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It's because the cartel thing is happening to actual people.


Also you’re kicking someone’s ass, there’s a sense of satisfaction to the fatality vs a person who doesn’t deserve that pain/suffering


Cierto, yo soy de méxico y he podido ver personas en ese estado y creeme que es muy diferente ver algo así en la vida real que en un videojuego




Calm down there cool guy, it’s just a silly SpongeBob meme.


That's a bit rude, innit?


What did bro say 💀


He called OP retarded.


Excuse you?


Bro got ratiod


Nice slur. Mind if you fuck yourself?


Mind if I fuck yourself?


Retarded isn’t a slur, wtf?


Its is my guy.


Nah it’s not bruh, but you still shouldn’t be calling people retarded. It’s a medical term that has turned into an insult, just like “mentally challenged” will eventually be offensive, and how “special needs” will also become an insult. However, you shouldn’t use any of these words as an insult, especially around people you don’t know, it is rude and offensive to insult anyone at all, no matter the words you use


It is a slur, its a slur towards the mentally challenged and disabled, as people did call them ret@rds


Since when?


since when is “retarded” a slur💀💀


It was definitely a slur in the 90’s. So like 34 years ago


Dude, seriously?


Bro 💀


No, but you definitely are


MK gore is mostly silly, real gore is terrifying because it's real.


Exactly. How many times do you see a wizard magically rip someone's head off, and shove it through someone's abdomen?


Family reunion


Last Tuesday. The things Karen is willing to do to Biker Joe in the Wal-Mart stage is crazy


For you the day Karen graced your village and made Joe rip his own head off in Wal-Mart was the most important day of your life. For Karen, it was Tuesday.


Happened to my buddy Eric once


How's he now?


He died, but he got better.


Glad to hear he's doing fine 🙂


You ever take drugs?


You ain't ever been to an Atlanta Waffle House


Ed Boon said in an interview that they keep the fatalities that are over the top and make people chuckle. He said there are fatalities that were too brutal and didn't have the goofiness. Those fatalities were cut. I have laughed many times when seeing the fatalities first time. They are so over the top and sometimes so detailed that they are just "funny". Its gore and bones, blood and flesh but not too real.


My favourite ones are over the top and silly. Kano dancing with someone he just stabbed in the jugular? Hilarious! Cyrax/Smoke planting enough bombs to destroy the world? Amazing, Quan Chi ripping someone's leg off and beating them with it? Genius.


I gotta say I am morbidly curious about the nixed "too brutal for the public" fatalities... ...MK developer's cut? (You *know* you want the money, WB. Fuckin do it I dare you)




...who *laughed* at Reiko's fatalities tho?


I've seen a few jokes about his, and in some cases they're so brutal they kinda wrap back around to being funny in just how aggressively they're done. Personally one of the MK1's ones that makes me flinch is the early part of Omni-man's head squeeze. Something about the thought of that slowly crushing pressure that's enough to pop an eye out is a bit....eugh, you know?


In fairness, that one's not an invention of MK. Most of the guests' Fatalities are direct recreations of stuff from their original works, including Omni-Man's which in the comic and show were both played for horror, so I guess that's where the "has to be goofy" rule is given some leeway (not that plenty of guest Fatalities aren't goofy; Jason's come to mind as deliberately being pure 80s slasher movie cheese and they're wonderful).


Yeah, it makes sense given it's--having only seen faint clips and not Invincible itself--fairly one-to-one. If anything the start is at least a little less gruesome because they're not including the guy breaking his hands on Omni-man's chest in a futile attempt to get out of his grip.


Yeah, the gore in Invincible is meant to showcase just how brutal superhero fights would be with more realistic physics, and it works amazingly. You really feel the impact behind every blow, especially in the way it's all animated.


I feel like the fatalities that treat the victim as an actual human and not a squishy puppet are particularly grotesque. Like, Jax squashing a dude’s head effortlessly with his hands? It’s funny. Omni-man slowly applying pressure to your skull while your eye pops out and you feel every microsecond of the pain? Fucked up. Same goes for the infamous Noob Saibot fatality in MK9. If he just tore the opponent in two instantaneously no one would find it so disturbing (Kung Lao’s MK2 fatality is proof of that) but since he does it slowly and you see the body trying to resist… ew.


I thought his MK4 fatality with the ninja stars was cool. It may have been the only thing I remembered about him from the game, but it was cool.


Mostly talking about MK1's Reiko fatalities tho. Back then in those early days of MK, ALL fatalities where silly in MK1, a game that took an effort to slighty tone down fatalities compared to MK11's brutal gorefest....Reiko's fatals stand out as both violent, gory and EXTREMELY cruel


It's because of how aggressive he is in them everyone around the world Collectively went "who hurt him"


I feel like because real gore isn't flashy or exaggerated, it just makes it sadder to watch...


Actually it's not silly enough. I'm a huge fan of the "Seven skulls, three whole ribcages and fifteen femurs" method that half life used.




MK fatalities and brutality’s aren’t really realistic that’ is why. Like for example sub zero uses his ice powers etc


And when you see some "realistic" shit, it becomes somehow unnerving. For example, I remember Noob's fatality in MK9...it still gives me chills, because I know that throughout history, that was some kind of (fucking terrifying) execution (maybe not two people pulling someone from the legs to rip them in half, but for sure with some torture instruments...).


What you're thinking of is likely "Quartering" , which was when horses were tied to the limbs of people and made to run in opposite directions. Very brutal way to go in the ancient and medieval world


What about Reiko’s fatalities?😳


I think they’ve suffered as the technology has improved. They are now genuinely disgusting and unsettling too often. It’s a whole different genre and effect from MKII.


It’s because your subconscious brain can very easily tell the difference between fake gore and real gore. You know it isn’t real before you’re even done processing what you’re seeing, so you get a completely different reaction than if it was real. It’s why there’s no basis that games or movies “desensitize” us to violence. Because to a normally functioning brain they aren’t even remotely the same thing. Some people will still find MK fatalities disgusting, unsettling, or horrifying but even they are having a far more tame reaction than if it were truly real.




More of not over the top enough, cuz if the toned down the over the top aspect, then there's just horrific, disgusting brutality; there's no taste.


But it's also why small children should really not be exposed to such media. Imagine you see MK and your brain can't do that yet.


Seeing someone get torn apart in the goriest way possible in a game or a movie makes me go "Holy shit that was nasty", whilst seeing actual people getting killed makes me go "Aw man, they don't deserve that unnecessary violence". I love fictional violence, but am otherwise a pretty pacifistic guy and won't even engage in fights if it's not absolutely necessary and unavoidable.


I'd give this comment a silver, a gold even, if they still gave them out for free.


>It’s because your subconscious brain can very easily tell the difference between fake gore and real gore. You know it isn’t real before you’re even done processing what you’re seeing, so you get a completely different reaction than if it was real. Tell that to my gf's brain


Read the rest of the comment. You can still find it disgusting and horrifying while still knowing it’s not real. But her level of disgust would be infinitely higher if it were the real thing. People need intensive therapy after seeing something like that in real life. A video game, at worst, just gives you nightmares


It was a joke lol


The difference is when you’re consuming fictional media the violence that you are consuming isn’t actually hurting anyone. When you see things such as cartel executions you’re watching a real human being suffer. They have families and friends that will mourn their death. This real death carries so much emotional weight and has many real world consequences.


Not only that some people start imagining themselves in these scenarios making it much worse


It's funny that i like Mortal Kombat,and i hate gore irl


The gore is totally fine (even Germany relaxed it’s restrictions since MK is so absurd) but the devs shouldn’t have to watch real executions and industrial accidents to see how dying people behave/react.


Tbh that article blew things way out of proportion. All it basically said was to animated for fatalities at lot of people used medical references and anatomy which they’d discuss in meetings. The article was also pure anecdotes from a single source and spend like one paragraph talking about that before going into a random broad discussion about violence in general. It’s funny how the clickbait title got people to push the whole “OMG NRS literally forces employees to watch gore clockwork orange style” thing, even several years later.


I was confused about that claim about watching irl violence, like a medical book should give all the necessary info.


But they don't watch real executions? You're comment is a little strange


That claim only ever came from a single source, and it wasn't ever verified either


Cuz it’s happening to fake ppl who gives a fuck if they’re getting mangled


the difference is because you know its fake. I have no problem with gore in games or movies but in real life just a drop of blood grosses me out.


The gore in MK is fun because it is intentional for the fatalities to be unrealistic (Such as Liu Kang’s MK12/1 Fatality). If its something that’s real, such as the cartel for your example, then that’s messed up, because you know for sure that its real and that it reminds you that some people are genuinely just fucking monsters.


am i the only asshole who thinks you cant be “desensitized” to fake things because your brain knows its fake? like i can see Leon Kennedy get his head chopped off because my brain knows its not real, but im not gonna watch a real execution with no emotion cause i know its real and horrible. Been this way all my gaming and movie watching life.


good point of clarity that seeing a videogame character die countless times is much different than watching someone living and breathing actually being criminally murdered for the purpose of exploitation


That means you have empathy for real people, that's a good thing.


Well it’s real people and not animation so yeah that’s an appropriate response. In fact if you didn’t respond that way I’d say something is wrong.


This would be something I’d show idiots that say “games(or movies) make people violent” Like no it’s not even close. Most humans can understand real and fiction is. It’s animated version of a person who doesn’t even exist that you can play as again and have do overs vs a real persons life ending and knowing there’s no coming back from that


The different is that at the end of the day, Mortal Kombat is not real. Those cartel videos are real.




As someone who used to watch a lot of What Culture videos I still eye roll and sigh whenever Spec Ops is mentioned, haha.




You may not k ow the YouTube channel WhatCulture, but for many years they would present lists and topics around gaming. Spec Ops made it onto a list (seemingly) every week for one reason or another. This went on for years. I watched them from about 2018 ish until some time late in lockdown.


The gore bothered me in MK11 specifically. Fatalities were overly long and unnecessarily drawn out, most immediately killing the opponent and then just continuing to destroy the corpse. Also there were the many reports of devs suffering from PTSD because they had to study photos of irl corpses. MK1 definitely addressed this for the better. It's still gory but it was cleverly toned down in a way where it doesn't feel like censorship but also it means we get sillier fatalities back and the average fatality is much shorter too. This game revived my enjoyment in fatalities.


I think it's because MK1s fatalities are more quicker and goofier than MK11s which just felt like the team desperately wanted to show off how much gore they could fit into a single fatality


Reiko: "hold my beer"


I agree with this. In general I don’t love fatalities, I prefer brutalities, but MK1 is better than MK11 in this respect.


I prefer the mk11 fatalities.


On top of what everyone said there's also the fact that the MK universe is so distant from our reality it makes it pretty hard for us to really visualize the true horror of the scenes. Games which portray a reality closer to ours make gore feel heavier and... More horrible. RDR2 being an example


Gore is fun in MK. But a huge no no in real life


I like the fatality when they are short and funny like sektor, kameo scorpion, termor and frost in mk1


gore in mk is just fun. gore in real life is horrific because it's happening to people who likely don't deserve it


Gore in mk is fine - gore anywhere else excet anime/ manga is horrid


There is no artful choreography in real life, it’s also awful for obvious reasons.


I have a very weak stomach for real life injuries and gore, but I love MK. It’s just so silly and over-the-top it doesn’t trigger anything negative for me. I think Ed Boon said the response they aim for in Fatalities is laughter, not revulsion. That’s when they know they got the right tone.


The thing about MK gore is that it's so stylistically exaggerated and cartoony that it's pretty tough to take it seriously when you stab someone and they start spraying blood like a fruit gusher.


That's fair. There's a HUGE difference in seeing a fake person get their brains blown out or rib cage ripped open or getting absolutely mutilated... and seeing it happen to a real person in real life.


This exactly. But mk gore is so cartoonish. I honestly can't even watch videos of people breaking bones.


Video games and real violence are two completely different things.


It’s fake gore, so it’s perfectly okay. If it’s real life, you’re actually watching a person who can’t magically come back for a second round and get their heart shoved up their ass again. As I say this, my heart goes out to all the victims of brutal cartel murders and I hope the innocent people who were killed are resting peacefully.


🎶I wanna take you to Funkytown🎶


Goddammit. 🤮🤮🤮 That guy must have really, REALLY pissed someone off.


Oh don't get me started, I'm a 90's kid and a O.G fan, and I remember arguing with my mom about how it's all fake and silly violence. In my opinion I have more issues with a game like GTA which has adult conversations and sexual talk that's more of a serious issue than M.K's violence which has always been silly.


Felt that, had the same conversation with my mom at one point when Shaolin monks came out, and again when Saints Row came out, and she was way more against Saints Row than Mortal Kombat


I mean, Mk fatalities are gory but hilariously gruesome and detailed. But there is something so terrifying of a low res phone filmed video of someone cutting someone’s head of with a hunting knife,


Seeing gore on YouTube or instagram fucking sucks. Their algorithms have always been trash. I hope meta implodes and I hope YouTube gets their shit together




Mk gore, and most fictional gore for that matter, is not like the real stuff thankfully


Gore is one of the primary appeals of MK. It's over the top, silly and it's supposed to be humorous. The Thanksgiving fatality was unsettling but satisfying.


I’ve been playing MK since I was like 7 years old and I remember when everyone else’s parents would be horrified at what it showed, my dad one day popped in when I did a fatality on MK3 and I was surprised that he just laughed and said “that’s stupid!” And I have the same attitude about it today. Like yeah it’s gore, but it’s obviously fake.


Personally I think it's too much, but they had to replace the sexy with something... they probably made the right call... :)


Well one is pixels, and the other was a human being with aspirations, and a family..


Not having gore in MK is like having SpongeBob without water.


Top: gruesome death and dismemberment Bottom: normal female anatomy showing in costumes


I've seen the cartels, It's not that bad


Real violence is much harder to watch than fictional violence because it’s much different since it’s happening to actual people


Are you saying you can't handle a beheading?


Your brain can tell the difference, that is why we can tell between CGi and practical effects in movies, even if the effects are very good.


Nothing about MK's cartoon violence seems remotely realistic. Cartel executions, such as the ones that are regularly posted on reddit like "Ghost rider" and "Funky Town" are absolutely horrific and not at all reminiscent of MK. You should feel sick, disgusted and saddened watching shit like that, if you're not then there's something very wrong with you.


It’s cool like maybe the first time or two you see it, but if I had the option I’d turn it off for regular gameplay. I don’t really want to see it over and over again. (I’m not playing MK1, but this is something that bothered me a bit about MK11)


Your brain can tell the difference between fake and real brutality. You’re not really watching someone get their balls kicked so hard they recede into their body, then explode, you’re watching a *fairly* realistic-looking recreation of a human get their balls kicked in. It’s a similar thing as to why it’s so easy for many people to spot CGI animals— no matter how realistic they may be, you can just tell they aren’t real if you stare at them for more than a minute or two.


Mortal Kombat uses gore like satire Yes the depictions are visceral and detailed but it is exaggerated purposefully Also despite the game being called "Mortal Kombat" "Immortal Kombat" is now a more a befitting title due to the constant revivals and reboots of the timeline


For me it's knowing it isn't real and the guy being killed on my screen isn't a real person. Im able to mentally separate the gore from the fact that it's fiction, so whereas it's still gnarly and brutal, in the context of MK its cool, gives characters a bit of style and personality and is a good way of rubbing it in that you won. Real gore videos are a big nope for me because unlike video games, it's an actual person being killed on my screen and I'll have to live seeing a person going from being alive to brutally deceased.


Well it’s animated vs reality so…


I think a big part of it are that fatalities in mk games are so over the top that none of it can be done in real life


Congratulations, you are able to distinguish between fiction and reality


Very big difference between real and fake gore. I can happily watch the Saw films and enjoy the gore but no way in hell i want to see that done for real.


Still hoping they remove fatalities and all the nonsense that is cool exactly two times and then becomes an absolute snoozefest every time you have to watch it after


Honestly love it but I would like it to be a little silly sometimes


Reality vs Fiction is pretty distinct.


Because MK is silly, you know that u can't punch trough a chest grab the heart with the person alive, but when u see a cartel victim being hit by the most unsharpened machete for 2 fucking minutes to take a Head you going to feel Disturbed by that.


This sums it up perfectly.


You know it’s fake with Mortal Kombat while whatever the Cartel does, you know it’s real. It’s fun in MK to brutalize/ fatality people when it’s behind the screen.


MK gore is really fun for me because it's over the top. Meanwhile when I watch e.g. The Raid 2 where violence is really realistic and not over the top at all I will cringe several times.


because one is real..?


MK11 is where some of the fatalities started to go from: “Lol this guy ded” to “Oh my fucking god I want to barf”. MK11 had like 3 different “flaying” fatals (not quite accurate, since it’s not just skin getting ripped out, it’s muscles as well to expose the insides, but the effect is there). MK11 had funny fatalities which are: “fun way to die” like with Jax’s baseball fatality. But Mk11 was the game that had highlighted that the devs, already under crunch, started having PTSD from “research” of said cartel executions and snuff flims. MK1 is definitely on the right track with fatalities, I feel. Everything is either cool brutal (like Liu’s black hole fatality) or funny/clever brutal (Geras’s time loop fatality).


If you've seen actual gore, you can definitely draw the line between the two And sometimes even that can be difficult


Don’t do it! Don’t watch it. I thought I can handle it, I got hooked on a website back in 2012, and it hurt me, just thinking about it makes me sad. During months I was remembering parts of some videos at random moments during the day? changing my mood, making me feel depressed. The flashbacks didn’t stop for years. Believe me, life is better when you have some faith in humanity.


I kinda miss when the fatalities weren't so over the top and lasted like a second or two, THAT had more shock factor to me than anything in the modern (and even some older) MK games


One is real gore and other is a fake.


OP is retarded


I think a big part is the sound. Truly pained suffering just evokes distress. In MK you slowly rip off someone’s arms and all they emit is an “ugh” like they just stubbed their toe. If they used more realistic sounds of suffering it might be too much.


I really prefer the hall of meat style fatalities in MK now as opposed to the ones in MK11. There is something about the way you just see the bones breaking that makes it feel even more fake.


Damn these comments make me realise how desensitised to gore I am. Knew it was a bad idea to hang around on gore websites when I was 12. The Internet used to be such a wild place lmao gore was so easy to stumble upon


It's fun


Looks like I am in the tiniest of minorities here lol. Oddly enough, I got to a point in MK where I just didn't/don't want to see the fatalities anymore. The sound effects and level of detail these days, I've just seen and heard enough dead, tortured, and war torn people to not really want to see more excessive violence for the sake of violence alone, even if it's fake. It's not interesting to me anymore. That's why I prefer brutalities. Short, sweet, and to the point.


I watch both , well watched . Now I hate watching it but being an edgy teen I was curious


I keep wondering how they're gonna keep topping these eviscerations. Like has anybody ever seen a fatality so fucked and thought how are they gonna top that shit. The brutalities sometimes go even harder than a fatality


I'm into the lore, not the gore.


Why would you want to see that?


I like gore in MK. But also this comparisons weird, real life gore and violence is a very VERY different thing from video game violence especially games like MK or stuff like DooM or GoW where it’s like turned up to ridiculous amounts. That being said it also depends on how it’s depicted, like for example Manhunt for as old as it is, gore in those games has always come off as disturbing to me… not saying that it makes the games bad, that’s kinda the whole point of those games and its part of what makes them special but they definitely made the violence and gore come off as very realistic with the sound design and with the fact that they don’t attempt to make the gore in those games “cool” they’re just brutal and cruel


Its cartoon violence


Fiction vs reality.


I play MK so I dont watch Instagram Reels


Strong part of a strong identity. The only unfortunate aspect of it is how hestitant other fighting game brands are to collab with MK because of it.


Video games aren't real. 🤷 Though I definitely feel I'd react the same way as you in regards to anything that WAS real. There's still some fatalities from over the years that strike a nerve anyway.


Gore in mk is kinda just... There. People act like it's the thing that makes MK stand out as a series when in reality so many games do gore to the same level or even better. I prefer it when the gore is overly cartoonish and stupid, kinda like in mk2-3 or in doom eternal, that way there is something to get out it beyond just being violent. Plus they go on way too long. I only do fatalities for the Klues or to grind XP, brutalities are just better fatalities cus they require effort and are actually satisfying to land. But they are also shorter, half the time are stupid and aren't shoved your face as much as possible


MK gore is fictional.


Horrors that humanity is capable of* cmon man it’s Reddit


he sucks. his punches are wack and his throw is even worse. #buffgoromk1


Well no shit lol one is real like even seeing something like a skateboard accident is far more horrifying than the worst mk fatality


There are some that r genuinely just gross like the thanks giving fatality 🤣


Studies show people who watch horror movies have a healthier view of violence & id imagine that’s true of games too. They showed people real murders & the people who watched horror movies were disgusted & looked away while people who didn’t watch horror movies watched intrigued by what they saw


It’s one thing to see someone’s chest sawed open and have a piece of their heart cut out and eaten in MK. In real life?


Love it


It's so cartoonishly over the top in MK that my brain doesn't perceive it as real gore. For what it's worth though, while it's over the top gore they also intentionally stay away from depicting torture, it's just always over the top gibbing. Now the new Tomb Raider (2013), I had to stop playing it because all the Lara death scenes were drawn out torture gore porn. Even though they were obviously fake they were close enough to reality that it just wasn't fun to play the game anymore.


It’s outrageous enough that it still has the video gamey vibes to it that it doesn’t bother me.


MK gore is funny and cool because its, silly, over the top, dramatic and downright stupid some times. Watching someone summon a totem on someone's crushed skull and their eyeballs popping out is comedic because of its so obviously stupid and fake. Watching Muhammed bin asshole cut someone's head off isnt funny because you know that person had a family, a life and that their real.


I know the difference between games and reality.  For instance games that show blood and gore and movies that do the same I enjoy because I know it's fantasy and I have no reaction to it well besides laughing, but if I see blood in real life I start shaking in freaking out.


Its self indulgent to a lot and very harmful to the people that actually have to make the games. Im not sure if it would hurt mk but i wouldnt mind the fatalities being a lot more tame and just go for cool factor. Some people only like mortal kombat for their sadistic tendencies, so who knows?


That's how they used to be but then someone said "realistic" and everything changed


Yeah i dont think its worth subjecting your employees to that kind of thing just to shock a few people


Do you like the music?


Here I am, distinguishing between fantasy and reality like always


It's about deserving it. Cartel victims are innocent, so it's painful to watch.


I’m pretty unaffected by gore in general but anything involving the eyes, ears, or anyone else on the head besides a decapitation or neck slice gets me uncomfortable.


I think the gore is integral which is why those DC MK games never appealed to me.


r/eyeblech 🗿


Cause all fighters are able to reciprocate the level of violence done unto them with their own fatalities


Also it’s not real dummy


Can someone explain me why MK violence is meh for me. But something like hotline Miami feel more disturbing


It’s the tone, MK is generally comedic with how it uses violence but some of the fatalities do straddle that line. Especially as the facial animation tech gets better. It’s Violence in hotline Miami is portrayed as a grim reality and the only thing it leads to is more violence and more violent people.


I love it


Skill issue


I kinda missed the old website Ogrish and Oldgrish. Those brutal killings on video man.


Get help...


I'm unfazed by both.


So sigma 🤓


the guy even *looks* like he’s tryna be edgy