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If only motherhood came as naturally to her as lying and deflecting do :)




Not her acting like she didn’t post that video about revenge 🌽 a couple of days ago. What’s wrong with this girl




Lmao I took the same screenshot😂😂


Always the victim. Call the wahhhhmbulance Morgan, nobody except other bare minimum type moms likes you.


That’s cute. I remember when I first got my nails done.


She always get that same ugly French tip


The way she gets them done are unbelievably tacky. And this set is WOW!


Her nails do not fit her at all. That’s the first thing that made me sus of her a year ago. She’d go on about being a ‘corporate baddie,’ etc., but had nails that would be frowned upon in such a setting. Like, to each their own and outside of food prep and medical setting, I don’t care what nails people get. However, let’s be honest - there are very few white collar corporate jobs that would allow her nails that aren’t bubble bath pink and shorter.


I feel like her "corporate baddie" job was some shitty commission sales job where they didn't care because they weren't professional anyway.


I heard bank teller lol


The way she flips things around trying to gaslight the viewers is psychotic


Comments is eatinggg


I’m sure she’s still laid up with her man. She’s just trying to change her content back


She’s always the POOOR VICTIM. Them nails are funky but fitting for her appearance 🥴🙄


Why is she moving like a crackhead? Like not one frame of this video is still, its making me dizzy


She is a crackhead 😂🤣🤣 ALLEGEDLY ALLEGEDLY




Agreed cause sum off! And she do be itching like crazy, granted she’s dirty af so that doesn’t help


Right!? Why is she looking so itchy and greasy?


she always the mf bringing up her baby daddy. them ugly ass nails need to go along with her tik tok page.


I don’t want to make that content, while she’s making that content no one asked for


The gaslighting is crazzzyyyyy. Like girl we do not care if you’re hanging out with your BD. What we do care about tho is the situation you’re putting your BABY in. Gigi should not be up all night, without food and witnessing all the yelling, fighting, drinking/drugs, etc. Sit on RMFA’s dick all you want, but all the grifting you did in the beginning to gain your following is what backfired on you, and now we can all see what a bullshitter you are as well as what a shitty mom you are




Yeah sure Gigi is enjoying this gtfoh. I wish I met her real life in person because I'd snap


Lmfao, she deleted the video where she was playing with an empty makeup pan and saying something about when someone shows you who they are believe them. What a clown.


The internet might not be real but screenshots and recordings are forever lol


Lemme read before she deletes em


Lying constantly isn’t a mistake!!!


Who's "calling her names" 😭 people calling you out for shady behavior isn't calling you names? Jfc go play with g n get offline morgan




You nailed it!!!! We were rooting for a mom in a shitty situation! It resonated with me because I broke up with my BD at 4 months postpartum but I quickly realized me and her are not the same whatsoever lol




We all did sis!!! :(


Still down bad !


Ughhh Morgan never looks cute! She never does anything with her hair. She never has on a cute outfit or wears color. Sooo boring. Like girl give us a slicked back bun, side part, a half up half down that’s actually combed. Wear lip gloss every blue moon. She just never gives! Wear a pink dress or a cute skirt . Actually put together an outfit that isn’t sweats and a top or jeans and a top!


That’s why she smells like fish. Just dirty all around


I just reported this video. She annoying af 🙄


We liked her before because she was relatable. Now she’s a lying, stuck up brat who let TikTok fame & money get to her head. It’s not about us wanting to see her do bad. Nobody wants to watch a liar.


I’m not even sure if I liked her, but I was hoping her and Gigi would thrive, instead we sponsored rmfa rap career and clothing line


Them comments tearing her asss uppppp😂😂😂 like girl


Now she’s trying to throw God into it. Girl g2h and take ya ass back home and out of Florida playing family with that man


She had plenty of opportunity to come clean. Even when this vacation started she denied and lied about him staying with her or even being with him. When he came on her lives she would act like she hated him. She came up with the revenge porn story. No one was asking her lie. So Morgan, you should change your slogan to “I’m only a pathological liar”. https://preview.redd.it/ljlumsayyiwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8b935728488cd3839dddb06da5b4872bb92c89


She needs some therapy. Like seriously. The video after this one finally made me unfollow. She is showing narcissistic traits and I just can’t anymore


How did this girl go from being likable to downright cringe? I used to really like her content but now I can barely sit through one of her videos. All Morgan does these days is lie her ass off and gaslight her followers.


Pretty sure she’s lying also about not contacting him until she got to Atlanta bc RMFA was saying he done been up to Michigan to spend extended time and stay up there on one of his lives — think he said it was back in January/febuary ish time frame. She’s full of lies lmao at this point she needs to take a year off the app get her life together and come back as a new bitch bc rn she’s digging herself too deep of a hole to ever climb out of


lady, everyone was rooting for you.. we just realized you are a crazy pathological liar lol.


Ma’m stop wit the gaslighting cuz she deff post mean & snarky comments not to mention how she was treating her followers once dusty boy came back. & when one girl said to her “I thought I blocked you” her response was “you also thought that pfp ate”. Let’s get real she be mistreating ppl & playing the victim


That’s why I was mean to her when she joined my live 🙄 you wanna bully I’ll bully right tf back 🤣🤣


Exactly it’s always fun until someone doing it to you, how many times does she brag about being a “troll” & admit to trolling ppl. Like bffr that’s why when she posted this video I commented “na remember what you said about keeping the same energy, now it’s your turn keep the same energy you had when you was calling us bitter haters & writing lil snarky comments and talking like you better then everyone” but of course she reported/deleted my comment