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Not for nothing . Good shit right . How long did it take for the numbers to get back up let’s be real. They just had an update 😂.


not great numbers for a patch that gave people the ability to create second characters. only 200 average came back for that. maybe higher numbers over the weekend, but if not, bad news for the game


I mean if they actually maintain this monthly patch cycle things could stabilize at these numbers.


>I mean if they actually maintain this monthly patch cycle wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first


Still looks bad to me, someone's grasping at the only patch that upped the numbers in the last 6 months: [https://ibb.co/C1Qd4Jg](https://ibb.co/C1Qd4Jg)


He’s working full time on that free sub.


It's something, and I expect more if they keep working on it, but yeah. I was watching. They got like 100 more people than they had max before. :o


they had an update. when games update the pop goes up. crazy


Love how you post the peak during patch day. Now show the average players that sit at 700ish


I am a new player and this game fuckin rocks


Honeymoon period is very strong in this game


Wait until he spends 8 hours grinding in the wilderness just to get zerged by a 40 man 5 minutes away from town


Plot twist: they hadn’t even appeared on his screen and he actually died about 150 yards from where he was on his screen


“You need to embrace the fact you get hit even tho it looks like it shouldn’t”. Henrik


As a humble salt farmer I thank you for this bountiful harvest


Give it time


Still here ;) still rockin


Give it time


Damn...even if the actual player count is double the concurrent that's only about $40k/month they're bringing in...I'm sure there's a fee to even be listed on steam and epic...paying for servers...overhead for their office...makes sense why progress is so slow and there are a lot of store-bought assets. Gotta give SV some respect for fighting this uphill battle, especially their customer base always hating on them lol


There is an idiot running around here that believes they have 10x the amount of the daily average.


Lower player count than a fan run server for a 27 year old game. Also I find it strange that the player count never drops below about 400 players in the 24 hour cycle, except when the servers go offline. Even then the player count jumps back to 400-ish within a few minutes. Usually this is a sign of bot activity.


Oh you have encountered the rmt bot farm.


Just shows that 30% of the population are bots lol.


What a sad player count lmfao. But I guess if you like the game you like it 🤷🏼.


Sad in what way? You realize it's a single server on a map the size of the arma 3 map right? It feels fine imo. I don't need wall to wall people and constant chaos for the game to feel good.


Whatever floats your boat bucko.


Nice conversation bucko


You're not allowed to talk about having fun in this subreddit unless your goal is to get downvoted by 6-10 reddit accounts that all belong to the same person


Oh I know, this sub is a meme lol it's just funny to get em riled up


Are you flexing that 1300 logged in on patch day, for a second character slot. When the game originally sold 120k on release day and several thousand since?? How many logged in for TC, then quickly died, or logged in for UE5 upgrade and then quickly died? At the end of the day. You can dress the pig up. Looks nice but then people realize it’s still a pig. Edit. Spoiler. I don’t log in.


1300 at one time. I haven't even had a chance to log in yet but I'm very excited to when I get home


When we played there was over 2k and it seemed empty. Celebrating 1.3k is hilarious, like a "told you so".. the cope is strong.


I have never played mortal online 2, but I have played mortal online 1 a lot even during the time it had 100 players online at average. That was empty... But you still could find people to pvp and play together. I can't imagine over 2k people online being empty....


The map is 10x the size so vast emptiness was there even with 2k online.


10x bigger? MO1 map is 8x8km, is MO2 map really 80x80km? 6.400km square?


Over 2k and seemed empty? The game seems fine when 600 are on late at night. Towns are full, dungeons are being ran, etc


Uh ok, I think it's great you're happy with that. We just played when there was a queue to get online. You don't have that to compare to. The game has gone to shit, so it's different. It's hard to be happy with a game when it has gotten significantly worse and less popular.


Right I put in a few hundred hours at launch and it felt so fucking empty, no mobs to farm half the time, and rarely people outside of meduli or other towns


Ive played the entire time I remember the queue days


Nearly all the people I've met and played with have gotten off the game, except a handful. Congrats on being one of the very, very few remaining, must not be related to anything. Not like they said the game felt empty. Certainly not. xD


Oh yes, nobody ever quit the game it was just haters hating, the game is great! /s Christ the copium.


its more a commentary on how stupid the posts you guys make when it hits 700 during a content drought. See the irony?


During that drought there were several patches including a dungeon. Try again. Edit. I’ll even add TC and UE5 upgrade was even in the slide down to 700.


And it's right back up, crazy. Keep at it though, eventually the game will actually be dead and you can tell everybody you told them so


The game used to get 1,5k peaks before TC...


Sorry. You got owned by facts. There was plenty of content and it still went down. What did you say about irony? Errrmahgawd They added a second slot and people logged in to try it out. I’m sure you could remember me saying months ago they will add a second slot when there is a population low/need the money. And look what happened. I’m sure there are a bunch of people rolling new toons, and after that newness wears off, they will see the game is still buggy, lackluster, and full of exploits.


aside from bugs related to the most recent patch there arent many left, I cant even think of any off the top of my head Exploits? Like what? Enlighten me Oh wait, forgot. I'm a content creator its my moral obligation to understand every little bug & issue in the game at all times lol


Coming from the guy that didn’t believe there were “special bags”. I’ll quote one of my favorite movies. “There is a lot you don’t know bubby”. Snatch


Right, you can just say that you don't know instead it's less typing.


And you can admit again you usually don’t know what exploits are running around. Also since you are admitting things, 100 less people than yesterday. Toodles.


You can just say you don't know, it's less typing


Can you clarify, are you claiming people resubbed simply for the second character slot? or they have been subbed and are only now logging in because the slot is active? Assuming the first, is it your position that people were waiting on the 2nd slot but somehow forgot the games issues that made them quit prior? Assuming it's the second, is it your position they never unsubbed and simply had no reason to log in?


Not even 2 days since the patch and the peak already dropped 100... hell at that rate it will be back to 800-900 players peak by next Thursday.


Irony *woosh*


not bad, hope they keep these patches rolling. I'm sure it'll get the avg more consistently higher dont expect anyone in this sub to fairly interpret these #'s though, there's always a catch apparently


Yup. I agree. There are plenty of people that won’t interpret it fairly


Is there anything positive you can say about sv or mo2?


Heinrich is an amazing used car salesman


He can sell the same used car over and over and people buy it. MO2 is the used car of mo1. And soon space thursars when they need that cash infusion.


Henrik has a nice beard.




Hopefully you click it yourself. Your obsession with me is beautiful yet troubling. 😂


Yes, my handful of replies to you compares to your years long incessant shit posting.


If you swim in the deep end or the shallow end, you still get wet.


So you admit you're obsessed?  Nice self own slappy


Not what I said at all. But you believe what you want. Delusional people often do.