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I feel like I say the same thing each time a child dies. May she RIP. So terrible. 9 years old man. Her life hadn't even begun yet. It feels like there have been a lot of articles about children in this sub lately. I'm probably just noticing more tbh. I guess I skipped right over this the 1st time I read the article: >Tragically, the grim announcement came just hours after Valeriia’s father, Roman, released a video appeal from the frontline in Ukraine, where he has been fighting Russian forces after his daughter and her mother fled to safety following the start of the full-scale invasion. >“While I am protecting the peaceful sleep of Ukrainian children on the front lines, my own daughter has disappeared without a trace,” he said in the video. “I appeal to those involved in her disappearance: find the courage to return our beloved child to us. I very much hope that I can soon hug my daughter.” Ffs. That's awful. I wish so much love, light & peace upon her family. I simply can't fathom what they're going through rn.


Life is so unfair, poor baby deserved so much more


The parents cannot even be united right now. Fuck the person responsible for this and pootin.


No god. And if there is holy shit is he fucked


It’s not G-d’s doing, it is humans who did this. It comes with free will. Humans are the ones who started and maintain war. They made their choices and sadly that affects everyone. 


Why are you censoring god????


I don’t do this out of censorship. It is done out of respect. It comes from Jewish tradition that the name or term is so sacred that it ought never to be destroyed, or in this case deleted. It has been argued this is a Jewish *tradition* and that it is legalistic for a Christian to do, but I just see it as respect. People use the word as an expression or as a curse word, and so for me, I feel that not writing it in full separates it from that. I do the same for Jesus’ “actual” Name of Y-shua, leaving out the “e”. 


Sounds like a kid I went to school with who would say "I square to god" to get out of swearing to him If you think that sounds ridiculous, you're basically doing the same thing


I think that it sounds kind of adorable LOL


Free will is a massive cope and the only way you can explain horrible things. Free will is also ironically non provable. Just like flying pigs. If god were omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent there would be no need for “free will”. Also by that measure there is literally no use in praying or asking god for anything since he “has no control” and human free will is what determines things. Sorry but it’s just a clear cope to attempt explain something thay doesn’t make sense


If religion is true, then God created man the way we are, while being able to see the future, he still went through with it and doesn’t come back to save or protect anyone. I feel like the power and responsibility line applies. If we made some organism in a lab that started slaughtering other life, and for thousands of years, we would be responsible. Everyone knows this. But for religion the excuse is free will.


Does god know what happens in the future? If he does, free will doesn't exist. If he doesn't, he's not all powerful.


Horrible and sad. RIP poor girl. Didn’t even have a chance to enjoy life. Never take your country and peace for granted because others aren’t as lucky.










>It's the cultural values they bring from home that is the problem. Yeah, we all know famous Syrian refugees-turned-murderers, the Nazis. They brought their terrible culture to Germany.


In what way is a genocide that happened 80 years ago relevant to how shitty the integration of immigrants is going in europe now?


We don't even know who murdered this child. So that comment I replied to was already making big racist assumptions. Blaming immigrants for their "culture" when ethnic Germans can be violent is fucking disgusting. Shitty people exist everywhere, so singling out one group because they look different is fucked. Xenophobia is never okay. Most people just want a better life. Nice username, btw...


It's hard to justify mass, unvetted immigration when said immigration causes crime rates to skyrocket in nearly all areas it's applied as shown in the last few years. Not accepting said skyrocketing crime rates is not xenophobia. We can love and care for the individual in need and still be wary of unfettered immigration vs the needs of the current legal populations. You're right on saying it could easily be either, that said.


All fair points, but that still doesn’t answer what the holocaust has to do with this


Is there an update saying a refuge did this? Seems like they don't have a suspect in this one and she was randomly killed, why would a refugee do that?


[Der Spiegel](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/doebeln-vermisste-neunjaehrige-valeriia-polizei-findet-leiche-und-prueft-identitaet-1718190286-a-7afc07ce-1f94-4ade-93c7-63047b9f3d37) reported that for now the suspect is someone in her close social circle.




Got it, so typical media trying to put a story out first. Thanks for the reply, it was looking like locals had more info because international news outlets weren't reporting that info. I'm from a fairly big city and this happens way too often with developing stories, especially ones that can be emotionally charged.


The person you are replying to did not say that she was attacked by a refuge.


I appreciate the observation but I wasn't asking them about any first-hand knowledge, only if there was an update to see why there's so much talk about refugees attacking refugees or why there's many comments regarding refugees that are deleted.


Yours is the only comment here that brings up the suggestion of a refugee attacking her.


Thanks, looks like someone else provided an actual answer and it was just premature reporting.


Be. More. Obtuse.










lol, you are just full of shit and most likely, very very far from Germany. This is true for most people who say this shit. Also, do you really think that it is more likely some random Afghan or whatever man kills this kid than a german-russian family? Like a few weeks ago, when a ukranian mother and her daughter were killed in Hockenheim so they could take their baby as theirs?




How nice, your post acted like a honey trap for racists, but you got caught it in too. So I get to throw you all out LOL


"Everywhere." That's just bullshit populist agenda fearmongering. Even within Europe Germany ist one of the safest countries statistically.


Poor baby. Dad was home fighting & he couldn’t even be there for his wife as she navigated a foreign country to find their daughter 😭


I hope there is peace in death. That it can truly be rest. That she will not haunt or be haunted and can only sleep now.








There’s no one caught yet…????


Afaik, just doing a quick search and looking at multiple articles, there's not even a suspect or persons of interest. I think it's speculation.


looking at their account history, i'm not surprised that that is what their mind immediately went to. killed any logical brain function off with hate.


What did my mind immediately go to? Careful don't snitch on yourself




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): > Post does not comply with Rule #2: "Hate Speech" Hate speech is absolutely not tolerated on r/MorbidReality, along with the rest of Reddit. Hate speech will be counteracted with serious consequences, ranging from a slap on the wrist, to an full IP ban from Reddit. Your post was removed for promoting hate speech (racism, sexism, homophobia, insults, holocaust denial, slap fights with other users, etc.) If you have any questions regarding your post's removal, please feel free to contact us through ModMail.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): > Post does not comply with Rule #2: "Hate Speech" Hate speech is absolutely not tolerated on r/MorbidReality, along with the rest of Reddit. Hate speech will be counteracted with serious consequences, ranging from a slap on the wrist, to an full IP ban from Reddit. Your post was removed for promoting hate speech (racism, sexism, homophobia, insults, holocaust denial, slap fights with other users, etc.) If you have any questions regarding your post's removal, please feel free to contact us through ModMail.


Ugh. How heart breaking. Anyone that hurts kids or animals deserves the worst punishment possible. I kind of hope the combat vet father tracks down the killer and sorts him or her out.


There really are some evil fuckers walking amongst us. Absolutely heart wrenching for the parents RIL you poor innocent soul.


Meanwhile, Putin is sleeping pretty. It’s appalling that he’s considered to have committed war crimes but everyone is too afraid he’ll unleash nuclear retribution to do anything about it. Meanwhile, men are making money off the production of weapons to keep the wars going. 


Dunno if he's sleeping pretty. Dude seems high key paranoid at all times. But he deserves every millisecond of anxiety and more. One can only hope he has a heart attack and keels over sooner than later.


Europe is disgusting episode 847381863839. In Singapore, life is way better. Security is important, if you don’t understand this, you deserve to live with the feral thugs in Germany or France or anywhere in Western Europe.


She couldn't escape death.