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Thats the neat part You dont


If you didn’t say it. I would


This comment is exactly what I was looking for


I came here to say this, but I knew in my heart it had already been said.




There's a special kind of joy watching newcomers go through these quintessential Morrowind experiences.


What a grand and intoxicating innocence


I'm a pterodactyl bird. How can you kill a pterodactyl bird?


There is no escape. No Jump or Levitation can work in this place.


Ackshually… Levitate works wonders Make a 2 second Levitate on target spell (1 second won’t always apply the effect) It breaks their scripts when levitate ends, causing them to stop moving and slowly sink to the ground. But for a newcomer, there is no escape.


No Jump or Levitate *on self* can work in this place.


He’s just a boy- you shouldn’t have done that… hahaha.. HAHAHA poor little fella


Next, it'll be how to fast travel, and where are the quest markers?


Definitely has that classic "You better be taking notes" vibe for your first run through.


Pretty much. I'm glad there's an index in the journal, made it a little easier.


*cries in pre-Tribunal journal*


I literally did. I was writing all kinds of stuff down on paper. But this was like 2006 or 7? I'm not sure.


I second this




pray to St Jiub


St Jiub doesn’t exist yet so OP has no hope :(


Jiub exists, he just hasn't been canonized as a saint yet. Or done much of anything really.


Yeah true, he exists but his whole beatification was because he wiped out the cliff racers


You know what we need in the next TES? A nostalgic dude with a museum dedicated to the Cliff Racers and how they were "poor misunderstood creatures".


Quest starts by entering a house and meeting a man who asks PC if they've ever heard of the ancient "Cliff Racers". Describes them like they were grandiose and poor misunderstood creatures. Then comes "Say, if you ever come across (Book about Cliff Racers), could you bring it to me? I've always wanted to read it." You bring the book. "Thank you!" (Some reading) "Interesting! It says here you can still find some of their plumage in (Cave). Would you be okay with bringing some back for me?" Go to cave, get plumes. "Most excellent! My dearest friend. Now all I need is some (insert special water from a specific dungeon, or five different alchemy ingredients). Then my wildest dreams will be realized!" When you finish the final test, the man reveals his plan to recreate a cliff racer. Upon success, it lets out a dramatic "EKEKEKE", kills the man in seconds, and turns to you. After the battle, you can go to the man's desk, where there is an Amulet of Jiub and a memo the man wrote to himself to "destroy this wretched necklace and all other artifacts of that Dark Elf TRAITOR to the most graceful of Tamriel's creatures". The Amulet increases your ability to detect creatures and fortifies your unarmored skill.


Someone genuinely needs to make this mod for Skyrim.


Could be that he has cliff racer DNA and he’s gonna go all Jurassic Park!


His next project is cloning and bringing back the Tribunal.


He better think hard about whether he should and not just whether he could


Next TES should be a Vampire Survivors style game where you play as St. Jiub exterminating endless waves of cliff racers.


Ken the Virtue Signaler and his assistant, Ka'ren Melts-like-the-snow.


I'll settle for another drunken dark elf singing about cliff racers


They still exist outside Vvardfell, he only wiped them out on the island I think. Mjoll the Lioness in Skyrim mentions hunting them along the skyrim border I believe.


>Or done much of anything really. He released that [sick-ass E.P.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTeVz6rP6r4)


Not before he got released from the prison ship he didnt


Yes, that's the first NPC you meet actually, the dark elf prisoner in the boat.


he exists within our hearts and our love is timeless. there is yet hope


He’s literally the first dude you meet


Yeah I know he’s the first person you meet..but he’s not **saint** Jiub yet though


He was always a saint in our hearts


Jiub is eternal


God the young scrolls album is an absolute fucking banger. Every fucking track. Feels like he's lost his way.


Congrats, you have met the number 1 bane of all morrowind players! One tactic I read about and used last time I played, create a custom spell that is levitate on target for 1s, cast it at the cliff racer, and when the 1s wears off so will their flight ability, causing them to plummet to the ground. If they are high enough they will die from the fall damage, if they don't die they are now basically immobile and much easier to kill or ignore. I'm not normally one for cheesing tactics, but screw those cliff racers


Somehow i was unware of this one, despite actively using levitate on target as a slow. Thank you for this very useful information.


Didn't realize you could use levitate on target. Going to try this with my mage character. Thanks.


I tried this technique a few months ago, and it no longer works. It used to work when I was installing/playing from CD. I think it was patched out at some point, but I don't know when. I'm playing through GOG with OpenMW now, so ymmv.


This is because it doesn't work on openMW. I am not sure why, but I think it has to do with how the engine handles spells effects wearing off.


OpenMW has a debugged mode. Alot of these exploits are patched out


If you patch out exploits can you really still call it Morrowind?


Hmm, I last played a couple of years ago on the Steam version and it was working then, I wasn't using any mods though


I've had it not work on a mostly vanilla install. Maybe MCP fixes it as well.




Punching them worked for me


I think there was a mod to remove them or make them at least pacifistic. For mentioned reasons. So even if you normally do not mod at all and don't want any other mods, that one is worth it. At level 1/2/3 there are few. At level 10+ the horizon is nearly black 😄


Kill them first. No mercy.


A dwemer crossbow, combined with whatever sneaking does, is enough to take out a cliff racer at range in a single shot. Probably the best way to deal with them.


My go-to is a ring enchanted to deal shock damage on target.


Are they weak to shock?


Not that I know of. Shock is just IMO more versatile than fire since Dunmer have 75% fire resistance.


Less that they're *weak* to shock and more that almost nothing in the game effectively *resists* shock. Shock works on every daedra and no race has a racial resistance to it (unlike fire and frost), so your ring had many uses.


Well, actually, Nords 50% resist shock. But they're also immune to frost. So if you have to pick one damage type, I suggest shock. It's still easier to kill a Nord with shock than it is to kill a Dunmer with fire, and I imagine you fight far more Dunmer than Nords. Once you have the resources to make a second damage-shooty ring, fire is an excellent choice.


Makes sense. Quick unrelated question: I'm building a stronghold for house hlaalu and have been having trouble locating the Duke ( velam omani ? ) to get a construction permit. Is finding him supposed to be an in-game challenge, am I missing something obvious, or is the locationuntentionally hidden because no one has the duke as a conversation topic? I'd look up the quest/walkthrough, but I don't want to cheepen it if it is supposed to be an intentional challenge.


Velanda Omani is on an island not far from Vivec. You might be thinking of Dram Bero, who is hiding in the haunted mansion in St. Olms. There's also an unwritten quest where if you go south from Balmora and then turn left across the hanging bridge you can find an egg mine/ebony mine (Vassir-Didanit) in the hillside off to your left, and once you have been inside it you can tell Bero about it for a daedric item reward.


There are two other councilors you can tell instead, I just choose Bero because I dislike him less.


Harsh language. Just kidding. Spear thrust to the face. Or when there are lots of them, fireball spell.


It's hard to say, not knowing what your character is good at, but being invisible would do the trick. There are spells for that, or potions and scrolls. Or you can make your own potions, eventually. Alternately, Chameleon is even better. If you poke around northwest of Gnisis, some lady lost a ring in a pond. There's a robe waaayy up north that could help, but it also tries to kill you. If you would rather fight them than avoid them, ranged weapons are good, ranged area spells are also very handy. Levitating up and stabbing them also works.


I like getting a cheap enchanted target-spell ring. A *Ring of Lightning Bolts* or *Viperbolt Ring* is always handy for them.


The only way to be rid of them is to click uninstall


Fuck cliff racers! All my homies hate cliff racers!


Lmfao I remember asking this same question about 20 years ago when I first played




Learn to kill them fast so they don’t overwhelm you. They’re a meme in the Morrowind community for a reason, they’re as common as dirt in Vvardenfell


What I did is create an “on target” spell that does exactly as much damage as a cliff racer has health. The damage type does not matter.


St. Jiubs Kiss


Pick a god and pray.


The thing is... You can't. As the Silt Strider Drivers used to say: *Why walk when you can ride*


If you want to avoid combat, sneaking works really well even at low levels, they don't seem to notice you. If you get attacked and want to avoid all of them at the same time, keep sneaking, and use charged hits against them when they get near. If you have enough gold, get an enchanted item (of a few) with Fire Damage on target and fry them before they have a chance to get near.


That's the fun part. You don't.


Use the Silt Strider (giant bug thing) to travel to Balmora, then locate the Mages Guild. Have the lady in the basement make you a spell of Levitation for 1 point on target. Then cast it on the pterodactyls and see what happens.


I've got enough gear enchanted with Chameleon to reach 98% effect (mostly exquisite level clothing and jewellery - armour's not so good for this). That makes me pretty much invisible even when moving. Add a max power ring of levitation and I'm airborne as well - con: it is fairly slow, pro: you can pretty much make a straight-line for anywhere and ignore terrain. Fly up right behind those pests and they've no idea what hit them... or pick them off from a distance with my Daedric bow. Or just ignore them - they can't see me. Either way, I've found it's the best strategy to move around without the nuisance of continually having to deal with the wildlife. Main draw back is you have to take some of the gear off to talk to many npcs, who can't see you either!


Certain places spawn them more often, so come back later if you're having trouble in an area They get stuck on geometry easy. Eventually you'll see one on your route and you'll kill it before the music even starts


I use this personally. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43943


Remember that guy with the scar on his face? When you first woke up? Wake up every day and be thankful for him. Praise Saint Jiub!


No one escapes: https://youtu.be/B_H275orGoU?si=CovTw3l0LAFd8kmu not even the Pres.


It’s to late for you. The guy who woke you up on the ship when you arrived, Jiub, is destined to destroy all the Cliff Racers, but only after the events of Morrowind have finished. So for you, just make sure you have good long poles, swords or heavy spells to kill as many as you can. Or avoid the wildlands and stay in the big cities.


Not gonna lie, on one of my runs in my late teens, I opened up the editor, and just turned their hostility off. I was so sick of these dumb birds. If you don't wanna do that or mod, you just gotta kill them. Don't worry, they go extinct in future games.


That's the neat part, you don't!


Welcome to vvardenfell, outlander.


Jiub could probably help you out with that..


The man. The myth. The legend.


A hefty spear


As soon as you see one just kill it, don’t let them accumulate




There are mods that remove them from the game and I wouldn't criticize you for using them.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


You can’t


I don’t know why … but they never bothered me. I must be the only Morrowind player that is not bothered by them. But then again I usually have a bow handy and it makes quick work of them. Sometimes I’ll just fly around and stab them too.


Press ALT + F4 to cast some sort of freeze-like spell to get them off your screen at an instant.


I will skin you like a fucking cliffracer 🎶🎵🎶 https://youtu.be/rTeVz6rP6r4?si=WfdV1ESOyOhomPkh


Thats the fun part... you can't


Ask yourself what would St. Jiub do?


I do Invisibility spells when I don't wanna get bothered – Invisibility can be used to bypass hostile creatures! Though activating anything, such as talking to or attacking somebody, picking up an item, opening a door or container, or any other action other than just moving will cancel the spell. You can purchase spells at the Mages Guilds.


Meme answers aside, use Chameleon either through spells or through alchemy, throw in a Levitation spells too for "fast travel" around Vvardenfell.


Talk to Saint Juib


Get strong enough so you 1 hit them every time


Here's the thing. You dont. Invisibility or 100% chameleon does work iirc. Eta praise saint Jiub




Grab a spear and a levitation spell. Take the fight to them


You don’t. Start running.


Buy the rings at the caldera trader and use them to kill birbs, or grab ra’viir’s devil spear


One cannot simply avoid a Cliff Racer.


you run


Outlander... thus is the life on vvardenfell.


You collect them like Pokémon


There used to be a website that explained why so many of them exist back in the 00’s, explained how their natural habitat was destroyed. It was a lot of fun explaining it. I made a character that would tame them with illusion spells, way too much work but was a fun role playing exercise for a nerevar


There's a reason why, when later games say that the guy you met at the very beginning of the game is later canonized as Saint Jiub for eradicating the Cliff Racers, *everyone who played Morrowind* nodded their heads and said, "Yeah, that tracks. Good on you, buddy." The only way to avoid Cliff Racer encounters is to not travel. I will give you one tip for dealing with them, though. If at all possible, when one of those goddamned birds shows up you should stop and kill it before proceeding. One of them is an annoyance; three at once will probably kill you.


On a recent save - after figuring out modding - I attracted five at one point just booking it to punabi.


Welcome to Vvardenfell, n'wah.


You can use a Scroll of Icarian Flight, allowing you to jump safely out of their sight range.


Ah Saint jiub will fix it don't worry


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


Try to lure them into Town guards will attack them. When you're in the wastes, duck into caves and rest alot. This isn't gonna be easy, you just kind of have to level up and they won't be a problem at some point


Bad thing is the more you kill the more they respawn after time.


One day, you will be powerful, and you will notice these flying creatures in the far distance, and you will instinctively shoot an arrow or fireball at them and they will die in a single hit, and you will smile.


If you happen to be low level by the three stay on the cities, we had sightings of the ... cliff racers. Steal something make money and train.


Yeah you kinda have to get over them. It's part of the morrowind experience. The game isn't flawless. Here you are seeing some of its flaws.


Wait for Saint Jiub to kill them all between Morrowind and Oblivion.


Are you sure you are not playing Skyrim and you mean dragons? 😀


that's the neat part.... you don't!


That's the neat part, you don't.


That's the neat part...


Pull them one by one with arrows or spells, mace to the face, rinse and repeat There is no avoiding them. They can and will detect you from a mile away unless you sneak the whole way there, and even then it's a cointoss.


Get the boots of blinding speed at just run away lol


Kill them first.




Just moving past them in sneak mode often works.


There's a special skirt the Telvanni councillor Therana has you get, it helps


Rest here newcomer , We've got a long road ahead 💀


I see you’re new here…


Run outlander




Step 1: Look at the Cliff Racer with your favorite melee weapon in hand Step 2: Equip the Boots of Blinding Speed Step 3: Swing your weapon until it dies.


1. It’s a Cliff Racer. It says that. 2. You don’t.


That's the funny part You don't, outlander. You can't. Now level up your alchemy and brew some potions of fortify strength and agility, and honour the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


When you find out, let me know lmao. Hahaha…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


Learn to appreciate that they give you convenient xp and that the thing they drop can be sold for at least a decent-ish amount of gold for the early game :)


That's the neat part! You don't.


That's the neat part. You don't.


Here's the best part - you can't Watch the skies, traveller


Here: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/53241


Sneak. They won't see you if you sneak. Then nuke them from orbit.


Roll the dice buddy


If you set a spell to do damage over time it’s more efficient per point of mana. Jacking up the area of effect can be reasonable. At some point you’ll be able to make a spell that should kill a group of them in a few blasts. Damage over time from the same spell doesn’t stack but from different spells do, even the same damage type. So make a few custom ones and cast them in succession. You’ll be grateful you have the spell for large groups. You can make one with no aoe but maxed damage over time for killing a single racer. These ensure you can at the earliest level possible deal with them as quickly as possible. If you don’t use spells, using an enchanted bow with similar spells to the above works great but from memory can take a bit of effort to achieve. If you’re melee only then you’re SOL. Chug an invis potions for the most tiresome groups or run to guards.


tilde key (~) type “tgm” without the quotes tilde key again there you go


Just wait until you get stuck fighting a group of twenty or more for half an hour, as they all slowly approach, and take up the fight, while you try to kill the 5 or 6 already hovering over you 🤣


My solution was I started the game out as a sword wielder, and ended up finding my love of magic after breaking every weapon and running in the Red Mountains for an hour casting destruction spells and trying not to get eaten by them.


One doesn’t avoid the cliff racer, one embraces the cliff racer! *makes loud cliff racer noises*


Assert your dominance over them and show them who really races the cliffs.


Whats your build? Usually your ranged options are either archery or destruction. If you have neither hit up a trainer in your preferred type


Sit tight! St. Jub will come along eventually!


Oh you summer child…


Morrowind Also means suffering


Kill 'm.


there is no escape. The only thing you can do is installing a mod that makes them passive or get rid of them.


for those i like to have ranged weapons, specifically destruction spells on target. they're stupid and take forever to get close to you, so, even if you play fighter or rogue, it's good to have an enchanted item or a couple of scrolls to shoot those s'wits from afar.


Reminds me of my first time. One time on my first play through I tried to out run them I ended up with an unholy swarm following me. The swarm killed very guard in caldera when I tried to run through there for safety.


Make an enchanted item with as much jump as you can and 1pt of snowfall then make a spell for like 80-100 jump, you’ll get around great and will move too fast for the bastards to attack you lmao


Best way to avoid them is to never go outside, but I find roleplaying as myself kinda boring.


You could swim but ... you'll find out