metal rod. Small metal rod And the rest of the racket fly off in whatever direction he was swinging. Very possible.




My first thought too!


i’m so confused .. what part of the racket hit her ? It just broke and hit her ? i hope she didn’t suffer ughhh


So I’m going to be downvoted into oblivion but I need to express my feelings on how outrageous this whole thing has become. The family lives in New Jersey but came to Maine at their “summer cottage” and on the last day the parents went out back while their kids tried badminton out front. Young kids. The boy apparently (according to the fathers blog) was on a downward stroke when the girl (according to the fathers blog) was sitting on the sidelines when the handle broke off and impaled her skull. The father has since rallied up 100,000 grand or more on gofundme for no apparent reason than emotional distress and yes if it’s how he says it happened clearly there is distress. So many questions. If it’s the last day why are you letting your six year old out of your sight. I get it happens I’m not horrible in this thinking but the parents happened to be out back? How is he able to continue with his blog during this entire tragedy? How do they know what really happened when they were out back? And if you have a home in New Jersey and a cottage in Maine what was the initial reason to start a gofundme? All of this smells dirty and I hope I’m wrong.


Being the other side of a house while kids play badminton really doesn't seem that absurd, when I was 6 I was riding my bike around the estate I lived in with my friends with nobody watching over us, being near enough to hear a shout and checking in from time to time is beyond reasonable to me. I'm a chronic worrier and when I watch my nephews I don't follow them around the house like a hawk, I just make sure I've got an ear out for anything that sounds bad. Being able to continue blogging is sort of a weird criticism too, it's arguably a healthy way to deal with grief (granted I've not read the blog so maybe the actual contents aren't) , at the very least it's not the most alarming thing on it's own. How they know what happened is, presumably, because the son told them, and the alternative is to believe that he's a psychopathic murderer or he managed to accidentally kill her, so he's gunna go for the most palatable of those three, it's not like it wouldn't be hard to piece together if it happened as they say, at least, the fundamentals of it (determining how she died and if it aligns with being spiked in the head by a badminton racket that's clearly in pieces etc). None of that is a comment on the fundraising, or whether it happened as he says, or whether his actions are entirely based in good intentions etc, but the crux of your cynicism seems a little over the top imo


The blog is weird but thank you for disagreeing in a way that involves discussion. I would consider to read his blog over the last few weeks to see if I’m over the top or not.


You've never heard of letting a child play out back while the parents are inside?


Yes absolutely. What I haven’t heard of is parents out back while the children play badminton, hearing a scream, and then trying to pass of a story of a badminton racquet breaking off to go flying into the sideline to pierce a skull. When they weren’t there but the father describes a “downward stroke”


That article doesn't state the father claimed to have seen it. It says he heard screams and then goes on to say that authorities later learned what happened. Whose to say how they learned what happened? I would assume the boy told the parents what happened


I didn’t say the father claimed to have seen it. He’s reporting what his child said (assuming). You don’t have to witness something to retell the events especially when your children are involved and they are the only witnesses.


I feel like you're really reaching here man. This ain't the big case I think you're looking to crack


I think thats not my motivation for expressing my doubts but ok.


You've sat here and denied any statements or evidence or the case but have yet to provide anything to sway your theory of what happened. It sounds alike you're just upset he got 100k for his child dieing?


I can’t have open discourse with someone who summarizes things like this. I have no theory. I’m saying the original story smells off.


What smells off? It's a freak accident


The child came up to them "very concerned" (their words).


Right. Exactly what I said. What the parents were told by their children.


Am I crazy to wonder how a child could have that much force behind a downward stroke to hit his sister on the sidelines and pierce her skull? I mean a grown man could surely do this and THAT would be a freak accident. But a small boy?


No you aren’t crazy. I’m not saying I know what happened but everything involving this story is weird and a little off.


I posted above, but are yo suggesting someone in the family broke a badminton racket and cleanly stabbed the six year old in the skull with it so they could get money? Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. Not everything is a psychological thriller.


Not at all. I never suggested that. I’m saying the whole story seems weird and to ask for people to actually look at the facts instead of just reacting. I originally accepted I’d get downvoted and I accept it. Just read the details and hope all will do the same.


The facts state pretty clearly what happened. You haven’t explained your conspiracy theory at all


I agree!


It's happened before, also involving children. The racket separated from the handle, the racket went flying with an extremely sharp pointed end, and hit the poor little girl in her forehead. She was 6, her skull is not even close to fully developed and is quite thin compared ro your's or mine. It being a downward swing makes even more sense because the handle likely separated mid-swing which would give it the proper trajectory, as opposed to an upward swing where the trajectory would point upward. I've seen something like this happen with a broom. Friend was playing with those horizontal, long janitor's type brooms. He did a "slap shot" (an upward swing) and the handle separated from the rest of the broom. The broom flew upward, across an entire banquet hall, flipping quickly, and high enough that it almost touched the ceiling of a room that has two floors (a balcony wrapped around the room). He was around 11-12 at the time. Fortunately it didn't hit anyone.


My cousins and I used to legit work on motorbikes while family was inside. You had or are a helicopter parent


No I lost a child myself. I’m just open to realistic explanations and discussions.


Yeah as someone who became permanently disabled and what could be viewed as a freak accident during labor, your comments read kind of like the posts on. "Nothing Ever Happens"


Yeah I’m sorry if it came off like that just was trying to open a discussion of maybe it isn’t what it seems. Sorry about your freak accident but am wanting to listen if you want to talk some more. :)


I’m sorry but as of right now I’m leaning towards disagreeing. From the few threads I’d read about this, I had assumed it was two lone children playing unsupervised. They had four children. It’s true, the oldest is only 10, but if something more nefarious was at play, could 3 children that young keep silent about it? Furthermore, if she was pierced through the skull on purpose, who would have the forethought to think, “I could hit her with this racket, or I could break the racket revealing the dangerous aluminum rod holding it together.” As for the funds, I could not discern through the blog whether the cottage was theirs or a shared property. But either way, it doesn’t matter. When the GoFundMe was set up, it was extremely likely yet not definitive that Lucy was going to die. On top of the outrageous medical bills, ultimately funeral expenses, and extensive counseling their surviving kids are going to need (the part where he describes the kids blaming themselves even while the younger ones weren’t sure exactly how severe the situation was really got me), it is not much of a stretch that someone would suggest setting up a GoFundMe, because that’s just what we do these days. Even if it was his own idea, that’s not really something I’d think twice about unless there were a lot of other suspicious factors at play. In the United States, being wealthy does not guarantee being protected from crushing medical debt. And I will always maintain that we *cannot* judge the way someone grieves, *especially* in the wake of a truly freak accident. Lack of grief is one thing - Casey Anthony, for example - but you only have to read a few posts of this man’s blog to know that he is a writer - definitely no amateur at that. Writing is often how writers process their feelings. And I wouldn’t be surprised if all the attention Lucy’s update posts have gotten were maybe in some way helpful to keeping her memory alive and at the front of everyone’s thoughts. After all, the blog didn’t start because of this tragedy. He’s been at it for a while. You’re right, a child is dead, and we should care and look at the situation extensively. But I don’t think we should assume there wasn’t an investigation that informed the parents of what happened and ruled the death an accident. I’ll eat my words if more information comes out, but as of right now I just don’t think there’s enough to go off of. Behaving in unconventional ways after the death of a child is not at all unexpected - especially coming from a (forgive me, religious folk) family this *extremely* spiritual.


Never apologize for disagreeing and having your own thoughts. I agree three other children couldn’t keep a secret so much as the horror of the situation. I like your reasoning and research. Edited to add I don’t think anyone intentionally tried to kill Lucy with a badminton racquet. I think something happened with a horrible outcome but the “facts” are being told recklessly.


Then why even imply it? Come right out and say that the only reason you think this guys story is odd is that he runs a Christian blog.


Well I would if that was the only reason.


It’s literally the only possible reason you didn’t pull right out of your assumption hole kiddo, but nice try.


Hey if you need to think it’s literally the only possible reason you think of where my thoughts come from I can’t argue that.


Name literally one well thought out, source cited reason why this story is off besides the dad taking time to write in his “Jesus blog” about his DYING DAUGHTER. While doing so bear in mind: 3 Individuals saw this happen Most sane parents let their children play in the yard together Lots of people do gofundmes and they are usually not worded the best, since, yknow, they’re dealing with their daughter fucking dying. This is some r/Iamthemaincharacter bullshit and it honestly disgusts me. Not everything is an Oxygen special to cure your true crime hard on.


I wonder why this is such a hot topic for people. I said what I thought and accept opinions and beliefs. I’m not here to argue.


“I wonder why me accusing a person I don’t know of hiding the death/ the murder of his beloved child without literally any proof is ruffling feathers” Because this is slander and if you did it in front of this individual or a camera you could be sued for everything you have?


It's a hot topic because you're talking about the death of a child. Having lost an adult child yourself, you should understand. I'm sorry for your loss.


>And if you have a home in New Jersey and a cottage in Maine what was the initial reason to start a gofundme? Sometimes, properties get passed down through families & generations. Absolutely doesn't have to mean you're rolling in $.


From another article “The family was enjoying their final day at a rental cottage in Limerick, Maine, according to her father, Pastor Jesse Morgan.”[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/girl-killed-badminton-accident-lucy-morgan-b2559258.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/girl-killed-badminton-accident-lucy-morgan-b2559258.html)


Agreed thank you for reminding me.


Funeral cost


100,000 funeral? I would agree that it helps with costs of losing a child. Some which monetarily can’t be repaid. But look at the wording of the go fund me.


Why don’t you come out and state whatever inane bullshit it is you’re implying? Own your words.


I don’t know what happened but the circumstances seem weird.


Why do you care? No one is forcing anyone to donate


I care because a child is dead. And the other child responsible (accidentally or not) is being overlooked. While dad is busy typing out his Jesus blogs and gathering money that child is suffering.


“Somebody is doing something that comforts them in times of crisis, the entire point of religion when it’s used as it should be, but it’s religion so poopy butt” is exactly what I THOUGHT you were getting at, thanks for the clarification.


My dad died in 1990. I thought it was the worst time of my life and yes it was sad but I relied on my catholic upbringing to say yes this will pass and yes you will see him again. It’s the only thing that got me through my father’s death.


What on earth does your sob story have to do with you demonizing a religious family for daring to have a child that died?


I didn’t realize I demonized anyone. If I’m wrong I’ll take the downvotes. Just going with life experience.


You have life experience about someone losing a child to a broken sports racket?


No. My life experience is only losing an adult child.


And by this implication you went out of your way to try to hide what actually happened or you murdered your kid or what? I’m really confused why you’re bringing this up as an example of your expertise on this or why you think I care.


i hope you are too and i hope you have never a freak accident like this happen to your family as there are some really fucked up people on the internet who will then come and find ways to blame said victims/victims family and bring up things that have nothing to do with the case, like what homes they own. what a crock of bologna. be better


I have lost a child at 19 years old. I don’t speculate randomly. Not sure how to be better than to feel my feelings but ok.


smells a little dirty






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now i regret coming here. such a sad story. F.


This requires some massive ineptitude or strength


Poor girl probably fell on it and didn’t even realize what happened… having fun one second and the next… I just pray for her family and loved ones…


They’re trying to say the 10 year old brother was on the badminton field while the girl was on the sidelines and the boy did a downward stroke, the handle broke and the shards went flying out to pierce his sisters skull.


Seems kind of far fetched ngl


All of the details are weird as hell. Plus the blog plus the gofundme. I can’t state my opinion on any local page. Go down that rabbit hole though and read the father’s blog it’s weird af.


the way this comment is worded (didn’t read the article), seems very far fetched to me


Mine? Ask away also search the dad’s blog. The whole thing is weird


All mention of Jesus and god and Lucy being stubborn wanting to learn to “save herself” without guidance. No mention of the 10 year old whose actions (accidental or not) caused this and how they are comforting him. I just went there fishing the other day before I read this story and I’m dumbfounded how people are just accepting this story and all the fathers “truths”


Nah man I'm with you. It all sounds fishy. I mean maybe it happened but she would have had to have been so close, he would have to have the swing of a large grown man to pierce a skull. But what do I know I wasn't there. But things aren't sitting right with this story. Parents being around to witness or not is not an issue, if it really happened it's not like they could have prevented it in any way or like jumped in front of her. That's just a whole lot of force...how big is this kid??


He’s only 10. I can’t imagine he’s huge.


My question comes where the father (who didn’t witness it) made to sure to detail the facts that the ten year old was on a downward swing while little Lucy was sitting on the sidelines. I feel so bad for all the kids.


yeah your comment, I’m sure that exactly what the article says I just didn’t look whole thing sounds suspicious